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haha how can you have a homely clubber? oxymoron? Sleep over at Boyfriend's house.

I meant hybrid as in part-time homely boy, part-time party animal~

Classical or Pop

Classical while studying, Pop while in the MRT/Bus. Pop wins for me.

Permanently rid your house of cockroaches or lizards?

There's always another secret.

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pretense. because i prefer to "pretend to ignore", instead of just plain ignoring.

computer games or meetup with friends?

I prefer ignorance though. At least i won't have to withstand the pain.

Meetup with friends. Catch up and reminisce those old times and look back. Then you'll see how far you've walked and find new motivation in life. Computer games can only destress you virtually but not in reality.

edit: Is there a sing and dance options? :3 hahaha sing. I can sing better, i think.

Barbie Dolls or Pink Ponies?

It's better than I ever even knew.

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icecream. make it yogurt icecream please.

damn it gray. i want to answer septie's one.. :<

sleeping only with shirt on or only with shorts on? (im really giving ridiculous choices.)

only with shorts on. Thats what i do lol. i find the shirt annoying because i will toss around the bed when i sleep and it gets hot at night, even with the aircon on. (npi) haha too much info.

anyway, Young at heart or Old but wise?

It's better than I ever even knew.

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