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Sex With A Good Friend!


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Do anyone of you out there engage in sex with your friend/friends?

I have a really good friend. Know him for about 2 years already..would call me about once or twice a month and I would be REAL excited for it means giving him a bj or sometimes being f--ked.. And he's real sexy..

But have noticed a great change with him nowadays...The 1st time it happened - his phone rang, while I was being fxxked by him. Thought he would ignore it. Instead he answered! And what's worse he kept talking for MORE than 10 minutes while he was f--king me. I felt SO DISRESPECTED and cheap.

Last week, he talked on the phone while I was sucking his d-ck. I feel like confronting him about this. But I do not want to lose this good friend of mine...

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A liitle bit like President Clinton talking to the president of Mexico when Monica Lewinsky was blowing him.

Is your friend a busy and important person?

Hey, being fxxked by an attractive man while he is on the phone is better than being alone at home on a Friday night - like me. :unsure:

Never considers yourself cheap and unappreciated. Its all up in the head. Moreover you say he is a good friend.

Be Merry.

Please play safely! Use a condom if you are having anal sex.

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i thought that you mean sex with your good friend when all your other friends knew him too kind.

its a bad idea. we didnt fxxk we did something else and them the whole shit just blow up to proportion. basically we thought both of us were very straight before things happen.

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I feel like I wouldn't be able to handle being good friends with someone and also having sex with them..unless we're on our way to taking it to the next level (i.e. building a relationship).

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And what's worse he kept talking for MORE than 10 minutes while he was f--king me. I felt SO DISRESPECTED and cheap. Last week, he talked on the phone while I was sucking his d-ck.

What is the thing that made you uncomfortable? It felt hot reading that actually. lol.

Will you be my valentine's? :D

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But have noticed a great change with him nowadays...The 1st time it happened - his phone rang, while I was being fxxked by him. Thought he would ignore it. Instead he answered! And what's worse he kept talking for MORE than 10 minutes while he was f--king me. I felt SO DISRESPECTED and cheap.

Last week, he talked on the phone while I was sucking his d-ck. I feel like confronting him about this. But I do not want to lose this good friend of mine...


Pardon me while i go lol at a sex toy complaining.



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Guest Ironrod

He is a SUPER busy person and I have a lot of respect and admiration for him...

I think he knows u have a lot of respect and admiration for him but it seems he has none for u.

Do u know what is a "GOOD FRIEND"? - I think u are merely a fxxk.

So instead of calling him "GOOD FRIEND" please relabel yourself as "SLAVE" or "fxxk TOOL" it makes it easier to identify your current situation.

I met a lot of tool in my life and train some dogs too - so I hope I have help u solve the puzzle.

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Some of the posts may sound harsh but there is wisdom in those words. Most relationships may seem wonderful initially but with time you will discover the true intent and character flaws of the other party. This might be a good time to re-assess the relationship and try to work things out in a mutually agreed outcome.

Maybe u need to talk to him about your discomfort and look for something more "purposeful". I'm assuming u would want a true bf relationship of course. 2 cents worth.

Edited by jaden

很多事情 不是誰說了就算

即使傷心 結果還是自己擔


事實證明 幸福很難

我們之間 不是誰說了就算

拉扯的愛 徒增結局的難堪


下一次 會更勇敢

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Do anyone of you out there engage in sex with your friend/friends?

I have a really good friend. Know him for about 2 years already..would call me about once or twice a month and I would be REAL excited for it means giving him a bj or sometimes being f--ked.. And he's real sexy..

But have noticed a great change with him nowadays...The 1st time it happened - his phone rang, while I was being fxxked by him. Thought he would ignore it. Instead he answered! And what's worse he kept talking for MORE than 10 minutes while he was f--king me. I felt SO DISRESPECTED and cheap.

Last week, he talked on the phone while I was sucking his d-ck. I feel like confronting him about this. But I do not want to lose this good friend of mine...

I can kind of feel you there. It feels a bit 'wtf?' when sex becomes anything but intimate.

But depends leh, guess for some people it's really about relieving their sexual tension and nothing else. And if you're okay with it as long as you get to experience hot sex with your good friend, then why not?


Pardon me while i go lol at a sex toy complaining.


OMG, you're hilarious! <3

“Do not take life too seriously. You’ll never get out of it alive.” — Elbert Hubbard

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...And to the person who says I'm an idiot, I actually am not! I do enjoy sucking him whenever he asks me. He just gets carried away that's all..

Pardon me but SeannyShortcake does make some sense... We all know you enjoy sex, but do you realise that's your sole purpose to him? He seems like a busy person, and you've become somewhat like a sex slave who'll help him bust a load. All he has to do is make a call and you're there, enjoying doing what you do while he relieves himself after a hard day in his life.

Don't degrade yourself, please. You posting this situation you're in means you're seeking some answers/help. Accept what people say as a possibility, but don't deny it. You do like this friend of yours, we can ALL see, but don't bother defending him. You defending someone who makes you feel disrespected and cheap is only making yourself seem more desperate. Please dear, there are many other hot guys around. This one's better off in the chum bin.

