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Pink Dot Event Discussion (2007 to Present Day) (compiled)


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Must give artistic merit to the dick shape though. I could even make out the frenulum and almost, the foreskin too I swear. Confirm is a loud artistic bottom drunk in that hotel room orgy to imagine such "creative" shapes to be adorn on their hotel window for the whole of Hong Lim park to gawk at. Maybe they took drugs too? If I were the hotel management and security on he ground, I would be very concerned to the extend of going up to check, or investigating the hotel's occupancy records for their IC number after the event to conduct a compulsory urine check on all the occupants and guests of that particular room on that night.

Dear guest, are you sour that you weren't invited ?

That room is two floors below mine...

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Guest bigotted

Dear guest, are you sour that you weren't invited ?

That room is two floors below mine...

Wow! Long time never hear from Passby. Suddenly reappear. Welcome back...

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Guest 72%dark

Ok, even though I actually think the "dick light" issue is trivial, it pains me to see fighting in our community, so…

Some who are up in arms over the dick light are justifiably worried that the anti-gay crowd will use it as more 'evidence' that gays are sex-crazed perverts. Of course, such a tactic would only work if people consider a dick outlined in pink lights scandalous somehow. Well, the form/style and the context of a representation must be assessed in order to gauge if it really causes titillation or outrage. In this case I personally think it does neither, but I realize that for some, any form/use of sexual imagery is offensive.

So I think this tussle actually reveals a deeper issue about our society, namely that our attitudes towards anything sexual are heavily colored by shame and fear/unease. This isn't specifically a gay issue (though it does affect us negatively since our sexual rights are at stake). It warps our media classification schemes. It's at the root of our conflicts over sex education. It hinders progress in preventing and treating STDs. From a practical standpoint, I think this strait-laced attitude towards sexuality is ultimately more unhealthy and destructive than openness and its supposed dangers.

Therefore I hope that we can all see that getting worked up over the dick light ultimately doesn't help us. There's only so much we can rose-tint the cause of gay equality by calling attention to love and downplaying sex; among other things, 377A is about (male-male) sex. The way Pink Dot is run is already well-tailored to our local mores and political sensitivities (observe a gay pride parade overseas and you'll see what I mean); to go any further and demand that all evidence of sexuality be erased would be as good as self-castration. More generally, we do a disservice to society if we inadvertently helped to keep a prudish attitude to sexuality entrenched.

Don't let a dick get you hot and bothered; shake it off… :P


Two side notes:

1) Because some people seem to see only extremes in any position, let me clarify that I'm not actually defending the use of the dick light, I just think it's irrelevant (at best playful) and shouldn't be made a big deal out of. My views on sexuality should also not be misinterpreted; I'm not advocating for "free love" or "anything goes" or in-you-face displays.

2) Some bring up the old "what about the children" argument. Well, if children at the event even noticed and wondered about it, it would be a good teaching moment for parents. Children do have genitals too and it's possible to give an age-appropriate explanation that allays their curiousity. Parents who shy from this topic are shirking one of their responsibilities. Let's look at this with some sense of proportion: if our concern were truly about children’s access to sexual imagery, then outlines of dicks would be the least of our worries; we should, for example, be more actively curating their access to the Internet, which contains far more explicit and disturbing stuff rather easily found. The best we can do for our children is not to try to ‘shield’ them from these realities but to guide them in their discovery.

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Guest 72%dark

Alright that said, what I really want to say about Pink Dot is that I'm always really touched by the straight allies who go down and support the cause.

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Guest Guest

Alright that said, what I really want to say about Pink Dot is that I'm always really touched by the straight allies who go down and support the cause.

