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Guest bearbear


I hope to see people during the Live The Dream show. Both Paul ( cute nerdy looking chub) & Connie ( the sweet little 6yo english girl) made me cry.

really good. im hook now, searching on torrent now for all things Britain's Got Talent.



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Excellent!! Somehow you feel like crying when you hear him sing... Not that he is awful... It is just too delightful... Bravos! bw2/clap.gif bw2/clap.gif bw2/clap.gif

Indeed...it was breathtaking and touching ....u can see many people feel the same way too in the audience and the judges, esepcially Amanda. They were touched and cried too....

This also reflects something that I always believed in: Dun judge a book by its cover!

Treat people with respect to earn respect from others.

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Guest Guest

Scary!! first look almost thought he lip-sync the same song by Andrea Borcelli...

Perhaps another marketing stunt by Simon Cowell??? he is too good to be not spotted by anyone.

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Guest bearbear
Scary!! first look almost thought he lip-sync the same song by Andrea Borcelli...

Perhaps another marketing stunt by Simon Cowell??? he is too good to be not spotted by anyone.

hello.................what the crap are you talking about? He was spotted, after he joined the competition. singing is not like modelling, you cant be pluck off the beach or street like most models are.

He has a natural talent and if he has not shown or sang for anyone nobody would know that his voice is so great and if you did some research you would have seen other video of him singing other songs "live" and that he comes fm a small town in UK and that it seems like he grew up with a lack of confidence because he was bullied in school. someone like that wont go around saying "hey, listen i can sing well". he would have heard william hung sing and said to him self, "wow, he brave, i cant do that".

Finally, if he was really lip-syncing dun you think the other contestants would have brought it to light? Also, he does not sound like Andrea Borcelli at all so, how could he be lip-syncing to Andrea voice?



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Guest Guest

Bearbear no need to be so aggressive in your reply lah!

Your kind of reply is bound run astray and turn into another heated argument again like before and I am not prepare to do that.

I merely asked "why wasn't he being spotted before the competition?"

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guest @ June 21 9:54am

i realized that you have been mentioning about bearbear as of the past postings you had made, mostly it is on him. you seemed to know him and his bf coz you have been telling him not to cruise as he already has a bf.

below are some of the postings

P listern to 'Big" sister bear bear she has alot of experience in this saunas visitation.She and her bf go together to saunas and have fun.
bb you and your bf has been together for 13yrs this oct, of course the first 2 to 3 yrs were lovey dovey then the fire began to die off ,sex was not that great any more, then life get boring,then 2 of you began looking for fun outside the relationship,suddenly you all discover there was a strain on the relationship.So the natural way to do was to go crusing together, go massage together and later threesome sex.Isn't these natural progression is all about sustaining the many yrs of relationship with your current bf.And I wish you two many more yrs to come
Don't throw insults without checking the facts right incase you don't know BB was a very accomplished dancer before in his hey days he just grew abit fatter now so be nice ok
aiyo bb are you using this annoucment to recruit new gay lovers for you and your bf to play
Aiyo BB I thought you have a steady bf ..still go cruising ! what your bf read this post then how

:thumb: When I Think It, I Do It, I Win It! :thumb:

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Guest bearbear
guest @ June 21 9:54am

i realized that you have been mentioning about bearbear as of the past postings you had made, mostly it is on him. you seemed to know him and his bf coz you have been telling him not to cruise as he already has a bf.

I dun think he knows me and my partner as friends of mine are not so childish.

besides, we dun have that many gay friends.Cruising, Its not my fav passtime or hobby, im just like any other guy wom would think with their dicks once in awhile, besides as i have said, what works for my partner does not mean it works for all.

SO guest can say what he wants, i think that that guess has made comments bout anyway and everyone whom has said something, its like he think hes a know-it-all and that its funny.



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I simply love him, a cute chub. Have been watching the youtube and waiting excitedly for the results, he did win!

Didn't know there is a tpic of him in BW.

Paul is really cute and sexy :)

It's just me.... Asura... don't fear, but be very afraid....

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  • 11 months later...

Here is a few versions of Singing in the Rain. Enjoy.

The winner of Britain Got Talent 2008 - George Sampson dance routine

The Live and 3D Computer dance version - Cool

The Volkswagen Golf GTI "Singing In The Rain" Commercial


The Original Version - Classic

Usher "Singing In The Rain" version for Movies Rock


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  • 10 months later...
Guest The Lyrics...

