Crumplerboi Posted June 30, 2013 Author Report Share Posted June 30, 2013 Booooo! Hahahah sial ah, why did i "Boooo" sia, confirm kena condemn one later! Hahaha, anw, just wanna tell you something, AWESOME STORY BRO! Hahaha! Cant wait for next part!! Oh, i see its Junkai! HI JUNKAI! Ahhhhh you evil boy.... made me want for more! lol... Miss chatting w you eh! anw how you know i POP alr?? 0.0 Better be free soon! Im already 8-5 already hahaha~ Holla Gab,Condemn by who bro ? Lol i know the reason behind why you boo, cause you saw someone and you boo right. Ok i shall pretendthat i do not know anything and la la la. Yes thank you bro for the support always. Suddenly the whatsapp group became silent whenyou talk wahahah busted right they all hmmmm Ouh you saw someone, who is that someone i wonder :yuk: cheers bro !!! Holla JunKai,Why am i evil ? you want more what ehh Mr Fireman ? i thought you were busy with your photoshoot and all, and you still oweme peekture of ..... wahahahaha Yes i know you POP already cause someone told me actually it was you who told me Blonde ~Ok catch up with you soon fireman Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Crumplerboi Posted June 30, 2013 Author Report Share Posted June 30, 2013 I keep on checking this thread for the new chapter this past few days... But i can say it's worth the wait!I'm already excited for the next chapter! Keep it up dude! Happy Monday! Awesome write up Aaron.Your bunkmate is quite open from what you've wrote in chapter 11, when Martin carry his pillow to your bunk.... Holla curiousbi1,Hey man, sorry to keep you and the rest waiting. I was occupied with a new venture with my bossand he had me all busy setting up his co thus i was running around and had to time to update. Butthank you for waiting patiently and i will post an update in a moment. Cheers man, hope things aregood on your side. Take care man Holla Roronoa,Happy Sunday and Happy July tomorrow haha how time flies man... well when you have 3 dudeswho are of similar orientation in one bunk, colourful bunk indeed. Nahx, they did not say much the resti mean cause i was being called the gangster of the squad hahaha will share in details on a later chapter.Have a great week ahead man and cheers Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Crumplerboi Posted June 30, 2013 Author Report Share Posted June 30, 2013 Chapter 12 “Wah laoz so sweet sia” someone cited from the background. “Fuck off man” Martin replied to the individual who said that. “Hey you okay Aaron? Wanna talk or something or perhaps you want some time alone. I could like leave you know and you sort ya self out” “Nahx Martin, am good man. Just that at times when you recall a memory from the past and it hurts a little, sorry that you had to see me like this” I told Martin. “OIE !!! YOU ALL DON’T KNOW HOW TO LIGHTS OFF ?! WHAT TIME ALREADY AHHH ?! YOU THINK THIS IS YOUR GRANDMOTHER CHALET ISSIT !!!” someone’s voice from below shouted. It must have been one of the FI’s. Everyone scrambled to their beds and lights were off. Martin had no time to run back to his bunk and did not wanna get into any trouble. So he just lay beside me and it was a squeeze lemme tell you. I just lie beside him keeping quiet and feeling awkward. Furthermore, I have not released myself for that week and my dick head got the better of me. I was spotting a hard on lying beside Martin which I thought was asleep. I almost jumped out of my bed when I heard someone whispered into my ears. “Psst, Aaron.You asleep?” I tried to speak softly when a squeaky voice came out. I almost laugh my ass off to that reaction. “No am not asleep why?” “You don’t mind I share the bed with you right? I can’t just go back now else for nothing I get into trouble. Lemme sleep with you here for tonight, okay?” Martin asked me I turned around and looked at him. Our faces were not that close to each other but still within a distant. “You can sleep here every night if you want to Martin” as I pinched his nose. Under the moonlight, I can only make out his boyish smile and he kept quiet. Nothing happened that night, he and I slept soundly. Well not for me as there were few instance I tried controlling myself to not hug him or touch his manhood. Don’t start rolling your eyes at me aite, I just can’t help it like I mean, given the opportunity why not right? But I did not as I see Martin as someone I can rely on for the good and bad times. It was not till 530 that I felt someone shaking me. It was Martin, he needed to take a leak and as usual he will wake me up. Even though when he was in his own bunk which is beside the toilet, he will come to my bunk and dragged me to the loo with him. “Can’t you go alone Martin? You are 18 ya know that” with my groggy self walking to the toilet. Martin places his arms around me and said “What if I needed to release myself in a different way, that is where you come in handy” as he smacked my head and ran off to the toilet. Martin at times could be a total biatch. He would often tell me about how he did girls back in college and how staircase 6 was the famous place to make out. Sometime I laughed at Martin at how he amuses me and recalling how girls love his manhood cause it shoots unlimited essence of youth. I will just yawn at his story and that will agitate him. “I tell you, that bitch can squirt a bucket” one of the conversation we had during our free time. “Okay Martin” answering in this manner was to agitate him. “What Okay Martin. I am Serious you know” “Hi Serious, I am Aaron” I said. “Fuck You Aaron, wait till you try me” Martin beginning to feel agitated. “Why wait, let’s go” as I pulled his hands. He will always be defensive when I did that but will shy away when I asked him why he was being a pussy and NATO. I stood by the mirror as he was peeing when he called out for me. He wanted to inquire with me something and did not want to shout across the toilet. So I stand 3 urinals away from him and asked him what it was about. Martin was blabbering bout how his parents were gonna be away in states for two years and he will be home alone. He had a discussion with his folks and told them that he might need company. Initially his mum thought it was one of his GF but when he told her it was me, she was surprised. I did not pay attention to his words but more to what was happening below. I took a peek at his manhood when he was not looking. I thought to myself “Hmmmm foreskin can be pulled all the way back and his dickhead is Pink… Dayum!!!” before he snapped me out of my own world. “OIE, see what see. You want it just say, not as if I can’t give it to you for a ride” he smiled. “Fuck off Martin, aint gay and will never be” I told him off sounding angry but deep down he knows I been checking him out. “Yeah I know you aint gay you are bisexual, but you do love my dick don’t you” he purposely trying to push his luck further. I knew cause he did not meet his GF or scandal the last round before we booked in and he is not the type to jerk himself off. I ignored him and went to the basin and wash my hands. “Aaron, not gonna help me?” he winked. I raised my middle finger and smiled at him “Why don’t you suck on mine and I will consider if your vagina infested dick is worthy for my hands or mouth” Before we can continue our naughty joke, someone came in. It was Chee Yong with his Pink basket of toiletries and his towel wrap around his head. I seriously cannot tank when I see him like that and broke into laughter. “Laugh what Aaron? Early morning you are already in the toilet with your wife. Having morning exercise?” Martin could not help himself but pulled the towel off Chee Yong’s head. I told him not to bully our dear sister else no one would help me to wash my laundry. It was that morning which brought Martin closer to me. During lunch, he came over to seat with me instead of his squad. I always reprimanded him that even though there was nothing between us, please attempt to limit the hours he spend with me. It is like my hours in camp are always occupied with him and wherever I am, he would be there. I thought nothing weird of it cause I am enjoying every moment I am spending with him. “Aaron this morning I inform you on regards with my parents heading over to states and I will be home alone. I spoken to mum like I told you and she agreed to have you over. So please this weekend packed all your stuff and move over ok? By the way, this week after NDP practice, come over to my crib. Mum wants to see you over dinner” and he went off. Chee Yong and the rest of the squad who was seating near me looked at me. “What?!” I looked at them. I gestured Chee Yong to finish up his food and accompany me to the gents. There was an awkward silence when Chee Yong looked at me. “What?!” was my reaction to him. “You for once stop your What, What, What line can? You wanna be Mr Aaron What? Or Mrs Martin? Which would sound better” “Hahaha, Fuck off man. And you wanna be Mrs Joe? Since his bf is not in camp with him” I told Chee Yong. ‘Oie, don’t anyhow. That guy is attached and his boyfriend is some officer. Well we are officers too in a way but that’s aside. What was that all about just now? You moving in with Martin?” he asked. “No idea man, really honestly. I did not even say yes or no and this weekend imma see his Mum for dinner. Weird and awkward much, even I did not brought Byrant or Victoria home for dinner” I looked at Chee Yong. Bloody Chee Yong did not helped much but burst into laughter. “Well you know when they say, meet the in laws” Martin was occupied with his squad for the noon. As for myself, my lazy ass Fitness Instructor was always never around so we had like the whole afternoon in the bunk till dinner time. There wasn’t any internal NDP rehearsal thus we were left to our own activities. I lay on my bed, took out my little diary and began writing. The whole saga that was happening and of course there is also Martin. As I was flipping through the pages, I saw a drawing of a Dinosaur. I flipped to the next page and there it was a picture of Byrant and me during the last day of college. You know the moment when your surrounding turned silent and you are in your own little world. I took out his picture and prop myself against the bed frame. Looking at the picture and my thoughts began to wonder, I could not helped myself but recall the happy moments I had with him. Inevitably, a sudden emotional feeling engulf me. I took his picture and place it beside the entries I have made when we were together. Like the morning dew falling below, glistening tears formed in my eyes and hovered for a moment before they fell wetly upon my cheek and forming a wet patch on my diary. I certainly miss the good times but not the person. For there was a closure to our episode, thus it was not something heartbreaking that I was tearing about but rather something serene. I did not realise Martin was standing beside me in his number 3. A hand was placed at the tip of my diary and was grabbed away from me. I instantly react to the hand but was too slow, it almost made me blurted out the F word when I looked at the face of the hand. ‘Ouh, hey Martin. Can I have my diary back please?” Martin looked at me and gave a sigh. He took the picture and observed it for a moment before placing the picture back and closing the diary. He returned my diary, looked at me and shakes his head in discontent. He took about 3 steps before he turned around and look at me, “Aaron, get over him cause a bastard like him doesn’t deserve you. I have asked around what he did to you and honestly, you are one Mofo who is so dumb to be with someone like that. GROW UP Aaron!” and he left. I tried to ignore what Martin had said but it was bothering me at the back of my mind the whole noon. I continued with my diary entry and eventually doze off. Chee Yong came to wake me up for dinner but I told him to just take my card and tap for me as I was not feeling hungry yet. And besides, I always skipped dinner at the mass and instead head to the cafeteria for food. I was sitting down enjoying my milo peng and chicken cutlet when a familiar voice came from behind, “may I take a seat?” it was Martin. I gestured for him to take