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[Hiv Support Group] Looking For People Who Are Hiv + Poz For Poz (Compiled)

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Guys, i really need advise and help your you guys that have more experiences regarding my issue.


So i contracted HIV during army. I suspected is around Aug 2014. I was officially diagnosed HIV positive when doing my ORD FFI. Which was on the 20 August 2015. The doctor told me that i am referred to CDC and army side will contact me regarding my case. I went to CDC and is on medication now but I waited the army for so long and there was no news.


Side track abit, i injured myself during army and was down pes to C. So when i orded, i went to KentRidge there to see my ORD MO appointment. This appointment is for my elbow injury but i asked the MO when will they make an appointment regarding my HIV. And they said the MO will contact me soon. This was around december 2015. 


Recently these two months, i joined a medical company and did not declare my status. The company did not do blood test as well. Thus, i joined the company successfully. But last week, I received my reservist letter. I called the in charge from G8 Branch, the DX6 told me that it was because the army MO side never do their job, thus i still received the letter. They did not medical board my status. She asked me to book an appointment with the selarang camp medical centre and wait for the medical board result. 


They asked me to attend alot of briefing, mob manning and ICT when my i have not even book my appointment with the MO yet. Its not fair for me to attend all the briefing, mob manning and ICT when i am suffering from the lag work of medical side in camp. I really need this reservist thing to stop if not my status will be expose. This could ruin my whole career. The worst part is i am having family issue. And i have no intention to let my family member know. I am already suffering this thing alone as none of my friends know about it as well.


My question is: Since i contracted HIV, is reservist still needed or is optional? How should i solve this problem? (I heard from my friend and the mo before i ORD, that having HIV do not need to do reservist anymore.)


I really wish to know more same status friend to share my problems with. 

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  On 4/23/2016 at 4:00 AM, HIVPOSSG said:

Guys, i really need advise and help your you guys that have more experiences regarding my issue.


So i contracted HIV during army. I suspected is around Aug 2014. I was officially diagnosed HIV positive when doing my ORD FFI. Which was on the 20 August 2015. The doctor told me that i am referred to CDC and army side will contact me regarding my case. I went to CDC and is on medication now but I waited the army for so long and there was no news.


Side track abit, i injured myself during army and was down pes to C. So when i orded, i went to KentRidge there to see my ORD MO appointment. This appointment is for my elbow injury but i asked the MO when will they make an appointment regarding my HIV. And they said the MO will contact me soon. This was around december 2015. 


Recently these two months, i joined a medical company and did not declare my status. The company did not do blood test as well. Thus, i joined the company successfully. But last week, I received my reservist letter. I called the in charge from G8 Branch, the DX6 told me that it was because the army MO side never do their job, thus i still received the letter. They did not medical board my status. She asked me to book an appointment with the selarang camp medical centre and wait for the medical board result. 


They asked me to attend alot of briefing, mob manning and ICT when my i have not even book my appointment with the MO yet. Its not fair for me to attend all the briefing, mob manning and ICT when i am suffering from the lag work of medical side in camp. I really need this reservist thing to stop if not my status will be expose. This could ruin my whole career. The worst part is i am having family issue. And i have no intention to let my family member know. I am already suffering this thing alone as none of my friends know about it as well.


My question is: Since i contracted HIV, is reservist still needed or is optional? How should i solve this problem? (I heard from my friend and the mo before i ORD, that having HIV do not need to do reservist anymore.)


I really wish to know more same status friend to share my problems with. 


It should b optional ba.. cz i believe mindef dont want to b seen on the news that they discriminate HIV personnel.. likewise if dont want reservist, i think u Submit ur HIV report to mindef while mention that u may post danger in transmitting HIV in such enclose environment as well as being afraid of discrimination from ur fellow reservist mate..

Hope this help.. :) 

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  On 5/2/2016 at 5:00 PM, HIVBOY21 said:

looking for guys with similar status :) 21 years old chinese boy


Hi! For those who are Hiv positive or even contracted STD

May I ask do u feel down,feel sickly, feel scratchy  or any symptoms eg red marks/dots on where? Were u asked to be warded? How badly was it?

Hivboy21 is so young

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and at the same time, don't go about spreading any slightest "possibilities" too

To me people who r usu into sex or thinking of saunas regularly cannot be thinking of society or donating blood, I wonder how this will happen?
and when I m sick, down w viral fever or feeling strange at my balls, I will never even want to step near to a donation centre or to do something "extra"

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Advice needed Guys,


so recently i applied ST aerospace as an engineer, i realized that it work closely with the government. So my problem is, i am hiv positive and i am worried that they will test for HIV status. Any one knows about ST engineering well to help me with the answer?

