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Preference Discussion + Why People Prefer Particular Race / Type? (compiled)

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Guest, how many have you met that are like that? Yes, it could have been a great number, like a thousands or a millions....

But than again, what you see is not the big picture! Like for me, I am a chinese freak, definately no ang mo or japanese or koreans or blah blah blah... race who look like chinese, no way.

I am GAM, but I dun worship ang mo arh. No point hangiong to that point...

It's just me.... Asura... don't fear, but be very afraid....

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Is race one of your considerations when you find:

1. a boyfriend.

2. ONS partner.

P/S No racist comments, please.

My considerations for a boyfriend/ONS partner:

1) fair

2) smooth

3) black & non-curly hair

4) cubby or chubby but not sumo

5) non-smoker

6) non-drinker (social drinker also ok)

7) able to speak mandarin and one other dialect originating from China

8) both parents ancestors originating from China or Japan.

Hmm....looks like my considerations are bounded by geographical location. Nope, certainly not bounded by race.

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Guest guest for last time?
I like races like Singaporenese, Chinese (China), Taiwanese, Japanese, Thainese, Koreanese, Hongkongese.

Am I racist? :D:lol:

when i discovered BW, i was so pleasntly surprised that there are so many level headed , occasionally cheeky and bitchy but predominantly level headed PLUs here. But now after reading... even the venerable GM is also so so so so NOT into my race, which is not white, neither is it Singaporenese, Chinese (China), Taiwanese, Japanese, Thainese, Koreanese, Hongkongese, its probably wat u call the low class race from wat I have read here...... i suddenly feel that look is being cast on to me.. the disgusted get off my face look... ah well...maybe I m not meant to be gay... at least in this life time or maybe just not here in Spore...

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I like races like Singaporenese, Chinese (China), Taiwanese, Japanese, Thainese, Koreanese, Hongkongese.

Am I racist?  :D   :lol:

when i discovered BW, i was so pleasntly surprised that there are so many level headed , occasionally cheeky and bitchy but predominantly level headed PLUs here. But now after reading... even the venerable GM is also so so so so NOT into my race, which is not white, neither is it Singaporenese, Chinese (China), Taiwanese, Japanese, Thainese, Koreanese, Hongkongese, its probably wat u call the low class race from wat I have read here...... i suddenly feel that look is being cast on to me.. the disgusted get off my face look... ah well...maybe I m not meant to be gay... at least in this life time or maybe just not here in Spore...

Wah, you very "Chim" (deep). I am not a venerable monk, yet. Don't even know what you trying to say. :D You beat the bush here beat the bush there.

Er..I don't think I say anything about high or low class. I check and double check and triple check still cannot find the word "low class" in my post be it implied or worded directly.

I hope in your next life you better learn how to read properly and write properly. ok? :D:lol:

Oh, does it help (hope not mistaken for being derogatory) if I said I have fcuked a couple of "not white" too? :unsure:

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Well I believe for most people for ONS, you just need to get your rocks off. Type and race not that crucial. If u find what u like then well and good.

Otherwise in sauna or when cruising its always a case of "no prawn, fish also can." :)

In the dark saunas, you cant see colour but feel for size only.

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  • 2 years later...

I happened to chanced a post here about someone trying to organise an orgy on National Day. Then you have this member "MetalMickey" or something like that...posting that the organiser is racist because he asked for Chinese only.

I think there are more sides to it, then someone just making a remark that someone else is racist just because he prefered Chinese. So narrow-minded...

I have had chats on irc before. Most of the time, when the other party makes an introduction and he leaves out his race, I will ask "mly/ind?" and almost always, its either malay or indian. I am not racist. Neither do I have a particular preference as to which race I want to have fun with. I am one of the few who is neutral about having fun with whatever race. However, my point is this...if the malays and indians are shy to state their race in their intro, more likely than not, it means you are not even proud of who you are. I always tell them that next time, they should just state it boldly. If the other party is racist, so be it. There are others. If the other guy prefers only chinese, no need to get pissed off...there are others too. Why get worked up just because you are malay or indian?

The I realise that there ARE people out there who always say "No mly or indians"...and therefore created a thought in the malay and indian community that they are not sought after as much. But...in the end, if you meet the other party, he will know if you are mly or indian anyways. Why the need to hide?

My point is this...there are racists...there are people with personal preferences. Live and let live. No need to get worked up just because he does not prefer you...there are others out there.

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Guest - of cos i hav an acc -

i agree tat it was the organizer's preference to only allow chn to be invited. He is organizing it and it is also his place. It is also his preference to only accept non-chubs and non-sissies too. hence with that one cannot describe him as racist cos clearly it was his preference and not a threatening action.

I think the anger here comes on when someone displays their preference and in turn those who are not in that "preferred club" feel being left out. Then they might feel that they r worth lesser as most fun activities do not involve them. yes, they could find other ppl to hav fun with but of cos its slightly harder BUT not impossible. To these ppl i would suggest that you do not need to care or be angry or sad. Just come to the forum and post something ... organize something ... say when u r free and want action AND OF COS POST YR PREFERENCES TOO. Everybody has boundaries and preferences!

