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From Bw Archives 8 : 31mar-14apr'98


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04/13/98 16:58:02

Name: actionkid


Oh man, if we keep this up, this page will become one of them highly intellectual expose on the gay psyche! Okay okay.. I think we should just say that different people cruise for different reasons. There is really no justification to why we do it but, ye h, cruising is NOT representative of the homosexual way of living. It is just one aspect which just so happen to be omnipresent due to the repressive nature of our society. Where else can we turn to for gay sex? We're not accepted, and we're socially frow ed upon and we've dug many graves of our own, for reasons which are presently unavoidable. I have to admit that I shouldn't be the one to comment about the unfairness of being ugly or fat or dark or skinny coz I'm not in that position. Cruising has been g od to me in that it has boosted my confidence, taught me various aspects of life and relationships, made me more mature and it has contributed significantly in the way I think and act now. But it is not the start-all-end-all to everything, and I'm sure I an do without it. One should not focus one's life for the sake of cruising. And one should not let cruising be the root of everything. Hey, it's just some worldly pleasure, nothing more! Life is more than just that. Most of us here on this page cruise bec z we get a kick out of it.. as ahboi once mentioned, we cruise for the kill and thrill of it. But we do have other aspects of our lives. And I, for one, believe in living a full life. I cruise, I exercise, I work, I learn,I mature, I socialise and I love. Live your life, and fxxk the cruising shit if you want to. We have the minds to control what we do with our lives... so just live it! I'm sorry to hear about the hazards experienced by Chee Kin whilst cruising. Yep.. some things are unavoidable. Someone s ole my fave Nikes once at the Stadium and I was so miffed that I ran out of the showers in my towel and started banging and kicking at the walls juz coz the guy managed to escape me. There are scum in every society.. we'll just have to be careful and avoi them. Before we can ever dive into the nitty gritty of being a part of a society, we must always know what we are, who we are, and what we want. Life would be meaningless if we're just floating around. Man, I do not like this train of thought coz it does get kinda depressing. To all the wondering souls out there, dream your dream and live your life. I wish you all the peace of mind to be what your truly are and hopefully find the happiness that is eluding you. I am no epitome of good or correctness, but I do try to be good. And I do mean well.

PS.. hopefully I can lighten things up a bit tomorrow :) Hey discoverkid.. thanx for being there, mate! and GG... we all read your posting and of course we appreciate it! Keep em cumming! Ahboi.. hey, how about m eting up for tea or sumthing one of these days, eh? heheheh..;P

04/13/98 16:00:09

Name: GG

My URL: Visit Me


I must first of all thank G Man for your feedback on my wrtie-up. It really feels good to know that some soul is reading my stuff, never mind if you agree with my view. Nonetheless I wouls like to clear one point: I am not advocating for a flirting gay life style, neither do I agree with what the lecturer is doing at the toilet. My point is living under such oppressive environment, it is no wonder that many gay friends have to resort to the 'under-cover' cruising. I sincerely believe that there are many healthy gay people out there with perfectly normal developmental needs according to the great Maslow's theory. Their choice of lifestyle is a matter of alternate perfe ence (another 'taboo' term?) . Sad to say such lifestyle cannot be tolerated, needless to say being accepted in our society. I believe that given the 'normal' avenue for life development, gay people can and should live a life as fulfilling and enriching as the rest of the society.

04/13/98 15:41:26

Name: al-josh My URL: Visit Me

My Email: Email Me Your Fav Sextivity: butts and foreplay

Your Fav Body Type: smooth Your Nationality: sin


Ever feel lonely in the company of friends. You laugh and is in the think of merriment yet you feel bored and yearn for some escapade. I always want to have friens to share joys and sorrows, to catch the sunset together and not just someone for you just to lust and forget. Really, I wonder if I'm the only 'idealistic' one here.....

04/13/98 13:35:08

Name: Chee Kin My Email: Email Me

Your Fav Sextivity: Oral Your Fav Body Type: well.............


I was realy touched to have read what actionkid wrote in respond to my posting and I truely appreciate that. And for your(all of you out there)information, I am the Chee Kin, the best friend of Adrian who had written down my drastic and traumatic encounte at Jurong Point (JP) with on consent. Henceforth, I appeal to you guys out there to be extremely careful when getting with someone. Always be alert and wary. Well, I went to cruise at Jp, though I wrote previously that I usually don't because of my inferiority complex. So on a sudden decision, I went to have a look and check out JP. Well, I had 2 nice encounters though, which were a real good boosters to my co fidence (the 2 guys i met were not bad looking, really). Well, waht happened next was really what I do not ever want to talk or mention about.

04/13/98 13:12:26

Name: Adrian My Email: Email Me

Your Fav Sextivity: To love and to be loved Your Fav Body Type: My boyfriend's ( when I find one )

Your Nationality: Singaporean


Just read the posting by lix and it is really relevating and it really speaks to me. I have been trying to search for that gay indentity since I came into the knowledge of my sexuality and have always have this misconception that a certain face/build/styl is the thing I should be looking for in order for me to be 'Gay' but I have always had it all wrong. I have always thought that it is a gay thing to cruise but my ethics have always told me otherwise and even my best friend have been telling me that it i fine. It just hit me that being gay is not that at all. That is just simply thinking with my dick. What really meant being gay is to be comfortable with ourselves as individuals and not get washed up with the hype about body-types and looks. I myself hav been working hard for a year or more to get my present figure and have been complemented for my looks and stuff but that was before I lost a quarter of my weight. Hence, I was a fat guy and now somewhat of a good cruising material and I thought I have fi ally made it but was I wrong. I have become more empty within and was more obsessed with looking good and cruisable to the others that I have lost that quality of my character that others have always liked when I was fat. Being appreciated for looking goo is fine but not being appreciated for my personality is not. I thought I would finally be a real gay now that I can cruise easily with my present state but I have felt all the more lost than ever. My identity have been under the influence of the general ype and it has sunk my dignity to an all time low. Sometimes, I felt ever more cheap when I was cruised for my looks and body. ( not that I am great or anything ) And another thing, I felt I have to warn you guys on another danger of cruising besides getting caught and getting diseases. Its getting ROBBED. My best friend Chee Kin told me just today that as he was cruising at Jurong Point, he was picked up by a midd e-aged guy who led him to the basemen t toilet. Upon getting into a cubicle, he sat my friend down with my friends bag behind him as he sat on the toilet bowl. He then proceeded to hug my friend excessively till is was uncomfortable and he can hear the g y unzipping his bag and taking out his wallet! Chee Kin pushed him away and demanded his wallet back while the robber have the cheek to ask my friend for his identification to trick him into an false alarm of being caught by the authorities. When Chee Kin get to inspect his wallet after the ordeal, he discovered his money was gone. Luckily it was a small sum but chee Kin was highly traumatised and victimised. I have read in some books too that such things happened to tourists on a sex tour overseas. What i worse is that in the local context, we cannot report such things to the police for how are we to explain two grown men in the same toilet cubicle? Hence, I wish to warn all those who still have the disillusion that cruising is part of your identity and i you wish to continue your lifestyle, be wary of the opportunists who are ever present in such situations.

04/13/98 12:55:08

Name: discoverkid My URL: Visit Me

Your Fav Sextivity: oral Your Fav Body Type: lean

Your Nationality: s'pore


Ha..., it nice to have actionkid back on the stage and glad that you've decided to break your vow to remain silence. It would be kinda of bore with your contribution. Actually, I was here counting how long you could hold on to yourself (Hee..hee). Anyway let all put aside what that have happened and just move on. Well, Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder and we need not feel too inferior about ourself because confidence itself is a kind of beauty and there are people who knows how to appreciate it. W ll done, actionkid and ahboi!!!

