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Crumplerboi Midnight Kayaks (Life Story)


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  On 4/13/2013 at 4:24 PM, G a b said:

Sial la, i think i could fill up a pail fully just by my tears..... Crumplerboi oi..... I just cannot describe the feeling.... Its like i envy you and yet like you... Wah! Im jealous! Truly i am! Anyway! Keep up the good progress bro! Shall wait for the next part *stares on the computer screen*





  On 4/13/2013 at 6:30 PM, RealityCheck said:

love your story, it's really sweet! Can't wait to see what' at the end of it all~!!


Holla G,

Dont stare too long at the computer screen else your eyes will pop out. Hahaha wah cry a pail ? cry me a river instead can ? muhahaha well good to know you are doing fine atm and do take care bro. please dont envy me and like me at the same time so complicated. All right bro i see you for coffee this weekend. cheers man and do go to school dont always pon ;)


Hey RealityCheck,

Thank you for the kind words. There will be a new chapter coming up in abit.

cheers :thumb:

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  On 4/13/2013 at 4:27 PM, Stephen_K said:

Man, you're hella sort of super brave! I can imagine how strong your will power is; letting all these go and move on?...it was 2 + 8 years of relationship with him?! This is not just a simple typical boy having affair behind his boyfriend scenario, it was a betrayal of many levels. Both thumbs up bro...If only i can also let go of things so easily like you :(

Like ncikmelonpan, i also teared at the sentence "...took his hand and held it close to my heart. “You know I wont leave you but if ever we get separated, know that you will always be in here..."

What are you? Super Aaron?? hahaha...Great job as usual my fren! :)


Holla Stephen,

Initially i was not that brave but had to muster all i had and build the courage up. else i would be a sucker for life if i did not stand up for what i think is right. Betrayal level #999 i would say man but that was in the past. Byrant is a good boy now. Hahaha well everyone including you can do it too it takes courage and just the inner you telling yourself YOU CAN DO IT !!!


Lol nothing super about me. I am still Aaron though those who met me seems to think otherwise. they asked why am i different from the Aaron in the story. Like come on man, that was during my school days, i am an old man now ... oops :yuk:  Aite man do take care.


will catch you around sometime soon. cheers mate :thumb:

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  On 4/13/2013 at 6:28 PM, JunKai said:

Hey Aaron!

Love reading all your post on your stories!

So exciting and keep me wanting to know more, awesome story and you really can write good stories!!! Haha

Can consider going into that line hahah :P

Cheers :)



  On 4/14/2013 at 4:37 PM, JonnyBoi™ said:

New reader of yours. So touching~

I teared after reading that your dinosaur waited for u with nasi lemak and sugar cane. So cute lorh.

My heart cringed a little whenever I read your stories. Made me think of someone whom I once cared for.


Holla Junkai,

How are you my good man? hahah thank you for your kind words. Really appreciate you taking time off to read

my humble story. It is nothing much just sharing my past experience with the world. I believe there are greater ones

out there only we have not had the chance to read or hear em. I am posting an update pretty soon just replying to

the messages and all....

hey man what line ? haha aite cheers :thumb:


Holla JonnyBoi,

awww dont cry all right. all will be good. i am sure whoever that someone of yours is, you are happy for him now.

everyone come and go in our lifetime. some stay for the better while others leave because of reasons. what matters

is you look forward and enjoy the moment ahead.


Yeah i do agree that little dinosaur looks so innocent when he is good but not when he is horny hahaha...

all right dude, you be good and take care. dont think too much bout that someone ;)

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  On 4/17/2013 at 5:26 AM, curiousbi1 said:

I seriously fell in love your stories dude! good job! :)



  On 4/17/2013 at 6:32 AM, Glyph said:

Love isn't always pretty.. or so they say.



  On 4/18/2013 at 8:25 AM, boyzbe81 said:

Thanks bro Aaron for the writings...