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Guest Ironrod
..there is NO denying that I enjoy with him, especially sucking his dick..guess I'm just venting..when initially he used to be so encouraging..now he seems to enjoy talking to his other friends when I'm on my knees. I suppose I will get use to it..

Boi, i like your attitude. [sorry, i address all subs as boy irregardless of age]

I think it's good that u are willing to be trained, so I am sure u and your "Master" will continue this great relationship.

Don't be too bothered what others say :D - there is nothing cheap abt satisfying your "Master" need.

To Janth: There may be many hot guys around but not all can make a slave out of him.

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Boi, i like your attitude. [sorry, i address all subs as boy irregardless of age]

I think it's good that u are willing to be trained, so I am sure u and your "Master" will continue this great relationship.

Don't be too bothered what others say :D - there is nothing cheap abt satisfying your "Master" need.

To Janth: There may be many hot guys around but not all can make a slave out of him.

I was under the impression that he wanted to be an equal and not a sub o.O

I'm lost now.



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...And to the person who says I'm an idiot, I actually am not! I do enjoy sucking him whenever he asks me. He just gets carried away that's all..

you're enjoying the sucking and he's enjoying getting sucked so why would you question something that is going well for the both of you? :)

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Yes ... I've done it with my best-est friend.

We have known each other for more than 16 years and over the years, we did it 5 to 6 times.

Once I broke up with one of my ex.. two weeks before my birthday.

As a birthday request, I asked him to give me a good session.

I was fulfilled. :thumb: in more than one way...

We are still emailing each other often as he is in UK now.

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To abang, I can SO relate to that! It's really hot sessions..and I DO believe we are equals...anyway, it's hard to turn down his requests as I always go 'weak' when it comes to sucking his dick...although it can be quite demeaning sometimes when he talks and talks over the phone...

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To Ironrod, I really don't think its a master-slave relationship...

Assuming it's not a master-slave relationship, you're letting him trample on your dignity. However, if you're willing to let him do so since you enjoy it immensely, there's not much of an issue here...

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Judging from the comments, I dont get either its not right to have fun with your good friend. Hmm I think its hot though.

If both party are enjoying it, why not?

I guess your friend is just busy and multi-tasking. If you think he's not enjoying it, well he's the one who calls you to engage in some fun, so I bet he's enjoying it.

So no worries. Still having a doubt, directly ask him if you wanna be straight-forward.

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Guest Ironrod

To Ironrod, I really don't think its a master-slave relationship...

I think if he push it further he can jolly well put a dog-collar on your neck, talk on the phone while u sucking his cock.

If u haven't notice, I am just trying to make your life easier by giving your relationship a proper definition.

Please don't make me explain to u what does "BEST FRIEND" means again.

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Judging from the comments, I dont get either its not right to have fun with your good friend. Hmm I think its hot though. If both party are enjoying it, why not? I guess your friend is just busy and multi-tasking. If you think he's not enjoying it, well he's the one who calls you to engage in some fun, so I bet he's enjoying it. So no worries. Still having a doubt, directly ask him if you wanna be straight-forward.

Oh, I think he enjoys it alright. Just that I sometimes feel disrespected that he is talking to his friend on the phone whilst I am servicing him...

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I think if he push it further he can jolly well put a dog-collar on your neck, talk on the phone while u sucking his cock. If u haven't notice, I am just trying to make your life easier by giving your relationship a proper definition. Please don't make me explain to u what does "BEST FRIEND" means again.

I will not be put on a dog collar, I assuare you! THAT would make me feel disrespected ALOT. Anyway, I've 'talked' to him briefly about this and he has told me to do him a favour and get used to it. So, at least we can talk sensibly. I would not want to lose such a great person...

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I will not be put on a dog collar, I assuare you! THAT would make me feel disrespected ALOT. Anyway, I've 'talked' to him briefly about this and he has told me to do him a favour and get used to it. So, at least we can talk sensibly. I would not want to lose such a great person...

He said: "do me a favour and get used to it"? Did he really say that? o.O

Was it that exact phrase or similar variant ("do me a favour and get used to it") or did you extrapolate and summarize from a much longer, "yeah, I'm sorry, but you know how busy I get and you're really helping me out here and doing me a big favour ... now that you understand how I really feel and that I don't mean to treat you as anything less than someone close to me and whom I care about, maybe you could just turn a blind eye for now because it's hard for me to change and over time, perhaps you'll understand and it won't bother you anymore as you get used to it"...

'Cause if it's the former, man, that's major disrespect.

That's US slang for: "Shut up and suck, bitch. Now's not the time for talking. You like to talk so much, why don't you call a hotline? Put some of that energy to your lips."

Edited by Mercutio

Mercurio sacris fertur Boebeidos Undis

virgineum Brimo composuisse latus

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