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Pink Dot Event Discussion (2007 to Present Day) (compiled)


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August 12, 2007
the pink non-picnic
By Ng Yi-Sheng

Despite the National Parks Board's official ban on a gay picnic in Singapore, approximately one hundred queer people and allies turn up to relax and share food at the Botanical Gardens.

We were there. A hundred of us, at the Singapore Botanical Gardens. On the green next to Symphony Lake, between 4:30 and 6:30 pm on Thursday, 9 August 2007, National Day.

Scattered in an archipelago of picnic blankets, we wore pink T-shirts, pink caps, pink shoes, and carried pink parasols. We shared pink foods: smoked salmon, watermelon, cherries, strawberry-flavoured Pocky and Yan Yan, san char balls, pink agar-agar jelly and beng kueh, ruby grapefruit juice, guava juice, raspberry 7-up, ros


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Social services worker Leow Yangfa brought his 8 and 10-year-old nieces. SAFE (a parents, families and friends of LGBTQ support group) co-founder Dr Khoo Hoon Eng brought her goddaughter, American expatriate couple Anne Demirtjis and Shannon Casey, just off the plane, brought their own children, 3 year-old Ayden and 6 year-old Sydney. One supportive straight couple brought their baby in a stroller, clothed in pink.

It's especially touching that people outside of the gay circle turned up to support a cause that was not theirs. But it brings a tinge of regret and shame that so few of the people whose cause was being celebrated turned up -- only a hundred out of the allegedly 400,000 gay people in Singapore.

It's even more lamentable that an expensive event like Nation, with its underlying promise of sleazy fun attracted more people than a simple, free event like this does. Does this mean that we, the gays in Singapore, will eagerly jump in line for sexual gratification, but shun away from asserting that that is our identity?

I hope more can attend next year's picnic. It's a simple gesture to show we are proud to be gay, and not ashamed of it no matter what the govt might say.

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I was not aware of the event, and should I have known I would attend. What a great idea Pink Picnic is! There are only a few more things in life better than basking under the sun in a park munching sandwiches sipping chardonnay and watching the world goes by with your loved ones, while you guys talk about anything this side of the sun. I've always thought Nation is a weak excuse for gays to go campy and make merry and another venue for conservatives to stereotype us further; I avoided it then. So with this Pink Picnic I have no excuse to not make a statement, while having fun.

Still, why Pink T? It's so need lots of getting use to.

google areanpull

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I have earlier posted about the picnic in other posts but I don't think the people here really care about gay issues at all. Most of the guys here in this forum seems only interested in chasing new cock. There really isn't any expectation for anyone here to join the picnic.

Anyway, it doesn't matter... am very happy to see about 100 over people (gay or otherwise) turning up at the Botanic Gardens. The police was undercover there taking photos of some same-sex couples but no arrests made since no offences committed.

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seriously, I think there is no need to get license for this kinda stuff as SBG is a place open to all public. If no one does any "gross indecency" I dun think that would counts for the police to do any arrest at all.

Surely, they cannot question anyone for wearing the same color when there is a non-organised outing.... everybody just wear what you want and have a great fun picnic there, isn't it great ?

It's just me.... Asura... don't fear, but be very afraid....

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I have earlier posted about the picnic in other posts but I don't think the people here really care about gay issues at all. Most of the guys here in this forum seems only interested in chasing new cock. There really isn't any expectation for anyone here to join the picnic.

Anyway, it doesn't matter... am very happy to see about 100 over people (gay or otherwise) turning up at the Botanic Gardens. The police was undercover there taking photos of some same-sex couples but no arrests made since no offences committed.

TC, you still did not say if you went there to support the event. You are our appointed representative for all gay rights issues. And you are supposed to post your report here. :D:lol:

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Hi guys,

for those of you who have missed the picnic, well, do come down next year if there is one.

To those of you who are afraid of gatherings like this and having the constant fear that being seen with a bunch of "friends" might out yourself.. I guess there is always a point of comfort to it. So long as you are comfortable of yourself, no worries yea. There are always a mix of people in the park. Of course if you do something loud or down right campy.. then.. well.

For those of you who are uncomfortable in wearing pink, there's no need for you to. I for one didn't wear pink. To my surprise, some of the group that I was with.. even with their job sensitivity being much higher than my own.. wore pink, so I guess it's really up to your comfort level.