Holla Glyph,

well i agree seth :thumb: it never is ... or maybe as they say


Holla boyzbe81,

double reply hahaha double post but all is good. thanks bro.

lets catch a game sometime this weekend or next. 1 more

point for the red devils and the title is ours :clap: :clap: :clap:


Holla curiousbi1,

hey thanks man, all is good :thumb: take care ~

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  On 4/16/2013 at 11:26 AM, Yas1950 said:

Bro Aaron, as always very strong writing. Keep it going man. The world needs to know more about your love life.

Respectfully always



Holla my dearest Abang,

Thank you for the kind words and support as usual. I am still waiting for your story and marky. well hopefully

he is fine. haven heard from him. Well abang yas, do take care and i shall catch you very very soon when

you are available. I will be posting up a new chapter soon. Cheers bro


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CRUMPLER OIIII! Why always end like thissssss....

Makes me come back for moreee like drugs sia! Opps! Hahaha

I enjoy reading this types of stories, but not those books type. Why?


But anyways, JY for the other parts!!



Fly me up to the mooon and tell me that im yours forever!

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  On 4/18/2013 at 1:22 PM, Crumplerboi said:

Chapter 5


, i kept myself busy with books and my notes. I celebrated my 18th birthday with a big bang. Byrant, I and few of our close pals booked a trip to Phuket. That was the first time that my doors were open to the land of smiles. If you ever went to Phuket or know bout it, Bangla Street was the place where the party takes place. I cant recall this bar where if you played a game with the girls and you lose(90% of the time you lose) you would have to ring the bell and buy the whole bar a drink. It was an awesome party and it was during that night when i had sex outside of a relationship.


Wow you're moving onto Phutket. In my experience, the Ladyboys I fraternized with in Phuket are the best, most loyal and most gentle friends I have ever met.

Did you socialize with ladyboys?

Thanks for another great post from you.

Enjoy the weekend, I m gonna read this chapter again; more thoroughly!!!

Stay in touch.

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  On 4/18/2013 at 1:17 PM, Crumplerboi said:


Holla boyzbe81,

double reply hahaha double post but all is good. thanks bro.

lets catch a game sometime this weekend or next. 1 more

point for the red devils and the title is ours :clap: :clap: :clap:



Waiting for you to contact me on that... Hahaha....

"Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around." -- Leo F. Buscaglia

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  On 4/18/2013 at 2:23 PM, G a b said:

CRUMPLER OIIII! Why always end like thissssss....

Makes me come back for moreee like drugs sia! Opps! Hahaha

I enjoy reading this types of stories, but not those books type. Why?


But anyways, JY for the other parts!!





  On 4/18/2013 at 5:51 PM, JunKai said:

Haha this line as in writing! haha..

your stories really leave me wanting more each time you update! haha!

Continue writing :) Love it!


Holla G,

LOL hi G, end like what? Ok nice to know you would come back from more.

I will update in abit. hahah no special treatment haha. See ya this Sunday

bro lemme know. Cheers !!!


Holla Junkai,

Hey Mr Fireman, There will be an update later. So thank you for the wait.

Cheers man :thumb:

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  On 4/18/2013 at 7:33 PM, Glyph said:

Wow, how'd you know my name? o.o



  On 4/19/2013 at 9:17 PM, MrNiceGuy said:

Awesome story bro. Keep it up!


I like the cliffhangers, make me want to come back for the next chapter.


Holla Glyph,

hahaha an old friend dear seth ~

Take care :thumb:


Holla MrNiceGuy,

Thank you for your kind words bro.

Hope all is good on your side.

I will update in a little while ;)

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  On 4/21/2013 at 3:22 AM, boyzbe81 said:

Waiting for you to contact me on that... Hahaha....



  On 4/21/2013 at 12:35 AM, ColSpo said:

aaron. Nice to See how u and bryant ended So nicely.. and haha.. u are really a teaser man.. like to make us eager for the next chapter.. bleah.


Holla boyboyzbe81,

well we are the CHAMPION.

NUMBER 20 TITLE :clap: :clap: :clap:


holla ColSpo,

Hahaha hey there man, well thank you for the wait.