Anyway tats my thought ... and btw ... haha I too wont be applicable to that organizer's post as I do not meet his criteria by 2 of the 3 preferences! But u wont find me feeling bad about it.

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What an interesting discussion!

I agree with Race and i-have-an-acc feedback.

Yes... you can't call this RACIST. This is PREFERENCE.

Racist is when you select a certain group and either decide to cause harm or refuse them equal rights over economic/social issues.

This is a home invitation... and an individuals party. So he is entitled to invite only those he wants to be with.

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Actually age discrimination is kinda silly.

Imagine the 40 yo TPH wanna attend. Will he be rejected?

Anyway, the organiser has asked for pics. That's should suffice.



never argue with the guests. let them bark all they want.





After I have said what I wanna say, I don't care what you say.



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Guest another sore one

The mass orgy also states : "MUST BE BELOW 35 YEARS OLD" - it's age discrimination

Here goes another sore one...if they prefer below 35...and you are above 35...move on with your life...there are other people...

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Actually, there is no need to get worked up about those who do not state their race, all the more so if you know they tend to be non-Chinese. Try to put yourself into their shoes more, and empathize with them rather than criticize them for their choice. Maybe they are just conveying their philosophy that race is not important to them, rather than trying to hide their race? Or are we projecting our own insecurities in interpreting others' actions?

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Guest Rotikawin

It might be too harsh a claim to say that those who don't state their race are not proud of their own.

Could be that they are more colour blind than u and race has absolutely no meaning when it comes to looking for friends/partners/ONS

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If it is a private event, the organiser can do whatever they want as long as they don't break the law. If you are unhappy then organise your own event. In IRC chat, people are looking for someone they preferred. This is not racism, just preference. Choice of word.

I guessed no big deal, if you cant participate, don't have to cry father cry mother, just organise your own event with your own preferences. If you can't, then, too bad. In this world, nothing is fair. After you worked for may years, you will know tat. No point complaining.

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Guest Shiok

It might be too harsh a claim to say that those who don't state their race are not proud of their own.

Could be that they are more colour blind than u and race has absolutely no meaning when it comes to looking for friends/partners/ONS


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You all know the Rules of the Game. The organizer has his preference for his "private" party !

If you call this Racist, do you need to government to step in to ensure that there are "racial harmony" in the sauna and a "private party" as such ? there is no end to this. If a girl is rejected from this gay party, she cried it as sexual discrimination ???!!!

Some people here just are shallow and cry-babies. Wake up and (mentally) grow-up please !!!

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Saw this profile on gaydar last year and emailed to complain. The response I got was that his preference was not for chinese and screaming queen, he is not racist.

Would any of you agree?


In my email to gaydar support, I told them that if it is not right for anyone anywhere decent to state that they don't like jews or blacks are frowned upon, then why is this guy allowed to 'hate' chinese and get away with it. They just kept insisting that he is not racist.

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Racist is hatred for a particular race.

EXAMPLE: All Chinese are stupid, smelly and ugly.


Preference is liking for something/one.

Eg: I only want to marry a Chinese.



never argue with the guests. let them bark all they want.





After I have said what I wanna say, I don't care what you say.



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I don't get what the fuss is all about. If I was going through the trouble to organize an orgy, I damn well have the right to choose who gets invited or rejected.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Saw this profile on gaydar last year and emailed to complain. The response I got was that his preference was not for chinese and screaming queen, he is not racist.

Would any of you agree?


In my email to gaydar support, I told them that if it is not right for anyone anywhere decent to state that they don't like jews or blacks are frowned upon, then why is this guy allowed to 'hate' chinese and get away with it. They just kept insisting that he is not racist.

Opps! the racist's profile is


my bad.

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I read this on a friend's Twitter account:

Injustice will only be conquered when those who are not affected are as outraged as those who are.

It got me thinking about the situation being discussed here. I'm not saying that this is "injustice". That's a very strong word.

But the quote reminded me that how you react depends on your point of view.

If you're the one being excluded, you feel it - so you see it as racism, ageism, discrimination, or whatever (doesn't matter what the basis is (age, race, body type).

And if you want to exclude people, for whatever reason, then you call it a personal preference, or say that you have a right to decide because it's your private party, and so on.

But the people who aren't affected are not as outraged as the people who are, so they don't see any problem at all.

As long as the people who aren't affected don't feel that using certain traits to exclude people is a problem, then nothing will change.




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  • 9 months later...

Just now I was went to one of mrt toilet to pee . Then saw one mid age of 40 , he is a Chinese then he stair at me , and we exchange glances . After that he ask me to follow me to his house for simple Jo , so we agree after that he met one another mid age 40 Chinese guy on the way . After that he said he prefer his own race and look for local . I m a foreigner, after that he bring him to his house on his way . I feel so wired not that I m foreigner , why people have this fxxing attitude . Please guys this is modern world don't just look for own race and hurt people's feelings . I feel so down , look down on foreigner like this and another way I was happy I don't go with this fxing attitude guy . Please clear up ur mind before u go .