I am not an activist nor am I the sort who likes to stick my identity up onto other's face, but I do enjoy my own space.. which was something that we got that day.

For me, I had a great time at the park. It's my first time ever in the botanical gardens, it is such a beautiful part of Singapore I wished I had more time to enjoy it.

The food was great, the weather that day was great. Lots of people brought their dogs and some their kids along, and of course the company I was with made it a success.

Frankly, it wasn't that much big of a deal I guess in the end. Everyone were in small groups.. we exchanged food items some of the other groups.. people interacted. Made some new friends. Yea.

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a friend told me that even blowing wind had a thread about the picnic.

yes. i am the non-organiser of the non-picnic.

and there would be another non-picnic next year. and the year after that. we will always have a picnic on national day at botanic gardens. you don't need an organiser anymore. you just ask a few friends and head down.

people wondered what is pride. what is there to be proud about. well, i was there, and looking at everyone enjoying themselves, and being part of a larger community, i was proud. proud that we were not afraid.

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a friend told me that even blowing wind had a thread about the picnic.

yes. i am the non-organiser of the non-picnic.

people wondered what is pride. what is there to be proud about. well, i was there, and looking at everyone enjoying themselves, and being part of a larger community, i was proud. proud that we were not afraid.

miak, who always looks good in a little trunk and lesser, there is power in numbers and since we don't all belong to the same affiliations, why don't you keep us posted regularly. Better still, since you are a non-organizer of that non-picnic, why don't you be a non-member here, and keep us all non-updated of every non-thing? Great non-idea, ain't it?

google areanpull

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Miak: I applaude you. This is such a simple and non-confrontational way to assert our identity. Let's make it a point to go to the Botanic Gardens for a picnic every National Day.

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Miak... nice to see you here. Kudos for pulling off this non-event. I know it must be very frustrating trying to get a bunch of bitchy boys together for a cause. See you at next year's picnic!

I like it when you mentioned "bitchy boy". These bitches gotta be slap..haha!

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Guest LAW on our side.

Let Botanical Garden be the venus for us gays from now on. I'm sure it is fun cruising around those flowers and mini-jungle. Please throw your condoms or tissues in a proper place and be discreet. Authorithy cant do anything about it. This is SINGAPORE WITH LAW. You wont get harrassed by police if you know your RIGHTS.

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I would like to bring to attention that, there is no such thing as "LAW on our side", if it does, it should not be law...

Evil people merely took law into their hands and manipulate it. Don't look at law as "something to punish" or "at whose side".

Frankly, I also do not know why do we need this event to be HELD. Wouldn't it be nicer if like-mind people just gather for the sake of friendship?

Like gay pride, what is there to be proud of? To me, it seems like we are making ourself a minority by having a "pride day". Wouldn't it be normal when we merge with the society and see ourself as a whole? If every minority needs a pride day, we would have endless pride day.

I would agree if I was told that pride day is where we tell people that WE exist and treat us with respect like you would treat anyone with!

PS: side track abit, would we want the PEOPLE to accept us when we hate the so call PEOPLE so much?

Anythinbg, I ever tell a anti-gay guy (back in school) that every society, 10% would be gay, showing his statstic from Kinsley. He freak out knowing 1 out of 10 man is homo :lol:

Am I happy? Should I?

It's just me.... Asura... don't fear, but be very afraid....

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  • 1 year later...
not party la.. just to show support only.

but i wonder what positive effect does this event has?

to remind the rest of the busy Singapore to recognise and celebrate the rich diversity of our society.

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Reclaim Singapore's most historical gay cruising park on 16 May!


Do you support the freedom of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people to love? Then show your support by joining our smart mob at Hong Lim Park on 16 May, 4.30pm!

This is NOT a protest nor a parade, just a simple call for open-minded Singaporeans to come together to form a pink dot, of which aerial photographs will be taken. This pink dot is a celebration of diversity and equality, and a symbol of Singapore's more inclusive future.

Venue: The field at Hong Lim Park

Date & Time: May 16 (Sat), 4.30pm

What to wear: Pink (caps, hats, glasses, sunglasses and accessories are recommended.)

What to bring: Anyone who supports the freedom of LGBT Singaporeans to love.