a seat and I continued with my food. I did not even look at him nor were any words exchanged between us. It did not take me long to gobble down my food and I wanted to leave when he grabbed my hands, “Aaron seat. I wanna talk” “I am tired Martin. I want to rest and besides don’t cause any ruckus here. These walls have ears and these cafeteria have eyes, I don’t need any more attention from hobos I do not wanna associate with” I told him off. “Please Aaron … “Martin gave me the innocent boy look. I was a sucker for that even till today. “Fine ! Meet me at the back of our bunk in 15 minutes. Lemme grab a quick shower and I will be there” I told Martin. “Thank You Aaron” Honestly, I did not have anything against him or anything in between that line. The only thing that puzzled me was his reaction to me when he saw the picture and his words to me. For all I know he is straight and has a GF or scandal that he fornicates weekly. Never in my deepest thought or wildest imagination that I would think he is queer. Although if he was and given an opportunity, I would do him but that is beside the point, I was just thinking of what he wanna talk about. I sat by the walkway and waited for him. Typical Martin to be late as always but nonetheless, I continued waiting. It was not 10 minutes later that he arrived. He apologise profusely and told me that there was a squad briefing for him thus he was delayed. I just nodded and waited for him to seat. He passed me a can of ice lemon tea and the next few minutes were silence. “Look Martin, if you don’t wanna talk, I will make my way back to the bunk and snooze” “Wait Aaron, sit down. How should I began or put this into words” Martin’s reply to me. “You need pen and paper or maybe a laptop. So you can type or write it down?” I asked him. “Stop being a pricked Aaron. I am not here to pick a fight with you. Ok let me begin from the top” he began but before I interrupted him. ‘Why not from the bottom since you are one” I teased him. “AARON!!!” I laughed and told him to continue with whatever he wanted to say. “Aaron, what made you choose this path?” he began. I gave him a weird expression before explaining him on why and how or such. Martin sat back and listened attentively to my story while in between taking a sip from his drink. I told him that I still love best of both world and given the opportunity, I will be with either one be it male or female. He did question me that wouldn’t it be selfish of me to have such an agenda. “Only a selfish individual would not spread love” was my answer to him. I was back then, an arrogant prick who has no qualms about the world cause I walk above all. Though, a little piece of that arrogant bastard did bring me to a level of success in a diminutive way. Martin turned his head to the face me and gave a smirked “Aaron, Aaron. You are smart, well to do, have a bright future and good looking in a cute way, why can’t you end up with someone who can appreciate you? I am just curious, after all this time, we both have gotten closer by the day and me being literally around you, isn’t the finish line within grasp? Or are you waiting for me to get down on my knees and beg you?” “HUH?!” was my reaction to him. Martin places his hands against the back of my head and begins playing with my hair. Not that I have any but he describe it similar to a toilet brush. Martin pulled me closer to him and rested my head on his shoulders. “Aaron look up at the moon” he gestured. “The moonlight shall be our witness to this wonderful moment I am going to experience with my future partner. Aaron, I want to thank you for being a great company during my time in HTA. I could not have envisioned how mundane life would be without you this little runt. And never in my wildest imagination that I can have an individual like you to be a great buddy” I was seriously at that moment of time, lost at what was heading my way. In my mind, his words were as though hoes running through it like a track meet. “Aaron” Martin turned his face towards my direction and looked at me. “Yes Martin?” I answered. Martin smiled and held my hands … G a b and saint80 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest WONDER780 Posted June 30, 2013 Report Share Posted June 30, 2013 DaFUQ!!!! CANNOT STOP THERE LIKE THATTTTTT!!!!!!!! EVIL! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
youngyang Posted July 1, 2013 Report Share Posted July 1, 2013 Ya lor... That's evil... Continue saint80 1 Quote Please "like" my facebook page.... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Marineboy Posted July 1, 2013 Report Share Posted July 1, 2013 LOL Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JunKai Posted July 1, 2013 Report Share Posted July 1, 2013 HAHA nice ending... make me wait somemore uh~ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
G a b Posted July 2, 2013 Report Share Posted July 2, 2013 Wahwah, eh, next time dont stop half wayyyyyy! Tsk! Hahahah, YA LAH! ALL IGNORE ME ON WHATSAPP :'( Quote Fly me up to the mooon and tell me that im yours forever! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dandriel Posted July 2, 2013 Report Share Posted July 2, 2013 Aaron has this penchant for making emotions go crazy aint it? I was supposed to be sleeping at 1am and it's 3am now and I'm like an owl.But kudos to him for all the entertaining story he devote so much time writing and crafting for us! I believe a lot of members here learnt a lot of lessons from this stubborn guy. Rock on! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
leglenn23 Posted July 3, 2013 Report Share Posted July 3, 2013 Hi, I love your stories. Can I ask you a question? Are u still in contact with Bryant or after ns you guys really lost contact? I only wondering about that part. Thanks. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 6, 2013 Report Share Posted July 6, 2013 cliff hanger,emotions,desirable the next chapter up or the author is making us wait Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Guest Posted July 8, 2013 Report Share Posted July 8, 2013 waiting for next part! we want more aaron and martin! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fireblaze_69 Posted July 27, 2013 Report Share Posted July 27, 2013 This is getting interesting! From school to ns .... Caught up with the story! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hggave Posted July 27, 2013 Report Share Posted July 27, 2013 I guess the last update of the story (chapter 13) is lost due to BW "blackout" case.Aaron, pls post it again.And we are dying to wait your chapter 14..Want to know your reaction of what Martin said in front of you and Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Guest Posted August 11, 2013 Report Share Posted August 11, 2013 No story? :'( Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
curiousbi1 Posted August 22, 2013 Report Share Posted August 22, 2013 still waiting for chapter 13. i already miss reading your stories dude! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 5, 2013 Report Share Posted September 5, 2013 No more? Please continue, this is one of the highlights of the forum for me and I'm sure many others! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Crumplerboi Posted September 16, 2013 Author Report Share Posted September 16, 2013 Chapter 13 “Erm guys, the Duty Officer want to have a briefing with all the squad leaders” Zubair one of Martin’s close pal back in JC interrupted us. We both looked at him and I quickly let go of my hands. “Sorry to disturb you love birds but everyone else is waiting for you” before we three made our way to join the others for the meeting. “Where were you both? Everyone was looking for you?” the duty officer asked the both of us. I told him that we went for a run and was stretching out at the back thus we did not have our phones with us. It was before someone interrupted by saying “Sir, husband and wife having some couple time together, you must understand lah” one of the other squad leader blurted out. I looked at Martin and gave him the ‘I told you that people would notice’ look. Though eventually everyone broke into laughter and we were briefed about the activities we are having till NDP is over. We were told that those receiving their A level results can have time off or to book in the following day for that particular week.The day of results being released was something not anyone in particular was looking forward to. Neither I, nor Martin or Byrant are keen to even know how we fare. Stepping into the school gate, a familiar aura resides within me. Just about 2 years ago, I began my journey as a saint and also this is where my relationship ended with Byrant. Nope, I was not upset the least bit but smiling to myself at the places Byrant and me use to make out at. It was as if expecting a meteor to land in Singapore when my phone rang; it was Vic Henry. “Yeah holla, sups Vic?” I began. “Why didn’t you tell me today was your result day. I could have driven you from HTA to school” he sounded agitated. “Well I did not want to trouble ya and besides, I thought you were busy with your course or something. You told me not to acknowledge you if I see you in camp and such cause you are a senior officer blah blah…” “Aaron!” Vic raised his voice. “What?!” There was a moment of silence before he asked, “Who is Martin?” “None of your business Vic” and I cut the line. A familiar voice greeted me and patted me on the back. It was Byrant, he was in his no 4 and I could not help myself but laughed. I always joke with him how he looks like a walking vegetable with his uniform on. We were catching up about each other’s life and how NS sucks big time for me. He was involved in NDP as well but I never had the chance to catch him. He blames me for being too busy with my new wife that I did not have time for the widow he left. The thing about him, is that we can put the past behind and behave as though everything was normal. There was a briefing by the principal but I gestured Byrant not to sit in and a few of us chat over drinks while waiting for the speech to be done.The moment of truth came. My form teacher greeted me with smiles and I just acknowledged it with a nod. At that point of time, to open up the piece of paper and see how I had scored. I had high expectations of myself but more to the people around expected me to do well. Way before I could even open up my result slip, it was mom who called me. She asked if how did I do and do I have to retake any subjects. She started blabbering about the other teacher’s how badly their son did and such. I was like, cool down mummy it aint the end of the world. My group of friends had already planned that we open the result slip together at the same time and showed it to each other but we can’t see what is ours. We stood in a circle the 5 of us and on the count of 3; we opened the result slip and showed it to the next person beside us. Byrant was on my right and when he saw my result, he bites his lips. I swear at that moment, I could just breakdown there and then. He hugged me and whispered into my ears “it is okay Aaron. Don’t be disheartened. You have done your best” It feels as though the whole world came crashing down. I did not want to even look at that piece of crap paper but Byrant insist I should. It was not till when he held the paper in front of my face that I almost punched his nose flat. “HAHAHA JUST KIDDING AARON!!!” he laughed in my face and ran off. I looked at my result and stared at my phone. It was mom calling again. I let it rang and rang before eventually she disconnected the call. I stared at it again and again. I looked around me and notice the mixture of emotions. Some were overjoyed while others were looking somber. A few had to console one another perhaps due to the fact they had not done that well. Byrant eventually came back to me after celebrating his results and showing it off to others. “So where are you applying? Law, Medicine or Business?” he asked. “No idea man, maybe travel the world first before I come to a decision?” while still looking at my result slip. “For someone who scored this kinda results don’t feel too down man. I mean compared