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Hi all,

Anyone here is a couchsurfing member? Personally I find the site is kinda useful to explore the unknown places when travelling.

I myself is an avid backpacker and have used couchsurfing to almost all my travels and I myself have host some travellers in Singapore as well.

How it works:

1) Search or Find a host (to the country you are going to)

2) Contact them and request that you can have their couch or stay with them when you are at their country

3) If they (the host) are available and if their house/couch is available, you can stay with them.

The experience of living in someone's home in the country you are visiting is awesome! Some of the countries which I have couchsurf is Thailand, Philippines, South Korea, Beijing, Hong kong and Japan. Yes, although they might not be fluent in English, I believe you can understand pretty well.

There are also gay groups in couchsurfing. It's for gays to host or surfed.

Not only you can save money on the hotel accomodation, you can make friends and experience their life. If you are lucky enough, some of them might bring you around to touristy places. Of course I am not so cheapo lah. Those money I saved on hotel accomodation, I treat my hosts to a good dinner and pay for their petrol if they bring me around. Sometimes I also buy gorcery and the host will prepare a good local meal for us.

In Singapore, I have hosted few tourist from Germany, US, Taiwan, Indonesia and South Korea (the one who have hosted me before). They are good lads and normally I bring them to have a drink or dinner after my work and teach them a thing or 2 on our culture.

So, anyone have experience before, share with us.

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Have you surfed yet? Or only hosted?


Yes I have surfed and hosted. So far I have surfed to couchsurfers home about 10-12 times. Like in Korea, I have surfed in 3 different homes but at different cities. One of them brought me to his parents place where I can really know what is it like to stay in a rural area..the traditional korean home. Yes, I helped his family to do some farming as well. I just loved these experiences.

Well, I stayed bymyself and of course it is a bit convinient to host travellers and stay at my place. If I am not working OT, I will meet them somewhere and bring them to my parents place to eat some home cooked meal (yes, I can't really cook!..hhehehe).. After all that, I will bring them to some pubs at Holland Village to chill out and getting to know more about them. During daytime while I work, they wander by themselves to chinatown, little india, esplanade ect ect .. Of course I will tell them which train or bus to take or so called 'plan' their routes to make full use of it.

k-siao , heven't heard of this "couch surfing" . I think this is awesome for travellers like me. I don't mind trying ...

I've been with this CS (in short for Couchsurfing) since late 2008. So far it's been awesome. Go register yourself and of course add yourself in Singapore group. They are very active here and there is always and event or meet up almost everyday with the travellers in SG. Don't worry if you can't host travellers coz you can always meet them for dinner or coffee or if you have more time, bring them around in SG. I did that when I first joined and met many travellers and almost all of them says they will spare a little corner of their home for me if I were to go to their country.

Of course not all is good coz I have heard some unpleasant events like theft or even molest. Of course all these happens mainly to ladies. LOL. You can give it a try.if you planned to travel in future. Just a note, it is called couch surfing coz they can provide you small space or couch for you to crash. So don't expect a room or bed if you stay with them but if they do provide you a bed, it's already a bonus...So, bring a sleeping bag along.. =)

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found some reports on Couchsurfing ..

(side note: couchsurfing is nonprofit organisation. I am not an ambassador or something or gain anything by promoting these. Just wants to share with other travellers coz experience wise, it is awesome.)

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  • 1 month later...
Guest CSMassageXchange

Hi CSMassageXchange,

No I am not a masseuer. I just like to receive massages and getting it once forthnightly.

No I am not a masseuer. I just like to receive massages and getting it once forthnightly.

Getting it fortnightly? from whom? as I think no good place in Singapore at all. ur favourite place to have it fortnightly?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Dean,

The places which I have been and indeed I agree with you that some countries like Cambodia, Laos and Mongolia, there are people abusing this couchsurfing thingy in actual they are guides.

For me, if I can't find any host in the country, I rather stay in hostels in which costs about US10 a night and meet fellow couchsurfers there. As most of the CS backpackers are solo travellers, they wouldn't mind sharing costs like transportation or getting a tour around and from there we divide the cost accordingly. It's always cheaper to rent a car/van in groups rather than you travel alone.

My next CS destination would be S.Korea. I've been there few times and my local Korean hosts keep bugging me to visit them again. (Last I went there was September last year)..

Next year I will be going to India and surprisingly, CS is also very active there and most will get a host if you pay their country a visit.

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  • 9 years later...
3 hours ago, BrainBoner said:

Any couch surfing hosts in singapore open to host for a week in early March?

can help out with household tasks too. Able to share more in chat if open :)

Im ethnically indian since that seems to be a thing in here.


Oh, I have not heard of the couchsurfing for many years. 

I thought it sort of died with the advent of AirBnB.

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  • 9 months later...
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