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[Hiv Support Group] Looking For People Who Are Hiv + Poz For Poz (Compiled)

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The symptom varies differently. Mine happen months later.

I had like a week high fever at 39Deg to 40Deg, then HIV rashes then follow by a week of stomachache. Then my skin became so dry and start peeling. When i reached CDC, my CD4 is already 221. Anyway, why dont you just go get tested? It is best for you to start medication early as it will became undetected easier. For me, i guess its quite difficult already.

Edited by HIVPOSSG
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  • 2 weeks later...

Infected with HIV in 2014. I am open but it will be nice to make more friends for dates or to settle down with someone suitable. I have indicated my stats in my profile. Pls intro with your stats when PM me.Thanks

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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 9/13/2016 at 1:19 PM, Worried said:

I would like to acquire when getting first infection, how Long does the symptoms first start to appear? And I know the common symptom is always a high fever. How would u denote a high fever? 


Today is my 24th day after infection. And I'm not even sure I'm infected in the first place. I didnt practise unsafe sex. On the 20 Aug in the wee hours of the morning after clubbing, I was brought home by a guy in a drunken state but not dead drunk as I still know where I was being brought too. Once at his place, he tried to get me hard but couldn't as I was drunk. So we slept until 11 plus morning, after which he just jerked me off. I left his place after that. 


I have been worried ever since that day because I'm not sure what he could have done to me when I'm asleep and dead drunk. I was afraid he might have fucked me or make my cock hard during my sleep and ride on it. 


For info,  I have never had any Sex be it penetrative or receptive for like 4 to 5 years. This incident has greatly affect me during this period. 


Hope to to hear Advice from anyone here.


It is better for you to go for a HIV test. Action for Aids(AFA) offers anonymous testing services. You can go to their website to check out the schedule.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  On 8/10/2016 at 1:57 AM, Guest Blue_Illusion said:


I actually had raw fun once only, and it was a jackpot. 


The saddest thing is there is this guy that I like very much. I told him about my condition (he checked and he is negative). While he did not shut me off or hate me, I no longer can have sex / have LTR with him. Friendzoned. 


You dont need sex to have LTR. If both of u love each other than both of u can buy a house and stay together and enjoy the companionship. Love is not about sex. When u love a person, his very presence will already made you happy. You can both do a lot of things like normaly couple do. See movies together, go jogging or do other sports together etc. Life is still lots of interest to be together without sex.

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  On 8/11/2016 at 1:22 PM, fly360 said:

What is the risk of HIV for a top who did another guy raw for like 30 seconds? No ejaculation or precum?



The risk to contract the HIV virus is HIGH regardless of one being the top or the bottom if you have anal sex without a condom. This is because if the bottom is HIV+ and has a tear in his anus (which happens very often with anal sex), the HIV virus will enter your penis through your urethral opening.  



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  On 11/23/2016 at 8:38 AM, p2468 said:

May I know what's the cost of the medication? Just for my knowledge.


It depends on the medications that you need. I know some people are spending like 300 per month just on medicine. You need to go for blood test every 3 months in the beginning and when your cd4 counts are stable you just need to do blood test like every 6 months. 

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  • G_M pinned this topic

Hi everyone


Would just like to inform you that AFA has a programme called Revive where we go through modules to help alleviate an HIV-positive person's psychological burden and ultimately hope to empower each attendee. We would also share our experiences living with HIV to give each other (especially newly diagnosed) a common understanding of our struggles, hopes and aspirations. To put it simply it is a support group where HV positive individuals meet to get social support (and offhand medical 'advice') and also give support to others in the group.


I'm currently one of the facilitators for the session and we have had 7 runs so far (1 for each month since June). Please note that these sessions are strictly confidential so the venue, time, date, will only be disclosed by the coordinator from AFA. May PM me for more info :)




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  On 12/1/2016 at 1:34 PM, mx67 said:

I would like to join the support session, but would like to know more.

1) Are they all gay?

2) Will my identity be disclose?

3) How long is the session?

4) Where normal it is held?



 Hi mx67


Almost all are homosexuals, though we have had bisexual attendees before. Your identity will be kept strictly confidential (we have a form that participants must sign that assures each of their confidentiality). Each session lasts at least 3 hours with a short break in between. The location will be disclosed once the Programme coordinator ascertains your participation. 


The aim of our empowerment sessions is to help participants pick up the pieces and hopefully help other HIV positive along the way to do so and we do this by going through a customised set of modules. 


