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Preference Discussion + Why People Prefer Particular Race / Type? (compiled)

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Not sure if u really r Malay or not but either way it's a stupid question n reflects a narrow mindset of urs. Sexual preference on various attributes is very very personal.

90% or more of men in the world prefer women. R u gonna fault n b annoyed at billions of men for not preferring to fxxk u over girls? U prefer men n they prefer girls. End of story.

N I'm sure u prefer not any men. Perhaps u prefer men who r, for example:

at least 1.60m tall

less than 100kg

at least 5 inch long dick

No balding hair

Less than 40yrs old

doesn't have body odor

of non African origin

not a toilet cleaner

Etc etc.

Should men who dont meet ur requirement be annoyed that u wouldn't have sex with them? I can understand if u r annoyed if u aren allowed to take the Mrt or buy groceries from ntuc bcos u r Malay, but not on the issue u raised. Think rationally.

Just wondering why you included the "african origin" bit. I've realized that asians r very racist..especially towards black ppl

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at least 1.60m tall - check!

less than 100kg - check!

at least 5 inch long dick - check!

No balding hair - check!

Less than 40yrs old - almost check!

doesn't have body odor - check!

of non African origin - check!

not a toilet cleaner - check!

Etc etc. - check!

All check. Call me :-)

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Guest China wine

Just wondering why you included the "african origin" bit. I've realized that asians r very racist..especially towards black ppl

Cos many Asians ain't too hot on blacks when it comes to sex. Facts of life. If u think there's a practical n effective way to change their preference, do let us know. We'll try help spread the word around. Peace my brah!

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Don't just conveniently use racism as your claim when you were rejected

If a straight guy rejects a gay guy, does that mean sexism?

:thumb: :clap: Summed it up very well.

It's a matter of preference.

Does that apply when you are looking for friends also? :huh:

~You need to forget what's gone, appreciate what's left, and look forward to what's next ^_^

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when i seek fun, i am quite annoyed when people ignore me after i tell them I'm malay. I also saw some postings stating what race they prefer/not prefer.

why like that?

i don't think it is being fair to non-chinese like me, do you think I'm right


Really?? Was it race that mattered?

If you look like this?

CALL ME, all my orifice are on standby for your entry. CALL ME!!!!

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Haha... actually it is not because of race, it is because you are ugly.

If you are handsome, people don't care if you are black or white. Please blame your parents for giving you this face loh.

Agreed. A gorgeous Malay hunk is of cos preferred over Moses Lim or liang po po. N vice versa. A chinese guy is preferred over Mat yo yo or Mas selmat. When it's sex only, it's looks looks looks: body face dick

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Of course, when it finally comes to a gorgeous guy from your race and another gorgeous guy from another race, people would still pick the one from their own race. :whistle:

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for 2 cents is that is all part of the media and what is fed into it now a days. if u look around you. at miss sg or commercials or advertisements when u walk down the street. to be fair or light skinned is considered "beautiful" and because we see that everyday. its just programmed into our minds. i mean think of it. the ppl on those ads are either chinese,white, or something mixed with white. lol. you could even ask someone with a darker complexion who might say, "oh I'm so black" when really thats just madness. it is because of this we get certain desires of what we want to be and what we are attracted to. can't really blame the ppl here for it, its just something they see all the time. take a look at the older gen where there is interracial marriages, u know back in the kampong days, now do u think they had gucci commercials or skin whitening products to inject in our older gens head the perception of beauty? no......fast track to today and most ppl stay in their own racial groups or unless they are white. end of story its what u grew up to believe and c but u just don't realize it

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for 2 cents is that is all part of the media and what is fed into it now a days. if u look around you. at miss sg or commercials or advertisements when u walk down the street. to be fair or light skinned is considered "beautiful" and because we see that everyday. its just programmed into our minds. i mean think of it. the ppl on those ads are either chinese,white, or something mixed with white. lol. you could even ask someone with a darker complexion who might say, "oh I'm so black" when really thats just madness. it is because of this we get certain desires of what we want to be and what we are attracted to. can't really blame the ppl here for it, its just something they see all the time. take a look at the older gen where there is interracial marriages, u know back in the kampong days, now do u think they had gucci commercials or skin whitening products to inject in our older gens head the perception of beauty? no......fast track to today and most ppl stay in their own racial groups or unless they are white. end of story its what u grew up to believe and c but u just don't realize it

Haha... actually it is not because of race, it is because you are ugly.