to those people who always top the class during test and exams but end up flunking. You were always sleeping during lectures at the back with your hoodie on. I must say it is a miracle you did well”I called Mum and told her about my results. She sounded disappointed with it but nonetheless, I had expected that reaction from her. Even scoring a single digit was not enough to impress her for O levels, what else would one B and the rest of the A do good. I know my Mum well and she always wants the best for her kids. But at times, I wonder if I ever get straight A’s will she still demand for better? Haha that is my Mum for you all, my personal science teacher and thank goodness I scored B for Math’s not for science else she would have turned me into a science experiment of her own. As soon as I was done talking to mum, Martin called. I did not wanna answer initially because counting down to the week; Martin had pissed me off on certain issues. I already explained to him that I needed some space but still he chooses to stick with me wherever I am. “You wife is calling, answer it. Not nice to make her wait” Byrant interrupted. I shook my head and gestured him for a drink. He grabbed my phone and ran off to answer it. When he came back with the cheeky smile on his face, he told me someone was waiting on the line for me. “So you are back together with him?”His voice sounded a little disappointed. “Martin, stop it will you. We had this conversation before and you jolly well know he is in the same school as me. Why you sounding all worked up and disappointed?” at that moment Byrant was just a few metres away from me and was asking me what is wrong. I gestured to him it was nothing and he continued chatting with the rest. “I just wanna share my happiness with you. I scored all A’s except for my econs. What bout yourself?” he asked. “Similar, but only B for Mathematics. Look man, as much as I am happy to hear bout your results, I need to go. I will see you back in camp aite? There was silence when I told Martin that. The next sentence spoken to him caught me off guard. I myself don’t even know to feel happy or surprised that he actually said that. “I kinda like you Aaron” and the phone went dead. At that present moment, I could not even be bothered about what Martin had said. Falling in love with a straight guy is a no-no for me. What’s worst is, falling in love with a confused straight guy gives a whole new meaning to Never-Ever-In-This-Lifetime. Well, that was what I thought but you guys know being 18 and full of emotions. Not that I am less of any emotions now, but it was just something you go through when you are younger. Feeling comes and goes, but how can I myself at that age judge that it will stay when my act does not involve judgment and decision. Because I have learn general love is rarely an emotional space where needs are instantly appreciated. To understand love, we have to invest time and dedication. Thinking that love will save us, solve all our tribulations or grant a steady state of bliss or security only keeps us wedged in wishful fantasy, undermining the real power of the love. Most of us want love to function as a drug, giving ourselves an instantaneous and continuous high. We want to do nothing at all but just passively receive this good feeling. Byrant and the rest were planning for a celebration. They wanted to eat out and have some drinks before each of us part ways to our planned activities. Not that I did not jump with joy with regards to my results, but I was more concerned what I wanna do in university. To be honest, I was not sure of my ambitions at that age. You know how when you in primary school, there is always the topic of ‘What is your ambition or what do you wanna be when you grow up” I had the thought of being a Policeman, well that ambition came true, I was one. Wanted to be a doctor, but the sigh of blood turns me off. Fancied those lawyers I see on television, but having a sister who is one, I wanted to be me. I did not wanna be someone whom others will say “Ouh, he followed his sister’s footsteps” Honestly speaking, the course I took in university was something I myself never foresee to be interested in. The interest actually sparked off during post NS time while waiting for uni. Anyway back to the story of Martin. He sends me multiple text messages and called me a few times. Martin wanted to meet up and asked if I could accompany him out for outing with his JC mates. I told him that it would be weird on my part to suddenly just be there with his friends. I mean what rational would they have if he just introduced me as a campmate whom he decides to bring along because there was no bitch to tag along. Martin was the least concerned of what other does have to say about his “Platonic Relationship” with me. On one part I wanted to reject him but on another, I am a sucker for people who beg and give me the puppy face. I told him Martin that I myself had a gathering with my JC mates to celebrate the release of our results. The only time I could joined him was later at night. That is if it was not too late and the gathering had not ended then I don’t mind joining. I met with Byrant and the rest at Holland Village. Technically, that was the closest for everyone else and since some of us wanted to grab a drink, we proceeded to Wala-Wala. Most of them in the group knows that Byrant and myself had call a quit. But being them, they arranged the seating’s so that myself and Byrant would face each other. Jennifer the tomboy sparked everything off; “Here is the seat to the Prince and his Princess” and all of them broke into laughter. “Give Aaron a break, I heard he has a new wife” Marcus shouted across the table. “You guys don’t be busybody and leave Aaron alone can?” Byrant trying to stop their nonsense. The whole group went “Awwwww” and finally we managed to place our orders with the laughing waitress waiting. In between glasses of alcohol, I steal glances at Byrant. There were a couple of times when we were all bantering and joking and our eyes were fixated to each other. We just looked at each other and smiled. I can’t help it to see how much he has grown and that boyish smile of his never fails to brighten up my day. I have learned that if you must leave a place that you have lived in and loved and where all your yesteryears are buried deep, leave it any way except a slow way, leave it the fastest way you can. Never turn back and never believe that an hour you remember is a better hour because it is dead. Passed years seem safe ones, vanquished ones, while the future lives in a cloud, formidable from a distance. Byrant would always without fail if we meet, asked me to sing him “An Jing” there was once after school one day that I went over to his place and played this piece on the piano for him. He always asked me to improve on my horrible pronunciation of Mandarin hahaha. It was only that one time that both of us duet a Piano-Violin for a friend’s birthday party. Just two weeks after, we separated ways. Thus, that being the reason why I did not wanna play the piano no more. Out of the blue, Byrant threw a rather random question at me. “Is he a rebound or do you truly have feelings for him?” The whole table went silent for a minute. I had to divert the topic by having a toast to good results with the rest. It did not go well with Byrant that I avoided his questions. But I supposed, he was just looking out for me and wanted me to be sure of my decisions. Time passed by quickly when you are having fun and celebrating with your friends. Soon, everyone had to part ways and I had my appointment with Martin. Byrant was heading the same way thus he decided to go along with me. I was waiting for Martin to come and picked me up to the place where he and his JC mates are gathering when Byrant offered to sit with me and just catch up. We sat by the fountain and began talking. Other than the norm, I was asking how things between himself and Henry were. His reply was; “Henry being him always, you know he is like. Any fool can be joyful. It takes a man with genuine heart to make beauty out of the stuff that makes us weep. Know something Aaron, sometimes I regret walking away from the relationship we had” I put my arms around him and kissed his forehead. “Now now Byrant, hush hush. You cannot protect yourself from sadness without protecting yourself from happiness. Do not regret the pronouncement you have made. For all that has been said and done, we humans never fail to at one point of time, make an erroneous judgment. That being said, you should be contented that you and I are still on talking terms. How many of our friends have we seen that separated and are not even on talking terms? You know what a troublesome thing that would be. Imagine someone wants to plan an outing or gathering and is stuck on who to invite and who not to invite. You by now should know that love is the will to extend one's self for the intention of nurturing one's own or another's pious growth. Love is an act of will by one. That is, both an objective and an action. Will also implies one’s choice. We do not have to love. We choose to love, correct Byrant?” By the end of that, Byrant was quiet. He tilted his head to the right so that it rested on my shoulders. He becomes quiet and I let him be. I did not notice if he was weeping or was he just thinking about something. People who walked by gave us stares but what wrong can it be just by sitting and talking. Although, minus the fact that his head was resting on my shoulders. “I heard from a reliable source that you and Martin behave very couple-like in camp. Is that true Aaron?” the words that came out of Byrant’s mouth did not surprised me at all. “Nahx, we are both just close that is all. You know like how you and I were back then in school. Your source aint reliable at all Byrant hahaha” I answered him. Byrant laughed, “But you end up bedding me” “Ouh PLEASE. Look at who is the one who threw himself at me” I told Byrant. “Two hands to clap Aaron, unless you are a retard who claps with both his feet” We both laughed it off and I assured Byrant that there wasn’t anything between Martin and myself. He was not convinced initially but knowing me, I won’t jump into a relationship with someone unless there was something concrete. I had to be really deep in love for myself to get with someone whom I barely known but that was not the case. My phone was on silence and I never noticed that Martin had texted me and gave a few missed calls. Nonetheless, I did inform him of the venue to meet me first. I was engrossed chatting and joking with Byrant that I did not noticed his presence. “Your phone went up your Ass or something Aaron?” a familiar figure stood in front of me. I took out my phone and saw the missed calls and text messages. I apologise profusely to him and explained that I did not do it on purpose. “Hey chill man, I am Byrant” Byrant extended his hands to greet Martin. “Martin” as both of them exchanged handshakes. Byrant looked at me and know that he did not wanna spoil the night. He tried to explain the situation; “Hey Martin, nice to meet you. Aaron and I were just catching up on the good ole days. Thus, maybe that is why he missed your calls. Pardon this silly boy here man” Martin looked at me and focuses his attentions on Byrant. “Some people should keep their dick in their pants. And some people should know that he is no longer the prominent one. Byrant, you should stop seeing Aaron. He is my bf as of now” “HUH?! WTF Martin” …. