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China's Singing Competition / Songs - 中国好声音 + 中国好歌曲 + 我是歌手 + 快乐男声 + 中国风 + 蒙面歌王 + 隐藏的歌手 + 中国新歌声 + 梦想的声音


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  • 3 months later...


不知不觉 , 中国好声音第三季又和观众见面了 ,

冲着前两季的好评与优势 ,虽然在哈林的缺席下 ,

罗大佑档期冲突下遗憾无法出任导师 ,

可是 ,由最近火红的齐秦大哥接棒 ,

希望会带出不同于前两季的火花 。

现在就请喜爱这节目的读者 ,

好好欣赏 ,度过一个愉快的周末 。

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不知不觉 , 中国好声音第三季又和观众见面了 ,
冲着前两季的好评与优势 ,虽然在哈林的缺席下 ,
罗大佑档期冲突下遗憾无法出任导师 ,
可是 ,由最近火红的齐秦大哥接棒 ,
希望会带出不同于前两季的火花 。
现在就请喜爱这节目的读者 ,
好好欣赏 ,度过一个愉快的周末 。

Edited by puppyfart
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I am impressed by the boy..The boy studied in Ukraine!!


These season already got two contestants from Xing Guang. 郑心慈 chose a wrong song imo....


I think the boy was there for some "surprise, entertainment" effect, I doubt his type of voice can do many other types of songs as the way he sang was largely one dimensional.


The girl has a rich mature voice and has presented the song very well, somehow she reminded me of Sally Yeh 叶倩文, her vocal range can go very wide and deep.


I didn't know the song she sang (她说) until I heard her in this show. Found out later that this song was written by our own talented JJ Lin and Stefanie Sun. I am very impressed by Sun for her lyrics, didn't know she could express subtle emotions through words so well.


今後不再怕天明 我想只是害怕清醒...

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This season they never show contestant who never make it..All contestants have at least one dao shi to turn over..I realised Qi Qin always turn over.lol..


I also watched our local audition..Didnt know Xu Bin can host that well...

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铁肺女王 , 李佳薇 , 势必将是另一颗未来最受瞩目的 , 实力最强的一匹黑马 。

歌艺一日千里 , 到底还隐藏着多少爆发潜在力 , 的确让人瞩目 。

唱歌不再一直标高 , 也开始懂得收, 可喜 。

也因为如此 , 歌曲有更多的层次感 , 让人感到用心而不是卖弄 ,

煎熬 , 做了些许改变 , 把前段的呐喊改为假音 , 让人听了更舒服 ,

第二段才用高音推到高潮 , 让人无法不爱 。


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铁肺女王 , 李佳薇 , 势必将是另一颗未来最受瞩目的 , 实力最强的一匹黑马 。

歌艺一日千里 , 到底还隐藏着多少爆发潜在力 , 的确让人瞩目 。

唱歌不再一直标高 , 也开始懂得收, 可喜 。

也因为如此 , 歌曲有更多的层次感 , 让人感到用心而不是卖弄 ,

煎熬 , 做了些许改变 , 把前段的呐喊改为假音 , 让人听了更舒服 ,

第二段才用高音推到高潮 , 让人无法不爱 。


Love this song and her voice!
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I am sure all of you would have wondered .

Don't the judges change their clothing for each episode ??

It's 4 episodes already and they are all wearing the same things !!!

Can someone enlighten me ?


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Lately, the episodes are not interesting...

This week, our Singapore contestant was out, and the whole section was cut

Yeah, it seems they let the best ones come out first to get the early good ratings.

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my favorite segment from last year.

Everytime I see "蘑菇头" all my mood gone like want to vomit.

I know he has a good voice but this is show business, for goodness sake. Who don't like to see beautiful things? or at least plain not such revolting cmi. His smiles are very false that makes it worse.

But there are some who I feel are better than him. Maybe the organisers want to show that only the voice matters so they purposely chose this cmi as champion.

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For those who still waiting for Singapore's buibui didi Jeremy Teng's appearance in Voice of China 3, im sorry but he didnt manage to get any judges to turn their chairs and thus he was cut from the final editing on the episode due to time constraint of that episodes.