04/13/98 09:34:57

Name: ahboi

My URL: Visit Me


dear lix - listening to an occasional lixiviation like yours is quite liberating, albeit it was not quite till the end that i was clear about your point. like (most) contributors to this bulletin, your salvo is delivered with the best of intent and for th t, my admiration. on a simpler scale, BW's bulletin can be viewed as a river; while many may come to the river to drink, the need to drink will differ. some drink to survive (physically), others drink as an excuse to fraternise (socially). and do we all k ow that the river is infested with danger ? sure we all do. but will we keep away ? not necessary. our needs are driven. and with it, we evolved to equip ourselves with the best possible protection we know how. the operative word is evolve, i guess. and a such, we have to live and survive (better) from our experiences. "u thought, therefore u are "! but for some, it may be simply be a case of "we thought not, because we just are". call me naive if u will but i cannot believe those who STAYED on at this pa e comes ill-prepared. and for whatver reason we stayed on, let it be. different folks will always have different strokes. :)

04/13/98 09:19:53

Name: G.Man

My URL: Visit Me


dear GG I agree with Jack's comments that gays see themselves as victims by condemming that the government keep arresting gays and not giving them freedom. Can you just imagine what will happen to society as a whole if being a gay is legal. I ask readers of BW a ew questions. 1- If in future any of you have any sons/daughters, will u allow or encourage them of living a gay lifestyle? 2- If the government allow gay, will gays have the courage to tell the world they are gays(especially to their parents)or just hide in the closet? Did no one notice that gays are slowly but surely being 'exposed' to the masses by ways of movies and attitude. Even movies like 'tHE fUUL mONTY' rated PG HAS SOME GAY ELEMENTS IN IT. What about the openly gay comendy 'In and Out'where two men were shown issing for at least a full 10 seconds. What about the HK mandrain Gay movie being the closing show for the flim fest?and many many others? As for the ITE officer being caught touching a cop, serves him right. Remember, even in the USA, GEOGRE MICHEAL was arrested by a POLICEMAN! in a TOILET! So gays like GG stop all your complaining abt not being able to express your choice of desires. It is how you make full use of the situation and set an example for singapore to see that not all gays hang out in toilets or have sex in parks.

04/13/98 07:10:30

Name: actionkid

My Email: Email Me


Whoooaaaaa, lix! That was quite an essay you wrote there!!! In all seriousness, please take all that we write here with a pinch of sensibility and salt. Some guys just want a place to unwind, and this page serves as a good place for that.. it's better tha the toilet doors, coz there's no cleaner to wipe our 'words of wisdom';P. And it does come in handy for those who want to know more about cruising in Singapore... on my part, at least, I try to 'preach' safe and responsible cruising. I strongly discourag newbies from cruising, coz it IS a vice and dangerous too. But I will not stop anyone from doing it, coz it is their choice. I grew up and learnt a lot about relationships and human behaviour through cruising. It is all a learning game and I have no regr ts. And I agree with your philosophy towards homosexuality... we've still got a long way to go. But meanwhile, we have to survive and keep our sanity, and know that there are many others like us around. As for the stories here... I think credit should be iven.. I do believe that most of the stories here DID happen. They are very much believable and not a mere fantasy that we conjure up.. And finally, about bisexuality... that's a tough one.. but, again, I agree with your views. I have always admitted that I am one.. I have told my gf about my homosexuality. And everytime I cruise, that is also the first thing I tell my prospective partner.. that I am bi and that I do not plan on starting in any relationship. I think that is only fair. But everyone is diffe ent and we shouldn't impose our values on others. Let them learn and see things for themselves... only then, can we have justice...

04/13/98 06:06:34

Name: lix My Email: Email Me

Your Fav Sextivity: Love Your Fav Body Type: Romance is finding your ideal in someone who doesn't have them.

Your Nationality: Singaporean


Dear good people of this bulletin board...I must admit that initially when I stumbled into this page I was on a high, it's very easy to get horny reading these stuff, and it's easy to get excited by the fact that (maybe) these are not fictionalized accoun s, that these things are happening in our own backyard. Erotica gets much more titillating if it has whiff of possibility, truth. But when I got back to this page again, I wondered what the point in it was all about. This page had become nothing more than a cyber toilet wall on which people posted the details of their sex lives, the same ones which I used to read when I was a teenager, glimpsing the unbelievable: accounts of two men actually having sex, with accompanying onomatopoieic accompaniments like ooohs" and "aaahs" and sometimes lewd sketches. That was my first contact with gay life, and I was thankful for these invisible outrageous p--nographers who made me seem as if I was within the company of people like myself; perversity becomes normal once t is taken out of its isolation. My fantasies were being shared with other people, even charted down with permanent black marker on a cubicle door. But over the years, I have realised that these things are dangerous. Those toilet walls give you an image, one side only to the gay story. They diminish the experience of what it means to be gay to the uninitiated. They celebrate ideals such as convenient no-emotional-entanglements sex which although not exactly wrong are terribly narrow in scope. The problem with a country like Singapore, and I'm not trying to be political here, is that it's not a country suited for homosexuals. It's possible to lead a gay lifestyle here, hell, sure, with all the sudden rash of gay pubs and discos open but it's ha der to lead a gay life. And practically speaking, there are reasons for it. I mean, the country's survival relies on people procreating and having children, and if homosexuality is condoned, maybe why not also straight couples cohabiting without marriage, without rearing precious little kids? I'm looking at it from a logistical standpoint, although I know that many people will want to put down homosexuality based on their ethical beliefs. So what happens? Once an outlet is created, a little hole in the fabric, then people start to party. What I mean is that there is a sense of sudden liberation, of being able to "finally be ourselves". Take a place like Taboo. Say you're new to the gay sce e, you've heard of this place, you want to see what a real-life gay person looks like, the thought thrills you and at the back of your mind you think you might even meet someone you might be able to connect with. But you walk in, the music hits you in the face and then you realise you're being watched, observed like meat dangling from a hook. You look around and see so many beautiful men, all dolled up and beefed up, some sitting on others' laps, some touching. You get ideas, if you're not that hot-looking yourself you start feeling self-conscious, everywhere around you there's vanity and narcissism, the cults of the body. All the scent of sex and the muscles and the facials and bronzed exposed biceps. And you want to desperately belong. There's this accelerated sense of celebration and all the wrong signals being given out. Come on, we know places like Taboo are a circus. Behind each person preening and posing is probably a bundle of insecurities. Must look good, must flash my best smile is my hair in place? What is my point, eventually? Gee, I take my time, don't I? Well, my point is that i think this page needs some sense of balance. For every exhortation that goes "come on guys, let's cruise on" I'm gonna say: "For those who haven't started yet, don't crui e". For each one that goes "he had rock-hard abs and pecs of steel" I'll say: "he also had some disease that aren't as flashy as his muscles". For each: "It was the most wonderful experience of my life, I came five times," I'll say: "What was a wonderful xperience in MY life was coming out to the straight guy I had been having a crush on for two years and being able to tell him that I had loved him without expecting or dreaming of having any of it reciprocated. And he didn't flich or cringe but admired me for my honesty." This page here, for anyone of you *new* to the scene, is unreal. Unreal because sex takes up how much of our lives? It's silly to think that being gay should be diminished to just this, these ecstatic scoresheets. For those bisexuals who claim that they h ve managed to compartmentalise what is sex and what is love, I have this to ask: why do you think you are a bisexual? For me a true bisexual who is willing to come to terms with his sexuality is one who is as willing to tell a girl that he's into guys as e is to tell guys that he thinks he's going to settle down with a girl. Otherwise it's just escapism, looking for sex in easy places. Also, I acknowledge the need sometimes to post your experiences, to announce it to the world. We've seen straight people do it all the time, talking about their conquests, all their multiple trophies. Many tend to exaggerate a bit. But for those reading, ust bear in mind that you're not missing out on the action these people are having. And it's not true that all gays have such rich (???) and promiscuous sex lives. I know many gay men who'd prefer to not dilute themselves by sleeping around, who get desol te and dirty feelings when cleaning up after sex with strangers, who can't quite accomplsh the enviable feat of boxing up sex and love in separate containers. And it's not true that they are all staunchly-religious, homebody types, many are good looking a d confident people who just happen to find their kicks in life elsewhere like sports or making friends. I'll say it again. If you haven't started, don't CRUISE. It's possible to get addicted to it. Imagine the first time someone shows an interest in you, raises an eyebrow. It's a power trip. You feel wanted, prime meat. Soup of the day. And then you realise that ultimately it's your ego that's becoming over-reliant on the attention from these men. If you cruise and you don't get noticed, it's because your charms are fading. It'll become a game. You have to be constantly assured that you've got the right "tou h", the aura. It's so easy to become jaded. There's this quote that I once read: "There is a coarseness, a deadening coarseness, to the experience of most homosexuals. Their experiences are often swift, and brutal, and practically unchanging in ther natur . Their act of love is like the jabbing from a hypodermic needle that they're addicted to but which is more and more empty of real interest and surprise." I'm not here to preach. But for those who've been cruising for a long time, maybe it's time to look at why you're doing it...is it a necessity or has it just hardened into a habit? Does your self-esteem rely on it? There's so much more to being gay than The Joys of Gay Sex. Take my word on this one. There are the friends who become like family after some time, there are the people who learn to accept and love you. And I'm not writing all this because I'm flushed fro being in a gay relationship, that I am loved by someone and feel this evangelical urge to say that it's possible for everybody to pair up and have happy endings. Nope, I'm single but happy, miserable only when I equate singlehood with loneliness, and hop ful that more and more people will learn that being gay isn't about finding heaven in an orgy room.

