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Would You Attend An "ex" Wedding Banquet?

Guest For Someone's science

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Guest For Someone's science

As per above.

Ex marrying a trophy wife. Holding a Grand Wedding Banquet,invite someone to attend.

Part of the reason:

To send someone a message that: He is "socio-normative" now.Even though he still have extracurricular activities with men.

He want someone's blessing,Which strangely that someone will give because they broke up very long time ago.but that someone is more concern about that Ex current beau,who was btw not invited although the ex beau knew.

Not going to out him.

just trying to help clean up after his mess again maybe.


So attend ex wedding or help his ex beau.

Or do nothing(ie play games,watch movie, anything but)?(most likely because not that someone's problem)


no troll or attention seeking post please.

Genuine Advice Appreciated.

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Guest Raiden Alpha

No need to go.The groom will not have time to care/take note of his attendance or not in the first place. Staying clear of the line of fire and drama is the key to a peaceful life. It's isn't worth it to get vex and entangle over emotions/relationships that are over.

Only risk your inner peace for something of a higher calling such as saving people lives or being concern for the fate of a Nation etc.Not for the sake of boosting someone ego.

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Just be happy for him.  He owns his life and its up to him to decide whatever he wants to do with it.  Leave him alone, i say.


Is the name of the guy getting married "C"?

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Guest Someone

Attended the wedding, after all.

Went alone. Felt very awkward.

Gave ang pow to his parent.

He tried to approach.Avoid by talking to a mutual friend.

Change seat to the furthest table from the main table along with mutual friend.

Chat and catch up on life with mutual friend.

When the couple start going to the table, went to toilet, came back when they left the table.


Closed a chapter.

Although I know his current ex ,I will not help or interfere. Because this is his problem, I must draw a line somewhere.

And yes there were dramas but I do not know who the person was so I did not interfere.


And also if you are reading this,treat your wife well,What happen between us is over a long time ago.

I do not hate you though now we are just friends.Do not expect too much or we would just be stranger or mere acquaintance.

Enjoy your honeymoon.

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Y do u bother going?


waste time waste money waste energy.



never argue with the guests. let them bark all they want.





After I have said what I wanna say, I don't care what you say.



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Guest Someone

Because I still consider him as friend.

And it is something along this line >

But yes i agree it is ^ waste time(4hr+) waste money(ang pow) waste energy.

and his parents know me as ka ki lang,although they did not know about the details

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Guest Someone

Anyway my final decision is that I went for the sake showing up.

And to keep a reminder for myself with regard to my decision.


Because I hope I would not look back and regret it.


and I agree snowball that it is a bit 讽刺 as I'm totally closeted and he is semi openly gay but he chose to get married.and 矛盾 because I did not do the same to him by getting married.


People would think that closeted gays will all get married but that is not always the case.

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Guest Raiden Alpha

Some people are addicted to drama.:)

You will never be free from this man as long as the ties are not cut off totally.

Now is just a marriage dinner,wait til his business or marriage hit the rocks and pour his woes out to you in the future.

You won't have the strength to resist this web of vortex.

The mouth say no the heart say yes.

Edited by Raiden Alpha
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Guest Someone

I said I wouldn't interfere with his life,So most likely I would not even listen to him if he is having difficulty coping with his marriage(or even his ex) and such so RA your point is moot. 


And Snowball is correct. it is to 把最后的面子做完.


after that it just 你走你的陽關道,我過我的獨木橋 and not owe anyone anything.

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Guest Raiden Alpha

I really hope your heart match your mouth.

And yeah sincerely hope you don't look back anymore.

Dedicate a beautiful song to all this night to soothe all the wretched hearts and wash the past away.

海上花 1986 (粵/國) ~ 甄妮

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It's not by accident that you attended the banquet. U know best deep inside la.


I need that lil bit of dignity for myself if this ever happened to me. So I won't go... sry, this is not some 'you are the apple of my eye' movie.


