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How To Attract Manly Guys ( Top )


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Hey guys im coming back again,,,

what kind of guy can attract u?? this question for Manly Gay Top only,,,

im welcome of all ur opinion from any culture or race ;)

i will more appreciate if u give uncommon answer like cute, sexy, nice personality so this question will be more specific to action like " i like who can cook for me "

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Kyle24, you are not here to fish for compliments but to discuss on how to attract manly top.

Get back to the topic and stop posting your ad.

Do that again and you will be suspended or ban for repeat offenses.


being manly, athletic, lean, fit, cute, nice personality, romantic and caring, not sissy and others. aren't enough at all, some of top seems like being so picky, especially those with face. in other hand, finding a top who doesn't really care about face or look sounds like trying to find a needle in haystack. at least... they can give you a bit of compensation of you can "service" them well hahahas

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  • 3 years later...

I considered myself masculine in mannerism.

I prefer same mannerism in my btms. Between fit fem btm vs soso fitness masc btm, I will choose the latter.

Had a terrible experience with someone too feminine my taste. Never texted him again.

Ntg wrong with any particular mannerism - its my preferences, what turns me on.

To put down someone feminine in mannerism - thats discriminative.

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Guys always have varying degrees of preference when it comes to their guys.


Some people like their guys fem, others masculine and some just don't give a shit.


It's easier to be yourself and see who comes along the way that's attracted to the real you.

That beats putting up a front that's so difficult to up keep.


Guys with a decent body and face and an endearing personality do it for me.

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