04/13/98 00:29:43

Name: ahboi

My URL: Visit Me


absence does make the heart goes fonder. :-) i'm please as punch to see these new postings (sic) except for u-no-which-1. anyway, let's not flog a dead horse (or whatever). u can write all u want about me as long as it is not true. and chee kin, without f ar of sounding patronising, even so called above avg-looks guys have their own hang-ups too. :-) trust me on this. and big guys do have their admirers too.

04/12/98 23:17:44

Name: Williams My URL: Visit Me

My Email: Email Me Your Fav Sextivity: Oral

Your Fav Body Type: Somooth Skin Your Nationality: Chinese, Vienna


Cum and visit my website

04/12/98 16:44:27

Name: actionkid

My Email: Email Me


okay, I couldn't resist it and had to break my vow of silence..;P (jack, I admit, I was kinda miffed by your original comments, but.. wat the f***, it ain't no big deal!) Just a few comments.. Chee Kin, I have to applaud you on your courage of coming out. Not many people have the courage to do what you did and I think you deserve lots of admiration from us. Being negatively endowed is always a problem and I agree, some guys do not know what they've got, and they shouldn't be the ones complaining at all. Bu being fat or ugly does not disqualify you from being a human being. I understand the difficulty you face, as homosexuality is generally a looks-based lifestyle, driven largely by lust and sex. Love usually follows only thereafter. Of course, there are ex eptions. My point is that you should not be ashamed of what you are. There should be no reason for you to feel inferior just becoz you're fat or ugly. Hey man.. you're one of us.. and we should all be happy, feel good about ourselves and always hold our h ads up high! I can tell you frankly that I have been cruised by fat people AND ugly guys too.. and I've done IT with them... becoz, despite their exterior, they are really nice and sensitive guys, and they were good conversationalists with lots of charact r. So what if they're not the hunky sexy sporty sort? I can still appreciate them for what they are... One of them was in a daze when I actually followed him home and he was all ready to please me, wanting to let me f*** him and all. But, well, there was eally no need for all that.. I respect my partner, and if we're gonna do it, it'll be a mutual thing. Let's not feel inferior about ourselves. I think you've already climbed one of the highest mountains, Chee Kin, and if anything, you should be furthest a ay from the bottom! It's cool! BTW, ocean-blue, do we know each other? Sheesh, I'm beginning to have this vivid images of you as being my next door neighbour or sumthing!! Yeah, one last thing, thanx to those of you who've said some pretty nice things abo t my postings.. I really appreciate them.. :) And Ahboi... hey mate, I really do admire your writing style!

04/12/98 15:27:44

Name: GG My URL: Visit Me

My Email: Email Me Your Nationality: Singapore Chinese


I have been reading all the interesting cruising encounters and think that you guys are very bold. Sad to say I am still very much "closeted', and feeling very restrictive here ... Have you read of the recent news of the poly lecturer being charged for fo dling a young police man at Katong Park. It sounds scary 'cos the consequence can be devastating. There seems to be no sign of 'opening up' by the authorities ... By the way, I am sourcing for gay videos/vcd, have bought some from overseas but they are expensive and not very secure as it was sent via mail. Do you guys have any 'lo-bang' of getting it locally? Pse help by emailing me. Thanks a million!

04/12/98 14:55:51

Name: Chee Kin My Email: Email Me

Your Fav Sextivity: Oral Your Fav Body Type: Whoever that can make me go on and on...........

Your Nationality: Malaysian


My eyes turn green when I read about those cruising experiences. I've browsed through the past postings and I came across 2 particualr postings by Millo and actionkid. Millo was writing about some group of people who shouldn't go out to cruise namely, the fat, darked-skinned and ugly. Well, I who personally think I fall into at least 2 of the groups, ie fat and ugly, refrain from cruising. Partly due to the fact that there are tons of people like Millo who will be repulsed by the sight of such persons and here is a 99.99999% chance that people like me won't get cruised or won't be able to get someone. Also, the main and dominant reason to why I don't cruise is inferiority complex. I believe most people hav ethis, but I bet out of these people, the majority of them are actually above average looking. They just can't be satisfied with what their parents gave them and grumble to heaven and the Person up there that they can be better. For people like me, I know that body types are genetically determined and the e is nothing much you can do about it unless you really wotk on it and tell me how many have the time to do so. I'm in a health profession and I study alot of the human body. And yes perhaps yo are sneering at me, the fact that I'm fat and in a healthcare profession is an ironic matter. But i can tell you that I'm a very health conscious person and I watch my lifestyle. It took me a year sonce I got into my course and teh studying to submit to the fact that I'm genetically predisposed to putting on fats. Then I agree with actionkid that we are all gays and we are all human beings. So let them be what they desire and let them find their joy and happiness. afterall, we are all out to find our own happiness, aren't we?

04/12/98 14:36:59

Name: KC My URL: Visit Me

My Email: Email Me Your Fav Sextivity: Oral

Your Fav Body Type: Lean, atheletic, toned Your Nationality: Singaporean


Could anyone tell me where I can obtain gay-sex VCDs & videos. E-mail me. Thanks.

04/12/98 10:32:01

Name: Toro My URL: Visit Me

My Email: Email Me Your Fav Sextivity: Oral

Your Fav Body Type: str8 acting, muscular Your Nationality: Sin


Hi I'm a 25yo str8 acting guys looking for friends around my age.

04/12/98 07:36:14

Name: ocean-blue My Email: Email Me

Your Fav Sextivity: Oral Your Fav Body Type: Lean

Your Nationality: Singaporean


Hi guys, I have been reading this page for quite some time and have since decided to contribute my two cents' worth of words here. I recently came out to my friends lately and the response I have gotten are rather mild. BTW, in the process of doing so, one of my close friend told me that he actually had a boyfriend, which shocked me instead. Overall, I could say that I feel happier k owing that I am not alone in being gay. Now that I am OUT, I will like to meet more PLUs and anyone interested, pls mail me. I don't look as good as the new Manhunt winner but i ain't that bad either. ocean-blue@mailexcite.com P.S. To ActionKid, I have always enjoyed your postings and just to tell you, I live rather near your house !

04/12/98 04:32:30

Name: discoverkid My URL: Visit Me

Your Fav Sextivity: oral Your Fav Body Type: lean

Your Nationality: s'pore


Jack, I think you are not being fair to state that PLU do not accept negative remarks. I guess we are all mature adults and are ready to take any remarks but when one put forward a remark he needs to be careful in the way he put it. Don't be to hard on thers and yourself. We are not here to prove anything but just to exchange. Afterall, we belongs to the same group and unity we shall grow..

04/12/98 03:37:58

Name: Jim My URL: Visit Me

My Email: Email Me Your Fav Sextivity: oral, 69

Your Fav Body Type: no preference Your Nationality: Singapore


I have been cruising quite a bit for the last few years. And like share some of my experiences. I used to go to Upper Seragoon Shopping Centre 3 floor toilets to look for partners. On one cruise I happen to meet a middle age man ,we signal to each other t rough the hole on the wall of the carbicle. Been afraid to be caught in action, we went to his nearby four-room flat. When in his flat ,he showed me his great collection of p--n tapes. Most of it shows young teen in action with older man. While watching t e movie, we fondle each other through the clothing. Finally unable to stand anymore, we strip and have a session of gay sex in his bedroom. After a mutual sucking and fxxking, he want to have more....this is when he took out some sex toys....we too act ou me been tied up and rape by him...I have never shoot my load so many time in a day. We continue to have sex for the whole day till nearly midnight...it is the hotest sex I have since. This is a true experiences...and more to follow..