Hopefully your book is fully closed now, not juz a chapter or two.

high frequency | biologically hazardous | penetrating

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I attended my ex's wedding. Only thing is that the person is my ex-girl fren. She knows about me way before we got into the relationship. During the wedding night, it was awkward. We did not talk much except the usual congrats. I don't know why I went, but it was a big relief when the dinner was over.

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TS, you're really something.


One day, many years ago, a guy whom I merely had a brief romantic encounter with (we knew we liked each other but we held back as he was married but he did tell me he loved me) bumped into each other at kallang KFC (after having lost touch through the years), we didnt even acknowledge each other but our eyes met and we knew each other.  We did not even smile and I went on my way and suddenly the feelings of yesteryear came flooding back and made me so so sad that very day.  The hurt and pain probably lingered for the next few days of "what should have been".


We did not even have real love, we were just falling for each other when I had to leave to further my studies.  We merely went for a few dates and chats on the phone and that was it and there I was almost dying when I saw him again albeit on a completely different level.


You on the otherhand had something going on with your ex but yet you had the guts to attend his wedding?  I SALUTE YOU! I would have died there and then. 

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Jus curious if the trophy wife is a willing party. I can never forgive douche with this whole game of deception shit; I mean we are way well into the 2st century now and this whole conforming to a conservative society norm is just pure bullshit. If the girl got into this mess willingly, then I would have gave them my wishes for "true happiness". On the other hand I won't turn up, because I don't believe one can find happiness in conforming, and neither should anyone especially my ex-es whom had once shared those similar dreams, values and beliefs in life; suddenly decide to take the easy way out and throw in the towel, and expect me to support that? I'm sorry, that's never gonna happen. 

Edited by blueb


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TS , 这首歌特别点送给你, 希望你在爱的道路上, 不再跌跌撞撞, 能够掌握住自己的幸福, 别再有那么多是非缠绕。






怕不怕被拒绝 怕不怕被省略




尽管你抱歉 忏悔

真心一旦坠跌 就不能飞

别指望我谅解 别指望我体会


快乐或伤悲 没什么分别


别指望我谅解 别指望我体会


太多的是非 来不及杜绝



怕不怕被拒绝 怕不怕被省略




尽管你抱歉 忏悔

真心一旦坠跌 就不能飞

别指望我谅解 别指望我体会


快乐或伤悲 没什么分别


别指望我谅解 别指望我体会


太多的是非 来不及杜绝



别指望我谅解 别指望我体会


太多的是非 来不及杜绝



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TS, you're really something.


You do not need to salute me.not even sarcastically.

This is just a situation that had happened to me.

Although I did not get much in term of advice before I went to his wedding banquet at least I hope I had made the right choice.and someone's friend did give someone the advice to go.


And Blueb,I think his young wife didn't know.And I think he did read forums from time to time in the past.Now I just don't know because of personal distance.


I think this song best describe.


also my first post "for someone's science",is something that only the both of us know.Since he didn't replied, I guess he is not reading BW anymore maybe.


Mod can lock this thread I don't want this thread to become ugly,Thanks in advance.

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Guest I Clap For U

You do not need to salute me.not even sarcastically.

This is just a situation that had happened to me.

Although I did not get much in term of advice before I went to his wedding banquet at least I hope I had made the right choice.and someone's friend did give someone the advice to go.


And Blueb,I think his young wife didn't know.And I think he did read forums from time to time in the past.Now I just don't know because of personal distance.


I think this song best describe.


also my first post "for someone's science",is something that only the both of us know.Since he didn't replied, I guess he is not reading BW anymore maybe.


Mod can lock this thread I don't want this thread to become ugly,Thanks in advance.


Can explain why would this thread become ugly? 80% of the replies are dead serious. You started this thread. asked a question to the mass, most of all to attract his attention, waiting so desperately for his reply but received none except unrelated nosey BWers. Now, you demand mod to lock it like he's your chambermaid to clear your mess once you decided to leave. Outstanding. Come, I clap for you!  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:

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