Cheers to you and see ya soon aite :thumb:

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  On 4/20/2013 at 7:37 AM, Yas1950 said:

Wow you're moving onto Phutket. In my experience, the Ladyboys I fraternized with in Phuket are the best, most loyal and most gentle friends I have ever met.

Did you socialize with ladyboys?

Thanks for another great post from you.

Enjoy the weekend, I m gonna read this chapter again; more thoroughly!!!

Stay in touch.


Holla Abang Yas,

Well just a little bout Phuket. Nothing exciting as of yet hee hee. Well i do agree on what you mentioned

the Ladyboys there are awesome bunch ~

Thank you bro for the kind support always.

Enjoy your weekends too with the <3 ones.

Tea session soon aite big bro !!!



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Chapter 6

Lucky for me, I have friends in Phuket and getting a ride was easy. One of them was Chatrapong. His dad owned a fleet of cabs and motorbikes around the area of Bangla Road district. I just had to ring him up and within minutes there was a cab waiting for us.

Some details about Bangla Road for the readers. Located within the vicinity of Patong Beach, it is similar to our Clarke Quay or Boat Quay kinda area. If you wanna compare it to Bangkok, perhaps the Silom area district would give you a vivid picture. Paradise Complex is also a nightspot for gays situated near to Bangla Road. I have not had the opportunity to fully discover the place but from Bangla Road area I had come to known a Ladyboy called Rita. Rita name was actually WIssanul Lomakul and he entered this trade to support himself and his sister. On a later chapter in this story, I will talked bout “Rita” on how we became friends and he or she eventually came to Singapore and work.

Anyway ….

In the cab, 3 of them were already dead drunk with Byrant being a “Merlion” and I all sober up. Stuart, our senior was right. I should be the one getting wasted not Byrant. But nonetheless I still have to look after my bestie. Wouldn’t want him roving into the dark alleys of Bangla Street and get raped. It was not too far off; if I remembered correctly we were staying at CNN or Bamboo Resort. I had to carry Byrant up to our room and way before we reached the room, Byrant vomited on me.

“Thanks ahh Byrant, T-Rex vomit are disgusting you know” I told him.

“Can I kiss you Aaron?” a drunk Byrant outta nowhere with such request.

“Eeew Byrant how disgusting can you be. You just merlion and you wanna kiss me?!”

Byrant was not light to begin with. At 167 62, I had a little difficulty throwing him onto the bed. He was in a total mess. And he smells like a pussy so I had to do what any bestie would do for him. Clean him up and put him to sleep. So I begin by taking off his clothes followed by his pants then I stopped. I thought to myself, should i? Byrant is drunk anyway so what gives right? It is not as if I am taking advantage of him or what so ever. So I gave him one last look, took a deep breath and pulled his boxers down.

“Hmmmmm” as I looked at his erected boyhood. Drunk and hard? Or pretending to be drunk and getting hard. With the alcohol getting to my head and the number of waterfalls I had, it really took me a lot of inner will to restrain myself from doing anything to him. I did not want to trouble myself by dragging him into the toilet to wash up so I wet a towel and wiped him. He was zonk out or so, but by then, his hard on had gone soft. I cleaned his face and proceed to the rest of the body. While cleaning his boyhood, I could not resist poking a finger into his boycunt. Yet, I still refrain myself from doing such odd things at wee hours in the morning. Besides, it wouldn’t be nice to Henry. But the other part of me thought otherwise. Henry had after all had done things with him when Byrant and I were together.
A cheeky grin was portrayed across my face. At this point of time, the alcohol I had earlier on had really gotten to my head. I was not thinking properly any longer thus I went to his nipple and gave it a lick. That was all I remembered.

The next morning I woke up with Byrant lying stark naked on top of me while there was a pack of unopened condom on the dressing table. I was still groggy to notice anything amiss. So I pushed Byrant to the side and proceeded to freshen up myself. My morning routine would be logging onto the net and check my blog if there were any comments or my friendster, if anyone had left a Testimonial. Talking about an era before Facebook…

I saw Byrant’s laptop was on sleep mode. So I just randomly press any button to wake it up. What I saw left me curious so I went to read. Byrant and I have this habit of typing our blog post onto Words before posting them up. Thus I browse through the unfinished post he had.

