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Have to say the pinkdot afterparty was FANTABULOUS! Met a ton of really nice people and I had a whale of a time.

Special thanks to keve for taking care of us newbies, the host for the wonderful service, dandriel for the piano pieces, brendy for the fun mahjong session and hehe... so many others!! It was a total blast! Was just thinking of the things that happened that entire night while bathing haha.. THANKS SO MUCH <3

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Have to say the pinkdot afterparty was FANTABULOUS! Met a ton of really nice people and I had a whale of a time.

Special thanks to keve for taking care of us newbies, the host for the wonderful service, dandriel for the piano pieces, brendy for the fun mahjong session and hehe... so many others!! It was a total blast! Was just thinking of the things that happened that entire night while bathing haha.. THANKS SO MUCH <3

Haha. Glad that i came along in the end :) Was great and all although i puked 2x in the end :x

Enjoyed my time and knew alot of new people, so yeah. Thanks for the great time, and hope for sth again soon (:

So just be  free , just be yourself. Nobody can be  the way you are.

Not ready for another relationship. Just live life and be happy.

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HAHAH! Thanks yeahh. But Identify yourself somehow :x i am confused who is who

Haha, i puked 2x and was dying. So yeah, can roughly guess who le :)

So just be  free , just be yourself. Nobody can be  the way you are.

Not ready for another relationship. Just live life and be happy.

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Will there be another outing??

Not so sure, I think probably after the exams period

Haha, i puked 2x and was dying. So yeah, can roughly guess who le :)

Still not sure

"Well, I didn't know it would come to this but that's what happens when you're on your own."

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Haha. Walan messy. Dont scare ppl like -.-
I'm like a nice only. :D
Hello! 1990 baby here. XD
Hihi yay another 90s~ :D
1990s are the oldest here~ :yuk:
Slap your babi face~~ *Officially warring Justina*

How to seek revenge 101: Know him. Befriend him. Make him trust you wholeheartedly. Destroy him. Utterly.

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Huh?! You puke twice? Hhaha. I didnt know about that. I only knew u left early.

Hahaha Yeah!

Too much shots le la! But really shiok aft puking :P

So just be  free , just be yourself. Nobody can be  the way you are.

Not ready for another relationship. Just live life and be happy.

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Hahaha. Bo jio! Hah. I just gone for awhile and so many things happened uh

Hahaha! Where got awhile siah!! Was playing card and stuff ma (:

So just be  free , just be yourself. Nobody can be  the way you are.

Not ready for another relationship. Just live life and be happy.

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I was looking for you and bryan said you and keith went home already!

Haha. How come looking for me?? :)

We 2 cmi le ma. Plus really needed to go home :x

So just be  free , just be yourself. Nobody can be  the way you are.

Not ready for another relationship. Just live life and be happy.

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Have to say the pinkdot afterparty was FANTABULOUS! Met a ton of really nice people and I had a whale of a time.

Special thanks to keve for taking care of us newbies, the host for the wonderful service, dandriel for the piano pieces, brendy for the fun mahjong session and hehe... so many others!! It was a total blast! Was just thinking of the things that happened that entire night while bathing haha.. THANKS SO MUCH <3

HAH? who is brendy? erm humph :yuk:

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