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Cant Get Over Him

Guest troubled

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Guest troubled

Hi all, I just broke up not long agowith my bf (about 1+ mths), and i still cant get over him. I know it should be quite impossible to get over someone you love deeply over a short period of time, but what can i do to like dont think of him too much? Im currently studying ( a'levels this year) and during school times when with friends, etc, i can temporarily forget about him for awhile and concentrate on my studies, until something reminds me of him... I know doing stuffs like studying or exercising, etc can help, but whenever im alone in my room, i will think about him, and get distracted from my revisions. Sometimes i even cry deeply at night.. sigh.. this is starting to affect my studies, etc, and i dontwant to do badly for my papers, any advise? Thanks in advance.. =]

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Hi all, I just broke up not long agowith my bf (about 1+ mths), and i still cant get over him. I know it should be quite impossible to get over someone you love deeply over a short period of time, but what can i do to like dont think of him too much? Im currently studying ( a'levels this year) and during school times when with friends, etc, i can temporarily forget about him for awhile and concentrate on my studies, until something reminds me of him... I know doing stuffs like studying or exercising, etc can help, but whenever im alone in my room, i will think about him, and get distracted from my revisions. Sometimes i even cry deeply at night.. sigh.. this is starting to affect my studies, etc, and i dontwant to do badly for my papers, any advise? Thanks in advance.. =]

i think u just gotta let go. delete everything u have of him, be it sms, emails, fb, pics or what. or at least store them all in one zip file and put them somewhere where you're not likely to access it. and this is the mid yrs period, and i believe prelims should be coming soon, like what u did u should be spending time on ur studies and be with friends. try not to be alone. u gotta tell urself u're going to move on and do great in ur exams. i still rmb when i broke up in j2 too, i cried for one whole night, then i tell myself i gotta plough my time in mugging cos that's my responsibility as a student. i still miss him, he's still my fb friend, but that's just that. whenever i think of him i still feel a lil down, but that's about it, i dont let it affect me that much. it's gotta start some time, and you gotta start now. j2 is really a v impt year and jiayou ok!! :)

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Hi all, I just broke up not long agowith my bf (about 1+ mths), and i still cant get over him. I know it should be quite impossible to get over someone you love deeply over a short period of time, but what can i do to like dont think of him too much? Im currently studying ( a'levels this year) and during school times when with friends, etc, i can temporarily forget about him for awhile and concentrate on my studies, until something reminds me of him... I know doing stuffs like studying or exercising, etc can help, but whenever im alone in my room, i will think about him, and get distracted from my revisions. Sometimes i even cry deeply at night.. sigh.. this is starting to affect my studies, etc, and i dontwant to do badly for my papers, any advise? Thanks in advance.. =]

I feel you!!! Any fren advise and company also can't compete with his one single sms : good nite

That was wat i requested him to do as a favour to me so tat i can sleep at nite... T_T

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Hi all, I just broke up not long agowith my bf (about 1+ mths), and i still cant get over him. I know it should be quite impossible to get over someone you love deeply over a short period of time, but what can i do to like dont think of him too much? Im currently studying ( a'levels this year) and during school times when with friends, etc, i can temporarily forget about him for awhile and concentrate on my studies, until something reminds me of him... I know doing stuffs like studying or exercising, etc can help, but whenever im alone in my room, i will think about him, and get distracted from my revisions. Sometimes i even cry deeply at night.. sigh.. this is starting to affect my studies, etc, and i dontwant to do badly for my papers, any advise? Thanks in advance.. =]

Don't worry, it will get easier over time and after a few more such break-offs, you will eventually learned how to get over quickly and moved on. So if you have to grieve and cry and mopped, just do it.

If it's going to affect your studies and you can't concentrate and you fail. Fail lor. You can always retake your exams as a private candidate. So what if you can't pass and get into a good university. You just need to tell your parents that you broke off with your boyfriend of 1+ months and push the blame to him. If your parents understand, they will sure 'sayang' you and tell you everything is ok and don't worry too much.

Hey, luckily you are still young and can still afford to fail and even if you don't get good grads and go into a good school or uni, you can always come out and work. As long as you are willing to work, there will always be work waiting for you. Be it hawker centre helper, or whatever, right?

Good luck!