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aiya .... he is angry cos he was chosen to go with the uncle first but last minute, uncle changed his mind and blindsided him for another guy! Probably uncle came up with a lame excuse about preferring "own" race. If uncle prefer "own" race den how come ask the TS to go JO with him in the first place! If i was him, i too would be throwing a fit as it makes u been second-classed!

Actually had a taste of that recently somewhere in the west. A bit painful too with a tinge of bitter after-taste!

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  • 11 months later...
Guest Guest

when i seek fun, i am quite annoyed when people ignore me after i tell them I'm malay. I also saw some postings stating what race they prefer/not prefer.

why like that?

i don't think it is being fair to non-chinese like me, do you think I'm right

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Guest Fellow malay guy

Not sure if u really r Malay or not but either way it's a stupid question n reflects a narrow mindset of urs. Sexual preference on various attributes is very very personal.

90% or more of men in the world prefer women. R u gonna fault n b annoyed at billions of men for not preferring to fxxk u over girls? U prefer men n they prefer girls. End of story.

N I'm sure u prefer not any men. Perhaps u prefer men who r, for example:

at least 1.60m tall

less than 100kg

at least 5 inch long dick

No balding hair

Less than 40yrs old

doesn't have body odor

of non African origin

not a toilet cleaner

Etc etc.

Should men who dont meet ur requirement be annoyed that u wouldn't have sex with them? I can understand if u r annoyed if u aren allowed to take the Mrt or buy groceries from ntuc bcos u r Malay, but not on the issue u raised. Think rationally.

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Guest homme

I think most of the people who ignored you are insecure with meeting people outside their race, kinda like xenophobia. Just like most chasers, chubs are easily more accepting so they prefer chubs so they won't be rejected.

So don't worry about those idiots you met, they are just feeling insecure. cheer up ya?

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Here we go again..............



never argue with the guests. let them bark all they want.





After I have said what I wanna say, I don't care what you say.



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Guest Guest

I think most of the people who ignored you are insecure with meeting people outside their race, kinda like xenophobia. Just like most chasers, chubs are easily more accepting so they prefer chubs so they won't be rejected.

So don't worry about those idiots you met, they are just feeling insecure. cheer up ya?

So r u saying u ignore girls bcos u feel insecure meeting people outside ur own gender (for sex)? U sure u don ignore girls bcos u really prefer men instead? Think rationally.

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Guest Guest

Wat can b applied on gender preference for sex can b applied for other attributes as well. If u think u hv a right to like ur own gender only, others have the right to like their own race only, so long as they don oppress u.

N no, preferring not to put their dicks into ur ass doesn't constitute oppression. So u being annoyed at them is ur own problem.

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Guest Guest

Oh for fxxk's sake.

This topic again?

If you don't have a preference, why are you specifically choosing people who happens to be different from you only to be rejected by them?

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Guest Fellow Malay guy

Abang thanks, but you never face such problem b4?

i really think it is racism

No. When it comes to people u have sex with, its called preference. It's not racism just like preferring men over women is not sexism. Don like girls mean don like girls. Don like Malays mean don like Malays. Don like fatties mean don like fatties. U can pay $10k treatment by Phd counsellor n u most likely stil like men at the end of it. Nothing to do with sexism. Pls get the point n move on.

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Guest Guest

Don't just conveniently use racism as your claim when you were rejected

If a straight guy rejects a gay guy, does that mean sexism?

Not sure if u really r Malay or not but either way it's a stupid question n reflects a narrow mindset of urs. Sexual preference on various attributes is very very personal.

90% or more of men in the world prefer women. R u gonna fault n b annoyed at billions of men for not preferring to fxxk u over girls? U prefer men n they prefer girls. End of story.

N I'm sure u prefer not any men. Perhaps u prefer men who r, for example:

Should men who dont meet ur requirement be annoyed that u wouldn't have sex with them? I can understand if u r annoyed if u aren allowed to take the Mrt or buy groceries from ntuc bcos u r Malay, but not on the issue u raised. Think rationally.

:thumb: :clap: Summed it up very well.

It's a matter of preference.

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Guest Wei

when i seek fun, i am quite annoyed when people ignore me after i tell them I'm malay. I also saw some postings stating what race they prefer/not prefer.

why like that?

i don't think it is being fair to non-chinese like me, do you think I'm right

Face the fact when some people tell u off they prefer they own race.

It just like we all got rejected in suana Malay prefer malay indain like indain.

Most chinese here prefer they own race I'm that kind I know the true hurts.

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Guest Guest

It's not wrong to have personal preferences, but unfortunately the way people state it often comes across in a not so pleasant manner. One just smiles and moves on. Just my preference of how to deal with things.

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