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kitsune Posted September 16, 2013 Report Share Posted September 16, 2013 Chapter 13 Crumplerboi I miss reading your story... Crumplerboi 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Crumplerboi Posted September 16, 2013 Author Report Share Posted September 16, 2013 (edited) Chapter 14 I was dumbfounded rooted to the ground not moving an inch. Both Byrant and myself were lost for words at that point of time. He gestured me to call him if there was anything and Martin was beckoning me to move my ass. I was stunned upon hearing those words. It took so much effort on my part to actually decipher the situation. My focus shifted to Byrant, who was sitting down and smiling sheepishly at the whole fiasco. Honestly, it was like being placed in between two delicacies and you are spoilt for choices. After recovering from the initial shock, I finally mustered the courage to opened my mouth and speak but that was before Byrant stopped me. “Congrats Aaron. At least I now know you are well taken care of.” When he came over hugged me and gave me a peck on my right cheek. Byrant whispered something into my ears before bidding goodbye to the both of us. “What did Byrant say?” Martin interrupted me of the moment. “What the Fuck was that about Martin? Paint a clearer picture for me on the definition of BF? Do you know it is like taking a piss out of Byrant by saying that? We were just having a decent conversation and you have to kick such a big fuss Martin. What is that you want from me, I am already here to accompany you for your gathering so please leave my friend out of your personal dilemma” “You mean leave your ex boyfriend not friend” Martin retaliated. “Aint taking this bullshit Martin. If you have something against him, then there is no point continuing this friendship or denial relationship you are having with me” The least to say, at least Martin still deep within had a human in him. I can see from the looks on his face he was feeling rather stupid. Stupid because of what he just did earlier on to Byrant and thinking that it will boost his ego and being the Alpha male. I shook my head and looked at him. Deep down I know he is just a lonely soul wandering about but his actions sometimes prove otherwise. Indecisive indeed at that point whether to follow Martin for his gathering or head home. More like myself wanting to spend the evening with Byrant over at his place to catch up. It is not as if we are going to end up frolicking each other or such but it was just the company that I missed. “Nahx, nothing of importance. Shall we like run along now? I do not want ya to be late because of me. Am very sure that it would not be nice for your friend to be waiting for the guest of honour right?” I chided at him. I be honest and say that I do not have any feelings for Martin. Perhaps a little or maybe there was something which has not sparked off at that moment. On one side, I do love him like a bf that I never had but on the other, his actions and words were totally driving me towards a different direction. You guys know am a sucker when someone like Martin begged me and gives me the puppy eyes. I went on with him half-heartedly to his gathering and I was rather feeling chutney on the inside. Due to the fact that he was bringing me to meet his JC mates whom I had no idea were. Furthermore, meeting people whom I do not even know if they are homophobic made things worst. I was thinking deep on the fact that who would Martin introduces me as. Never in my deepest imagination would he ever introduce me as his better half. Perhaps in a mannerism of joking but to be serious about it, you got to be kidding me. Upon reaching the restaurant cum bar, I was still feeling a little uneasy deep within. Inside of me, I was actually feeling rather weird being at a gathering where people whom are total strangers to me and furthermore, the rest are bringing their dates which I assume were girls and me hmmmm. I thought to myself, it is never too late to turn back and cook up an excuse but it would look Fuck up on my part if I ever did that. As we inched closer to the restaurant, my stomach was like a volcano that is gonna explode any moments. Talk about having butterflies and such, I was actually scared shit for god knows what reasons. Martin looked worried and he stopped me few steps away before entering the restaurant, “Aaron, are you okay? Why are you sweating profusely? You nervous or something love?” “No, well like the weather is actually humid. You know how I am, I can never be somewhere without air-con else I be sweating like a pig” I lied to him. “Look, if you are uncomfortable by going with me to my gathering, I can just cook up an excuse and tell them I aint feeling well. We can head somewhere else … “ before Martin could finish his sentence I placed my hands on his lips and gestured to him everything was fine and just proceed as planned. It was a dining cum bar place, I cannot really recall the location but if I remembered correctly it was Giraffe. Anyway, when we entered the restaurant, what greeted me could just make me faint there and then. There was a few familiar faces that I have known from JC. Something was amiss when I saw couples seated together but it was like guy and guy but there was a few guy and girl couple. Suddenly one of them, Theodore blurted across the table. “So Kong, this is your in-camp lover you were talking about?” In-camp lover?! I thought to myself something was definitely wrong here. I wanted to pass it off as a dinner joke to break the ice but deep down I know something was definitely out of sync. I glanced around the table and at times smiling if I did made any eye contact with his friends. Initially there were busy with talking in regards with university course and career path. I tried to remain invisible to the whole table but at times answering questions when one is thrown at me. I excused myself to the loo after half and hour or so to take a leak. It was there that Theodore spoke to me. “Hey Aaron, been quiet whole night. You ok man?” he asked. I looked at him and smiled, “Yeah man thanks. Theodore right? How’s result?” “All is good, thinking of heading to UQ but still keeping my choices open. Nuff bout school man, how long have you and Martin been together?” his question took me back a little. “Been together? You mean in camp? Close to bout four months I supposed. Martin is an awesome fella I would say.” I answered him. “Awesome in bed I guess?” as he zipped up and patted my shoulder while smiling. I did not wanna spoilt the night for Martin. For once, I did not even know what he had told his friends and such but I just played along. The night went really well and after a few drinks, I eventually blend into their conversation. I could see that Martin was enjoying himself thus I tried my level best to not spoil the night. My perception of the whole congregation was just to have a get together thing but it turned out otherwise. While seated on the table, Martin looked at me and explained his friends adore me much and what’s important is that I could click with them instantaneously. I did felt a little cheated in a way but I guess every individual has his or her own ways in doing stuff. Yes definitely it was shitty to know that the whole congregation was actually to evaluate you and not just a simple gathering. But I took it on another level, I guess at times one has to get a third party consolidation to make sure things did not go awry. Although at the same time, I was a little lost on the platonic relationship that was going on. In a friend zone manner, I treat Martin as someone close and a buddy in camp but on the other hand, I was confused with his actions. We eventually retired for the night and Martin requested me to dropped him off cause he was feeling a little dizzy. Kinda reminds me of someone who pretended to be drunk and it end up …. Haha ! Martin’s crib was not too far off town. It was just a stone throws away from Botanical Gardens thus the cab ride was a short one. Both of us remained silent throughout the journey. I supposed after a long day, both of us just wish to have a nice warm bath and head to bed. Just before reaching his crib, Martin held my hand and smiled. “Thank you Aaron for the night. You were a great sport and my friends really approved of me being with you.” His sentence left me astounded but I guess Martin was just tired and could not think straight. For the first time in my many months in HTA, we did not actually communicate with each other till the very next book-out. Which was also a drag for me because I was supposed to head over for dinner with his folks and moved my things in. In the midst of all this, I was contemplating on which course to take in university. Medicine was definitely out of the picture so I was left with Law or Business. Neither one was of interest to me at that moment, so I took my time to decide. “You sure ya wanna do this Aaron?” Martin feeling worried for me. “Well Martin, you promised your mum and it is not nice to put fly aeroplane. Besides, I am sure she wants to meet her son-in-law right?” as I pinched his nose. Martin was smiling from ear to ear. I know deep down he is overjoyed and could not believe his ears what I had just mentioned. I was honestly lost in the abyss of this stigma. No doubt Martin has the qualities of being a great partner. Be it physically or mentally, he has the attributes one would deem an ideal better half. As usual, I could not bother to change into my book-out attire cause we always booked out straight after class. I would just don on a jacket and will call for a cab to get me home. “Aaron slow down.” Martin was running towards me from his block located at Echo. “What?” I answered him. “Darling you gonna leave me alone? Remember today you are supposed to come over for dinner with my parents?” he reminded me. I totally forgot about the dinner thus I pretended that I did actually remember it. We both boarded the cab together and made our way to his crib. I was feeling rather nervous as we approached his crib. I mean, meeting his folks for the first time and they evaluating me, someone who would be staying with their son when they are away. Everything was happening so fast and at the same time my relationship status with Martin is really as though its not here neither there. If I were to consider him as my partner, it is too weird because we did not agree on anything. If I did deem his as a bestie, he is giving me mix signals, which I myself cannot even decipher what it equates to. Martin’s two maids greeted us at the gate and whisked our bags away. His mum came short after and hug the both of us. “Hello Mrs Kong, my name is Aaron” as I extended my hands to greet her. She smiled at me before anything else and gave me a hug. “Ohh Aaron, don’t have to be so formal. You are such a dear, I just love your smile” and she planted a kiss on my cheeks. Martin was laughing away looking at his mum and me with our antiques outside of their place. “You boys go wash up and I will prepare dinner. Martin dear, I cooked your favorite mac n cheese and clam chowder. Aaron dear, I will ask the maid to show you to your room.” I nodded to acknowledge what she just said before Martin cut in. “Mum, Aaron will be sleeping with me. I know we have a huge house but you know how at night I am a little scared? Aaron has been my teddy bear in bed for the past 4 months.” My jaw just dropped open at what he just said and I looked at his mother. “Sure thing dear, if you insist” and she walked away smiling. Martin grabbed my shoulders and showed me around the house. It reminded me of Byrant’s crib but double the size. Each of the family members occupied one floor. Martin opened his room door and what greeted me blew me away. The room was huge and his trademark waterbed. I had trouble adjusting to his bed initially cause of the wobbly feeling. I was seating on his recliner texting my mum that I wont be home for the week when he came over and stood beside me. Martin brushed my hair with his hands and smiled. “Are you happy being with me Aaron? Love me like you never love anyone before and the world is yours. Name anything you desire and you shall get.” With his words ringing in my head, you cannot blame me if I was excited. At 18 and being treated like royalty, what gives right? Every individual at one point of time has this brat in us but as times pass, we grew out of it. No doubt my folks are well to do in a sense where they can give a comfortable life to my family but my dad ways are very hard knock. “But Martin, we … “ he placed his fingers on my lips gesturing me to keep mum. I was lying on the recliner and he positioned himself on top of me. Martin unzipped his jacket and threw it aside. He proceeded to do to same to mine and we