“So I pretended to be drunk and Aaron was a sweetie pie to carry me all the way to the hotel room. Well I guess I still had the hots for Aaron after all these months of waiting. His protein still tastes the same when I had it back in London. Silly Aaron thought I was dead drunk and I did get what I came for…”

“I need Tea” I said to myself. So I picked up the phone and ordered room service. After having my fill, I positioned myself beside the sleeping beauty. I knew he was wide awake and pretended to be asleep thus I held his nose so that he could not breathe which eventually woke him up.

“PIAK!!!” I gave one tight smack on his head … “What the fuck was that for dude!” Byrant shouted at me. I just smiled at him and pinched his cheek and gave him a light peck on his lips.

“For the Ouh-so-ever-Awesome blowjob by my Little Dinosaur… are you sure it is all right doing this behind Henry’s back? I mean I know how sucky it is but…” my words were cut short by him when he placed his finger on my lips.

“It is not like Henry did not perform such science experiment on me while you were with me. I supposed a little payback on your part would not hurt right? Besides, this is the way I am saying Happy 18th Birthday Aaron”

To be disenchanted in myself or to feel glorified that I had actually conquered what is Henry’s? I was lost for emotions at that moment. That was the turning point in my life when I advance from someone decent to an individual who did not give a flying fish bout others and only do things to benefit my own. I looked at Byrant and this sudden rage just took over me.

The next thing I knew I was on top of Byrant with my dick sticking out of the bathrobe I was wearing. It did not take long before every piece of clothing came off. I was on top of Byrant positioning myself with him propping himself against the bed frame. I positioned myself so that my dick is at his mouth. Slowly I insert my hard on into his mouth and begin fucking it. My pace begin to increase and within time, I begin to mouth fucked him vigorously without having qualms of Byrant choking from my dick going in too deep down his throat. I held his hair with one hand while I balanced myself with another holding the bed frame. Byrant was not given a chance to even back down though he was looking at me and choking. Byrant’s hair was being pulled with the simultaneous actions of me fucking his mouth. I did not know what took over me. With one final push, I shot my load down his throat and forced him to swallow.

After the fiasco of me ravaging him ended, he looked at me with tears rolling down his eyes.

“What is wrong with you Aaron? Why are you so sadistic out of the blue? You were not like this back in the days but the sudden changed in you. You could have killed my throat man, even if you are horny take it slow” Byrant holding his throat trying to recover from the manifest. I looked at him, without having any sympathy for this poor boy. I grabbed a towel and passed it to Byrant. “Go wash up and let us head out. Ohh and Byrant if you are still wondering why, the Aaron you used to know just left for Pluto”

Byrant was relatively quiet for the entire afternoon. I did not even bother to ask him if he was hurting or was he fine. We went for a massage that noon and continued drinking until late night. My celebration was cut short as each of us had other commitments. My last day in Phuket was spend with Rita, knowing him and sharing about each other’s life story and how we came about. I learned from Rita that being a ladyboy here is literally Survival of the Fittest. He eventually broke down and I had to comfort our Mr Lomakul(Rita) telling him or her that everything would be all right. I bid her farewell and left her my email so that if she ever came to Singapore and work, he could contact me.

We returned to Singapore the same day and after touched down, each of us went separate ways. Byrant was left with me and he still did not spoke any words to me since that night. I was still in a Party mood thus I had contacted my cousins to continue partying the same day. During my era, places like Sparks, Cheeky Monkey, Club 360, Chocolate Bar & the infamous Double O/O Bar. I grew up during that era when shots were at $3 bucks each and Jugs were $12.

I was ignoring Byrant the whole while when I felt someone tugging my shirt. “Aaron, can we have a drink first?” it was Byrant.

“A drink? Sure why not right. So when you are intoxicated I can fuck your mouth again!!!” I told him.