Fantine - I Dreamed a Dream Lyrics

[Fantine is left alone, unemployed and destitute]


There was a time when men were kind

When their voices were soft

And their words inviting

There was a time when love was blind

And the world was a song

And the song was exciting

There was a time

Then it all went wrong

I dreamed a dream in time gone by

When hope was high

And life worth living

I dreamed that love would never die

I dreamed that God would be forgiving

Then I was young and unafraid

And dreams were made and used and wasted

There was no ransom to be paid

No song unsung, no wine untasted

But the tigers come at night

With their voices soft as thunder

As they tear your hope apart

And they turn your dream to shame

He slept a summer by my side

He filled my days with endless wonder

He took my childhood in his stride

But he was gone when autumn came

And still I dream he'll come to me

That we will live the years together

But there are dreams that cannot be

And there are storms we cannot weather

I had a dream my life would be

So different from this hell I'm living

So different now from what it seemed

Now life has killed the dream I dreamed.

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BGT always manage to find a gem in every season. Aside from this season Susan Boyle and 1st season Paul Potts, second season we have Andrew Johnston.

Im not sure if anyone have seen Andrew Johnston talent, but here it is, the boy who should have won second season:


Volunteering for the underwear association for third world countries. Please donate your used underwear to me.

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Thank you for your recommendation. I could vividly recall the triumph of the greatest adversity that Paul has confronted with and he has proven himself of his effort to make the dream come true.

Now I am awaiting to witness the growing path of this super star of 2009 to be.

I would also be most delighted to see the local young talents excel in all Performing Art too. We have so many children around us striving to master one or more instruments yet we are definitely lacks of platform to showcase the struggles of the path to be an international young musicians.

I think, it is interesting to have SGT and it will even more exciting to have SGGT too. :rolleyes:

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This show is getting better, and better, and better......

Congratulation! Susan Boyle, Flawless, two greek dancers and Fabia Cerra.

Wonder there is a live telecast of BGT locally? Please advice me as I hardly sit in front of my TV.

Thank you.

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I kind of like the lyrics.

A certain melancholy.

Wondering what is the background of the song wrt Les Miserables.

oh .. that is the ryme from the play Les Miserables (Cameron Mackintosh)....

There are many nice songs from this play..

Some of which i like are:

1) I Dreamed a dream

2) Do you hear the people sing

3) On My own

4) A Little fall of Rain (Song damn nice)

5) One Day More

and ... of cos the Finale... Very well done...

Oh .. how i wish they will come back to SG again ..

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I listened and watch the video clip as least 3 times, and indeed it was a performance that make people stand up. It was wonderful that the audience and the 2 of the judges gave her a standing ovation. It simply implied that they were wrong to judge her before she started singing. Beautiful voice like hers should be heard and not hidden away in some obscure village. It just goes to prove that "the almighty moves in mysterious ways".

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This 2009 version of Britain Got Talent is really something. Susan Boyle definitely got this UK reality program on the world map.

I was mildly touched by Susan Boyle's performance. What really moved me to tears was Julian Smith's performance. Julian is a 39 years old saxophonist and he played the beautiful number "Somewhere" from West Side Story to an appreciative crowd, earning him a standing ovation at the end. Enjoy Bros :thumb:

Koh Samui, I need u...

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  • 1 month later...

Dunno abt u guys, but my fav contestant this season was Sue Son, the violinist that didnt manage to get into the final. Well, she lost the spot to Susan Boyle and Flawless in Seminal group 1. Hello, any other act that fall in the same group with SuBo and Flawless wont stand a chance!

Her audition:

Her semifinal:


I must say, ive watch her videos abt 200 times.

Volunteering for the underwear association for third world countries. Please donate your used underwear to me.

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Thank You!!! Thank you all who place the links here.

I have not follow this BGT at all, today I've heard people like Paul Potts, Andrew Johnston, Susan Boyle. There is a God.

All their voices defines a generation. I am mesmerized and in awe of their talent and indeed a complete privilege to listen to them.

Thank you once again, I am inspired. :B)

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I guess the publlics are pulling an Andrew Johnston on Susan Boyle, u know, like everyone thought they gonna win on 2nd and 3rd season respectably for sure thus not bother to vote.