If you are handsome, people don't care if you are black or white. Please blame your parents for giving you this face loh.

@delboy You are very correct....d media has made it such that only white or something mixed with white is seen as beautiful

@boyfren I think race has a lot to do with the issue... yeah i'm afro-latino... and once i mention that to anyone i meet online they immediately stop talking to me....i'm yet to make any friend whatseoever........ i just come on this forum to read things cos i've given up on finding a friend

Edited by newbie
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Of course, when it finally comes to a gorgeous guy from your race and another gorgeous guy from another race, people would still pick the one from their own race. :whistle:

Not true la. Depends on ur individual preference. Some Chinese die die must have white meat. Some oso like Malays, but the muscular, manly straight ones. The mak nenek types don wan.

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Hi, this might be controversial, but can ask a simple question here to our Malay brothers since all of u are cut since young, would u suck an uncut cock? Bcos based on my experienced, most Malays are reluctant to suck on an uncut cock cos they will think its totally unhygienic.

Volunteering for the underwear association for third world countries. Please donate your used underwear to me.

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Hi, this might be controversial, but can ask a simple question here to our Malay brothers since all of u are cut since young, would u suck an uncut cock? Bcos based on my experienced, most Malays are reluctant to suck on an uncut cock cos they will think its totally unhygienic.

I believe they are reluctant to suck an uncut cock ONLY when

there is a whiff of bad smell... You don't want to put anything

in your mouth if it smells bad, do you?

Edited by irus1966
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as long as its cleaned properly without any smegma.. haha

I believe they are reluctant to suck an uncut cock ONLY when there is a whiff of bad smell... You don't want to put anything in your mouth if it smells bad, do you?

Exactly my sentiments. Why would just because its an uncut cock, u will have an impression it will smells bad or have smegma? Hi dont we all shower before sex.

I believe most wont even touch an uncut cock probably because from young they were taught of a circumsized cock is more hygienic and cleaner and all the phobia of smegma and stuff.

Im just saying, i might be wrong! because of all this fear it might portrait u guys as selfish in bed who doesnt do oral on uncuts. Im sorry if my points offended anyone or race...

Volunteering for the underwear association for third world countries. Please donate your used underwear to me.

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Guest gazarette

im just noting on the general cleanliness of someone.. no other reason why i dont suck on uncut dicks.. which i do and like to btw.. haha but.. i speak for myself.. not sure if there are others who dont.

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those people just cannot accept rejection, and are real losers w/o IQ & EQ too

It's more convenient for these losers to accuse others of racism than to look at the mirror when they get rejected.

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Guest farkla

It is very irritating when i stated i seek chinese and other race dudes still approach me on irc or grindr. Stated upfront already, y still want to make me reject you and get hurt all over again.

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It sounds like you were having a hook-up, which usually stems from sexual attraction rather than your personality. So if this person ditched you, it was probably because he found someone else who he found more sexually attractive. Sexual attraction does include skin color, whether you like it or not.

That's just how the world works. Some people feel more at ease in the company of people of their race, while some are more open-minded. There's no way to pin-point on an exact reason, so just take it as it is and stop playing the racial card. I've never really experienced this myself, but I do know people that tend to feel a little uneasy and hold back when they're around me because I'm so different from them in terms of both looks and culture. I'm sure language plays a part as well.

For all we know, the man felt more comfortable hooking up with someone his own age.

Anyway, the only thing you can do is to stop taking it personally and questioning your self-worth over rejections. If you think you can improve yourself, go ahead. If not, don't sweat over it.