04/11/98 16:36:55

Name: Chee Kin My URL: Visit Me

My Email: Email Me Your Fav Sextivity: Oral

Your Fav Body Type: No particular preference, someone who can make me go on and on.......... Your Nationality: Malaysian


I think being a gay who is chubby in a society who perceives beauty as otherwise is pretty tough. My sisters (real ones) were a little sceptical when I first told them I'm gay about 1 year ago (anyway, I just turned 21. They always had this perception tha gay men are handsome and cute who have nice bodies that can make both men and women go GaGa. Well, I told them there are more to just that in the gay world. Just like every straight men, gay men can come from all classes, not restricted to the rich and h gh-class as they always perceived. I proved them really wrong. That was a great enlightenment to them as they told me. I am gay and I know that nothing is gonna change this fact and nothing is ever going to change the fact that I'm fat, not handsome (I wo 't say I'm ugly but neither am I the slightest above-averaged looking), and have blemishes on my face, unless I go for an extensive plastic surgery. I have been studying in Singapore for the past 14 years, frankly I behave, talk, act and think more lke a Singaporean than a Malaysian, added to the fact that I know negligible Malay. Singapore is my second home, and I want to settle here with someone hop fully. But I wouldn't pin a high hope for that because the moment I know I'm gay, I know gay relationships seldom last and I still hold this perspective for the past 6 years. Hopefuly, someone can prove me wrong.

04/11/98 14:56:29

Name: jack

My URL: Visit Me


Glad to know that Actionkid and Ahboi are good mates. I am surprised that my posting created such a big fuss ib Blowing Wind. This goes to show that gays do not like to hear anything negative and only positive things are to be said about gays.

04/11/98 03:37:46

Name: ahboi

My URL: Visit Me

My Email: Email Me


*sigh*. yeah, who is this Jack ? what the heck. since when has this page, become as stifled as old age. i will not pretend to know what are BW's ideals for this page. nonetheless i believe what we have here is a comfort zone for sharing, and truth be told that i'm impressed with actionkid's contributio to the character of this bulletin. Jack, here's a tip : "take the best, leave the rest" where it comes to reading postings. and without disrespect to your freedom of choice, be truthful to your proclaimed indignation; don't join us in "trading insults" here. BTW, actionkid, thanks for defending my honour. :-) as u'd know, i'm always your slut-with-a-heart. i was at CS yesterday, looking for fish to fry. No luck the whole day and was feeling kinda listless since i'd really hate to waste the day, it being gloriously sunny. when, aha, my mobile stared to 'drink, drink'. i did not recognised the tel. # displaye but answered the call anyway. guess what. i mean who. it was my ex comrade buddy whom i met at starbucks the other day. after some bullshitting, he asked if i wud like to go over to his place for a drink. i quickly said yes. when i arrived (in heat), the e was already a young man in the apt. i can smell a 3-some gig when i see one and this realisation cooled me down. i mean i'm kinda traditionally constituted when it comes to sharing my sexual self. for me it is strictly 1-2-1. and i was relieved that he was not put-off by my candid preference. in fact, we are going to meet next week for dinner, and who knows what after that. will keep u all posted. :-)

04/11/98 02:58:38

Name: discoverkid My URL: Visit Me

My Email: Email Me Your Fav Sextivity: oral

Your Fav Body Type: lean Your Nationality: s'pore


Life is tough and being gay is even more tough. We are not recognised in law and our existence is not condone. Unity will bring us closer and soften anguish. Shall we be more careful in what we say to each other and let our friendship proliferate. Peace!!!

04/11/98 02:36:32

Name: happyboy

My URL: Visit Me


For someone with a name like Yiorgos-whatever-it-is-that-sounds-like-Greek, and whose body was really quite fat, face bespectacled and with an inferiority complex, to actually turn around and turn himself into a sexy hunky charismatic singer named George icheal... well, I think it all screams GAY, don't you think? But it is nice to know that PLU can really go that far.. means got hope! Too bad about that arrest bit, though. Its the same there as it is here. Anyway, different topic now, I have read all of ctionkid's postings and found them interesting and eye-opening, though sometimes too indulgent. But he should still keep them coming. But who IS Jack?? He should not be the one to tell other people to send or not to send.

04/10/98 18:15:08

Name: nick My URL: Visit Me

My Email: Email Me Your Fav Sextivity: blow

Your Fav Body Type: young and not to beefy Your Nationality: malaysian


Hello everyone I am from Malaysia and currently working here in Singapore. Just want some tips on hot cruise places other then Raffles Place or ECP. Is the Bouna Vista MRT still cruisy? Drop me a mail anytime and I will sure to reply. BTW I am Chinese and not too bad looking.

04/10/98 16:42:55

Name: bull

My URL: Visit Me


I hope I can be in USA - the parks in Beverly Hills. Since I want to curise there with Geroge Michael. Poor guy (I mean myself cannot share a toilet with him). FYI, GM was catched in the toilet. You can check out more under the news section (entertainment in Yahoo. So keep on cruising guys! So, some days we can hear your story with your idol. Of course, be discreet........

04/10/98 15:40:53

My URL: Visit Me

Your Nationality: Malaysian Chinese


I'm yet another bystander who can no longer keep quiet after reading Jack's comment. This webpage proves extremely helpful to all PLUs as Actionkid had said there are guys out there who have just discovered their sexuality and is very new and innocent to he scene and needs to be able to adapt to the situations given and protect themselves, hence this page! I consider myself a seasoned cruiser and would not hesitate to help look out for 'danger'. And of course when someone like Wong or something(can't reme ber the name cos' it's not worth it!!) dropped the bomb on us we must all gather together to kick low lifes like her out. Enough of this 'preaching'. Cruise on friends!! Be posting my own stories very soon when I have gathered all my thoughts...;-)

04/09/98 19:27:43

Name: gEROGE

My URL: Visit Me


Geroge Micheal is gay ,surprised? Well it is no surprise if you are a fan or his like I am. His 'Older' album is dedicated to his Lover who passed away some time ago. Anyway, this is to clear some myth about America being 'gay' friendly as plain-cloth pol ce also linger in gay areas in the US to arrest gays like in singapore. I am sure the singapore police has better things to do than to send cops posing as gays to catch gays. It is gays who make a target of themself by their behaviour by having sex in par s etc. Pelple complain that is why police react the same as the Geroge Micheal case.I am a gay but some if not most gays like to potray themselfs as victims thinking cops are out to get them. For these people who see themself as victims, look at your beha ioue first.Finally i am gay.

04/09/98 16:22:45

Name: bystander My URL: Visit Me

Your Fav Sextivity: blow Your Fav Body Type: muscle

Your Nationality: sg


I am another quiet reader of this page and this is my first tkime posting. I thought last year there was not much postings here. The page only come alive after Actionkid, Millo, SinGuy, Ahboi, etc make their appearance. There are too many bystanders, like me :) , who only see but don't write in. But I enjoy reading the postings. And I find them informative too. We never talk about things like this when we cruise cos we usually have our mouth and hands full:). It is good to learn and share infor from other p ople. Those are my thinking.

04/09/98 16:07:18

Name: actionkid


hmm.. thanx jack, for the insight. juz for the record, ahboi and I are pals and we've never traded insults.. One of the reasons for this page is so that we can all help to look out for one another, and maybe, make some sense out of cruising. You'll be sur rised how ignorant some of our fellow cruisers can be, with regards to the Law and its implications. And at the same time, we also get a lot of guys who are just starting out, and they most often dun know how to start. Thus, it is not just about giving lu id details of personal experiences or vivid updates of the latest cruising hangouts. We need to create a 'safe and responsible' atmosphere for cruising... But of course, sometimes, I tend to lean a bit on the ideals. Anyway, jack, thanx for pointing out t e fact that I should be spending my time more wisely elsewhere. Maybe I can more work done that way.. Peace, man... and seeya all when I seeya!!! :P

04/09/98 13:41:04

Name: jack My URL: Visit Me

Your Fav Sextivity: the full course Your Fav Body Type: muscles

Your Nationality: sg


I have been reading the message everyday for the past year and I have noticed people like Actionkid and Ahboi has been using this space trading insults at each other. This page reads 'Post cruising tips/Personal stories'so leave your 'fight' to yourself a d spare us. Overload each other's E-mail for all i care as there are others who just want some fun and enjoyment from Blowing Wind. And dear Actionkid, while I really enjoy your stories or experiences, I do not like to be preached as I am sure readers of lowing Wind are all adults and not kids.

