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Discussion On Being Gay & Christian (Compiled)

Guest gayChristian

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Guest gayChristian

@cvbv: you're welcome :)

glad if it helps.

@Qweeries: the video title is the same as this thread title, you can search it in youtube.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest yougivegoodlove

why have to constantly seek approval and justification of yourself being gay?

just accept it and come terms with yourself and enjoy your sex.

got demand therefore got supply.

got old man seeking fulfillment of his empty hole, i am there to satisfy his needs.

it just is. no need think too much about it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

God will always love me

I know this.

Death, life, angels, rulers,

things happening now, things that will happen,

high things, low things;

nothing else in all the world

can come between us and God's love in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Romans 8 : 39

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 6 months later...

I do find acceptance as a person, but they dun encourage me in my lifestyle....Like the pastors did advice me to reconsider when I was preparing for baptism. Being from Church of our saviour that is....

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There is only one sin that is unforgivable. That is the sin of not believing and not receiving Jesus Christ into your life.

A gay or homosexual person can accept Christ, just as an alcoholic, a drug addict, or a mass-murderer can accept Christ. Jesus' offer of salvation is open to everyone.

The Bible teaches that if someone has truly accepted Christ into his life, nothing can keep him out of heaven. In John 10:28, Christ says of Christians,

“I give them
, and they shall never perish; no one can snatch them out of My hand.”

This is like ctrl-alt-del. You are as clean as you are. I shall accept christ when I am 64 years old.. he he..

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Guest Boon Tong

Many people just interpret religious teachings according to their own thoughts and spread to other people. So are these reliable?

What is important is the heart and one's actions. With kind heart and kind actions, even the spirits, gods will be on your side.

With cruel thoughts and cruel actions, even the judge in court also cannot help. Why? Fair and just. Same in the divine.

Different names of religions are just labels. As one grows older, experience more, and become wiser, one will know. May there be peace in the world.

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Guest Spalding

boon tong. I think you're digressing from the original question.

Whether you're a homosexual, heterosexual, liar, murderer, adulterer... all have sinned and fallen short.. Hence the need for Jesus to save. A church should never turn you away just because you're homosexual, because Jesus would never do so. He welcomed sinners and healed and saved them during his time on earth. And he was harsh towards the pharisees (the religious scribes who were self-righteous).

So in summary to your question, if Jesus welcomes you with open arms just the way you are, who are the people at church to have the audacity to turn you away? So dont worry..just come. :)

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Can a gay christian who chooses to accept a gay lifestyle go to heaven?

Why go to a church and wait for acceptance or wait to be kicked out?

You dont feel good just leave...you have a choice.

The way the bible was put together just makes me question that indeed it could be the work men. It sure leans towards that direction.

May i recommend you watch from video Jesue to Christ...available in google. I find believers just know too little and believe too much.

Or check out youtubes..who wrote the bible. Just keep seeking for info and your mind might just be open enough to see the light.

Anyone enlightened please share.

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Guest Visitor

Being Christian and gay, is this a fad? Why not choose other religion? Of convenience? A Christian submits himself to God entirely, not half and half.

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started believing in God many years ago and v been always trying to comfort myself with the thinking “God loves gay ppl too”. But the more i understand bible the more i feel confused and fell sad….

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Gentlemen, The time has come.....Church of our saviour is going to step in soon against the trial and repeal of Act 377A.

Brace yourselves for this storm

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There is only one sin that is unforgivable. That is the sin of not believing and not receiving Jesus Christ into your life.

A gay or homosexual person can accept Christ, just as an alcoholic, a drug addict, or a mass-murderer can accept Christ. Jesus' offer of salvation is open to everyone.

The Bible teaches that if someone has truly accepted Christ into his life, nothing can keep him out of heaven. In John 10:28, Christ says of Christians,

“I give them
, and they shall never perish; no one can snatch them out of My hand.”

This is like ctrl-alt-del. You are as clean as you are. I shall accept christ when I am 64 years old.. he he..

Wow !!! Big statement !!! So there are at least 2 million 'sinners' in Singapore alone, all because they are not believer of J.C. ?!! Hmmm .... which chapter in the Bible says that? And I thought I have the right to choose my religion but didn't know not choosing a particular one is a sin !!! Hope no mayhem here .... hehehe. Nothing against any religion ... just speaking my mind ;)

PEACE TO MANKIND .... religion or not .... you are what you are ... nobody can stop another or ask that someone to leave the premises all because he is gay !!!

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  • 1 month later...

"I reject the silly notion that “Separation of Church and State” means that politics must necessarily be informed by ONLY secular voices. [...] Just because a person’s opinion is founded in a particular religion does not disqualify it from being used to influence public policy."

Actually what I think "Seperation of Church and State" means is that public policies should be made in the interest of the general public WITHOUT using church morals, or any kind of religious morals for that matter, as a basis for it because of biasness. So let's say if we allow one religion to create a policy favouring its moral, the govnt will have to open its gates to ALL other religions or risk being accused of biasness. If 2 religious policies contradicts each other, how are we gonna solve it without the govnt looking like it favors one over the other? That's why Seperation of Church and State is not just a "silly notion" like he claims.