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The answer is in your own question.

Why People PreferENCES Particular Race?



never argue with the guests. let them bark all they want.





After I have said what I wanna say, I don't care what you say.



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Uncut/cut if they don't look after themselves, pointless to get closer. How good looking one is when hygiene not the fundamental care, it is a turn off. I have had many encounters with uncut guys and they know what to do and even at some instances their dicks need to be cleaned, they wouldn't get upset if you politely ask them if they could clean up a bit. Same goes to their buddies. So, at the end of the day it is about hygiene, respect and consideration. U want to have hell of a time sex, don't kill it by taking hygiene for granted.



善待对人。麻烦用英文来表达信息。不是每个人都会看的懂中文 “People need to learn the art of making an argument. Often there is no

right or wrong. It's just your opinion vs someone else's opinion. How you deliver that opinion could make the difference between opening a mind,

changing an opinion or shutting the door. Sometimes folk just don't know when they've "argued" enough. Learn when to shut up."

― J'son M. Lee 

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Guest GIRL

What if a chinese gets discriminated by their own race and other races coz the person who is actually chinese but don't look chinese..

Isn't this sad?

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I reckon when you use the word 'prefer' than 'no (whatever)', doesn't put u into any impolite category



善待对人。麻烦用英文来表达信息。不是每个人都会看的懂中文 “People need to learn the art of making an argument. Often there is no

right or wrong. It's just your opinion vs someone else's opinion. How you deliver that opinion could make the difference between opening a mind,

changing an opinion or shutting the door. Sometimes folk just don't know when they've "argued" enough. Learn when to shut up."

― J'son M. Lee 

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What if a chinese gets discriminated by their own race and other races coz the person who is actually chinese but don't look chinese..

Isn't this sad?

I'd just like to add to what you've said.

I've got a friend who is Indian, however he's been having a hard time getting marriage proposals for a number of years as he has been considered lower class because of his less than "Indian" looks.

He finally gets a proposal .... but later the Brides family decided not pay the full Dowry... as she will be marrying beneath her family expectation.!!

There is discrimination amongst every ethnic group... LOL

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most likely pple who complain cant get laid and frustrated.. especially when they find a good looking guy but they are "not his type"

.. just find pple who like u lah..

I force u on a fatty old 99 yo man u want meh? Then I tell u if u reject him is ageism

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Guest GIRL

I'd just like to add to what you've said.

I've got a friend who is Indian, however he's been having a hard time getting marriage proposals for a number of years as he has been considered lower class because of his less than "Indian" looks.

He finally gets a proposal .... but later the Brides family decided not pay the full Dowry... as she will be marrying beneath her family expectation.!!

There is discrimination amongst every ethnic group... LOL

What type of indian is he? the aryan type or ????

What race he looks more like?

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  • 4 months later...

very often we hear someone say "im only into chinese/ caucasian/ indian blablalba and sorry just my preference, dont get offended ... "

i dont know why I just cant get the logic behind the "preferences". (Sorry im not trying to start judging on those people who say that, but more of self reflection)

I used to fall for caucasian guys only when i was 13, 14. then into chinese also in JC and uni.. and slowly when i had more friends from other ethnicity background like indian, malay, philiphino, middle eastern, etc, I got to have them around everyday and started to appreciate the beauty of their different physical features. Therefore up to now, I dont mind dating a guy from any background (me myself is chinese).

So what im trying to say is that the "preference" for me is never pre-defined, and it broadens once I am able to appreciate others. Its definitely rewarding coz i have bigger pool of boyz to find that Mr. right, LOOOOL. And end of the day, the only thing that matters to me is who he is inside, the personality and attitude.

Not sure if you guys share the same thinking and experience.. haiz.. :)

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Quite right.

I used to be an only Chinese kinda guy.

But then I expanded my tastes internationally.

Still preferring Asians though but man,there are tons to choose from.

I think it's more of how that individual's looks are to your liking rather than simply being prejudiced against an entire race.

And erm,how horny you are at the point in time.