both in that positioned stared at each other. My body was already thinking otherwise with the hard on I am getting because of Martin sitting on it. I shy away from his stare and looked out of the window. He lunged his body forward and turned my head to face him. “But what Aaron? I never had been so happy in my entire life before. For the last couple of months having the opportunity to spend time with you, what more can I ask for. He grabbed both of my hands and held it to his right chest. “This is where you belong Aaron. As long there is still love that exist between us, I will never let anyone else have you.” With those words, I just kept silent and gave him a faint smile. Deep down, I was still hurt from what has happened between Byrant and myself. To find out shits pertaining to your better half and if ever to catch him in bed with someone else, those were too much to take. We both looked at each other for the next minute or so before he broke the silence. “You know I am all out for vagina’s but with you Aaron, your actions and decorum had somehow attracted me to you. When I told my friends about you, they thought I was joking. I was the playboy of the cohort so the sudden changed surprised everyone. I will be honest with you Aaron; initially you filled the void that Daphne left with me. But as days pass and the world revolves, there was something in me that was lost. The turning point is when I one day accidentally read your diary and what you been through, I feel that you are a wonderful person. Forgiving I would say for standing by your man till the very last moment even though he cheated on you.” I looked at him, bit my lip for a second and let out a sigh. “Martin, I appreciate what you have said though I do not appreciate other’s going through my personal stuff. But anyway Martin, you know something? That still does not answer my question. I am honestly scared Martin. You were or was or is a straight person and for you to be saying all this. Furthermore, what you just mentioned with regards to me filling the void Daphne left, it makes me feel shitty you know that. I mean I do not wanna be rude but its as though I am a rebound.” I was lost, confused and happy at the same time. The roller coaster emotions I was having did not do the situation or me any good. Martin seems as though what I had just said did not register into his brains. He inched closer to me and looked me in the eyes. “Aaron, shshshhs. You know I am here to shield you from any harm.” And he planted a kiss on my lips. What I thought was a peck turned otherwise. Martin was definitely taller and bigger build than me. He pinned me down on the recliner and we locked lips. I tried pushing him away but the slutty side of me soon took over. So I just lie there and let him kiss me. Martin’s body was pressing against mine and I backed him off a little because he was definitely much heavier than me. Lips locked and we were having a tongue fight deep within. No doubt Martin is a great kisser and to get a straight guy into your mouth, is there even a need for explanation. He stopped after five minutes or so before he released me and returned to his original position. “Shall I strip you Officer Aaron?” with his slutty smile. “I am all yours, be it strip or having fun in blue, I don’t mind. Because I am with you Martin.” He glanced at me one final time before placing his hands on my chest. He caressed me through my uniform with both his hands going from the nipple and moving down slowly, inching towards my hard on dick. Martin stopped short at my belt and smile sheepishly. He lowered himself to my crotch and smile; “The usual Aaron who goes commando whenever he is in No 3.” I smiled and place one of my hands behind his head. I was caressing his hair while Martin had this contemplating look on his face as though he was lost for directions. I knew this was his first time doing it thus I just pushed his head down into my crotch. He did not resist, I guided his head with my hand all over my crotch treating him like a human vacuum cleaner. “Martin.. “ I held his head up. “Yes Aaron?” he answered. “Open your mouth and close your eyes?” I instructed him. “But… “ I smiled and told Martin; “Shshshs, you have to try everything once. You love me right?” He nodded and did as what I instructed him to. With that, I slowly guided his mouth to my hard on dick forming through my pants. Martin obviously could not take the whole thing in because of the pants thus I told him to just stick out his tongue and try licking. It took Martin sometime to adjust to the situation and eventually he went with the flow. The tip of my hard dick through my pants was already wet with his saliva. I gestured him to move on and lie down beside me. Martin looked at me and planted a wet kiss on my lips. I took the chance and caressed his hard dick and started pumping it through his No 3 pants. He was soft initially but with the magic of a hand job, I got him hard. It is not that I have never seen Martin naked before so I know his dick is normal than average. And if he was ever to ask for it, I would definitely say no. I have no guts at all to take a dick up my ass. I rather do the opposite than being anal. While French kissing him and fondling with his hard on, I slowly unzipped him. His white CK briefs greeted my hands and I maneuvered my hands around his manhood before finding an opening to let his dick positioned out of his pants. Martin’s dickhead was already wet with pre cum and I took the opportunity to use it as lube and rubbed it around it. I could locate his sensitive areas when I touched it and he will jerk a little and let out a faint moan. With this little piece of information, I just know how to work my mouth around that dick of his. “Stop it Aaron, you gonna make me cum.” I tighten my gripped on the tip of his dick and stop jerking. That positioned remained till he got soft and that is when I prop him against the recliner and sat on top of him. “Ready for this?” I asked Martin. He did not spoke a single word but shy away with his boyish smile. I went for his ears; biting the lobes with my teeth and occasionally letting my tongue do the work. My tongue worked its way down his neck where I left a love bite. Both of us were still in our No 3 and the only thing hanging out of the uniform is his dick. I sniffed him all over but stopped short when I reach his belt. I was not merely gonna blow him and let him unload, I was going to torment him before dinner. I took his now soften dick into my mouth occasionally licking the shaft making it hard again before stopping just as he was about to cum. After doing that for bout three more times, I knew Martin could not hold it back any longer. It was one point where he laid down there totally silent and out of the blue, he grabbed my head and pumped his dick into my mouth and came. I could feel his load shoot to the back of my throat, one shot, two shot, three, four, five, six, seven … I was waiting for it to stop cause I could not contain his cum in my mouth anymore. When I was about to choke from the amount of cum, I wanted to spit out. That was before he pushed my head down and; “Swallow Aaron, every last one of it.” Being obedient enough to listen, I did actually force myself to swallow. The amount and taste of his cum almost made me vomit. I looked at Martin; “Asshole, how many days have you not cum?” “Six days cause I was waiting for this moment” he smiled. “Bastard Kong.” I pushed him down and kissed him with the taste of his cum in my mouth. “Eeeww what the fuck Aaron, what is that taste?” “Your cum idiot!” I told Martin. I positioned myself on him and he knew what he had to do next. Martin used the leftover cum that was still oozing from his dick and rubbed it on mine. I was already hard from all that action thus requiring no foreplay from him. He sucked at hand job honestly, I had to guide him and tell him how to before he got the ball rolling. I could almost feel myself shooting when he suddenly stopped. “WHAT THE SHIT, why you stop?!” I asked him. “You did that to me.” Martin Laughed. He eventually continued with giving me a hand job. At one point, when it got too dry, he spit some of his saliva onto his hands and uses it to lubricate my dick. It did not take long before I was close to climaxing again. I held to the armrest of the recliner before shooting load. His uniform got the better of it with my cum shot creating an art on his No 3. Martin gave me a smile to acknowledge his satisfaction and I rested on his shoulders to catch my breath. “Martin” I looked at him in the eyes. “Is this wrong? Will things change after I walk out of this house?” Martin smiled, held my hands and kissed it as he focus his attention on me. “Never Aaron, nothing will change between us” and he embraced me in his arms. And so that was I what I thought. A fool indeed to believed such words coming from him. Perhaps it was the void that Byrant left that made me gullible thus falling for such treachery was indeed unavoidable. The rest of the evening was spend at his crib, getting to know his parents more and eventually we both retired into bed quite early. I woke up the next morning with Martin hugging me and his chin rested on my shoulders. “Good morning Sunshine” as he said that with his eyes still close. “Morning Martin how was your sleep?” I asked him. “Hmmmmm… wonderful because I have that one person I love and adore so much in this world right beside me when I open my eyes” and he pinched my nose. I could just smile and took his words for real. I trusted his words were genuine and it was not something he would say to get into my pants. And so I thought otherwise. Things went on pretty smoothly for us in camp before our POP day. We literally spend six months in HTA due to NDP and when we got posted out, it was super screwed up. Martin was transferred to land division while I was to be thrown into the sea. The rest of my months in HTA were spent with Martin being by my side 24/7 before we got posted out. He would come by after breakfast to accompany me while every night; he would sneak into my bunk and sleep with me. Things were not pretty discreet being with Martin. People would occasionally talk but none dare to actually say stuff in his face or when he was around. No doubt I was happy, having Martin to fill in the void that Byrant left. Although it was selfish to do so on my part, I was still feeling the bitterness left behind by Byrant. Thus, when the opportunity arises, I grab hold of it and never let go. Whenever Martin is around, I feel protected. I feel as though nothing would hurt me and that he would shelter me from everything. To think I never saw it coming my way. “Aaron, are you happy or are you attached?” during one of those nights we sat at the back and talk. I smiled, focus my attention on him and hold his hands. “I am happily attached to that one special person whom I hold dearly to my heart.” He kept quiet and for the first time, I saw the seriousness in his facial expression. I am not one to put my head into someone’s ass and question what is wrong. I kept quiet sitting there with him while his mind was wondering elsewhere. It went on for a good fifteen minutes before he finally broke the silent.