There was no reaction from Byrant. He remained silent and just bit his lips. He grabbed me by my hands and we walked over to the carpark. Uncle Tan was waiting for us and no Henry in sight, well that is a relief I suppose. The theory of having a drink ends up at Byrant’s place. I thought nothing of it cause perhaps he wants to unpack his luggage before heading off. I sat at the edge of his bed while he rummages through his drawer for something.

“Remember this Aaron?” Byrant showed me a letter. It was the letter which I had given him on the day we separated. “Read it Aaron and touch your heart. Tell me what am I to you?” Byrant began to sob a little when he requested me to read the letter. Being Byrant, he is the type which will tear easily. I guess being fragile in a way does make him a cry baby in a way. Nonetheless, I just ignored him and read the letter.

“Hello my Little Dinosaur,

I would not be around when you eventually read this, but I just want you to have a piece of mind. Knowing that this fairy tale journey we partake did not have a happily ever after, I am still contented to have went through this Journey with you. The last month we spend together after the London trip was awesome. I feel every ounce of your love for me Byrant. Though the past years has been rather a roller coaster ride for the both of us, I took it as a life learning experience. 10 years from now Byrant, I still want to sit down and eat with you, drink with you, laugh and cry together with you my dearest bestie.

It is better to love and lost rather than not to love at all. I rather love you and get hurt by you instead of being played by others. Yes you had your unfaithful moments during the course of our relationship but what makes you different is you put that smile on my face every morning we meet no matter how shitty the previous day was. You were always there when I need a cushion to land on. You never fail to have that shoulder ready whenever I had to cry or lean on. Byrant I have mentioned before, you may be my first but you are not my last. But the first always leave a lasting impression and for us to forgo our friendship because of a small tornado in our sail, that would be a pity. Even if our ship was wreck and I had to swim with you, I will make sure you are with me Byrant(even though I cant swim :P) Knowing you was a bliss and to have such an adorable bestie makes my life joyful. Byrant we may or may not even be bestie after this incident, but if we do, I thank you for your kind understanding. I want you to know that deep down, I still love you as my bestie. I will never do anything not even a slightest cut to harm you in any manner. If I ever did that, I am forsaking our friendship that we had forge over the past years. Byrant do take your meals regularly and don’t skipped on it. I know swimmers have awesome body but do indulge yourself in your favourite food once a month. I don’t know what else to say anymore to you Byrant. To be honest, I wish this thing could go on forever but you know nothing last forever. Even our life ends. So without the sadness of parting Byrant, where would we find the joy of having a reunion? Well I hope our reunion would be a joyful one.

Take care of yourself my little Dinosaur. I will always be here if you ever need me. We still have bout 8 more months of school so I doubt we can avoid each other. You sit beside me in class and you always wait me up every morning with breakfast. I am not skipping breakfast just because you broke up with me so you better stick to the routine. I just want you to know, no matter the distance, I will always be present in that notty little heart of yours, my dinosaur <3

Your A’SYNC”

When I finished reading the letter, I looked at Byrant. I bit my lip and questioned myself in silence. “What have I done to him in Phuket. What atrocity has it been that I promised not to hurt him but…”

“So were your words just to comfort the broken heart or was it written from your heart Aaron” Byrant said while tearing away. At that moment, I felt like a total ass, a huge motherfucker whom had hurt his bestie and gave no regards to his well being. On one part I figured it would to get back at him but on another, I felt remorseful for my actions.

“I’m … I’m sorry Byrant. I didn’t mean for that to take place” when he suddenly came over and gave me a hug.

“Hush Aaron, I know you did not mean it…. I still love you…. My bestie” he whispered softly into my ears………

Edited by Crumplerboi
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  On 4/23/2013 at 2:00 PM, JunKai said:


Teared while reading this... Its just too touching... :'(


Really write so well!!! Continue making us wait and blowing our mind with your story! :D


Little Fireman:)



  On 4/23/2013 at 3:24 PM, Nania911 said:

Amazing storyo


Holla JunKai,

woah little fireman? hmmm enjoy your enlistment dude with all the mats inside, ya gonna have hella' good

time ;) just kidding, but yeah enjoy your NS and we shall catch up when you bookout. Yup thank you for

your generous support as always. Psst, dont punch punch aite hahaha :thumb:  take care man...