Guess now he can join NS on time.

Malaysia's official contestant Virus Wu also failed to get any coaches to turn unfortunately. Probably due to it being near end of blind audition where judges are more super picky on this stage. But the other two unofficial Msian who doesnt get any press coverage prior to The Voice managed to get in second round.

To keep our finger crossed, based on other version of The VOice, sometimes failed contestants will get a second chance if they ran out of contestants and still slots on certain judges to be filled. But highly unlikely on both of them based on their social media updates.

Thoughts please.

Edited by imchaser

Volunteering for the underwear association for third world countries. Please donate your used underwear to me.

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U can see his segment via his fb. Can't say his performance was worth it viz a viz de others.

The song he chose was prolly wrong for him too, sounded too 光良ish and rather emotionless. Can't blame him since he's only 20. That song needs a bit of heartbreak

So they needed something extraordinary and not another karaoke superstar

But still clap clap for him. Can't b easy.

PS: donno wats the fuss abt the judges' comments. I thot they were all spot on. Overly zealous jeremyteng-ians i guess.

For those who still waiting for Singapore's buibui didi Jeremy Teng's appearance in Voice of China 3, im sorry but he didnt manage to get any judges to turn their chairs and thus he was cut from the final editing on the episode due to time constraint of that episodes.Guess now he can join NS on time.Malaysia's official contestant Virus Wu also failed to get any coaches to turn unfortunately. Probably due to it being near end of blind audition where judges are more super picky on this stage. But the other two unofficial Msian who doesnt get any press coverage prior to The Voice managed to get in second round.To keep our finger crossed, based on other version of The VOice, sometimes failed contestants will get a second chance if they ran out of contestants and still slots on certain judges to be filled. But highly unlikely on both of them based on their social media updates.Thoughts please.

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To be UNfair to Jeremy, he was given 15 seconds on last friday's episode.

Well his singing was not shown but to be honest, he really needs a lot of grooming in today's (fickle) entertainment industry.

Granted that he had won some contest in Japan, he is not unique.


Although this may be a singing contest, he is rather difficult to market - slightly overweight, too dark. He lacks that X-factor lah!

Just say the last selected contestant, 魏然. He is so much more pleasing to the eye. 对不起, 我也是外貌(不是茂)协会的。


**The following 4 weeks will be brutal - 1 on 1 PK...only the truly good ones stay ...

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Guest Voice ism

For those who still waiting for Singapore's buibui didi Jeremy Teng's appearance in Voice of China 3, im sorry but he didnt manage to get any judges to turn their chairs and thus he was cut from the final editing on the episode due to time constraint of that episodes.Guess now he can join NS on time.Malaysia's official contestant Virus Wu also failed to get any coaches to turn unfortunately. Probably due to it being near end of blind audition where judges are more super picky on this stage. But the other two unofficial Msian who doesnt get any press coverage prior to The Voice managed to get in second round.To keep our finger crossed, based on other version of The VOice, sometimes failed contestants will get a second chance if they ran out of contestants and still slots on certain judges to be filled. But highly unlikely on both of them based on their social media updates.Thoughts please.

Malaysia has 2 contestants who took the auditions by storm and got in .

Melody with Yang Kun and Wendy ( not virus) Wu with Chyi Qin .

I think Wendy is malaysia s official entry .

Malaysia did very well indeed .

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Sorry for this..



Spoiiler .alert -



可怜的遗珠。。周深 (欢颜太出众), 魏雪曼 (太象辛晓棋了)郑俊树 (被牺牲了), 李维 (最后被刷掉)

最后四位 : 陈冰 刘明湘 张碧晨 李嘉格


This is just my opinion..

I am really disappointed with Na Ying's choice tonight.

Her decision don't seem to concur with the other judges ...

There is too much emphasis on looks rather than good voices..

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Guest Confused

Sorry for this..


可怜的遗珠。。周深 (欢颜太出众), 魏雪曼 (太象辛晓棋了)郑俊树 (被牺牲了), 李维 (最后被刷掉)

最后四位 : 陈冰 刘明湘 张碧晨 李嘉格

This is just my opinion..

I am really disappointed with Na Ying's choice tonight.