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  On 6/6/2016 at 5:01 PM, HIVPOSSG said:

Advice needed Guys,


so recently i applied ST aerospace as an engineer, i realized that it work closely with the government. So my problem is, i am hiv positive and i am worried that they will test for HIV status. Any one knows about ST engineering well to help me with the answer?



You got the job offer then say bah. The declaration on medical condition is only to indemnify themselves in the event you fall ill in the course of work and need to claim insurance, thus leading to higher premium in the future. If they do test for HIV status, this mean that they don't accept HIV positive person. In that case, go somewhere else better.

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God bless you guys, I hope one day someone find a cure for HIV...technology so advanced, Im sure the medical students are close to finding the cure.


On a side note, last time I was so scared about contracting it but when I read about it online...people are saying having HIV is like living on supplements, just slightly expensive. It is kinda true, I take omega 3 and vitamin C tablet everyday. Garlic capsule for my high blood pressure... or if you gym, you take pre-workout...followed by during workout followed by whey protein and on your non-gym days still must take casein for slow release of protein throughout the day, it is comparable to HIV patients taking their medication. And besides studies are showing that HIV patients live life to the fullest because of the technological advancement in the pharmaceutical industry. And pertaining to job, not really much to worry because not all job asked whether you have HIV and I believe they do practice confidentiality should you have and that they wish to employ you if the work permits. 


When I read the article about the 20 years old boy who contracted HIV and using his $100 monthly allowance to pay for his medication, my heart sank....if it permits, I want to help that boy so that he does not have to worry about money...because his medication cost $60, he is left with $40 to eat...as a HIV patient, health is definitely important. He needs to eat healthy...but if he is starving...it won't do well to his health and immune system....I hope someone up there is looking after him...

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I was recently diagnosed with HIV. Have started meds and my health has been improving. 


Told my sex buddy that I got it from someone prior to meeting him. I was grateful that he is negative & that he did not blame me for not telling him prior. In fact, he has been very supportive. 


The tricky part is just because someone is nice to me doesn't mean he would date me. I wish we can make love again, but if he can't accept that 0.001% (with condom and being undetectable), I have to move on, right?


On the side note, it's bloody difficult to find poz tops!



Edited by Blue_Illusion
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Guest Guest
  On 8/7/2016 at 3:35 PM, Blue_Illusion said:



I am recently diagnosed with HIV. I feel lost and disoriented, unsure with what lies ahead in the future. Good news is I have started meds. 


I am opening this thread with an intention to talk with fellow poz. I am sure I am not alone, and the journey gets easier with you guys. 



Your Poz Friend


I will advise  small apple  and  his sex partner go to examine because they have raw fun with varity  guys. Do you know  where  to go for check up  but do not  let other  know? 

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Just keep marching on... :) It gets easier with time when you have more information and learn more about. It's not too tough to manage physically or financially, so at the end if the day, it boils down to how to handle your emotions. Just make sure you stay logical and cheerful, the worst will eventually. All the best!

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Guest Blue_Illusion
  On 8/8/2016 at 4:18 PM, Guest Guest said:

I will advise  small apple  and  his sex partner go to examine because they have raw fun with varity  guys. Do you know  where  to go for check up  but do not  let other  know? 



I actually had raw fun once only, and it was a jackpot. 


The saddest thing is there is this guy that I like very much. I told him about my condition (he checked and he is negative). While he did not shut me off or hate me, I no longer can have sex / have LTR with him. Friendzoned. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

I would like to acquire when getting first infection, how Long does the symptoms first start to appear? And I know the common symptom is always a high fever. How would u denote a high fever? 


Today is my 24th day after infection. And I'm not even sure I'm infected in the first place. I didnt practise unsafe sex. On the 20 Aug in the wee hours of the morning after clubbing, I was brought home by a guy in a drunken state but not dead drunk as I still know where I was being brought too. Once at his place, he tried to get me hard but couldn't as I was drunk. So we slept until 11 plus morning, after which he just jerked me off. I left his place after that. 


I have been worried ever since that day because I'm not sure what he could have done to me when I'm asleep and dead drunk. I was afraid he might have fucked me or make my cock hard during my sleep and ride on it. 


For info,  I have never had any Sex be it penetrative or receptive for like 4 to 5 years. This incident has greatly affect me during this period. 


Hope to to hear Advice from anyone here.

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