That said, some of the straight 'allies' are there for the atmosphere to witness and observe the gay community. Some are spies from the other color-coded side

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not that I know pinkdot well, but isn't pinkdot supposed to celebrate tolerance and the freedom to love, and not about "gayness"?


if there was a better equivalent, I think it will be racial harmony day which is designed to promote, well, tolerance and living together for harmony blah blah. so similarly, pinkdot is supposedly to shed light on promoting tolerance based on sexual orientation.


as for the dick light, if there was a dick light... it's just poor taste, if u ask me. this is not just the LGBT community celebrating by themselves, it's also about getting the conventional society to understand the community.


here we are trying to promote tolerance and understanding in a civic manner, but someone just had to put some sexual connotation skew to the cause - can u blame the conventional society for misunderstanding the cause of pinkdot and the LGBT community?


and I think any good forum stands on having a diversity of views, just becoz the forum is dominated by young boys and girls, does not exclude anyone (age or otherwise) from contributing their views.


sure not everyone will agree w yr view, but at least u have a view. if everyone conformed and agreed to every post that is on a forum, then u mite as well call it Straits Times....


just sayin'


My exact sentiment.

After attending the event for the past years, I asked myself what is the road ahead for such events... truly, it is not a revenue-generated one but seeking awareness and acceptance only?  Just like those once-a-year Mother's Day, Father's Day (that is this coming weekend), we do not need to set aside one special day to "celebrate" our gay-ness.  


One look at the turnout ... mainly youngsters below 25... is this becoming another "evangelistic" (so sorry Pastor Khong, I've got to borrow a word from you)... new and fresh faces while the older ones "evaporate".... 


Yes the idea of quitting the gay social media flashes across very strongly this past weekend.  I had just discussed with some forummers here that this board is now too young for me ... perhaps it is time to leave...

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Guest 72%dark

not that I know pinkdot well, but isn't pinkdot supposed to celebrate tolerance and the freedom to love, and not about "gayness"?


here we are trying to promote tolerance and understanding in a civic manner, but someone just had to put some sexual connotation skew to the cause - can u blame the conventional society for misunderstanding the cause of pinkdot and the LGBT community?

The slogan "freedom to love" is a carefully calibrated piece of public relations; it's one of the concessions the movement/organizers have made to local sensitivities regarding sex. But stop for a moment and think carefully: What exactly does the freedom to love entail? Whose freedom is being fought for, and who should they be free to love?

Do straight people need a campaign to give them the freedom to love? Last I checked, men are free to love women and vice versa in Singapore. It's LGBT folk who face opposition (and in the case of men, de jure criminalization). So yes, it's without a doubt about "gayness". (Unless by that you're parroting fallacious right-wing rhetoric about a supposed "gay lifestyle".) While the official messaging of Pink Dot has been light on the language of LGBT activism, the imagery and narratives portrayed in the campaign videos leave NO doubt that it's about LGBT equality. In any case, the speeches made by the ambassadors and guests each year do not mince words about what the movement/event is about.

So now, what are we talking about when we say a wo/man should be free to "love" another wo/man? Do you mean like Ernie and Bert, sleeping in separate beds, fully clothed, doing everything best buddies do together except ... 'that dirty word'? No, of course not. Our contemporary notions of romantic love are inextricably bound with sex; without sex it's platonic, or familial, or maybe even agapeistic. Our detractors would (and do!) say, Of course wo/men are free to "love" other wo/men, just no sex please! In the long run it does no good to try to dissemble about the role of sex in the issue.

So please get off your high horse. As I noted in my previous post, automatically taking offense to something just because it alludes to sex reflects an unhealthy hang up about matters sexual. This would be fine if it were just a private quirk or if one were simply airing an opinion; it's quite another thing to berate other people for it, to sow dissension, to act as self-appointed moral police, or worse, to threaten violence. And the saddest irony is that this effectively does the work for the anti-gay conservatives out there.

(And note: Posting dissenting views is certainly fine, but be prepared to be called out for lack of civility or for insufficient/shallow thought given to an issue.)

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Guest Guest

I love my angmoh. Why? Cannot huh? They buay-song go call mata lor. You tell me which other country can mix so many languages into one and still get comprehended? Throw in a few more of our beloved acronyms like KNNBCCB and even Queen's English sure no fight one!