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You are your destiny...

If you chance upon a gay God...let him be your Lord and Saviour

If you want to live a lie....feel good about it....its your choice

If you want to be who you are you are not alone

You can be a Christian

You can be Gay

Strange as it may seems some churches seem to accept PLUs

Its all depends on who wants to start a movement

Conclusion...its all man made

Enjoy your time on earth.

Try to make this world a better place is the least you can do in your lifetime

Be helpful and share love to those around you,

You don't need religion to have morals...but if that's what you want...hey its your choice bro.

Edited by Marineboy
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Guest ManDragon

This is Child's play. Just get over it.

God is with me today and yesterday.

I have morals better then the straights even.

Do not let the notion gay condemn you, but take the trial and rise above with greater strength.

The stone that was rejected by the builder has become the corner stone.

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the religion does not hate gays, its some of its people.


You mean most of its people. And they justify it using the bible, which is the core of the entire religion.

Edited by Gray
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You mean most of its people. And they justify it using the bible, which is the core of the entire religion.

Actually the core of Christianity is love, believe it or not. It's all about love and acceptance, love thy neighbour and all that jazz but I know what you mean. When men decides to speak for the divine, shit happens. But it's no fault of the divine for humans are scumbags, always has always will be.

Edited by EasleyLim


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I am christian myself and gay. I also study theology and I am sure that God loves everyone, but it is because Human like to set boundaries and use quotes in the bible to defend certain stand which causes conflict between christian and non-christian. So in the end I agree that the r/s between God and U is based on your choices. Religion is based on Law and regulation, but true Christianity is stem on the r/s between God and U. 


I am gay for 12 years and a christian for 14 years and till date God is still very real to me and He still leads me and guides me... Though it may be contradicting to some, I am sure there are also alot of gays and christian around who can verify and shared the same notion that God did not abandon them just because they are gay but it is the people who choose to support or disown this christian Ajs among us.

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Actually the core of Christianity is love, believe it or not. It's all about love and acceptance, love thy neighbour and all that jazz but I know what you mean. When men decides to speak for the divine, shit happens. But it's no fault of the divine for humans are scumbags, always has always will be.


Hmmm well, have you read the bible? My opinion on the core of Christianity is quite the opposite. But to each their own.

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Hmmm well, have you read the bible? My opinion on the core of Christianity is quite the opposite. But to each their own.

Well, the New Testament is about love, very hippie like. I like the Old Testament better, a lot more dramatic with the whole kill first-born, sacrifice your child, talking snake and shenanigans.



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Guest Religon

All religons are made up ideas to try and help people lead happier more fufilling personal lives. If your religon is not provding comfort and norishment for your own personal self growth and happiness, then maybe it's time to find a new belief system.


I'm always amazed at Christians that think they have to cowtail to some other person's interpretation of stories that have been translated, manipulated and purposely changed to meet a political agendas from the past to today.


Whatever happened to free thought. Stand up as a proud gay man and be counted as part of the human race. This can take many forms and common sense has to prevail for one's own safety and well-being.

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Guest Wesley

I believe God is perfect and doesn't make mistakes so being gay must be okay. If I was made in the image of God, as the bible tells me, then being gay has to be part of God. Case closed; being gay is okay.

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Whatever happened to free thought. Stand up as a proud gay man and be counted as part of the human race. This can take many forms and common sense has to prevail for one's own safety and well-being.

One can't have free thought (or free will) if your deity of choice tells you not to test Him in explicit terms. That's what faith is.



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Easley, I'm confused. Are you or are you not well versed in this particular material? Because I can link you to a couple of sites exploring the inconsistencies that exist when a religion extols both the "virtues" of blind faith and free will.

It is said that Jesus cannot appear before us in modern times because it would take away our free will. Yet if free will is evidently important enough for him not to want to take it away from us, then god wouldn't have a plan for us, would he?

It is said that from the moment you are born, everything has been decided for you. That also means whether you become a Christian or not. So in that case, faith and free will couldn't possibly exist now, could it? Since you are a puppet whose strings are being pulled from above. And yet Jesus can't appear before us because it would take our free will away from us. The whole thing just sounds so clever, doesn't it?

Easley, are you or are you not a Christian? Have you thoroughly explored the source material and know exactly what it teaches? Cos I'll be frank; I feel strongly for this topic and it is not one where anyone can just make interpretations on without properly studying it.

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Hello fellow Christian! =)) I dont have much to give.. But if you truly know God, Christianity frees you, not trap you.. Try to realize the unholiness in your life that you have yet to surrender to God.. Just dont engage in sexual activity with another first..

Leviticus 18:22 (New International Version)

Having feelings for another guy is still highly debatable and "negotiable" because there arent anything about feelings for another guy in the Bible (if Im correct).. 