What to expect: The human pink dot will be formed by around 5pm and a photograph will be taken from a vantage point nearby.


actress Neo Swee Lin, actor Timothy Nga and radio host Rosalyn Lee, "Dim Sum Dolly" Pam Oei, celebrity blogger Xiaxue, actors Lim Kay Siu and Lim Yu Beng, Dave Tan and Amanda Ling from local band Electrico, and many other supporters of LGBT Singaporeans in:



To pledge your attendance, please click here:


For updates, please join Pink Dot Sg on Facebook:


More about Pink Dot SG:


For queries, please e-mail pinkdotsg@yahoo.com

This event is 100% legal; no registration is required.

Edited by brick
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Guest Guest - Famous

It would be good if the rich and famous coupled with established celebrities can join the party.

This would help to make it look like a natural , rather than a "queer" setting.

Hope that there is still enough time to garner regional / international support for this event.

Any surprising guest apperance ? Dare to make a guess ?

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actress Neo Swee Lin, actor Timothy Nga and radio host Rosalyn Lee, "Dim Sum Dolly" Pam Oei, celebrity blogger Xiaxue, actors Lim Kay Siu and Lim Yu Beng, Dave Tan and Amanda Ling from local band Electrico, and many other supporters of LGBT Singaporeans in:



More about Pink Dot SG:


For queries, please e-mail pinkdotsg@yahoo.com

This event is 100% legal; no registration is required.

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Guys! Can we make a list of name who is going and then make we can arrange for a place where all the people from blowingwind can meet and go together?!

Come on!!!

Its only 2 days away!!!

If even the st8 are supporting us, the Ajs should do something and turn up.

I for one will be going and another BWer (East46 in IRC CHannel Blowingwind) is going and Another BW (Hannie from the same IRC Channel) is volunteering in this event.

We should show some support

Come on!


*I have gotten the approval of both east46 and Hannie to quote them in here.

Uncles, Koko and Di Di , support Pink Dot this saturday Lah!

is going to be a historical milestone for Sg PLUs !

let go and witness the historical event !!!

Let's turn up at Hong Lim Park ! :clap: :clap: :clap:


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Guest WeiQuan
Guys! Can we make a list of name who is going and then make we can arrange for a place where all the people from blowingwind can meet and go together?!


*I have gotten the approval of both east46 and Hannie to quote them in here.

I am shy to go alone, can someone please meet me at Chinatown Point at 4 pm. Thanks.

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I'll be there too.

Had a difficult time finding a pink golf cap. Lat week, found one actually at Chinatown BUT it was a Hello Kitty cap!! Look, I will bravely go out and be identified with my gay brothers and sisters BUT not in a Hello Kitty cap!

Told my best friend, he is straight and he knows I am gay about this pink dot thing and I need a pink cap. He said his daughter has one and after a phone call, he said he had reserved it for me for my coming out party. :lol:

He passed it to me yesterday and that cap is bright pink and it has a FUXKING PINK BOW at the back!!! :o:o:o Never ever let a straight man chose a pink cap for you. :D

I kid you not. So, if you see a guy with a pink polo shirt wearing a pink cap with a bow (UUURRRGGGHHHH) at the back, do come up and say hello. Just try not to laugh too loudly. Ok, you can laugh loudly, but don't roll on the floor please. :lol:

Cya there.

Please play safely! Use a condom if you are having anal sex.

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Guest Skinny one

Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!! So many chubs & lady supporters too, I regret not bringing my camera, anyone can share photo here?

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the light drizzle cant stop people coming to the UNITY of People in PINK !

Touch by the overwhelming support !

hope this is just a beginning ! hope this will be an Annual Event !

Hope to see even Larger Crowds to form a Bigger Pink next Year 2010

Look forward to !

ps: glad to know so many new friends today at the event, All of us just wanna break free to LOVE !

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Guest Curious boy
I'll be there too.

I kid you not. So, if you see a guy with a pink polo shirt wearing a pink cap with a bow (UUURRRGGGHHHH) at the back, do come up and say hello. Just try not to laugh too loudly. Ok, you can laugh loudly, but don't roll on the floor please. :lol:

Cya there.

Are you the guy on the fourth picture interviewed by a lady wearing black and blue jeans in TOC photo ( under see more).

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