04/09/98 09:28:41

Name: doggy


looks like everyone's having exams...me too...hey! where r u all from ? ntu, nus, poly, jc,...we can even bump into one another without knowing who is who!! okay, rubbish...but really the way you all people write is amazing beyond belief. someone said one time that the guys here are diff. from those out there..interesting observation. but then again aren't we all *ahem* a bit animalistic out there anyway? dr. j. and mr. h. when we are here, might as well impress others with our powderful england if we have a flair for it....now i'm reminded of my exams :( thanks guys for acting so sensible and sensitive here...prove once more we are not just some dirty old/yo ng men/fellows (delete where not applicable). BTW, why do the policemen here have nothing better to do than to go catch homos at IT. i mean, yeah it's illegal, but then if you have so much free time, why not go down to the red light districts to catch the illegal practitioners? and then again, what's the point of catching one miserable guy when u know there are thousands out there anyway?????? BTW, the analogy above is just something i thought of at the moment --- nothing against anybody --- just thought t ere are a lot of things for the police to do instead of catching now and then one guy here, one guy there...just sound insensible to me.....and if the police can close one eye to the illegal practitioners, why can't they also close one eye to something th y know happen ALL THE TIME??? ..............time to study.

04/09/98 08:04:51

Name: actionkid


ooh ahboi.. your last few statements were simple, yet oh so profound, and very true! If anything, they sure make me wanna beef up my torso so that I can get a better chance of 'bumping' (n grinding??? :P ) into this highly fascinating chap.. ;) .. call it a t reat or treat.. I dun care..;P

04/09/98 03:54:53

Name: ahboi

My URL: Visit Me


my dear actionkid - it is not a rejection lah ! more like foresight wisdom. :-) i'm in no position to reject anyone, being not blessed with brawns nor brains, nor bread. nonetheless, how can u compare me with the rest of the fishes ? to think i thot u 'hu ' me for being me. hahah. and no, no hunks for me either; i merely like them plumpish. i tend to go soft (in the head) and hard (@ that place) whenever i set my eyes upon the 'exec' type - u know, white shirt, necktie, with their full body pressing at the fabric. yum yum. don't ask why, ok ? i mean that's the way i'm constitute. and on the note of promiscuity - of cos' we are, promiscuous i.e. then again, "easy" is not quite the same as "cheap", no mattter what they say! it is ultimately a matter of perspe tive. labels are oh so meaningless when triggered by shallow judgment. its always good to have love and sex; just as it can be as good to have love or sex. the fore is an ideal, the latter, a deal. both works if taken with a pinch of sensibility. :-)

04/09/98 03:50:29

Name: actionkid

My Email: Email Me

Your Nationality: Singaporean


Just another note.. it is not easy for PLUs to win a case under the circumstances. It is doubtlessly an invasion of rights, but under the Penal Code, Section 377A, cruising (soliciting by a male, to another male for sexual gratification) IS a criminal off nce and warrants a jail term of up to two years. It is written in Black and White. So, be careful, mates!

04/09/98 03:38:59

Name: actionkid

My Email: Email Me

Your Nationality: Singaporean


Thanx for the info, obs.. I think we should stop going to KP in the late evenings or night. The entrapment exercises are most active during that time. Same goes for the ECP/Fort Road area. It is better to go in broad daylight, and do your 'stuff' elsewher , somewhere remote or private. It is not difficult to tell if a person is an undercover cop. He may be good looking and young. But you can tell that he is, most of the time, half hearted in cruising. He may smile, but he will not participate in the action Before you touch anyone (if you manage to get into a cubicle, that is..) wait a minute or two and observe his body language. If he is totally indifferent, and fidgeting, with no interest whatsoever to make the first move, then you might as well get out o the cubicle and go elsewhere. If he led you into a cubicle first, be cautious before you step in. Make sure that he looks behind and gives you a signal to go in with him, maybe with a smile or a beckoning jerk with the head. Be very very careful. Two yea s in jail is not worth it. Anyway, for all those guys who are studying hard for the exams, ALL THE BEST, MAN!! Hope you guys score well and get through with flying colours! As for me, been there, done that.. and I have to say that varsity life is perhaps he best time of your life. Just dun waste it.. :)

04/09/98 03:12:34

Name: observer

Your Nationality: Singaporean


Hi, guys, once again, the daily Chinese evening tabloid LianHeWanBao reported an article on PLU. This time, a 46yo ITE officer, married with an undergraduate daughter, is charged for performing indecent act in the public. As reported, the medium-sixed, sh rt-haired officer signalled to a young Malay man at Katong Park, and they both headed towards the toilet. Once, inside the locked cubicle, blah blah blah..., and the guy remained motionless. He then asked him to dress up and went out. The officer, not kno ing what was going to happen, followed him. Once outside, the 21yo man identified himself as a plain-clothed police and his other nearby colleagues now appeared and arrested the presumably shocked officer. And this poor officer landed himself not in a thr lling cruising experience but a probable max. period of 2-yr experience as a jailbird! Interestingly, though, as reported in the article, when the witness(the police) was asked in court by the lawyer as to why he did not identify himself on the spot in the toilet, he was being "considerate" enough to say that there were others in the toilet then and by exposing his own identity, he wondered what others might do to him!!! OK, i just hopede that all u PLU out there, pls, as what actionkid and others have once stressed, be more careful and discreet. Turn on the gaydar to maximum volume, and distinguish invitations from traps! BTW, i need to thank BW for setting up this page, for reasons which i need not repeat again, and one more, it is a good relaxing tool for me especially when my exam is round the corner with the first paper on 20th Apr!!! Ciao!

04/09/98 02:21:01

Name: actionkid

My Email: Email Me

Your Nationality: Singaporean


oh man, ahboi... was that a rejection flung into my face?? Oh man.. how am I gonna keep on living??? Its been a long time since I got any rejection from anyone.. :( Sigh... But then again, aiyah.. but got many fish in sea.. throw net, sure catch hundreds. } Yep... you're right, I'm very boyboy looking.. easily pass of as 19yo, even though I'm 25 awready. And I'm the lean twinky athletic sort.. not your cup-o-tea, coz I figure you prefer the hunky beefed up sort.. ;) It's in the eye of the beholder, man.. fr e world! For the rest of you readers... yep, you guys are right, we dun have anythng else better to do but send numerous postings to this page. But for those who have been so supportive, well, its flattering to think that you guys find this page to be a s rt of intellectual feed. For me, it serves as a great source of outlet... to express, and share my experiences. And maybe flirt or throw a lil bit of light here and there. I used to be an incessant cruiser, allowing myself to get picked up in cars, go toi et hopping, visit the parks and have an outdoor extravaganza, etc. But nowadays, after all the HIV scare and a few tests (negative..;P), I've been more responsible and mellowed. Nowadays, my cruising is mostly incidental, and safe. Hehehe.. I can't exactl agree with the statement that 'man is naturally promiscuous', but I think there is some truth in it. We are driven by our lust for sexual gratification and powered by an inflated ego, which exudes a machismo that yearns to prove our invincibility. It doe seem like a manly thing to do, doncha think?.. :) But like all machinery, there will come a time when we'll hit the end of our lifespan, and that is when we realise that we do need something more concrete and permanent in our lives. And that is also when he much dreaded 'commitment' comes to play.. When the time comes, we'll know, and we'll all be hoping that it is not too late...

04/08/98 14:27:22

Name: xmas My URL: Visit Me

My Email: Email Me Your Fav Sextivity: Kissing,hugging and romance

Your Fav Body Type: Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder Your Nationality: Singaporean


I must agree that this is definitely an intellectual bulletin board. Well, to actually find someone whom you favour and wishing to maintain a long relationship is extremely difficult. Furthermore, the possibility of sercuring a blissful relationship is mu h more enduring and insignificance. Well, hopefully most of us will be able to fulfil that and look beyong the tangible aspects of life to understand the true meanings of it. Well, I'm currently studying right now and examinations is just round the corner. Hopeing to keep in touch with all of you. Bye. Take Care.

04/08/98 12:55:07

Name: Adrian My Email: Email Me

Your Fav Sextivity: Oral,kissing,... Your Fav Body Type: Not that important but someone who makes my heart beat faster even though he might not have the looks ...

Your Nationality: Singaporean


I have been faithfully following the postings on the bulletin board and I must say that it struck me that those who have posted a thousand and one cruising experiences are not all exactly sluts nor are they totally sinless.They are just humans. I myself h ve the incredible urges to cruise ,sometimes due to the workings of the hormones and the fact that I am on ORD mood, and have restrained myself most of the times. But there are times I have let myself go but afterwards I felt guilt. Why? I dunno.However r cently I have been reflecting on this and have come to the conclusion that it is the man's instinct to be promiscuous and to be more easily aroused. It can't be helped but neither should we condone it but an occasional quickie to relief some tension is fi e. I do agree with some of you out there that its better to find that special someone to settle down but lets be more realistic in chosing our life partners.Its not impossible to have a spouse who is both gorgeous and intelligent but its not easy to hold im down.Hence, looks doesn't really matter as much as his sense of fidelity and love for you. Of course, he must be basically pleasant looking and doesn't make me have nightmares when I dream of him. So, bottom line is - relationship can work out, its jus that we have to stop holding out for our Prince charming when there might not be one , and we should be contented with the best that the situation can give us.