I almost pointed and told others around me to point our pink lights at the phallus. That was the offense taken. As the phallus was in a different direction from the furama glowing heart, the only moral high horse I am riding is that phallus potentially thwarting the effort I and others had put in to show up at Hong Lim park to form that giant pink dot for that aerial photo. But it was a storm in a tea cup, and water under the bridge now. Harping on that selfish act, not the phallus connotations. But it was funny though, and I LOLed on the spot and tried to get others around me to look at it to desensitise whatever hang ups they may have about it. It's after all a beautiful object that gives lots of positive feelings. No?

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Guest 72%dark

My exact sentiment.

After attending the event for the past years, I asked myself what is the road ahead for such events... truly, it is not a revenue-generated one but seeking awareness and acceptance only?  Just like those once-a-year Mother's Day, Father's Day (that is this coming weekend), we do not need to set aside one special day to "celebrate" our gay-ness.  


One look at the turnout ... mainly youngsters below 25... is this becoming another "evangelistic" (so sorry Pastor Khong, I've got to borrow a word from you)... new and fresh faces while the older ones "evaporate".... 


To see Pink Dot as (merely) a 'day to "celebrate" our gay-ness' kind of misses the point. The point is to create and sustain awareness of discrimination against LGBTs in the hope that both laws and societal attitudes will eventually change to give us equality. The format of this campaign is unfortunately dictated by general constraints on social activism in Singapore (e.g that public demonstrations are only legal at Speaker's Corner) as well as specific curbs on representation of gay issues in the mainstream media that is perceived to be sympathetic to the cause. So until someone has a better but practical alternative for achieving these goals, I don't see how complaining about the event is constructive.

Note also that the fact that there may be a lot of young people in attendance does not diminish the legitimacy of the event or alter its ultimate objectives, nor does it signal that older people aren't welcome. In fact, on the issue of participation by older folks, if you had paid attention to ambassador Patricia Mok's speech in Mandarin, you'd have noted that she specifically reached out to older folks in the crowd.

Perhaps some people feel comfortable with the status quo because they think their own lives are not particularly affected by discrimination. Well, the fact that 377A is still on the books is a sword over every gay man's head. A verbal assurance by the government of non-enforcement is worth little; it means that a change in political opinion, or a change of leadership, could easily see the reinstatement of a policy of proactive enforcement, and that this change would be opaque and outside the legislative process. Let's also not forget that the letter of the law, the way 377A is worded, goes beyond sex itself - it also criminalizes any attempt to procure male-male sex. This encompasses a lot; among other things, anyone who has ever posted an ad for sex in the Personals section of this forum is technically guilty of committing a crime under 377A. Maybe some of you are ok with being considered a criminal by a legal technicality; but I'm not ok with it.

Continued criminalization also impedes progress in reducing prejudice and discrimination in other areas, and attaining (spousal) rights that heterosexual couples take for granted but gay couples are denied.

I don't think everyone in our community needs to feel obligated to actively support the event or even to like it, but it seems reasonable to hope that people won't undermine what is essentially our only visible (and thus most viable) platform for LGBT activism in Sg at the moment.

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My exact sentiment.

After attending the event for the past years, I asked myself what is the road ahead for such events... truly, it is not a revenue-generated one but seeking awareness and acceptance only?  Just like those once-a-year Mother's Day, Father's Day (that is this coming weekend), we do not need to set aside one special day to "celebrate" our gay-ness.  


One look at the turnout ... mainly youngsters below 25... is this becoming another "evangelistic" (so sorry Pastor Khong, I've got to borrow a word from you)... new and fresh faces while the older ones "evaporate".... 


Yes the idea of quitting the gay social media flashes across very strongly this past weekend.  I had just discussed with some forummers here that this board is now too young for me ... perhaps it is time to leave...


Just my two cents worth..


I don't see anything wrong even if Pink Dot Only aims to seek awareness and acceptance from the Singaporean Community. This is important, because evidently, we are still largely unaccepted, due to the lack of awareness among our society that being gay is okay. Hence, it is only necessary that we attempt to push for this cause to increase awareness and encourage acceptance. What better way to do so than setting aside a special day to celebrate our existence through Pink Dot, since we can't have Gay Pride.  