Hope that helps!




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  On 9/18/2016 at 5:41 PM, HIVPOSSG said:

The symptom varies differently. Mine happen months later.

I had like a week high fever at 39Deg to 40Deg, then HIV rashes then follow by a week of stomachache. Then my skin became so dry and start peeling. When i reached CDC, my CD4 is already 221. Anyway, why dont you just go get tested? It is best for you to start medication early as it will became undetected easier. For me, i guess its quite difficult already.


now I know why when I have high fever but it is the up and down type ie ok /recover but after a while it returned, then it s back to normal and then fever again for continuously more than 7 days


no skin issues, no stomachache, no loss of appetite but w extremely bad sore throat after I discharged


then the doc kick a big fuss and ask what I have done ? as there are mononucleosis in my blood


all the docs narrowed down that I must have done a lot of kissing


if u read this website, for sure the doc did a test on my blood for : The Epstein-Barr virus

Conclusion : it is influenza, (no medicine) and they must have also concluded that I gotten the influenza by kissing @those "places"

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Hi guys.. just want to enquired. U all have high fever as a symptons. Does the high fever stay constanst trhorough out?  Im havin a high fever simce last 3 days. But e fever when down after taking panadol. N it was ok till today morning when it start to get a high fever again. Does ur temp subsidy after takin panadol?

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  On 1/5/2017 at 1:47 AM, keisuke13 said:

Hi guys.. just want to enquired. U all have high fever as a symptons. Does the high fever stay constanst trhorough out?  Im havin a high fever simce last 3 days. But e fever when down after taking panadol. N it was ok till today morning when it start to get a high fever again. Does ur temp subsidy after takin panadol?


when something is not really well-controlled by penicillin/panandol , very likely another strange virus in our bodies

me too , have it (for prolonged a few weeks) the fever is up and down n down and up

For a week plus and then stopped , and then after I come back from overseas (it worsen, ie 3pm fever, 7pm subside, 950pm fever, 1am subside, 5am fever again repeatedly, practically I m bedridden)

The hospital docs made a big fuss, qn what did I do? They did all sort of test (obviously it is not dengue, I have seen dengue patients before so I knew it is not) esp I told them I have fun (but as much as I could , I will do protection)

They discharged me eventually (3 days later, fever slightly better) claiming it is influenza etc



one year later, NOW

 for those who assumed this is hiv will be sorry

keisuke, u sure u can still endure?

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  On 1/5/2017 at 4:52 AM, luvhandle said:

when something is not really well-controlled by penicillin/panandol , very likely another strange virus in our bodies (it doesn't mean HIV virus)

For a week plus and then stopped , and then after I come back from overseas (it worsen, ie 3pm fever, 7pm subside, 950pm fever, 1am subside, 5am fever again repeatedly, practically I m bedridden)

The hospital docs made a big fuss, qn what did I do? They did all sort of test (obviously it is not dengue, I have seen dengue patients before so I knew it is not) esp I told them I have fun (but as much as I could , I will do protection)

They discharged me eventually (3 days later, fever slightly better) claiming it is influenza etc



one year later, NOW

 for those who assumed this is hiv will be sorry


I need to clarify, I m not Hiv Poz, I clearly said I was not but somehow people read wrongly


from the other sharing, it s rare that the poz has up and down fever





~ -Ignored-

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I've learnt tremendously from reading this post. My ex-colleague, a few people I work with, and my bestie are all living with HIV.  I truly admire everyone's courage to share your stories and insights, and your productive life you strike for. 


Just drop me a line if you want to talk :).


Here's a 30-min movie about people living with their HIV stories made by my good friend Paul Zetter. Wish everyone a great week ahead.



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  On 1/9/2017 at 1:11 AM, halfboyfriend said:

I've learnt tremendously from reading this post. My ex-colleague, a few people I work with, and my bestie are all living with HIV.  I truly admire everyone's courage to share your stories and insights, and your productive life you strike for. 


Just drop me a line if you want to talk :).


Here's a 30-min movie about people living with their HIV stories made by my good friend Paul Zetter. Wish everyone a great week ahead.





Dear Halfboyfriend,


Thanks for sharing !


Hugs Hugs

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Newly diagnosed here (Sept last year)! Spent months in the hospital due to pneumonia and only got "released" early last month. Now I am thinking of coming back on the scene and see if I can meet some friends of the same HIV status to share information or just to hang out with. Anyone who's interested just PM me over here or on my Twitter acc @FaradiseLL :) 

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