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Guest Guest

Oh, Puppy Love in the age of innocence. Who could forget that?

Many decades ago, it happened to me.

The Consequences - lost 1 semester credits and a lot of tuition fees.

Now looking back, could not help but laughed about it.

Know that you r not alone and that you have a great capacity for love.

So smile, dun cry when you think of him.

Isn't that comforting & beautiful?

This, is the baptism of Life.

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Guest Kendall

Oh, Puppy Love in the age of innocence. Who could forget that?

Many decades ago, it happened to me.

The Consequences - lost 1 semester credits and a lot of tuition fees.

Now looking back, could not help but laughed about it.

Know that you r not alone and that you have a great capacity for love.

So smile, dun cry when you think of him.

Isn't that comforting & beautiful?

This, is the baptism of Life.

You have the best advice.

No need to say much, as everyone has their chance of growing up and living through.

One day, he will grow out of it.

One day, he will know how to manage it.

Till then, he would just despair, or may even do silly things.

But then, this is all about living, isn't it?

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It's natural if you haven't gotten over him yet. But time will eventually work its wander. You just gotta keep on living your life without him and soon you'll be strong enough.

(And... pssssst, falling in love with someone new can work too. Or so I heard.)

“Do not take life too seriously. You’ll never get out of it alive.” — Elbert Hubbard

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Guest Henry

LOL! Is this a joke? It's only 1 month relationship. Just let it go an move on. I dunno what is the reason that caused the brokeup. If he was bad to you, think positively that you will find a better guy than him

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Guest troubled

Hi all again,

Thanks for all your advices and encouragements, i appreciate it. =) Yea i will try hard to move on and concentrate on my studies... Btw its not only a month old r/s. What i wanted to say is its around a month since we broke up, the r/s lasted for 4 months, and during it we lived together for 2 months or so.. maybe thats why its so hard to get over him..

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Hi all again,

Thanks for all your advices and encouragements, i appreciate it. =) Yea i will try hard to move on and concentrate on my studies... Btw its not only a month old r/s. What i wanted to say is its around a month since we broke up, the r/s lasted for 4 months, and during it we lived together for 2 months or so.. maybe thats why its so hard to get over him..

I guess you r 18 or 19 this year. You moved out from your parents and stay w him? How did you tell your parents?

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Guest troubled

I guess you r 18 or 19 this year. You moved out from your parents and stay w him? How did you tell your parents?

Nope, he rented a room in my house as my mum needed some extra cash and the room im in is quite big, plus he needed to find a place near his workplace too, i introduced him as a friend and we stayed in the same room, but after awhile my mum thought that theres something 'fishy' between us and wanted him to move out asap..

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Nope, he rented a room in my house as my mum needed some extra cash and the room im in is quite big, plus he needed to find a place near his workplace too, i introduced him as a friend and we stayed in the same room, but after awhile my mum thought that theres something 'fishy' between us and wanted him to move out asap..

ic. so u know him online first? then became attached w him and asked him to move in w u?

so your mum forced him to move out and then he asked for a break up? how did your mum find out? u 2 should have been more careful.

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If you have a good friend you can confide in, find him/her and pour out your feelings. Hold nothing back. Weep if you must. It'd be cathartic for you to 'mourn' this properly. ... then move on as best you can. Do not rush into another relationship on the rebound till you're over with the A levels, man! Wish you all the best.

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ic. so u know him online first? then became attached w him and asked him to move in w u?

so your mum forced him to move out and then he asked for a break up? how did your mum find out? u 2 should have been more careful.

Gosh, u r so KPC!

Worst still, Trobled, u actually bothered to fulfill his curiosity!

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Time is the best medicine.



never argue with the guests. let them bark all they want.





After I have said what I wanna say, I don't care what you say.



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first of all, im so sorry to hear ur plight.. hope u are coping well for now.

and i agree with 4Kix.. thats how i manage to get over my 2yrs relationship last time..i was j1 then..lol

for now just dun dwell too much on it and focus on school! good luck!

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acute situation reaction ... if u are desperate u can get a little psychiatric help with antidepressants to tide you -- can then taper off the antidepressants later (but first do a GOOD ventilation then see whether you still need the pills).