04/08/98 09:54:02

Name: ahboi

My URL: Visit Me


aiyah, actionkid ah. your "action" is treat or threat ? ser-car-lee become NATO (no-action-tok-only) den u know ah. and of all the pee-ple, how can ask about age ? very the sensitive one ! hahhaha. seriously, i'm older than u (if u are 25 and below) and g od heavens NO, i do not hang around toilets ! and i don't usually wear black for day. just that i'm invited to a new disco's opening tonite. *winK*. Separately, my gut feel tells me that, u and i are much better off being cyber-pals. why ? well, for one, can't rollerblade to save my life ! and without fear of being labelled shallow, i tend to favour torso on the heavier side of the weighing scale. and i know u must be lean & mean. so.... :-)

04/08/98 07:21:41

Name: actionkid

Your Nationality: singaporean


hey ahboi.. you fascinate me.. your English is way too powderful and its beginning to turn me on, in a spine-tingling, hyper-erotic sorta way..;P So, man.. you hang out at the Orchard Road toilets wearing black, eh? Hmm... I might just decide to check the out one of these days..;P BTW, how old are ya? I'm getting neurotically curious... ;) watch it, bud.. actionkid may just decide to fling some ACTION at ya!!

04/08/98 05:19:29

Name: ahboi

My URL: Visit Me

My Email: Email Me


wearing black must have its 'c'mon' connotation; i was just being 'eyed' at the Wisma Atria loo on the 2nd level. while standing at the urinal to answer nature's call, in came a student (in his uniform) who inspite of a deserted loo, chose to stand at the urinal next to one i was using, and thereafter proceed to stare at my dick taking a leak. i mean no eye contact, no smile, nothing. i could have 'ahem' him out of his preoccupation, but my dick gave me away by attaining tumescence. yeah, a cheap exhibitio ist, u can say. shortly, he took out his dick and started to pull on it. what a prick (for his age)! i remained 'cool' (altho' by now i had stopped peeing) and let him go on gazing at my hardon. i was tempted to wank along but instinct told me to refrain. his beating picked up speed and not too long, he sighed and shrugged and i can tell that he was coming. i stole a glance and saw him shoot his jism high into the urinal. quite a shot, really. with this, i quickly zipped up and left him there. yep, i was c ntented with being merely a voyuer; this time. asides, i can't be soiling my dashing black outfit, can i ? :-) but more so, i was happy to be of service to a young thing as such.

04/08/98 02:06:31

Name: actionkid

My Email: Email Me

Your Nationality: Singaporean


hey euphorik.. things aren't that down. As ahboi said, the right guy will come along when the time is ready. I am sceptical based on my own experience and my choice. I doubt I'll turn completely gay and will prolly end up married to a girl, and hoping tha I needn't lose my sexuality. But that is the person that I am. I know for a fact that its easier for me to fall in love with a girl than a guy. 'Sexual craving' and physical/emotional love' are the two dividing lines for me, when it comes to men and wome . Aaanyway, before this spurs any more discussions/arguments, I think that guys who are comfortable with their sexuality should not be afraid to pursue their love. Do not be afraid to let the guy you care about know that you actually care for him. There i really nothing worse than a missed opportunity. But, in a homosexual community, we'll have to learn to put up our own defence mechanism and prepared for the worst, coz everything here is a bumpy road. If things doesn't go right, be prepared to move on. T is applies to cruising, I guess. There will be a chance of meeting the right man through cruising. I know a pal who met his partner on the MRT... he got cruised, and they've been together for over 4 years now. And I know a few who actually met at the ECP. Of course, its been a bumpy ride coz there's a certain sacrifice involved in any relationship. But I'm sure things can be worked out. About your enquiry into a gay cafe... I think someone is already looking into the matter. For those who are out in the sc ne, you'd prolly know about the Asian Men's Club (AMC). Their clubhouse is nearly ready and should be opening soon. Maybe that might serve as a new hangout.. though I sure hope it doesn't turn out like another poser-place. BTW, someone gave them my numbe and they actually called me up and asked me to sign up as a member, for free. Sheesh.. I'm a f***ing closet case! I can't do it, man!

04/07/98 23:49:34

Name: ahboi

My URL: Visit Me

My Email: Email Me


dear euphorik - sometimes the best things come out of the blue. who knows, u may meet your man when (and possibly) where u least expected. then again, it can simply be a relationship that progressed from cruiseship to courtship. i know many couples who ha first met at bars and pick-up joints. i hope i do not come across as condescending. and like u, i've just came out of a relationship and is out hunting (not so much to satisfy my hunger) but to seek the thrill of the kill. kinda like hey, i've still got t, man. ! i don't think i will want to jump straight (sic) into another relationship. at least not yet. and will i fall in "love" again ? sure i will ! but 'he' will have to arrive on his own time and accord. BTW, speaking of cafe, i was at starbucks yest r-noon and guess what, met a "long time no see" ex-comrade and we were catching up on old times, when he dropped the bombshell that he's now divorced and in search of love from boys ! can u beat that. i mean this guy is hunky and st8 looking, and can be c nsidered a good 'catch'. we agreed to meet next week. *winK*. and i was merely thinking of getting my latte to start with .....:-)

04/07/98 18:10:04

Name: Alex Woo My URL: Visit Me

My Email: Email Me Your Fav Sextivity: everything!

Your Fav Body Type: tall & hunky Your Nationality: Singaporean


Hi! Looking for some serious threesome or more! Do visit me or contact if you are keen about it!

04/07/98 07:46:27

Name: euphorik My URL: Visit Me

My Email: Email Me Your Nationality: Singaporean


I used to cruise before, durign the period I was in self-denial and only wanted instant gratification. But it always left me with an empty feeling. That it was like eating a meal, satisfying for the moment and able to stave off hunger for some time, but y u know it will come back again. I do not think that there is a "right" lifestyle for everyone and each and everyone of us must choose our paths in life. What may be the only choice to someone, may not be an option to another. I have been tempted to cruise again, now in my sad state after breaking up from a 8 month relationship. Yeah, I can hear a lot of people going "only 8 months, nothing much" and "someone else will come along", but I wonder how. In this repressive society w live in, I wonder how I can meet the one I seek. In places like Taboo, everyone is into themselves, and there is not much of an opportunity to talk, converse and get to know anyone. I guess there is a void and we all need a place for that. Maybe it's time for a cafe for people like us?

04/06/98 01:57:27

Name: actionkid

My Email: Email Me

Your Nationality: Singaporean


heya heya ahboi! Yep.. I agree with you totally about that cruising bit. I cruised becoz I enjoy the anonymity, the risks, the immediate pleasure and the satisfaction of accomplishment. But even within the short time, it is most often easy to tell a perso 's quick character, from the body language, facial expressions, etc. I do not like guys who act snobbish or think they're waaay too good looking for others. I prefer the sort who are more approachable, a lil bit shy and not afraid to chat. There's no need to go deep into character at all. Just skim the surface will do. You can never know what sort of weirdos hang around at such places.. Also, I do not get smitten easily. I guess it was a moment of weakness for me, two weeks ago. Anyway, I dun think we shou d get too hung up over the guys we cruise.. unless the feeling is totally mutual. Love is a funny thing.. it can be extreme pleasure, but when it cracks up, the hurt can be tremendous. Love only when you are sure it is true and sincere. I guess I'm still ceptical about finding love whilst cruising... A friend of mine told me that he would truly like to settle down with a guy soon. But finding the right guy is a daunting task. Places like Taboo, Dancers, etc are only good for hanging out and getting picked up. But the guys there can be rather aloof and it is not as easy to meet and get to know someone there. Thus, he turned to cruising. Well... I do not think it is any better.. but he is right in that, where else can we meet up with PLUs, esp if you are not the party drinker sort of guy? I think that is quite a sad fact. PLUs most often meet on the premise of sex first, instead of friendship. How long can a relationship based on that last? Oh well... cruising IS a vice.. but it is a vice that serves its func ion well, as long as it is within control. I dunno.. those are my thoughts. We're living in a tough world, man!