“Aaron…” he began. “Yes Martin?” “What if one day, what if, if I told you that this is just me trying to discover myself and you were at the wrong place at the right time? What if falling in love with you is just to test how far my inquisitiveness can bring me to? What if I tell you, that this all was just something that I feel I could not maintain and only last for the moment?” I sat there dumbfounded. It took me like ten minutes to digest the whole issue before he snaps me from my daze and asked me if I was fine. I let out a sigh and looked at him. Deep down I was wondering what the fuck was this all about. To think that less than a year ago I just ended my relationship with Byrant and now this?! I would have just blown up there and then if I did not have self-restraint. I place both my hands on my face and was this close to tearing. Something deep inside just stopping me from doing so, thus I did not. “If that was the case Martin, I will still love you as a friend. You know I am the sort who treasures friendship a lot and I do not throw it around like as though it is some kind of ball. If I am the one being tested out by your curiosity, then I am honored to be able to do so. I rather you hurt me than hurting an innocent person heart out there. It is a harsh reality out there Martin especially in the circle. If you could, would you not go down this path?” I told Martin. “Is it that bad?” he asked. “I never said that it is bad or it is good. What I am trying to tell you is we each have our own choices. To each his own Martin, that is what I always stand firm on. You will never last if you play with the big boys. Yes you may go around being a heartbreaker but for how long Martin? Your external beauty would fade in time to come. Do not tell me when you are 50 years old you still go around and breaking innocent young boys heart?” Martin chuckled at my last sentenced and gestured me to continue. “You see Martin, I had suspected it from the very first day that you were actually curious about this whole darn thing. No doubt the sex with you was superb, having a curious fella sucking on my dick for the first time, I mean either being said, I still love you as who you are Martin. I honestly do not care if after me, you go to another fella and do the same thing. I do not even care if you go back to fucking a pussy after this. What matters is that one-day, I can see you achieve your dreams and goals and stay safe. You know it aint cool if I have to print an A4 size of your photo and arrange a 40 man band for you.” “OIE ! Curse me bastard!” Martin grabs and hugged me. You see that was the one thing about him, he did not give a flying fuck where we were he just does as he pleases. He played with my hair and planted a kiss on it. “Thank you Aaron. I thought you might have blown up and cause a drama here when I mentioned all of this to you.” Honestly deep inside, I feel like punching this dickhead. But what gives right? What would inflicting him do well for the both of us. It will just sour things further and I did not want that to happen. I was the fool in the whole episode but to pacify myself, i just take it as I am doing a favor for Martin. I never expected that this would end so soon. Martin was not a total ass; he did feel responsible for what he had put me through. Days before our POP, he was constantly by my side. Martin had to make sure that I was really fine and I will not have an emotional breakdown. The thing is, the more he did that, the worst I felt. Nonetheless, I took it on a higher note and calm myself down. On the day of our POP; “Are you fucking serious Aaron that you are all right? How can someone like you won’t have an emotional breakdown?” he was being anxious and all. “Because of people like you and Byrant that I learn to put on a brave front and man up to reality. I am happy that our relationship had progresses this far and after today, we will part ways.” I took both of Martin’s hand and placed it on my chest. “You will always have a special place in my heart Martin.” And I gave him one last kiss on his lips before we proceed for the parade. Martin sat there and looked at me with tears in his eyes. He hugged me tight and apologized over and over again. I could just reciprocate the hug he gave me with the few staring eyes looking… Edited November 3, 2013 by Crumplerboi G a b, Yas1950, garuda and 1 other 4 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yas1950 Posted September 17, 2013 Report Share Posted September 17, 2013 Well, well my dear........Another great piece. Full of emotion, feelings, love and hot sex!Well done. Crumplerboi 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JunKai Posted September 17, 2013 Report Share Posted September 17, 2013 Welcome back after so long huh? Love your stories and love you too. Write and post more!!!!!! lv, Fireman Crumplerboi 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Marineboy Posted September 17, 2013 Report Share Posted September 17, 2013 Enjoyed it................great stuff. :clap: Crumplerboi 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Escapist Posted September 17, 2013 Report Share Posted September 17, 2013 Enjoyed reading your stories!! I have a few questions and I apologise if they sound stupid. 1) Did Byrant go anal with Henry on his birthday? Or it was just plain oral?2) Do your parents know your relationship? or you are gay/bi?3) You mentioned that your NS mates are homophobic so did they know your relationship with Martin? I really wish to know how to open up about our sexual orientation to people around us...Hope to hear a reply from you soon! Thank you Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
studdyboy Posted September 18, 2013 Report Share Posted September 18, 2013 awesome story bro =) i'm loving it! Crumplerboi 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hornyboi91 Posted September 18, 2013 Report Share Posted September 18, 2013 Love the stories. Crumplerboi 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
curiousbi1 Posted September 19, 2013 Report Share Posted September 19, 2013 Heart felt story... I can really feel the emotions as i read this chapter... Crumplerboi 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Crumplerboi Posted September 28, 2013 Author Report Share Posted September 28, 2013 Welcome back after so long huh? Love your stories and love you too. Write and post more!!!!!! lv, Fireman Enjoyed it................great stuff. :clap: Holla Junkai,Hahaha Fireman you forever busy taking care of those bois at the station. where got time for me just kidding aite. we will catch up when you are on off and i am less busy. Cheers Holla Marineboy,thank you man as usual. Sorry that i missed you message that time for tea.let us arrange another one in due time. I will inform you of my free dates. cheers to you too Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Crumplerboi Posted September 28, 2013 Author Report Share Posted September 28, 2013 Love the stories. Heart felt story... I can really feel the emotions as i read this chapter... Holla Hornyboy91,thank you man for the read. Cheers ) Holla curiousbi1,I feel you too man, always appreciate you taking time to read mystory. So take care for the time being and enjoy your weekends ) curiousbi1 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Crumplerboi Posted September 28, 2013 Author Report Share Posted September 28, 2013 Well, well my dear........Another great piece. Full of emotion, feelings, love and hot sex!Well done. awesome story bro =) i'm loving it! Holla Yas1950,Hahaha ABANG you still owe me that arabian tea or ehemz. thank you as always for the support and kind words you given me.i shall holla you and our dear friend once we are less busy with work. do take care yeah and remember your medicines, and of course watchthe health bang Holla studdyboy,Yo bro, thank you man. appreciate it. there will be an update in a few days.i am going for a vacation so perhaps a cocktail in one hand while typing sounds good. You have a wonderful weekend yo ~ Yas1950 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
curiousbi1 Posted October 20, 2013 Report Share Posted October 20, 2013 Any update? boi i miss your stories! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Guest - LL Posted October 20, 2013 Report Share Posted October 20, 2013 Encounter similar experience. Decided to let go and give them my blessing.We are still close friend but we know it will never be the same."True love is to let go", still trying to learn to live with it.Always wonder, whether its because I am not give enough hence he find the other?Until today i'm still puzzled. blinkinglights 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
subbtmchn73 Posted October 20, 2013 Report Share Posted October 20, 2013 Got all emo reading the stories in this thread. Read it through from last night all the way to this morning. Too late to go jogging now.Some thoughts. 1. Great writing Crumplerboi2. After reading it, makes me just want to hold you and hug you. But i guess you have Navyboi to do that.3. I am really impressed with you holding back. Like many of your readers here, i think i would have given both B and M a punch to the face or at least a verbal thrashing. 4. Made me think back a little if i was a jerk like B and M. 5. Make me super jealous of the teens and younger generations now. Growing up able to experience life being who they are, in schools and NS. With parents that are so accepting. 6. Jealous of smart people from rich family.7. Jealous of people with cute, intelligent boyfriends from rich family. Am i starting to sound materialistic or what. 8. May be i should write my story as well ... but have neither the language skills nor patience.9. After reading your stories and knowing it is true stories make me (and other readers) feel so much closer to you like already knowing you. Must be not easy to open up like that. Cant wait to read more. Crumplerboi, i will PM you. I understand if you do not want to reply. Will look out for your story. Yas1950 1 Quote _____________________________________________________my geek gay blog at Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
G a b Posted November 1, 2013 Report Share Posted November 1, 2013 Wah wah wah, i've read your chapter 13 & 14 twice hoping that somehow somewhere 15 would appear! Haha, see ah, poor time management! KIDDING! Long time never meet sia! MEET UP SOON! Cheers,G A B Quote Fly me up to the mooon and tell me that im yours forever! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Crumplerboi Posted December 5, 2013 Author Report Share Posted December 5, 2013 (edited) Chapter 15 I tightened my grip on Martin and brushed his hair. “Now Martin, hush hush my dear, do not cry for me all right. You know I still love you as a friend even though there is nothing between us... anymore. I treasure this friendship we have more than anything else…” Martin tears begin to form a wet patch on my shoulder. “You would not want me to go up on stage with a wet shoulder to receive my sword right?” It did not help much because Martin cried even more. I watched his lips begin to quiver as I told him that. What made matters worst was people around me were watching and it got awkward. I suck honestly in handling someone crying in front of me, like am at loss what to do. “But… I have hurt you Aaron. I feel like a total ass for putting you through this. I should have just stopped when I had the chance before I fell too deep. There was an issue between me and Daphne and you just happened to be there at the moment. I was seeking for solace and comfort within you instead of having true feelings. Although, I do have to admit somewhere along this journey, something did pop up but it was just momentarily.” My eyes were wet with tears threatened to roll down my cheeks. I shook my head and swallowed the same lump over and over again. “Don’t cry,” Martin quavered, in tones of lugubriousness. He buried his face in my No 1, as painful tears seeped down Martins face. “Why Aaron, why?” he croaked, his voice thick with emotions. “Why do I have to do this to you…” he continued. A few close friends wanted to come over and see what was going on. I gestured them from far that everything is under control and I be joining them soon. “Martin, if you continue this any longer, I be going up to receive my sword with a wet uniform. You see, I never blame you for what has occurred. It takes two hands to clap Martin. If my heart was not beating at the same rate as yours, we would not have been happy for the past months. Both you and I know that if things were subjected to being one sided; either of us would have not reciprocated. Betrayal is a very deep seeded feeling and it would leave one almost as though in a state of incomprehensible or inconceivable thoughts with no way of connecting ones word being spoken.” I was mentally prepared for this day but when I saw his face, things take a turn for the worse. “Hey come on Martin, enough aite. Crying will not solve anything neither does it solve everything. You can cry for your entire lifetime but it does not