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China's Singing Competition / Songs - 中国好声音 + 中国好歌曲 + 我是歌手 + 快乐男声 + 中国风 + 蒙面歌王 + 隐藏的歌手 + 中国新歌声 + 梦想的声音


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  • 5 months later...

Wondering where do you guys download the files, high quality file preferred. Thanks.

For I am Singer2 you can follow on youtube

There is a page called 湖南卫视

Each episode will be uploaded one day after it is shown on tv in China, but ad free loll

Then you can download from there using youtube app if you would like to

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  • 1 month later...
Guest Try yourself

yes, powerful indeed, but just powerful and nothing else

If you are not chinese and try picking up Chinese and sing in Chinese then you see if easy, to sing clear in lyrics, powerful and yet emote, then you see if easy then comment that Shila just powerful and nothing else

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Guest Guest

If you are not chinese and try picking up Chinese and sing in Chinese then you see if easy, to sing clear in lyrics, powerful and yet emote, then you see if easy then comment that Shila just powerful and nothing else

Sheila sang 'the longest movie' better than jay and many others.

Dun mind the -ve comments, I think some are jealous.

Oh, she's also pretty, too.

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I spent the weekend watching 我是歌手 !

Shila is very beautiful and has a very powerful voice. I like her performance. Unfortunately she does not have a musical team supporting her. If she don't evolve her style the audience will get tired of her (like GEM midway).

Personally I like HangLei /"George" performance like BeiJing BeiJing and some of his other songs. But apparently the audience think otherwise.

While GEM is doing very well but her songs does not appeal to me. Generation gap.

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LOL~ i think that Hang Lei is so boring... different era of singing style... i think he appeal more to the older generation


I think Shila's style is amazing... she has such emotions and charisma... that just draws u to her when she sings!

Hang Lei is very well-respected in the industry, he's like the uncle.

If you can sing well, you can sing anything. That's Shila.


Removed an irrelevant comments in the above post.

Hendry Tan

Admin cum Mod

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i must admit that shila is good , really good indeed , i much prefer her version rolling in the deep , cos i can't feel the soul in her chinese song , i even sms my boi boi must watch her performance in youtube , hope she do well next week , wooder will any non china singer will win the title this time.

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I thought next week is 半决赛 for 我是歌手2?

sorry , just checked , my wrong. next week is semi and not final :D

我是歌手第二季第十二期半决赛7进3歌单剧透排名 我是歌手2谁将晋级总决赛


我是歌手2谁将晋级总决赛! 我是歌手2半决赛歌单曝光,我是歌手2半决赛剧透抢先看! 邓紫棋 , 周笔畅 , 张杰 , 茜拉 , 韩磊 , 谁将晋级总决赛!  

  我是歌手终极决战 , 第一场7进3精彩歌单:张杰《Just theway you are》、茜拉《洋葱》、邓紫棋《你不是真正的快乐》、韩磊《在那遥远的地方》、周笔畅《光之翼》、曹格《Saving all my love for you》、张宇《二十岁的眼泪》。三位歌手挺进总决赛。歌王之战! 你希望谁成功?




《我是歌手第二季》第十二期半决赛7进3,尽在2014.3.28 , 周五晚20:10,一起期待!

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中国好歌曲总决赛 , 首季精彩落幕 ,

原创人和导师或艺人合作无间 , 擦出火花 ,

把歌曲推入另一个高潮 , 大力推荐 , 值得支持。

还有请来费玉青助阵 , 让这首 « 卷珠帘 » 無懈可击。

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Tonight is the semi-finals. Any public place show SCV 836 life tonight  ?



if you are scv subscriber , don't miss next friday 我是歌手2 总决赛。
scv 836 , 8pm.


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The show ended 2+ hour ago. The "singles" are out, will add more as they appear.
Will switch to the complete version when it is out. Switched to the full version.



Individual songs link below:


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  • HendryTan changed the title to China's Singing Competition / Songs - 中国好声音 + 中国好歌曲 + 我是歌手 + 快乐男声 + 中国风 + 蒙面歌王 + 隐藏的歌手 + 中国新歌声 + 梦想的声音
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