Instead of scorning over the fact that many youngsters below 25 turn up for the event, I hope you will slowly learn to appreciate us. Do you realise what you just said? : "One look at the turnout ... mainly youngsters below 25..."


Going by your logic then, If not for us, do you think we can hit 28,000 this year? If not for us, do you think the Pinkdot will keep growing bigger year after year? If not for us, do you think there will be so many straight people rallying around, supporting us? If not for us, do you think there'll be so many volunteers? If not for us, do you think there will be as much news, posts, and updates about Pinkdot on our various social media platforms which also contributes to raising awareness? If not for us, would YOU push for the change? 


It takes great effort from us as well, to be determined to attend such events. We make time, we sweat, and of course, we make the best out of it. We spend weeks trying to invite friends that are not in the LGBT community to support us in our cause. That's something you should be happy about. 


Of course, we hope that people like you, of your age, with your discretion and level of enthusiasm, continue coming year after year to support Pink Dot. That would help increase our numbers, to portray increasing acceptance, raise awareness, and spread tolerance. I have a lot of friends in their late 30s or 40s who shun such events. Like you, they think it's pointless, and they don't wanna sweat and "waste time" under the hot sun since they don't believe an event like this will work. Precisely because of people like you who stop believing, youngsters like me and my peers have to step it up. This is because we believe, we belong. We want your presence at such events, and we certainly do not want the more matured to "evaporate", as you mentioned in your post. We value your advice, and your wealth of knowledge and experiences that you can potentially share with us. 


And lastly, social media is something that escalated in my generation (Unfortunately for you). It will continue to get more and more useful, necessary, and relevant. So instead of quitting it, I encourage you to stay current. Don't pull away from the "youngsters". We are really more than happy to make friends with you because we have a lot to learn from you. 


I hope you don't retort with an angry post, because I really mean well. 

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This year pink dot falls on 4th June 2016.


Last year was my 1st time supporting Pink Dot organized by BW moderator Glyph....


To me it's not only to support the freedom to love, but also a memorable event's as i met my BF that day ^^


Wondering will BW still be going to organize it this year, as my Bf and me will be there to show our support.

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I hope for more of the young ones to turn up , the old ones to stay away , please don't make this event into an old aunties and uncles event for the world to see ! We started it and make sure we glamorised it high class like in Hollywood ! 

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1 minute ago, Guest said:

I hope for more of the young ones to turn up , the old ones to stay away , please don't make this event into an old aunties and uncles event for the world to see ! We started it and make sure we glamorised it high class like in Hollywood ! 

Infact , I hope it will become a high class event meant only for the rich where one pays thousands to get into it !

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8 minutes ago, EasleyLim said:


That is the exact opposite of being inclusive.

Did Hollywood include many low class  blacks and Asians this year ? But their Star Wars and Superman are selling better than ever ?! Got that ! 

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Just now, Guest said:

Did Hollywood include many low class  blacks and Asians this year ? But their Star Wars and Superman are selling better than ever ?! Got that ! 


I'm confused. I thought you meant socio-economic standings when you mentioned class. What has race gotta do with class?



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26 minutes ago, EasleyLim said:


I'm confused. I thought you meant socio-economic standings when you mentioned class. What has race gotta do with class?

Whites are always of the higher class , unless you are a rich Asian or blacks , that is another story , how else the Chinese chicks get to walk in the red carpets in Hollywood ! Anyhow ,our pay will always be much cheaper than them because of race ! 

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Guest Glyph

Nah, I'm not gonna organise anything for this year's PD. First attended it back in 2011, and have been doing so. It's really endearing watching the supportive crowd grow, but I'm thinking of skipping this year for a breather.


Anyone wanna volunteer and organise something for us? +)


Oh Glyph... you did not just post an ad on the main forum.

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Woah. I wanna meet the man of my life too. (pfft)


But I'm volunteering this year.. so...I guess I'll just not meet the man of my life.. never..ever..sob sob.


Do hope to see you guys.


