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Final Fantasy Xiv: A Realm Reborn


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Finally managed to get past the hellish registration process on Square Enix. I have yet to try the NA servers as I started with Tiamat on the Japan servers first. The game is simply gorgeous with top-notch graphics (even with only my Sapphire 7770 Vapor-X) and ear candy orchestra (Nobuo Uematsu for the win), as expected from Square Enix (and a P2P Mmorpg at that). One thing weird though is the lack of chat bubbles, which I need to get used to. Here are some screenshots of my Lalafell ingame.






ffxiv_08272013_144637.png  <<<----- Chappy Starjump



So for those already playing FFXIV, which servers do ya recommend?

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And the majority of the Hardwarezone's EDMW community is congregated in Hades.


Almost all of the Japan servers are full at the moment. Looks like it's easier to play on the NA or EU servers. I can't even log back on Tiamat due to the congestion. Created a new Pugilist on Faerie (NA) for the time being.



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Guest mdrtaslim84
  On 8/28/2013 at 4:46 PM, Enelym1978 said:

So how is it?


Feedback after a few days game?

Yeah same here, but i thought there's no support for local region in Singapore ? I had preordered it earlier on but decide to cancel it due to this. Limited support is a concern.

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  On 8/28/2013 at 4:46 PM, Enelym1978 said:

So how is it?


Feedback after a few days game?


Servers are packed and constantly congested during our prime time, at least for the Japanese servers. There are still the NA servers which are often available to create characters and play on. The public event quests dish out nice significant xp. While FFXIV retained some old school mechanics from FFXI to maintain the difficulty and challenge (such as having to read the map proper and travelling around), leveling has gotten a lot easier so much so that you can solo easily for the early parts of the game. I have yet to hit mid game to tell coz I ain't a fast grinder. I often stop to admire the beautiful environments around me as I go exploring around while questing. And I am planning to dive into crafting soon. In fact, due to the congestion, I might consider playing on an NA server instead.....like Behemoth since their prime time is pretty much opposite of ours.


  On 8/28/2013 at 10:22 PM, mdrtaslim84 said:

Yeah same here, but i thought there's no support for local region in Singapore ? I had preordered it earlier on but decide to cancel it due to this. Limited support is a concern.


For many of us when we bought our digital copy off SE website, we just put US as our country (since we bought the NA version anyway). Also changed the language in our profile to "English US". So far so good. I am aware that various game shops across our island are also selling the physical copies. But whether they are selling the NA or EU version, I am not certain. The regions basically determine mostly the currency you would be paying in the future with regards to your subscription. You are free to join any servers, Jap, EU or NA regardless of which version you buy though.

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I am aware that NA SE website has halted all online purchases to control congestion. Fret not for those who have yet to get your hands on it. This is in fact, good news for you.


Qishan (our reputable local gamestore), is currently selling the physical standard FFXIV: ARR package for $45 (NA) and $35 (UK). The UK version is a better buy since the game itself is not region locked. In fact, as it stands, the monthly subscription in Great Britain Pound is slightly cheaper than paying in USD for the NA version.


TGIF, good time for you to head down to Far East Shopping Centre to get yourself a copy of the UK version today. Link as follows: http://www.qisahn.com/products/final-fantasy-xiv-a-realm-reborn-uk


Eorzea awaits you.

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  On 9/17/2013 at 1:45 PM, cakeboy said:

Im also playing... in faerie. But like no sg there. So waitin for server xfer... see how.


Actually, I did create one character on Faerie just for the fun of it. I heard there may be a free xfer coming up so keep your fingers crossed. If you are comfy with the folks on Faerie and have made friends, don't see why you should move though. Having said that, there are so many Singaporeans on Tonberry. I am in a Singaporean/ Malaysian/ Indo Free Company there myself.

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  On 9/18/2013 at 5:43 AM, FirsTimer said:

This game is played on PS3 or computer? Can someone enlightened me on whether should I try out this game now with its current situation. Save my researching effort please! Thanks


The game is on both platforms. The servers have more or less stablized. Queues of logins are either zilch or just a while.

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Guest Prof.Kaos
  On 9/17/2013 at 1:25 AM, Chapster said:

Square Enix NA online store just released the FFXIV ARR digital download (NA) for purchase again for those who wish to get it.



What should I on billing info? Singapore is not listed there on the NA site on Billing Info step and EU store says I'm not in the region. Should I wait for a physical copy to be available again in the local stores? Appreciate any suggestions at all.

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  On 9/18/2013 at 9:10 AM, Prof.Kaos said:

What should I on billing info? Singapore is not listed there on the NA site on Billing Info step and EU store says I'm not in the region. Should I wait for a physical copy to be available again in the local stores? Appreciate any suggestions at all.


I put in my local address but used US as country and NY as state.

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Yikes more expensive and less detailed? Lose lose situation for PS3 but is it because it has a larger screen from the TV making it look less neat? Goodness, after seeing graphics, I feel like owning it!! =D Sorry can you tell me much much more about this game? What jobs are there? And what do you do inside? Are there partying?

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  On 9/18/2013 at 11:06 AM, FirsTimer said:

Yikes more expensive and less detailed? Lose lose situation for PS3 but is it because it has a larger screen from the TV making it look less neat? Goodness, after seeing graphics, I feel like owning it!! =D Sorry can you tell me much much more about this game? What jobs are there? And what do you do inside? Are there partying?


I suggest you check out the http://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/ for loads of information that you need.

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  On 9/19/2013 at 5:15 AM, cakeboy said:

Chapster, u playing tank? If so, i'll prolly do a server xfer to tonberry when it is available.


No, I am a Scholar. I usually get together with a couple of my guildmates or nice people I got to know along the way to queue for duty finder.


Below is a pic of me when I switch to Culinarian. I look more like a ninja with a frying pan than an actual chef.



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