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Guest Happylark

acute situation reaction ... if u are desperate u can get a little psychiatric help with antidepressants to tide you -- can then taper off the antidepressants later (but first do a GOOD ventilation then see whether you still need the pills).

if everyone requires psychiatric help after breaking up with their bfs, imh wards wouldnt be enough =.=

i'm sorry to be curt but, everyone has their problems. everyone has their issues. if you allow your prob/issue to get the better of ye, giving yourself excuses for irrational behaviour, then you aint that strong.

get through it, emerge victorious, learn from it and grow stronger. what kills you not will only make you stronger. like how bacteria mutate when you dont complete your course of antibiotics.

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Guest Black_Hat

Hi all, I just broke up not long agowith my bf (about 1+ mths), and i still cant get over him. I know it should be quite impossible to get over someone you love deeply over a short period of time, but what can i do to like dont think of him too much? Im currently studying ( a'levels this year) and during school times when with friends, etc, i can temporarily forget about him for awhile and concentrate on my studies, until something reminds me of him... I know doing stuffs like studying or exercising, etc can help, but whenever im alone in my room, i will think about him, and get distracted from my revisions. Sometimes i even cry deeply at night.. sigh.. this is starting to affect my studies, etc, and i dontwant to do badly for my papers, any advise? Thanks in advance.. =]

You will get over it soon, I promise. Have the fighting spirit that Naruto has. Cry it all out and live bravely the next day.

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You will get over it soon, I promise. Have the fighting spirit that Naruto has. Cry it all out and live bravely the next day.

totally understand, cause facing same problem until found someone who really cared about you and treats you so much better

what to do

cherish yourself and tell yourself that you need to prove yourself to be better rather than looked down by the person who dumped you

realistically you need to depend on yourself to have a good future, good results for studies to get a good job and a good job to provide for yourself in order to be happy

life just needs to go on

time is the best medicine for your pain

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Guest Guest

1 mth only and u so sad...its normal cos u r still young.

oh ya i dont send sweet sms to my bf of 7yrs since day 1.

he dont do it and i also bochup. all these sweet talks do not guarantee lasting relationship.

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Guest oncebitten

My first relationship was with A who was introduced by a mutual friend B. A was an older guy, quite well built, dusky skinned, confident and funny. He thought i was 'cute' and interesting and i was very flattered by his sweet talk . B excused himself after a while and left. A asked me to go to his place and that nite i gave my very first bj.

By the next week, i had lost my virginity to him. Every time we met, we would end up in his bed. A was really good in bed and i have to say i enjoyed the sex.

Each time we did it though, A got a little rougher. That was ok in bed but he started behaving rudely to me in public as well. B also told me privately that A had been telling his friends that i was A's sex toy.

One nite, without trying to be confrontational, i asked A to be more considerate to me. He just laughed and brushed me off, saying I had to accept him as he was. I was pissed off and left his place.

After that incident, it was always me who had to call him or sms him before he replied.

It became clear to me a little too late that he was never my bf.

Perhaps I misunderstood his intentions. Perhaps he was not bf material. Perhaps there are many other cute and interesting guys out there for him.

I am now older, wiser, more careful and definitely more cynical. I had been to the moon and crashed back on earth in over 2 months. I don't want to do that again.

Hi all, I just broke up not long agowith my bf (about 1+ mths), and i still cant get over him. I know it should be quite impossible to get over someone you love deeply over a short period of time, but what can i do to like dont think of him too much? Im currently studying ( a'levels this year) and during school times when with friends, etc, i can temporarily forget about him for awhile and concentrate on my studies, until something reminds me of him... I know doing stuffs like studying or exercising, etc can help, but whenever im alone in my room, i will think about him, and get distracted from my revisions. Sometimes i even cry deeply at night.. sigh.. this is starting to affect my studies, etc, and i dontwant to do badly for my papers, any advise? Thanks in advance.. =]

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Guest Ironrod

After reading "oncebitten"'s posting I have much to say but I guess when u start a r/s base on SEX, it always ends bad.

I am not saying everyone should stop having sex, in a good r/s sex can be very engaging between 2 person but if a r/s starts with sex then it's hard after 10-20 years.

How to forget a person? You don't have to forget, just remember the lesson learned.

A well learned lesson will prepare us for a better future.

Why choose to forget? We should learn to embrace.

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