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  • 2 months later...

04/06/98 00:00:52

Name: ahboi

My URL: Visit Me

Your Nationality: sin


wow. i'm AFK for a day and already these postings spurred by concupiscence ! i'm saddened by bruce's decision to 'retire' as he came across as fit as a fiddle; both of body and mind :-) and my dearest actionkid, since the twain had ne'er the met, hahah, i can in no way judge u. i don't. or at least i'd try not to. nonetheless, i do have an impression of u (by way of your accounts) and u are definitely one of the more sober-cum-sexual person on this bulletin. and to add on to your comment, cruising is not m rely sucking dick (speaking of which did u notice almost all here had indicated oral as a fav activity *winK*). it is accomplishing what one sets out to do that gives the kick. treading the edge doing it gives the high. as such, the prize (target) have to be worth the attempt. and given the time constraints to make a kill, there is really very little time to checkout traits like personality, etc. anyway, i think u know what i mean. well, if anything but, i like the way your mind works. and hey, i'm very gl d to hear that u are still in contact with your ECP rollerblader. u sounded so smitten the last time ! and this is a reply to those of u who had emailed me : CP is acronym for CentrePoint. ciao.

04/05/98 12:38:29

Name: actionkid

My Email: Email Me

Your Nationality: Singaporean


I'm a SLUT!??! Hahaha. To be frank, I am no longer bothered by labels and if I portray myself as a slut, so be it. Anyway, no harm was done and there's really nothing to feel sorry about. Yeah.. I agree that we should always look out for our own kind. It' a tough world and everyone can use a lil bit of help. I think that was also one of the reasons why BW had this page in the first place.. as a feedback and advice outlet. And the machinery has turned amazingly well so far. No worries, no pain, no need to eel sorry.. so let's just move on. Anyway, I was over at ECP today.. juz thought I'd risk the weather and go for a quick tan anyway. And well, the weather was great actually! As I made my way to the beach, there was another guy who walked in with his blad s.. well-built and quite scrumptious looking. But he was playing kinda hard to get.. you know.. expecting me to chase him like a slobbering slut. But, naaah... I had other things planned. So I gave him the miss. Incidentally, there was also another guy.. stocky, slightly chubby chap, who was definitely pursuing him too (and he looked as though he was slobbering like a dog!!). Hehehe.. well, it was either him or me. And I decided to give him the miss. So that hunky chap ended up being tailed by the lusty tocky guy all the way to the beach, and beyond I'm sure.. :P I dunno if anything happened... no matter.. coz for me, the fun was just about to start. As I walked to my usual space, I passed by a guy who was only clad in a G-string.. or rather, with his str ng just draped over his cock. And sitting right at his feet, was a youngish chap.. late teens and he was prolly fiddling around with the chap's hard cock.. only to pull it back when he heard me coming. But I saw him.. ;) .. and I walked past them, and let t em have their fun. I laid out my mat at my usual place and started to apply my oil, took out a magazine and listened to my discman as I lay in the sun. Then I heard some guys coming... first, there was one.. then two.. then another guy came along. Man! Wh re do these people come from!!?? And I seemed to be the most naked amongst them.. which leaves me in a rather precarious position!! I could sense that they were all horny... (one of em had already unzipped his pants.. while the other two had gotten togeth r and were french kissing right in front of me.) I felt as though I was watchng a live performance. Anyway, the solo guy tried to come nearer to me and he placed his hands on my dick. The other two were trying to get me to join them behind some trees. she sh.. decisions decisions! But guess what happened? Hehehe... a pal of mine came by.. the sexy guy I met two weeks ago, and still in contact even now, walked by. At first, he was shocked to see so many people (btw, they all scrambled for their clothes when they saw him, and tried to look as though nothing happened). Hehehe... he thought of leaving me alone, but I told him to stay and sit next to me. I guess the rest of the guys were disappointed and they left, thinking that the two of us were an item. Oh we l... it was a good show and I enjoyed it.. though I wasn't in the mood for it then.. (Hehehe.. but things sure happened much later, for me!.... :P ~~.) Well.. that's the ECP for ya.. on a typical weekend. It's prolly best if you go in the late mornings, whe it is less crowded. Then you can have your own fling without having people intrude. Oh, btw, one more thing.. ahboi.. I am not exactly a lookist kinda chap. Yeah.. I admit, at the first glance, looks do matter to me, but ultimately, I'd prefer a guy who s not afraid to chat me up and talk to me. I prefer a guy with character rather than pure lust or good looks. Cruising is extremely shallow if you do not acknowledge one another.. or if you treat one another as being nothing more than a dick to suck.

04/05/98 06:23:37

Name: bystander

My Email: Email Me

Your Nationality: Singaporean!


I have been reading all your posting as a bystander for quite some time now and have been really amazed by the postings, but have only decided to write today coz I'm really impressed by the concern shown to Bruce. (esp by actionkid) Really impressed. show me that you guys have a heart and real concern unlike many out there in the world. Keep up the good postings! Guys have to stand up for each other. Regards......

04/05/98 05:47:02

Name: Docloc My URL: Visit Me

My Email: Email Me Your Fav Sextivity: Anything Goes

Your Fav Body Type: Cute and Young Your Nationality: Australian


Hi Aussie guy visiting for a while and looking for some local info. I'm Blonde, Blue, short hair, I like to gym and swim. Any info on where to go, what to do, and who to meet would be appreciated.

04/05/98 05:28:33

Name: Reader

My URL: Visit Me


I've just been reading all these for like a months and I definitely do not know the history. I always thought that actionkid is such a slut but I must apologise. I am very wrong. You can be so sensible too... SORRY!

04/04/98 20:06:29

Name: Bruce Tang

My Email: Email Me


Appreciate all the msgs from everyone concerned about my welfare...u know how sometimes, like wen u're driving, and doing reverse parking into a lot? u keep such a close look at ur side mirrors and only realise suddenly how close the tree behind u is only wen u finally look over ur shoulder? U're right, have over-exposed myself to my own detriment, was too absorbed in my circumstance...i realise the wisdom of ur words not to assume all intentions from those who read my msgs may be for the good...will refra n from using my real identity from now, but since i believe that such a situation will never completely put me at ease..afterall, something not done well is better not done at all... am retiring from now on...and as u also know, i'm scheduled to go overse s, and only jus managed to file this mere hours before my flight later today....Cheers

04/04/98 16:07:38

Name: Copral My URL: Visit Me

Your Fav Sextivity: sex Your Fav Body Type: hunky uniformed man

Your Nationality: sin


Oh! I would love to have Officer Bruce Tang to cammand me to do what he wants with me. I would want him to wear his full Air-force uniform when i am down on my knees, and first sucking him through his tight blue uniform pants, let my mouth trace the outli e of his manhood and tasting the soft blue material of his uniform. i will unzip his pants and suck his officer cock with his uniform on untill he explodes a ton of cum. As an officer needs to be served because he is an officer. Have any guys had any inte esting experience with any Uniformed men? please let us know all the cummy details.

04/04/98 14:19:07

Name: actionkid

Your Nationality: Singaporean


Bruce... I dun mean to be too critical but I feel kinda uncertain about your intentions. I mean... it does not feel right that you should be publicising your real identity, esp considering the sensitive nature of your job. I can only hope that you're not rying to spite someone else. Or that you're just trying to put on an alter ego. Whatever the case, I hope noone is going to get hurt or inconvenienced unnecessarily. It's really none of my business... but it does feel kinda awkward. Aaaaanyway.. about tha women issue. Most girls are usually too shy to admit that they DO enjoy sex and they always play hard to get. But I think if you know how to play their game.. ie, be subtle, sensitive, slow and show concern for THEIR needs, I'm sure they will succumb. Th trick is to prolong the foreplay.. if possible, get them to orgaz first... over and over again, if you want.. and only then will they get totally horny and beg you to do IT to them. Heheh... those are just my two penny worth..;P Two YEARS!!.. Man.. you m st be getting frustrated by now!!

