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Diablo 3

Guest Diablo 3

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Hmm.. thanks guest for sending this useful link...

I am a fan of diablo games since secondary school days...i find it quite a nice game to play with...

But this time, is it like WOW? Need to pay then play?

Hope someone can answer this question of mine....


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Its not out yet, so there is no answer to your questions. Be patient and just wait. From the look of it, I don't think it will be like WOW. I think it would be another MMORPG game.

The ending is just the begining.

The begining is not the end.

I was lost and I am still finding.......

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have completed diablo II and the expansion quest

though not a big fan of online version

i saw the gamplay mechanics, pretty similiar format to the older ones, abeit better graphic and other improvement.

:thumb: When I Think It, I Do It, I Win It! :thumb:

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Omg yes. This year is going to be great for games in general.

I'm going to playing a Monk, I even got a build set up already: http://us.battle.net/d3/en/calculator/monk#bTUfQk!WYa!aZccZY

Can't wait for MoP as well. Wtb male panda Shaman and female panda warrior :D

GW2 looks so promising, plus it helps that it has no sub fee's. I cant wait to play a Mesmer.

  On 7/11/2008 at 3:24 PM, skylancer said:

Hmm.. thanks guest for sending this useful link...

I am a fan of diablo games since secondary school days...i find it quite a nice game to play with...

But this time, is it like WOW? Need to pay then play?

Hope someone can answer this question of mine....


Nope, D3 doesn't have a sub. Just buy the box and you're good to go.

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Guest theShade

think sg preorder doesnt give anything except some stupid asiosoft event at singapore. i am comtemplating preordering from blizzard str8 at the same price and also u get to download the installer before the launch.

guys r u ready to play tgt?

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Guest Paperain

I am surprise to see that there is no Diablo 3 topic in here! Haha~ cmon, lets play together! =X

Add my battletag at "Roosavelt#6887"! =D

I am working in the day so only can play at night =( am only a lvl 18 wiz~

Add in ur battletag here so we can play together or just add me up! =)

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Guest Paperain

I am surprise to see that there is no Diablo 3 topic in here! Haha~ cmon, lets play together! =X

Add my battletag at "Roosavelt#6887"! =D

I am working in the day so only can play at night =( am only a lvl 20 wiz~ still new and noob =O

Add in ur battletag here so we can play together or just add me up! =)

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