P.S. This is in no way me trying to be offensive! I hope I am being sufficiently tactful.. Hahahah

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Easley, I'm confused. Are you or are you not well versed in this particular material? Because I can link you to a couple of sites exploring the inconsistencies that exist when a religion extols both the "virtues" of blind faith and free will.

It is said that Jesus cannot appear before us in modern times because it would take away our free will. Yet if free will is evidently important enough for him not to want to take it away from us, then god wouldn't have a plan for us, would he?

It is said that from the moment you are born, everything has been decided for you. That also means whether you become a Christian or not. So in that case, faith and free will couldn't possibly exist now, could it? Since you are a puppet whose strings are being pulled from above. And yet Jesus can't appear before us because it would take our free will away from us. The whole thing just sounds so clever, doesn't it?

Easley, are you or are you not a Christian? Have you thoroughly explored the source material and know exactly what it teaches? Cos I'll be frank; I feel strongly for this topic and it is not one where anyone can just make interpretations on without properly studying it.


Your views are noted and well taken.

Which source materials would you be referring to and how would you define these? Do you refer to the Gospels only or do you include the Epistles of Paul? After all, Paul never met "the Man" and the Apostles all quite disliked him. Would you be sticking only to the New Testament or do you refer also to the Old, in particular the Pentateuch? Because there's one book within the Pentateuch which is a later addition after all... and very likely to have been written for political purposes. Do you include the Deuterocanonicals? How about the writings of the Doctors of the Church: Augustine of Hippo, Clement of Alexandria, St Jerome of course, but also Thomas Aquinas? What if they were writings but not promulgated at a Council? Papal bulls only? What if it's something not pronounced upon by the Magisterium or the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, but in common practice accepted as Church belief?

And on that note, are you restricting the scope only to the Latin Church and its subsequent derivatives? How about the Eastern Churches? They too are recognized to be Apostolic and of equal dignity although Rome is the only one of the five Patriarchates to have enjoyed (sort of) unbroken continuity. What about the Nestorians, the Copts, the Ethiopian Church, the Assyrian Church, the Armenian and so forth? I'm not very clear what you mean when you speak of "Church" in singular... Only the Catholic (ie "Universal") Churches? Anglicans are Catholics after all, just not Roman Catholics. How about everything that splintered off as Protestant following Martin Luther? Because there we have everything from Calvinists to Prosperity Theology to the Free Community Church.

And do you refer only to "official" interpretations of these source doctrines? There is a significant corpus of academic and scholastic work which objectively may be reckoned to be more accurate. As an example, the much quoted Exodus 22:18, "Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live". The actual word in Hebrew is much more vague, and was also used to refer to poisoners. There was no condemnation after all, of Saul visiting the "Witch" of Endor. Similarly, the pronouncements against homosexuality in Leviticus et al, were very plausibly, if not probably, in academic opinion, directed only at the Jewish priesthood, to bar them from taking part in the rites of Canaanite deities, which included taking one up the bum. After all, shortly after, there is the injunction not to cook a lamb in its mother's milk, which is documented to have been part of the rites of Astarte.

I'm a bit tired of seeing this topic every six months to be honest. Gray, I agree with you. Easley, I agree with you. The reason why you too don't think u

Mercurio sacris fertur Boebeidos Undis

virgineum Brimo composuisse latus

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The reason why you two don't agree is because Gray defines Christianity by the strict doctrines of a narrow set of established institutions, whereas Easley defines it by a loose corpus of core beliefs.

Thank you, Mercutio.

Some how this situation managed to present itself as a metaphor for religions, considering how we are talking about the divine and what happens when men interpret the words of divine for themselves. Misunderstandings will happen and either sides, while having used the same source material, still ended up with different understandings of the Word of God.

Edited by EasleyLim


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I haven't the vaguest idea what you were talking about there, mercutio. But I'll tell u that the source material I was referring to is the bible. The one that readily available to all Christians and the one they all refer to. Never mind the version, the core teachings are the same.

I don't have time right now to check the exact verses. But I can tell u that homosexuality is clearly forbidden, not only in old testament, but in new testament as well.

You're right, humans freey interpret the bible as they wish. But ask yourselves this: if your Christian god is true and loves all his children, why doesn't he make it clear in the bible that being gay is ok? Why does he create a situation such that thousands of gay people around other parts of the world are killed, bullied and driven to suicide cos god says in the bible that it is not ok to be gay? Shall I link some news here exposing some of the atrocities that people do to faggots in other countries?

Being in lawful and moderately tolerant Singapore, we may not realise the full extent of the kind of hatred the bible incites against homosexuality. That does not mean it does not exist.

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"I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ." - Gandhi

"There has been only one Christian. They caught him and crucified him - early." -Mark Twain


The above 2 quotes succinctly encapsulates what I believe of the Christian faith, but with that established, I am not an atheist. I'm a tad too lazy to engage myself in a philosophical debate.


I want to hug you like that ..

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