04/04/98 11:36:35

Name: ynggam My Email: Email Me

Your Fav Sextivity: Oral Your Fav Body Type: Muscular

Your Nationality: Singaporean


hi i am new to this and would like some pointers on how to actually pick up guys.. any sign like badges to look for? my first "encounter" was on the 29th of march 1998 at singa inn [very unlikely right?] well i ws gonna have dinner there wth my family, but having reached there half an hour early i just liotered around the arcade machines wanting to waste some time on them. Just as i was about to start myself on a game i say these two muscled guys walking op-less ,with just a pair of skimpy black shorts, into the toilet presumably to shower. the taller guy was gorgeous and had a nicely formed bod.. with a bulging tricep and pecs which really turned me on. I waited awhile hoping to be able to catch them str pping bare. i walked in pretending to wash my hands as the taller guy started stripping down to reveal a nice flaccid dick. i lingered on shooting occasional stares at his groin. after awhile i felt like he was watching me and left... i went out and seated my self. thinking of the guy's cock, havign a intense urge to suck it.. i wanted to get his underwear or sumpthing so i could just smell him and taste it so i entered the toilet again... and there he was facing the mirror stark naked in the shower with the surtain wide open.. i washed my hand again but i must have been washing them for so long that he took notice... he reached for his groin and massaged it, his cock hardening with each grope.. i looked up and he turned around to show ff his rounded butt... i thought he was just turning away at that time and that he noticed me and was abotu to leave when he turned around and looked at me stroking his cock looking at me with his seductive eyes. i stood there staring at this muscular stu jacking off for me. he turned 90 degrees to his left and showed off the lenghth of his hardon.. he turned to face me once againm his right hand stroking his cock with such a nice rhythm s his left hand started pinching his left nipple. i was nervous but athered anough courage to approach him, but alas he declined signing that he was with another guy at that time and that it wouldn't be nice.. i left disappointed.. if you are the guy or you are a muscular guy who would like to have a good time with a young gam please e-mail me with yoru stats and contct info once again i would like to know anyone out there who would be able to "teach" me how to cruise.

04/04/98 09:58:31

Name: William

My URL: Visit Me

My Email: Email Me


will be travelling to KL and Bangkok in April. need a local friend. Any guy out there?

04/04/98 06:47:12

Name: Bruce Tang

My Email: Email Me


And i'm not gonna beg, a man's got his pride, u know! Bruce Tan Jun Wei

04/04/98 06:26:49

Name: Bruce Tang

My Email: Email Me


Man, am i frustrated! Married two years already, and she still wont do any of the fun stuff ... u know, the unconventional kind, and only allows me to do that sole, boring conventional method...is once every night after a hard day's work too much, i ask u jus last night, she said she had a hard day at work, and i had to once again 'solve' myself during in the bathroom...Must be repressed from all that prim and prissy upbringing from her parents...so they live on prime landed property, and i can only offer her an executive HDB...sometimes, i wish i could give orders at home like in camp, wen everythings done according to my command, and i'm above questioning (except from the CO, of course)...wat's a man to do, i ask u? its enough to make me want to rebel... at least, i'm glad to be attached out on an overseas exercise and leaving early tomorrow morning...man!

04/04/98 03:00:09

Name: ahboi

My URL: Visit Me

My Email: Email Me


was feeling kinda restless yesterday. dunno why, but u know one of "those days" kinda feeling. went down to RP right after work (usually 8-nish, by the way). yep, was looking for something (or someone) to chew on. and i must say that my spirits was much ' ifted' when i sauntered into the end of circular road. 3 white collar execs was hanging around holding a conversation, with hands in their trousers pockets, presumably to heighten their manhood or something like that, i guess. however, it soon occured to e that whilst talking, their eyes are not on each other (how impolite) but conspicuously roaming and scrutinising the surrounding. i was quite drawn to the one with short crop hair and stocky in build, wearing a white shirt and dark coloured pants. and th fantasy of him standing there in the buff (except for the necktie), yakking away, with his hands gently placed at his groin, gave me a "ahem" boner. i think i literally stood there and gawked at him, while nursing my fantasy cos' i soon realised that the 3 guys were all staring at me. u know, the "wassup" look ! i was red and devastated with embarrassment.sic. must be losing my touch to be caught off guard like that. i imm. turned and walked away, looking for a dark corner to kick myself. and yep, nothing came out of that encounter. sigh. but the stocky guy was so cute. oh well. u win some, u lose some. c'est la vie.

04/04/98 00:32:26

Name: Daniel

My URL: Visit Me


Josh - Glad that you know your mistake and promise not to do it again, good boy. Actionkid - happy to see you in full action again. and Singuy - Oh no, won't be cruising for next few week? got pregnant and going for a abortion? hehehe. *I have been away for sometime and just return to update what I have missed. will tell you guys my stories in my trip.

04/03/98 00:40:45

Name: josh

My URL: Visit Me

My Email: Email Me


Been very inconsiderate! Realize my mistake! Sorry to everyone! Won't do it again!

04/02/98 16:25:05

My URL: Visit Me


04/02/98 10:29:43

Name: Adrian My Email: Email Me

Your Fav Sextivity: Oral Your Fav Body Type: Stout, slightly defined

Your Nationality: Singaporean


Hello,been following all your sexual exploits for some time now and was quite excited by the prospect of being in such conditions myself, but I personally do not cruise as often as the slut in me wanted to. I am more intended in making sincere friendship nd if things goes right, even a LTR. I am 21, 1.77m, 75kg. Not really hunky as I still have the bulges here and there but have worked hard enough , I suppose , on the rest of myself. I am of a pleasant disposition and looks. If you thin you might wanna be friend. Just E/mail me and we will let things go from there.

04/02/98 09:27:33

Name: actionkid

Your Nationality: Singaporean


man... I DEFINITELY wouldn't want anyone to list down my company name, job status etc on a page like this one! (For those who know me, you guys would know why...)We're all closet cases here.. no matter how we look at it. And it wouldn't be good if anythin like this leak out.. coz we do not need any more prejudices than what already exist. But never mind.. when the mind is clouded by lust and desire, a lot of things get overlooked. I dun think Josh really planned to pecah lobang for his object-of-lust, rig t? Just dun do it again..;P As for the thing about uniformed men... heheh... I agree totally!!!! (wink! wink!)

04/02/98 08:32:16

Name: ahboi

My URL: Visit Me

My Email: Email Me


oh mi'gosh josh, what a disservice u have done to your dream boat. com'on, u think this page is only read by plu ? have u not hear of may wong ? and do send me your pix so dat i'll know who to run away from if our paths ever crossed.

04/02/98 07:46:12

My URL: Visit Me


C'mon Josh, its understandable if you mmet a cute guy and want to see him again, but don't you realize that you are making things embarassing for him ? Please be more discreet in mentioning company names, addresses and other information which might make e pose someone - here and also on other pages.

04/02/98 06:16:19

Name: Dan My URL: Visit Me

Your Fav Sextivity: Military/Uniformed man Your Fav Body Type: Tough and muscled

Your Nationality: Sin


Bruse Tan Jun Wei, what a sexy name, an AIR FORCE OFFICER, already made me hard, 28y/o , 1.77m and broad shouldered, I think I am in love. Will this lovely Man of a man please post more messages or leave your contact so we can be contacted. Besides I woul like to see Bruse in his Air Force uniform. By the way, don't all of you find man in uniform especially sexy, as the uniform really shows of the body and the pants worn by them really shows off their butts and their cocks really bulges out of their fitte uniform pants? comments please

04/02/98 03:23:12

Name: Josh My URL: Visit Me

My Email: Email Me Your Nationality: Sin


Hi everyone, I need some help. I met this cute guy in Taboo a few Saturdays ago. He was very cute in fact and with a good body. I think he work out a lot. We chatted a while and with all that excitement, I forgot to ask him his name and number. The o ly thing that I remember of him is that he works in *** deleted by BW, -- Josh, please be more considerate ***. I waited for him there a few times, after work, but did not see him there. Quite disappointed. I hope he can see this message and e-mail me or any one who works in *** *** please help me out. Everything will be kept confidential. Thanks!!!!

04/01/98 12:15:30

My URL: Visit Me


04/01/98 00:51:22

My URL: Visit Me


03/31/98 17:24:39

Name: Bruce Tang

My Email: Email Me

Your Nationality: Singaporean, and proud of it!


Hi, Bruce here! A 28-year-old air force officer, 1.77m, broad-shouldered. Life is for living, and we always need to stop and appreciate the things that we take for granted, right? Things like the scent of grass after a rain, cool, quiet chats by the sea, and an ice-cold coke after a fiery-hot bowl of laksa. Speaking of which, the canteen near the officers' mess serves rather good laksa, and v good mee-siam too! So who says camp canteen food is teruk? Just thot you'll like to know, ho ho! Cheers! :) Bruce Tang Jun Wei

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