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In secondary school, there is the Head Prefect who is a Malay and he is really really smart and he wears glasses and always dress smartly. I thought he was cool, until I realize I was having a crush on him.

I guess I like people base on their personality and how they present themselves more than any race. Haha.


"On the Internet, no one knows you are a cat."

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Quite right.

I used to be an only Chinese kinda guy.

But then I expanded my tastes internationally.

Still preferring Asians though but man,there are tons to choose from.

I think it's more of how that individual's looks are to your liking rather than simply being prejudiced against an entire race.

And erm,how horny you are at the point in time.

the last line blinks!! you rule, man.. lols

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very often we hear someone say "im only into chinese/ caucasian/ indian blablalba and sorry just my preference, dont get offended ... "

i dont know why I just cant get the logic behind the "preferences". (Sorry im not trying to start judging on those people who say that, but more of self reflection)

I used to fall for caucasian guys only when i was 13, 14. then into chinese also in JC and uni.. and slowly when i had more friends from other ethnicity background like indian, malay, philiphino, middle eastern, etc, I got to have them around everyday and started to appreciate the beauty of their different physical features. Therefore up to now, I dont mind dating a guy from any background (me myself is chinese).

So what im trying to say is that the "preference" for me is never pre-defined, and it broadens once I am able to appreciate others. Its definitely rewarding coz i have bigger pool of boyz to find that Mr. right, LOOOOL. And end of the day, the only thing that matters to me is who he is inside, the personality and attitude.

Not sure if you guys share the same thinking and experience.. haiz.. :)

Are there any food/fruits/vegetables that you don't like or don't eat?

I know some people don't eat broccoli or some don't like durains and some just don't take pork. That is the meaning of preference.

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very often we hear someone say "im only into chinese/ caucasian/ indian blablalba and sorry just my preference, dont get offended ... "

i dont know why I just cant get the logic behind the "preferences". (Sorry im not trying to start judging on those people who say that, but more of self reflection)

I used to fall for caucasian guys only when i was 13, 14. then into chinese also in JC and uni.. and slowly when i had more friends from other ethnicity background like indian, malay, philiphino, middle eastern, etc, I got to have them around everyday and started to appreciate the beauty of their different physical features. Therefore up to now, I dont mind dating a guy from any background (me myself is chinese).

So what im trying to say is that the "preference" for me is never pre-defined, and it broadens once I am able to appreciate others. Its definitely rewarding coz i have bigger pool of boyz to find that Mr. right, LOOOOL. And end of the day, the only thing that matters to me is who he is inside, the personality and attitude.

Not sure if you guys share the same thinking and experience.. haiz.. :)

Open ur mind la. How would u explain to a straight guy who says ' I don know y I just can't understand ur preferences for guys'

R u gonna start preferring girls just bcos he makes a valid n intelligent case for liking girls? Preference is preference.

If u think u really r so un inhibited in ur preferences then try screwing very fat guys, very ugly guys, very smelly guys. But u will say u don prefer guys with such description.

Everyone has their preferences. Respect that. I like to carry pink fluffy hello kItty handbags to work. U think that's horrible. I think it's cool. So how?

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I guess there's nothing wrong with opening up your options and choosing partner of another ethnicity, it really depends on your liking(s)!

Let's discuss this in a broader sense. I mean if someone of a different ethnicity approaches you and wants to be friends with you, I guess that will be totally fine with most of us!

However, it won't be the same for dating as you'll need to note that he will be with you together most of the time (maybe the entire lifetime), and I think it's really important to go for someone who is of your preference to avoid complications. As GachiMuchi and -guest- had stated, some people just don't have a preference for that option and if they are forced to take up that option, I don't think the relationship will work out.

Nonetheless, I guess it's worth a try dating someone from a different ethnicity and who knows... hahas!

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I know of couples where the top is Chinese and the btm Malay. The top is Malay and the bottom Chinese. The top is Indian and the bottom Chinese.

But never came across Chinese top with Indian bottom. Why ah?

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