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Q And A (Game)

Smarty Pants

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Haha I think this is a good idea that BW can adopt.

So basically this is a Q and A.... You can pose any burning questions here and anyone with an answer can reply.

Any questions will do.

Can be about Entertainment, sports, music, politics, law, sciences, technology etcetera. As long as you dun post any indecent stuff here. Questions about sex is okay but no personal ads!!!

Let's make BW forum the best ever for the gay community! :) :)

Justin was here hahaha :) Stay cool guys

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A: Not really, it depends what the other party really wants, maybe he's not ready for committed relationship.

@Stbrianud: So many pple answer your qn luh!

Q: Is it really true that Gen z people are the most active people in this forum??

Edited by sum1outhere_03

Will you be my valentine's? :D

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A: it just meant that he wants you to be happy and takes you only as a friend.

You could also see it as a sarcastic remark cos he's jealous. Lol never tell someone you like that you are going on a date with someone else!!!!

Yeah, could also be like that. It really depends on the situation... No definite answer....

Q: then what am I suppose to say?

Just observe the expression from the other party, see how the reaction is... It depends on situation really :)

Edited by revenkit
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Guest stbrianud

Q: Is Elton John having one of the most successful gay relationship?

Definitely lol... But we know don't know what goes behind the satin sheets

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Guest stbrianud

A: I love Kbox. Me and my budds live going there!!! :)

Okayy... I personally don't like saunas much... Been to Keybox once.. not very nice:/

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Q: Do you think that there are other planets with life form more superior than human living on it?

A: Yes i think there exists many lifeforms far greater than humans. There are billions of planets in this universe. I don't think there is only Earth that has human lifeform :)

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With that said, I am not jealous or anything. I just want to say that "fame" is a subjective word and it depends. If you ask me, I would say there is a craze but short term.

Maybe of his cute face he has on his profile... That might earn him points on his profile views lol #justsaying

Will you be my valentine's? :D

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Guest stbrianud

DAFUQ LAH! Why is my name up again!!! You people need to stop talking about me!! Hahah

Q: Can you like someone without meeting them... Willing to give so much to them, for them?

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Guest stbrianud

And for gods sake. I don't want this "fame"... I simply respond to a few posts to help people out and maybe joke around a little that's all.. fxxk you guys can ignore me if you want... I don't care for the attention at all.. I mean this is just a forum.. I post my status when I want to and when I'm hurting or enjoying so I can share it with you guys.. I'm not here because I've some fame complex that I'm "seeking to be popular" I mean it's degrading... As far as I see it, I'm not "famous" at all... I'm just being friendly.. And if you think it's too much. Then I apologize... But I'm not going to apologize for just being friendly... So stop including me in your posts and comments about me and fame because I don't want anything of that sort... fxxk.. This is what you get for being nice... Now I understand Scrooge better... It's not christmas spirit.. It's the people misunderstanding his intention... (I know that's not the real story.. But it's better If it were)...

Sorry.. If you were following the "updates" you would know that my relationship has just ended..

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Q: Can you like someone without meeting them... Willing to give so much to them, for them?

By that you mean like.. penpals/online-mate?

Welp, I guess you can? As a gamer, I've got friends going into relationships in-game and eventually adding the bf/gf on facebook.

Some of them even went as far as spending real money to buy those premium stuff for their 'lover'.

I thought it's kinda stupid? But a lot of them didn't seem to mind, even when the relationship kinda died down, they had no regrets.

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Guest stbrianud

By that you mean like.. penpals/online-mate?

Welp, I guess you can? As a gamer, I've got friends going into relationships in-game and eventually adding the bf/gf on facebook.

Some of them even went as far as spending real money to buy those premium stuff for their 'lover'.

I thought it's kinda stupid? But a lot of them didn't seem to mind, even when the relationship kinda died down, they had no regrets.

I don't know.. this one feels really bad..

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