change things one bit. At least on my end, I had your honesty. You did not lied to me and conceal the truth from reality. Saying that I am not fuming, I would be dishonest with myself. Saying that I am not feeling dejected, I must be some robot. In conclusion, you are still a fucking bastard Martin take note of that aite. But you are that fucking bastard whom I opened my heart to and reciprocated those feelings. Therefore, there was no regret in letting you into my life.” I could not figure out how to make him stop crying. It seems like on his end it was him who was suffering the most. I held his face with both of my hands and gestured him to stop crying and look at me. “Martin, enough. Look at me in the eyes. I still love you as a friend and this is one promise I will stand firm on till the day I breathe my last. I will always be here if you ever need me, and my love for you as a friend is genuine.” as I kissed his forehead hoping that he will stop crying. Eventually it took me some courage to actually walked away and prepare for my things. By then, my shoulder was wet with his tears. I told myself that if I did not care, this would not have hurt so much. Surely that ascertained I was alive and human and all those touchy-feely things, for once and for all. But that was not liberation, not when I felt like a skyscraper with dynamite on every floor. There was still an hour before our POP thus I returned to my bunk. I was sitting on the edge of my bed looking through the diary entries from the day I met Martin till the last post. The blank, emotionless expression swept over my face as the realisation of the moment gradually seeped in. The emotion seemed to rise behind my eyes. Like a caged animal, I sat there. Paralysed by the tragic feeling of remoteness, I closed my eyes and gazed into fields of nothingness. The warm drop streaming down my cheeks which eventually forming wet patches on the surface of my diary. I could not control myself any longer as the floodgates opened and I began tearing. I must have been so deep in thoughts with my crying that I did not noticed Martin was beside me. “You told me to stop crying and here you are crying?” he asked. “I was not crying you dumbfuck, just reading my diary. What do you want?” I did not even turned to look at Martin while reciprocating his question. “Ouh please Aaron, like as if I just know you yesterday.” as he inched closer, threw my peak cap off and hugged me. I instantly pushed him away. “Don’t wanna wet your uniform with my tears. Besides, I am sitting down and you standing up while hugging me. You are actually burying my face into your crotch asshole!” Martin could not help it but laughed but I could see the seriousness in his face; “no that was not my intention idiot!” he answered. “Give me some time alone aite? After POP, we will catch up ok?” Martin could only nod with disappointment and walked out of the bunk. I held my phone in my hand and was scrolling through the contacts. Still remember clearly I was using the NOKIA 6210 one of their first slide phone during that era. I had no idea what took over me before I realised it I had dialed for Byrant. Byrant: Hello Aaron.Me: *Silent*Byrant: Aaron you there? Hello?Me: ErmByrant: You ok Aaron?Me: Well yeah I guess, what you up to? Byrant: Nothing much, slacking at home. Had off for the day no training. Something happened?Me: No nothing, just wondering how my ex is doing. Byrant: Ya right Aaron. Anyway congrats on the best trainee and to top the whole squad. Guess you be having one more sword at home to your collection. Me: Erm yeah thanks. Okay catch up with you soon. I ended the call without even letting Byrant saying goodbye. He did call me back a few times but I did not answer and let it ring. It was till the third call that an SMS came in. It read; “Something happened and I know you would not call me for no reason my dear Aaron. Did Martin and you had some issues. You can always voice it out to me. Remember, keeping one’s emotional feeling void inside is not healthy. You are the one who taught me that so practice what you preach love.” I smiled reading his text message and replied assuring Byrant I was all right. The parade went on smoothly and my thoughts were clear from the earlier episode that had taken place. When my name was announced, I marched up to receive my award from the commissioner. It was a joy for every parent to see his or her child going through National Service and moving to a different phase in this journey. I could not help it but have this enormous amount of jealously for everyone. Fact is, each and everyone single of them had their folks or family members there watching them on this special day. My parents were busy as usual and not a single-family member turned up. Silly me thought that my proud moment could be captured and make my parents be delighted. But moving on, even my graduation in University none came. Navyboy was occupied with his sailing during that period but even he forgot about the whole thing. Speaking of which, just a little sidetrack from the story. Navyboy or should I call him Lawboy since he is already in uni. For the haters out there who slammed me citing that I could never go beyond three months with him, we are approaching two years in a couple of months. The ones who mentioned that I was a sugar boyfriend rather than a real boyfriend to him, I could only LOL at your insanity cause he deserves only the best. It is just too bad that your partner does not splurge on you so do not envy others. I was trying my level best to keep this matter at bay but sometimes; you just gotta dish it out. All said and done, I still love you haters. Without you guys, my life would be so mundane so keep em coming aite. The reason for not updating my story for a period of time was due to work. Not that I could not manage my time or such. It is just that, I had my priorities. And one of them is to make sure the moo flowing in is substantial to maintain my lifestyle. Some have pointed out that what is so difficult in just referring to the diary and typing it all out. What substance would it brings if I did not inject emotions into the story. It would be like reading a bedtime story. I do admit that my grammar and command of language nor the content is that splendid, but I one thing is for sure, I am sincere in sharing what I had went through. Love it or hate it, fact or fiction, we each are entitle to our own views. It does not matter to me if you find it a bore, there is always the X button you can click on and move on to another thread. So cheer up people, spread love not hate. Back to the story; Every single one of my squad mates was busy with their family members having their photos taken or talking and sharing their experienced and what would be the next phase of their national service life. I sat at the podium fiddling with my phone and occasionally glance at those happy faces. I could just share the joy and happiness that the rest was having although deep down, how I wish my parents were present. “ My dear Aaron, where are your folks?” a familiar voice came out of nowhere. I looked to the side and saw a familiar face. It was Martins mother; she was clad in this floral dress with an enormous looking straw hat. She had her Gucci sunglasses on and was carrying her LV, which Martin describes it as her poodle bag. “They are engaged in business overseas” I lied to her. Fact is that my parents were informed beforehand in regards with this matter but they were not present. “We flew in specially for Martins POP. You know he is such a dear and will always wants us to be at his ceremonies. Listen here, we are heading for lunch at Hyatt do you want to join us?” offered his mother. I had planned earlier that day to just spend the entire evening alone. Perhaps sit by at Holland Village and do my writing or just sit by the beach and have a drink or two. Initially I rejected her offer giving a reason that I had things to do and meeting someone. I guess she must have sensed something and whispered to Martin something. “Busy with?” Martin was standing beside me when I heard his voice. “Erm well just got stuff to do you know, clean my room and such.” I answered him. Martin sat beside me and was a little too close for staring eyes. “Martin not here, too many eyes watching.” I moved away from him. That ticked him off pretty badly and he pulled my hand. “So now that we are not together, I can’t even be intimate with you.” His voice got a little too high that there were a few heads turning. I looked at Martin in disbelief and shook my head. I moved closer to him and whispered this to his ears; “You fucking bastard, you have already hurt me and you still wanna play this kinda games. Fuck off asshole, try me one more time and I make sure we won’t be even friends after this.” With that I took off and headed to my bunk. I felt a little sorry for Martin and honestly feeling a little disappointed in myself for saying that to him. It did not occur to me what I had said to Martin affected him so deeply. I was in the midst of packing my bag to head home when there was a knock on the bunk door. “Can I come in?” it was Martin. I looked at him for 3 seconds and gave him a nod. “Well make yourself comfortable. I gotta pack my things. He closed the door behind him and sat on my bed. “Aaron” his voice quivered. “Yeah?” I answered him in between folding my uniforms and other stuff. I saw him grabbing my diary and reading the recent entries. “Why are you reading my diary Martin?” “You actually detailed down every single event that took place between us?” he asked me in between tracing his fingers on the pages of my diary. “You have an issue with that?” I asked. “No it is just that…” his voice began to croak. I knew what was gonna happen next so before anything else I told him off. “Martin, stop it will you. The whole day you have been crying. Aint you tired?” “Aaron, what happened to you? Why such words coming from you. And I thought all along you are someone down to earth, someone pleasant. That one individual who always reminds others to spread love instead of hate. Aaron my dear; the saddest thing in the world, is loving someone who used to love you. Real loss only occurs when you lose something that you love more than yourself. And it is times like this that I dread cause when there is everything to say; yet nothing left to be said. Behind every beautiful thing, there is some kind of pain. My pain is you Aaron. I never had expected such reaction or words coming from you.” By now, I was looking at him in incredulity. It was as though Martin was a victim to this thing called love. I pretended not to pay any attention to his words but deep down, I was listening to what he had to say. A few times he keep tugging at me to sit beside him and hear him out but I refused. It got to a point where it became irritating and I decided to give in. I sat beside him and took off my gloves. “Now what?” I looked at him. “Aaron” he place his hands on my thigh. “Look at me” he gestured. I turned around and face him but my eyes were elsewhere. I honestly could not bring myself to look at Martin in the eyes and talk things out. Martin handed me an envelope and gestured me to see the contents. I pry open the edges and unfold a scented paper with writings inside. “Greetings Officer Aaron, Before I begin my letter, I would wish to congratulate you on your achievements. It must have been quite a feat to top the batch in exams and training. From now on, you will have a wonderful path laid out for you. Everyone will expect nothing but the best out of you so I hope you can handle the expectations. I will not be there for you physically but know that in your heart lies my existence. Ever has it been that love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation aaron. Some of us think by holding on it makes us strong; but sometimes it is letting go that makes one even stronger. But, I could not let go, I am still holding onto that first time I ever love another man. Love can sometimes be magical. But magic can sometimes be just an illusion right aaron? The walls we build around us to keep out the sadness, do you realized it also keeps