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[Hiv Support Group] Looking For People Who Are Hiv + Poz For Poz (Compiled)

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For all similar out there, I just want to say that it's not easy but it shouldn't be the end. Accept, embrace and move on with life as usual. Maybe I am still too new to this but I just feel like we shouldn't wrap ourselves around it too much. Be responsible, take care of ourselves and yeah, live life! :)

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  On 5/11/2015 at 7:13 AM, lostintranslation said:

For all similar out there, I just want to say that it's not easy but it shouldn't be the end. Accept, embrace and move on with life as usual. Maybe I am still too new to this but I just feel like we shouldn't wrap ourselves around it too much. Be responsible, take care of ourselves and yeah, live life! :)

I love your encouraging words, yes for those who are diagnosed, take it as living a totally new life & as much as it might not be easy initially, you will get better as times go by, lead your life better than before, that is the least you can do for yourself, all the best :)

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I used to have a good frd. And he was 24. And he passed away 2 years ago.

It's such a pain losing friend in my life.

I don't wish to see any people suffering for this.





Stay strong people. I understand there's a black day when you find out yourself is a HIV +

But do take notes, life still goes on. Don't give up, and the most important things is keep your self healthy. Eat healthy food. Fruits. Vitamins. Keep your immusystem the max.

Stay positive. Healthy. Lovely. <3 

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  On 1/6/2016 at 11:16 AM, lovehandle said:

Sorry to hear this, though we cannot help much



u surely has some feelings of like on tenterhooks now?

but glad that u know for sure is positive, now is abt wat to do next? Share w family? Your partner pass it to u?


It's ok, I understand. I'll have to wait for more details and seek treatment. Not sharing with family and friends, shall keep it to myself for the time being.

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Treat HIV+ like diabetes.. It has become a chronic disease rather than a death sentence. Remember you owe no one of your status - not even family members.  Once you inform them, they might treat you with condescending looks - no one like to have a sick person around the house. 


As for me, I have been diagnosed many years back and that is the very reason, I dont have sexual encounters with anyone since then.  Revenge should be the last thing on your mind - you don't need to propagate the virus to others.





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  On 1/9/2016 at 11:51 AM, abang said:

Treat HIV+ like diabetes.. It has become a chronic disease rather than a death sentence. Remember you owe no one of your status - not even family members.  Once you inform them, they might treat you with condescending looks - no one like to have a sick person around the house. 


As for me, I have been diagnosed many years back and that is the very reason, I dont have sexual encounters with anyone since then.  Revenge should be the last thing on your mind - you don't need to propagate the virus to others.






Yes that is what I have been reading about it being seen as chronic. Of course revenge is something extremely wrong, has never crossed my mind and should never cross anyone's mind for that matter. It will be hard but I can work through this. Thanks!

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So I had been on med for 2 month plus... I having dry skins... and both of my feed kept on tearing due to the skin kept on peeling more than 2 months. And inside my ass hole have wound( a small cut ) as well which did not recover for a week or two already. I wish to seek guys that are more experience to advise me what to do to live healthy as a HIV positive guy here. And Hope to seek a relationship. Flex BTM here. Stay at west area.

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  On 1/11/2016 at 4:26 AM, HIVPOSSG said:

So I had been on med for 2 month plus... I having dry skins... and both of my feed kept on tearing due to the skin kept on peeling more than 2 months. And inside my ass hole have wound( a small cut ) as well which did not recover for a week or two already. I wish to seek guys that are more experience to advise me what to do to live healthy as a HIV positive guy here. And Hope to seek a relationship. Flex BTM here. Stay at west area.



Hihi... what are the Antiviral you are taking ?

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For your posterior, the fastest way is to apply those Guardian medical/anti-septic wipes over the exposed area.  I had the same problem and after several days of self-cleaning, the wounds close up.  


With regards to rashes, it is quite a common side-effect... I had it when the medical doctor switched the medication last Wednesday, from Day 1 to 3, I applied Vasline cream which was disastrous.  That sticky feeling is quite unbearable.    I replaced it with talcum powder - those cheap ones for babies -and the rash disappeared.  


Now adjust your personal life first.  Don't complicate matters with a relationship.  I live alone but I am not alone - I cook, clean and wash the flat daily.  It is a good 2 hours sweat after breakfast and medication - with the radio bursting in the background.. Try to sleep with FM 88.9..

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Hi steamfish, I taking tenofovir, iamivudine and rilpivirine.


Hi abang, how to apply into anal... its dirty.. I scare it will get worse... for my feet... I tried to apply creams and it did not work.. worse it get pimples. :[. Will check out talcum powder... Thank you.

I always looking for relationship.. despite getting this virus from my ex... Ultimately, I still want someone that I can be with.. Now just find friends and fun... Best will be relationship :P.

Edited by HIVPOSSG
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Hi all. So I was diagnosed with hiv some time last month. It's been a depressing month for me to accept the fact that I have contracted this virus. 

However, I feel it is time for me to move on. Looking for friends for morale support mainly. Would love to know your stories and experience dealing in such situations.

Pms are open to anyone who is sincere for chats. :)

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Finding out that I was positive wasn't something very difficult to deal with initially. I had a partner who supported me through it while facing his own fears of infection. However our magnetic relationship didn't work out in the end, and its been difficult to get over what we had. Life took a turn towards an avenue I did not expect and now I just have to make do with the best I can.