Holla Nania911,

Thank you yooo :thumb:

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  On 4/23/2013 at 4:49 PM, ~SweetHeart~ said:


Thanks so much for posting chapter 6

Really enjoyed reading it...



  On 4/24/2013 at 3:02 AM, ColSpo said:

Hmmm.. didn't know crumplerboi would turn evil for awhile.

Haha.. chapter 7 faster come.. haha


Holla sweetheart,

its my pleasure man, hope you will enjoy the next

installment as well. Cheers mate ~


Holla ColSpo,

never turn evil just a little experimenting in bed which turns

awry hahaha, chapter 7 would be up in a bit aite. See you

around man :thumb:

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  On 4/28/2013 at 5:14 AM, G a b said:

Omg! The last part! Hahaha, nice chapter! See ya later!! :D





  On 4/28/2013 at 5:22 PM, JunKai said:

C ! 


Loving it~~ haha





Holla G,

hahah thank you bro. Yup seen you over the weekend.

Thanks for coming over. cheers man we catch up soon.



Holla JunKai,

LOL what fresh what not leftovers anyhow you. Anyway,

enjoy your enlistment and shall catch up with you when

you book out ~ remember to share your juicy stories w

those mat reps LOL :yuk:

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  On 4/29/2013 at 3:12 PM, Malcolmyyy said:

Omgosh! I love your stories!!!! :D killed my phone but worth it! :) hope to see more ;) and btw, this is my first post here on BW. :)



  On 4/30/2013 at 9:04 AM, Marineboy said:

I am a fan.............autograph for me when you sell your books ! :thumb:  :thumb: :thumb:  


Holla Malcolmyyy,

what happened to your phone? Did it commit suicide? wahahaha thank you for the support and i am

certainly honored that your first post was on my humble thread. Take care and i shall catch up when am

less occupied ;) 


Holla Marineboy,

It has been awhile man. How are things out at sea wahahaha just kidding. Yes you would be one of the few

people i would gladly give a personal autograph hahaha :thumb:  Take care mate n cheers :clap:

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  On 4/30/2013 at 2:40 PM, ColSpo said:

haha.. u are not very teasy this chspter.. take care crumpbler.. see u soon sen ior



  On 5/6/2013 at 5:56 AM, ColSpo said:

fresh mussle can? hahaha


Holla ColSpo,

LOL Junior kenot be teasy(your word) every chapter. Must have soemthing different.

Yes Yes definitely see you soon when we have the time with the rest. Will definitely

let you know. Hahaha fresh mussel ehh hmmm maybe if you down on the 17th i might

consider hahaha cheers Junior :thumb:  

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  On 5/2/2013 at 12:54 PM, Itsme said:

Nice story Aaron (: you were really brave back then! Hope you are doing well now and perhaps we can become friends (:



  On 5/6/2013 at 6:12 AM, youngyang said:

That's the end? Hope not.... :(


Holla itsme,

well thank you man for your kind words. Hahaha those were the days i supposed but all is good. I can gladly say

i can look back at those memories and smile. Yup sure friends we are dont have to hope. I will be more than happy

to do coffee or dinner with you someday. Take care aite and best of lucks in your studies :thumb:


Holla youngyang,

Nope not end, still many more chapters to come hopefully.

Cheers man ;)

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  On 4/29/2013 at 10:07 AM, Yas1950 said:

Yo Bro, this is a KILLER LINE!!!!!

I love it!!!!!


Holla Bro Yas !!!

It has been awhile and hectic week. Hope you are doing good and please be less busy when i am

available so the 3 story tellers can sit down and have some tea. LOL killer much indeed bro thank you

for the post n like. You be good and take care of yourself and look after your health always.

Love you always bro ;)

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"And to that special someone, we being able to go through this journey beyond the physical touch of sex, it certainly makes it worthwhile for me to be with you. 10 days has passed since May, i wish everyone A Wonderful & Meaningful months ahead of 2013."

AWWWWW whos that special someone ;)

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