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Massage Exchange For Hobbyist & Practicing Masseur On Looking For Practice Models (Compiled) [No business ads in this thread]

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Not sure how this work, am not gay but more of a nudist / exhibitionist. 
21 male, Chinese 180cm, 85.


Idk, looking for nude massage (wait I can be the one fully naked :D). Idk how the massage here works, do people go fully nude tho? Since some stated no sex etc, so Idk how liberal it is. 

I guess you can touch / massage my cock too but not 100% of the time please. Maybe like 20 - 25% of my time if you enjoy it? I don’t mind. But then definitely no sex cause I am not gay. I have very sensitive area like scare of itch so never really tried such things before. 

But then also I hope you enjoy it too touching my body but you can massage every parts of my body *wink*


let me know your stats too, anw I am currently stuck oversea in Australia so yea, probably not gonna to happen so fast but we can preplan first and when I’m back have it happen. As I don’t really surf the forum alot


would be nice if you can host, or best it is in hotel, cause I’m scare of hidden cam (idk if this is a thing people are concern of and any precaution to take?)


I am quite straight forward so no beating around the bush.


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  • G_M changed the title to Massage Exchange For Hobbyist & Practicing Masseur On Looking For Practice Models (Compiled) [No business ads in this thread]
  • Cutecuteguy changed the title to Manhood massage

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