[To those may want to look out for me]

Please don't look out for me based on my profile pic as I look nothing like that :3

Holy mama.

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32 minutes ago, yuukito said:

What is pink dot all about ? is it a community or ... ?


In a nutshell, it's an organized congregation among the LGBTQ community, their support groups (YOH, SGRainbow, etc.), pro-LGBTQ family members; pro-LGBTQ members of the public, LGBTQ speakers (think Kumar)/pro-LGBTQ speakers (think Sharon Au), curious tourists, and lastly, perhaps also most importantly, sponsors like Google, Goldman Sachs, etc.


If there's gonna be an even larger crowd this year, and if the organizers ain't able to find a larger venue, expect thousands of people squeezing & pushing in a tiny, hot, and humid Hong Lim Park.

Edited by The.Intrv.

For these flaws I lament.

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19 minutes ago, The.Intrv. said:


In a nutshell, it's an organized congregation among the LGBTQ community, their support groups (YOH, SGRainbow, etc.), pro-LGBTQ family members; pro-LGBTQ members of the public, LGBTQ speakers (think Kumar)/pro-LGBTQ speakers (think Sharon Au), curious tourists, and lastly, perhaps also most importantly, sponsors like Google, Goldman Sachs, etc.


If there's gonna be an even larger crowd this year, and if the organizers ain't able to find a larger venue, expect thousands of people squeezing & pushing in a tiny, hot, and humid Hong Lim Park.

Oh ... thanks for the info , would love to check that event out !


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  • 5 weeks later...



Returning Sponsors: Google, Barclays, J.P. Morgan, BP, Goldman Sachs, Bloomberg, Twitter, The Gunnery

New Sponsors: Microsoft, Apple, VISA, GE (General Electric), Facebook, NBC Universal, Clifford Chance, P.S. Cafe, Gravitate, Infinite Frameworks





LIKE PINK DOT AT   https://www.facebook.com/pinkdotsg/




JUSTAMUSICALBOY :D ~ singwithme!




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getting sponsorers are part and parcel of life right?

We cannot be expecting people like you to donate right?


6 hours ago, puppyfart said:

I drew no inspiration from the clip.

Don't think we are ready to mix religion with sexuality at this point.
At times, I feel we can't even advance our own LGBT community within our society.

Just asking for a backlash from the religious community.

Puppy fart

While I m nt fr Christian, I felt alright w this video
We cannot be having the same concept/storyboard all the time

A small step is better than zero step....let them lash on us then.........
In sg, every little thing will invite backlash , no matter how hard we try

All the best to this event!


50 minutes ago, Guest said:

So the suicidal lady is straight? And i thought she is a lesbian or something....

Isnt she closely attached to the main character/heroine?

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Guest Pink Faith

Pink dot, is the only day we could show ourselves to the world without needing to hide. 


Whether we like it or not, such event should continue every year until we become part of this country in a big way, like a Singaporean yearly carnival. 


Tourist, Children, straight family and everyone are welcomed  into this fabulous festival of gay.  With so many big wit sponsors, certainly a 3 hours event is too short. 


My wishlist for pinkdot


Let it become a big scale party with lots of games, gifts and good foods for everyone.  


It could also involve combination of festival of arts,  pets, culinary and fashion of all shapes and sizes - instilling great participation from everyone in this country though the theme remain as gay pink dot.


I want it to be a miniature disney land where children are reluctant to let it end, adults find it amusingly fund and our govt, if they were to reject us, will become a govt of crime.  Lawrence Kong is invited to perform his magic show if he wishes.


Hope, the organiser can think about how to explore an expansion plan imaginable in the future. 

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Guest Pink Faith
16 hours ago, Guest said:

With so many sponsors, can consider turning it into a festival spanning a weekend or two or something, like Coachella and the Singapore Night Festival.

Precisely. When event became big, the number of sponsors will correspondingly increase.  Those commercial institutions that sat on the fence will pour in to support. Aware and acceptance will become part of parcel of this society. The pressure in on the govt and fundamentalist to accept the changing modern world.  We want LGBT to exceed beyond boundary. We are really behind time as compared to many opened society.   Too tame will not bring us anywhere and prone to further anti-gay bashing.  We need to be bold!