I guess what I want to say is, don't shortchange yourself because of your diagnosis, because nothing has changed you as a person. Sure it may be awkward or maybe even difficult to find someone who can love you for you and look past your diagnosis, but life is not written in stone.


Cheers friends, feel free to chat me up If you need to talk or share or whatevs

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Broken, yet holding on.


I am HIV positive.


Before I found out about Grindr, I loved a boy, BY. We were introduced to each other by a common friend. I didn't think much of this dorky looking boy, just that I had this gut feel that BY and I were going to be great friends. We were both in the same class in secondary one and consecutively the next four years. We hit it off really well, laughing at each others jokes, bickering over little issues, went over to each others house to chill. He was the first guy I genuinely had feelings for, but when the realisation dawned upon me that I was gay, my whole world fell in ruins. You know that age when your friends start forming relationships (BGR) in secondary school? Crazy hormone driven love .. or lust (only they truly know). But i thought myself alone, there were no other guys who talked about being in a relationship with another guy, save for the sissy dude who got picked on and bullied for being 'niang'. When my friends were falling in love, I was falling into an abyss of fear, fear of being judged, fear of being mocked, fear of being rejected, fear of being discriminated.


So I lied about my preferences. I lied to myself, that my feelings for him would eventually fade and that I would grow to like girls, just like everyone else. I lied because I did not want to lose my close friends, I did not think that they would understand. I lied to myself to make them .. happy.


Fast forward to post O levels, BY and I scored very well and I thought 'finally I won't be seeing him, I can start anew', but harbored a secret hope that we would pick the same tertiary institution. And we did. I was ecstatic at the thought that I was still able to stay together him. Heck we even landed ourselves in the same semester, how coincidental was that?


So I continued to love him for another 3 painful years. All the while denying my sexuality, even when it was pretty obvious. Choosing the same tutorial groups, IS modules, and even going home together. You might be wondering why BY does not seem to be at all affected by my affections, that was because he is straight. There was bittersweet satisfaction being around BY. I did not even accept myself for being gay, I did not even love myself for who I was, why did I still entertain these feelings? Wasn't I supposed to break away? Pick another school and move on? Love a .. girl?


8 years passed since we first became friends. Surely he would love me back right?


I was wrong. During our last semester, he left for 6 months internship and disappeared from my life. Didn't reply my messages, return any of my calls, ignored my attempts to reach out. That was when the I felt the full effect of all my lies. 


Why do I like boys?

Why am I such a disappointment to my parents?

Why did I choose him over my own future?

IF I wasn't born gay, all this wouldn't have happened. That was when I found out about Grindr and started .. exploring my sexuality, in the guise of a straight SG guy.


And then army happened. I was shocked to see him at my coy line, he even called out my name but I just nodded and walked away. How dare he?


BY's bunk was just a level below mine and we were bound to bump into each other before first parade.


After tossing our caps at our POP, we embraced. sweaty, fatigued, but glad, glad we finally completed our march. I then confessed to him that I was gay and forgot how much I hated him, he apologized for ignoring me and told me that he valued our friendship, and came to his senses after he got together with his then girlfriend. Ever since our reconciliation, I did not engage in any sexual activity with anyone and deleted Grindr from my phone. BY, although now attached, was enough for me.


10 years passed since we first became friends. He wanted to stay, I left. I needed to pick up the pieces, bring my life back in order.


They say old habits die hard, and I agree. They're even harder to kill in BY's absence. The lust my love for BY kept caged was unleashed, so I downloaded Grindr.


On hindsight, I thought it was really sad, to have been so ill-informed about HIV and STDs.


It took just one very bad decision to have unprotected sex, just one, to turn my whole life around. And the painful process of denial happened again.


Why do I like boys?

Why am I such a disappointment to my parents?

Why did I choose him over my own future?

IF I wasn't born gay, all this wouldn't have happened.


But after going through denial once, i learnt that there is always hope. No matter the pain, the guilt, that sense of loss. We can must choose to do what we can do to help ourselves get better. Heal ourselves both physically and mentally. Visit thebody.com, tumblr pages of SG gay men, or even seek help from AFA. Reach out your hand, only then can we help you to stand. Confide in our parents, doctors, social workers, close friends, and even fellow HIV positives. I confided in my closest friends when I was first diagnosed. Some left, some stayed and it is those who stay who truly love us for who we are, unconditionally. Fear is only a figment of our imagination, we do not have to live in fear about people finding out but the danger is very real, and it's crucial that we discern whom we can and cannot confide in about our HIV status. If MOH is aware, they will not divulge our status to any other organisation and we will have to sign a letter of consent to excuse ourselves from serving our reservist.


I am not out to my parents but I chose not to lie to myself about my condition as a constant reminder to not repeat my past mistakes, drink in moderation, take care of my body, regularly consume ARTs on time and most importantly have protected sex (bear in mind the ID act).


We can also still love, like anybody else. But before we love someone else, I think we must first learn to love and accept ourselves for who we are as HIV positive gay men.



Hansel Poz BoY

Edited by HanselPZB
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  • 2 weeks later...

Think before we do anything! 


Be responsible to the "next" person 



Dont do it at the heat of the moment....

even at those places


many requested me to remove my condom, although the feeling is 101% so much high/better, dont tempt me but .... U will never knw do i have hiv



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