Her decision don't seem to concur with the other judges ...

There is too much emphasis on looks rather than good voices..

Can you reveal what happened ?

I only saw bits and pieces of videos.

Li Wei won over the high pitched guy from guizhou .

Then why did he have to go against the girl from shenyang ?

You mean there were two elimination rounds ?

Now na yings tean is all female ?

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Sorry for this..


可怜的遗珠。。周深 (欢颜太出众), 魏雪曼 (太象辛晓棋了)郑俊树 (被牺牲了), 李维 (最后被刷掉)

最后四位 : 陈冰 刘明湘 张碧晨 李嘉格

This is just my opinion..

I am really disappointed with Na Ying's choice tonight.

Her decision don't seem to concur with the other judges ...

There is too much emphasis on looks rather than good voices..

Though we all rooted for 周深 but his voice is too unique for any of the teachers to handle; they are all pop singers after all. If he don't get groomed by the right teacher, his voice will become too narrow and limited because he seemed to have only one singing method.

But seriously, I am tired of the sameness of the pop singers so I really hoped that someone unique like 周深 can breakthrough. But he really needs to get the right teacher and right songs like 鄧麗君 after she went to Japan to seek her breakthrough. 周深 seems to be a 鄧麗君 who could only sing 月亮代表我的心 style; but luckily after going Japan, she widened her range to even include cheeky songs like 甜蜜蜜,路邊的野花不要採...

On a separate note,I still think we like to see beautiful things when we get entertained. Hence looks is very very important especially when that cmi was the champion last year. I just get so turned off every time I see his face then where is the entertainment?

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那英has to take all the other judges recommendations with a huge pinch of salt, they may very well be recommending the one with less potential to her. Every judge wants their own team to be stronger than the others, so as to emerge as the eventual winner.


Her team ended up with all girls, and I think she has her top 2 in mind already, the other 2 are there to make the next round of elimination easier. She is predicting the winner for this round of competition is a female.


张信哲is quite useless with his comments imo, maybe he helped the singers more in the preparatory stage.


I have to agree that stage performance is about vocals+visuals, looks played a very important part in creating the whole visual experience. Uniqueness is another X-factor, the voice alone has to be unique from the rest, coupled with good skills. Singers nowadays don't earn through selling songs alone anymore, they need to be able to perform like a live concert.



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Her team ended up with all girls, and I think she has her top 2 in mind already, the other 2 are there to make the next round of elimination easier. She is predicting the winner for this round of competition is a female.



if based on what you say, i think 那英 Top 2 should be 张碧晨 & 刘明湘

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Actually from the later section of yesterday's show that I saw just now, Zhang Xing Zhe seems to always 'pick' the one that Na Ying doesn't choose. Maybe that's their way of 'balancing' out comments and hinting to Na Ying without her seeming 'incompetent' and always agreeing with her good friend's comments ? Just a thought, especially the last elimination round when he stressed that he was being 任性 .... aka, supporting not cos of logical but by emotions ?

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Actually, im very satisfied with NaYing's choices. Some of the best choices she made in this competition. Zhang Bichen and Chen Bing have been making massive waves and media loves them since their audition came out. They were the only two female contestant to beat this year and the other judges knew this. Why need to listen to other judges comments those could be bitter comments.


However i felt Chen Bing bullied her way through the PK round by keep oversang-ing her rival almost the entire song. Either that or NaYing gave her all the best parts to sing. Chen Bing gave me the vibe of those young and spoilt beautiful rich China girl.


Zhang Bichen however won everyone over with her politeness and attitude and unique voice, due to years in training in korea. Theres no reason judges will choose the older contestant in this round cos she wont win in the next, just not memorable and unique enough.



I think this year is female season. The last two male winners didnt made any impact on the music industries.



Just my opinion.

Edited by imchaser

Volunteering for the underwear association for third world countries. Please donate your used underwear to me.

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  • HendryTan changed the title to China's Singing Competition / Songs - 中国好声音 + 中国好歌曲 + 我是歌手 + 快乐男声 + 中国风 + 蒙面歌王 + 隐藏的歌手 + 中国新歌声 + 梦想的声音
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