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The tipping point was when the US supreme court legalized gay marriage nation wide. Last year it happened on the 26 june, whereas pinkdot was two weeks earlier on 13 june. So naturally this year all the sponsoring support poured in. Lee hsien loong was formally invited to pinkdot last year but didn't turn up. Before that he said even the US was divided on the gay marriage issue, and then it was legalized nation wide shortly after his remark. He should totally be invited again this year to create another tipping point.

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unfortunately the government stand by their own view and they are not going to risk loosing the support of the majority for the sake of the minority for now, until maybe the minority became majority..... US is a bit far to draw comparison, maybe when some of the Asian countries legalized......10 years ago we don't have casino but now we got 2, yap so things do change ;)

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On ‎22‎/‎4‎/‎2016 at 0:12 AM, lovehandle said:

getting sponsorers are part and parcel of life right?

We cannot be expecting people like you to donate right?


Puppy fart

While I m nt fr Christian, I felt alright w this video
We cannot be having the same concept/storyboard all the time

A small step is better than zero step....let them lash on us then.........
In sg, every little thing will invite backlash , no matter how hard we try

All the best to this event!


Isnt she closely attached to the main character/heroine?

of course not me lah, I got no money how to sponsor? but I m saying there are so many gay business around, sauna, spa, pubs etc. they are earning from this community and therefore should be more involved in supporting this event.

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16 minutes ago, lonelyglobe said:

of course not me lah, I got no money how to sponsor? but I m saying there are so many gay business around, sauna, spa, pubs etc. they are earning from this community and therefore should be more involved in supporting this event.

yes, I know , those spas, pubs and saunas that esp charges a lot - should the more donate and help!

anyway, I trust they did

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1 hour ago, lonelyglobe said:

unfortunately the government stand by their own view and they are not going to risk loosing the support of the majority for the sake of the minority for now, until maybe the minority became majority..... US is a bit far to draw comparison, maybe when some of the Asian countries legalized......10 years ago we don't have casino but now we got 2, yap so things do change ;)

You are talking about gay marriage? Talking about 377a here. MOST asian countries do not have 377a. Only singapore, malaysia, brunei and bhutan have. Among these countries, should singapore show leadership in abolishing sucj an antiquated, discriminatory law?

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48 minutes ago, benedict5856 said:

Pink Dot should make it like Chingay Parade....

This is Sg! Benedict

Mr Lee will jump out from his ashes if it is like a gay pride /fiesta kind of scale
n if u perform on the float, I will help u to take photos ok?

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Guest Happy fuck
2 hours ago, Guest said:

You are talking about gay marriage? Talking about 377a here. MOST asian countries do not have 377a. Only singapore, malaysia, brunei and bhutan have. Among these countries, should singapore show leadership in abolishing sucj an antiquated, discriminatory law?

I am shocked!  Bhutan the happiest nation cannot even tolerate gay people?

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57 minutes ago, Guest Happy fuck said:

I am shocked!  Bhutan the happiest nation cannot even tolerate gay people?

They can't. They have articles 213 & 214 making homosexuality illegal - punishable with prison sentence of one month to less than a year - like 377a in singapore. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_rights_in_Bhutan


Indonesia, a muslim country, have no laws against homosexuality, but gays are kind of cautiously tolerated there.

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On ‎23‎/‎4‎/‎2016 at 1:37 AM, Guest said:

No local company sponsoring ?! They rather sponsor ghost festival during seventh month ?

hmm...I think the local company here do not want to be publicly associated with LGBT, they are ok with hiring LGBT but not ready to be seen as a LGBT friendly company, say SIA, I m sure there are lots of gay working there and also they wouldn't mind to fly in participants to Singapore for the event but sponsoring the event is a totally different story altogether, park royal pickering which enjoy good business due to their next door location for the event will also not want to risk their reputation, like it or not, we are still a conservative or pretentious conservative society.

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