out the joy we suppose to be feeling. The day when I first saw you aaron, I knew there was something different about you. It is rare in the society I grew up with to see someone of your prominence. But that is not what makes you stand out from the rest aaron. What makes you unique is your capability to actually touch someone’s feelings with just your words. You are the type whom only needs to speak and is able to reached out to an individual. I envy you aaron, I can never be good with my words. Perhaps that is the reason too why I had this major attraction towards you. aaron don’t get me wrong but you are not good looking or such but like you always mentioned, the inner beauty overcomes all odds. Your inner beauty is what makes others feel attracted to you. And of the fishes that got caught in your net is me aaron. Like you, I also came from an all boy’s school. SJI was not exactly a fag free haven. You yourself know how it’s like with the games and friendly bashes which most of the time includes body-to-body contact. I had my curiosity and such but I never had the guts to actually have my fill. This personal issue of mine was amplified when I had problems with daphne. You see, daphne was the volleyball captain of our college while I was the head for hockey. You know how it is like during junior college with this popularity contest and such. Which most individuals would love to be seen or be together with those jocks or jills. daphne and myself we had our fare share of admirers. Nothing could keep us apart and it was as though we were the perfect couple. It all went well till the day I got enlisted. She was unhappy that even during the weekends I could not spend ample time with her. You know how mum is, she always emphasize on me coming home to have dinner. So I had to divide my time equally between daphne, my family and my mates. And you know with NDP coming into the picture, it made matters worst. During the period you and I got together, I was actually having a cooling off period with daphne. Before you get all fumed up and start to tear this letter, hold your anger back aaron. I know it was selfish of me to do such a thing to you. But as I have mentioned, I was seeking solace and I needed someone to fall back onto. You were there when the moment hit on me. I could not help it watching you from afar how gentle and caring you were to others. Even to those individual coming from a different squad, you put your ego and pride aside and held their hands during the darkest hour. Way before I read your diary, I actually had asked around in regards to you. Those saints whom were your batch, they know about your story and byrant. One was quite close to you and he told me things and what you went through especially the betrayal. I know it is hard on you aaron to be reading this and swallowing reality. I do apologize from the bottom of my heart, to have used you in such a modus. But believe me you aaron, feelings did develop and escalate onto another level as the days passed on. With each passing moment, there was something churning out from within. It got to a point where I am actually petrified that I would fall deep into the abyss. Only fools rush in where angels fear to tread. Moreover, slowly developed love tends to be more forgiving of the other person's characteristics than a lightning bolt love that unravels when all the habits and foibles of the other party begins to surface. At one end of the spectrum, I wanted you to myself and forbid you from being your true self. aaron, you have passions that define you, I who seeks to take them away from you will leave both of us unhappy and if this is what is stopping myself from developing this feelings further. They say; to err is human, to forgive is divine. I wont ask you neither will I beg you to forgive me because if I do that, selfishness would fit nicely into my shoes. By this paragraph, I know you would be boiling with emotions at this very moment and I won’t hold anything against you. Not that I should but I want you to know this; I never regret not even for a slightest second on being with you. You showed me that love is not just about the feelings and sex or chemistry between two individual. aaron, you have made me realized that love could go beyond all of that and that love can be define in many ways. I end this letter with this; in love abides all knowledge. It is mankind's love and interest in things that in time reveals their secret, and then man knows how to change, control, and utilize them. No one can know anybody, however much he may confess to know, except the lover, because in the absence of love the inner eyes are blind. Only the outer eyes are open, which are merely the spectacles of the inner eyes. If the sight is not keen, of what use are the spectacles? It is for this reason that we admire all those whom we love, and are blind to the good qualities of those whom we do not love. It is not always that these deserve our neglect, but our eyes, without love, cannot see their goodness. Those whom we love may have bad points too, but as love sees beauty, so we see that alone in them. Intelligence itself in its next step towards manifestation is love. When the light of love has been lit, the heart becomes transparent, so that the intelligence of the soul can see through it. But until the flame of love kindles the heart, the intelligence, which is constantly yearning to experience life on the surface, is groping in the dark. Don’t stop loving aaron, for that individual who manages to experience your love is a lucky chap. Yours truly,Martin Kong “ Edited January 27, 2014 by Crumplerboi Yas1950, G a b and ohnoyoudidnt 3 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Guest Posted December 5, 2013 Report Share Posted December 5, 2013 So beautiful.... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Marineboy Posted December 5, 2013 Report Share Posted December 5, 2013 It must have been a trying time.Hugz Crumpleboi Crumplerboi 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
saint80 Posted December 5, 2013 Report Share Posted December 5, 2013 :clap: u are a pretty strong man Crumplerboi Crumplerboi 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yas1950 Posted December 6, 2013 Report Share Posted December 6, 2013 Wow....... Another Great piece; fill of emotion.I feel for you Bro.Take care.Always good to talk it out; good therapy.Even writing it down is another form of talking it out.Cheers. Crumplerboi 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Crumplerboi Posted December 7, 2013 Author Report Share Posted December 7, 2013 So beautiful.... :clap: u are a pretty strong man Crumplerboi Holla Guest,thank you for taking time to read my story.Cheers mate (Y)Holla Saint80,guess ya a saint too haha. well sometimes being too strong comes w a disadvantagewhen one eventually breaks down. but cheers man for taking time to read. appreciate it.Cheers =)) saint80 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Crumplerboi Posted December 7, 2013 Author Report Share Posted December 7, 2013 It must have been a trying time.Hugz Crumpleboi Wow....... Another Great piece; fill of emotion.I feel for you Bro.Take care.Always good to talk it out; good therapy.Even writing it down is another form of talking it out.Cheers. Holla Marineboy,Hugs marineboy, thank you for the support always.Cheers.Holla Abang Yas,Yes abang haha i know i have been busy that i did not have time to update youon the on-goings. fret not, we shall have our tea very very soon. I feel you too mydear abang please take care of yourself and just ring me up if there is anything on. Cheers =)) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jubjub Posted December 7, 2013 Report Share Posted December 7, 2013 i think i just teared :/ Crumplerboi 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jubjub Posted December 7, 2013 Report Share Posted December 7, 2013 n hope we could chat Crumplerboi 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ohnoyoudidnt Posted December 7, 2013 Report Share Posted December 7, 2013 You sure have a gift in weaving these experiences into addictive stories. Crumplerboi 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Crumplerboi Posted December 9, 2013 Author Report Share Posted December 9, 2013 i think i just teared :/ n hope we could chat Holla jubjub, interesting nick you have there man. hahah from what i know jubjub means kiss in thai.correct me if am wrong aite. awwww lemme give you a big warm hug. dont tear too muchok but i appreciate you taking time to read my story. yes sure we can chat over a cuppa teasomewhere this week if you are available. i can try to squeeze some time amidst my busy period preparing for the holidays. Cheers to you and have a good week ahead aite (Y) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Crumplerboi Posted December 9, 2013 Author Report Share Posted December 9, 2013 (edited) You sure have a gift in weaving these experiences into addictive stories.Holla ohnoyoudidnt, my my, look who decide to drop-by a read my story. Haha thank you so much Bb for your kind words. Appreciate it loads and i cant thank you enough for all the support you have given me during the course of our r/s and more to come. Please UPDATE you story often else peoplewill start asking me instead of you what happened to your Thread. This is his thread, s story too but fiction based on his life experienced. He would prefer it as "Life-Inspired Fiction" Those who are looking for better usage of english and grammar, go to him. Lawyer in the making haha. Anyway guys, heads up for my boy <3 here : Edited December 9, 2013 by Crumplerboi Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Spencer Posted December 9, 2013 Report Share Posted December 9, 2013 Holla jubjub, interesting nick you have there man. hahah from what i know jubjub means kiss in thai.correct me if am wrong aite. awwww lemme give you a big warm hug. dont tear too muchok but i appreciate you taking time to read my story. yes sure we can chat over a cuppa teasomewhere this week if you are available. i can try to squeeze some time amidst my busy period preparing for the holidays. Cheers to you and have a good week ahead aite (Y) hahaha his name jubjub is actually that he wanted a name that sound cute :X i doubt he know if it mean kiss in thai hahaha jubbby! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jubjub Posted December 9, 2013 Report Share Posted December 9, 2013 hahaha his name jubjub is actually that he wanted a name that sound cute :X i doubt he know if it mean kiss in thai hahaha jubbby! Holla jubjub, interesting nick you have there man. hahah from what i know jubjub means kiss in thai.correct me if am wrong aite. awwww lemme give you a big warm hug. dont tear too muchok but i appreciate you taking time to read my story. yes sure we can chat over a cuppa teasomewhere this week if you are available. i can try to squeeze some time amidst my busy period preparing for the holidays. Cheers to you and have a good week ahead aite (Y)hahhaha NUUUU! jubjub was meant to be the high-5 character, and the one in neopets hahhahah Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
saint80 Posted December 9, 2013 Report Share Posted December 9, 2013 Holla Saint80,guess ya a saint too haha. well sometimes being too strong comes w a disadvantagewhen one eventually breaks down. but cheers man for taking time to read. appreciate it.Cheers =))thanks... been reading your stories. i must say if it is me, i am not as strong as you. You are pretty mentally strong n charismatic. wonder if i do have the chance to know u as a friend Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Guest Posted December 9, 2013 Report Share Posted December 9, 2013 Yey!! Good to see youre back with your stories! This chapter left me with teary eyes. I can feel the love and the pain.. How i wish i can meet you in person someday! Ps. Love the sidetrack notes for your haters. Lol. One thing is for sure; you are damn so interesting for them to spend time bashing around. Xoxo curiousbi1 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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