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Massage Exchange For Hobbyist & Practicing Masseur On Looking For Practice Models (Compiled) [No business ads in this thread]

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Some say I have good hands haha natural...do it as a hobby...only charge if I bought my own massage table and do as part time going hotel homes etc haha 


For now wanna practice and see if it is good haha will be using sensual massage oil.


Rarely have place...most is hotel not hotel 81 type or your place. 


So I be shirtless and will wear tights or low waist trunk or jockstrap or wrestling suit or if you don't mind naked haha 😏 if mind will wear something...



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21 hours ago, DeepPounder said:

Hi there, I am a cross fitter, I workout everyday and end up with a muscle sore and I am looking to provide my body as a practice body for anyone who would like to get their hands on a body to massage. I also have a big tool 7.5", great for manhood therapy if you wanna practice on that too. 


Do HMU! I don't host but I can travel. 

That 7.5 will gain a lot of traction. 🤣🤣🤣

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  • G_M changed the title to Massage Exchange For Hobbyist & Practicing Masseur On Looking For Practice Models (Compiled) [No business ads in this thread]
  • Cutecuteguy changed the title to Manhood massage

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