Either that, or the Briton's really hated the Queen... 2 more deserving winner that is perfect for the Queen's viewing, but they gave her highness 2 street dance performance 2 years in a row.

Volunteering for the underwear association for third world countries. Please donate your used underwear to me.

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I came across Charlie Green, He is so handsome and so good and I believe he is going to look so hunky in another 5 to 10 years. Coupled with his voice and showmanship, OMG!!! I faint oreidi.

Starfactor : 4.5 stars out of 5 :thumb:


OMG What a tease, Charlie Green, 10yrs old and yet unbeknownst to him, his eyes keep shooting bolts of love lightning at the audience, hee hee me also. Then he serenades the crowd with such a sexy voice, I feel he is like twirling me around with his fingers as I melted like chocolate under is memerising voice. Never, never in my life would I let a 10yr old do this to me. Figuratively speaking I was having wave after wave of multiple orgams even Tony Bennette, Frank Sinatra cannot give me.......oh... such a pleasure just by looking at him and listening the way he sings and that voice..... ahhhhhhhh....... what pleasure. All the happy vibes, heavenly pleasure.

Edited by Flexagon
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Guest Jobless 47

Susan Boyle, a humble, cheerful and courteous woman, has considered her dream fulfilled in the face of adversity.

She was a village girl and deprived of oxygen during birth, resulting in her being intellectually challenged and was bullied in school. She did not have proper educations then and her siblings deserted her because she was not easy to take care in her conditions. As such it is not difficult to believe Susan live a lonely life before she appears on stage. Like any ordinary girl, she has a dream but her audiences were cynical because she is not attractive, fat and old. They even diluted her worth before she could prove her talent on stage.

Unlike many young idols who sang many songs to impress their judges and stir their audiences, Susan Boyle sang “I Dreamed a Dream” from the bottom of her heart, not expecting wonderful reaction from her skeptics or try to gain his judges favor. When she has finished her song during audition, she walked away unexpectedly after politely thanking her audiences. Obviously, she wasn’t prepared to expect anything other than the opportunity to sing on stage which was a gift, to her, in itself. This was seen as her innocent moment.

Susan touched the world not only because she sang marvelously well, it was about her live and those surrounding her – from backstage to front stage, from hateful crowds that laughed at her and the judges giving her standing ovation after she surprised them. Everything about her, and the ambiences that confronted her, took the world’s breath away.

Than came the critiques and their jealousy about Cinderella came alive. They wanted to rid her of all the glamour she deserved and cast her back to her old life and never dream her dreams again. Faced with reality and cruelty of her critiques who wish her founder before the finale, she broke down and almost calls it quit. Yet something in her persevere, she braced against all odds and gave her final impressive “I Dreamed a Dream” again, true to her heart, and the angelic voice of Cinderella shined mightily for the last time and was never heard again after the result was announced - just as her critiques hope to see……..

Well….the above is just my personal thought about Susan Boyle in this season BGT. It is no longer a talent show. Everything about her was an inspiration to me... I lost count of the number of times I have listened to her beautiful “I Dreamed a Dream” on stage and what has happened to her life prior to that. Every piece and moment of her story and song send me tearing and reminds me of my hurtful past & presence. I hope someday I do have her equal courage to confront the odds that I am likely to face in this exhausting world and still be able to stand up with my head held high, just like Susan Boyle with no regret.

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  • 1 month later...

Thanks for the link wala x 2 but I don't think their act was that original.

I remember someone posted an earlier dance of several Japanese men who were synchronized perfectly. There was no loophole and no chance of seeing anything.

This Swedish act was far from polished but kudos to these four men with their courage.

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Thanks for the link wala x 2 but I don't think their act was that original.

I remember someone posted an earlier dance of several Japanese men who were synchronized perfectly. There was no loophole and no chance of seeing anything.

This Swedish act was far from polished but kudos to these four men with their courage.

Yes I seen that japanese Clips before. Agreed with deceptiveeyes.

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  • 9 months later...

This year Britan's Got Talent put on-stage Janey Cutler, a 80 year old granny who sings No Regret and got a standing ovation from the judges and the audience.

The winning formula about these talent/singing contest isn't just the song/act. It is the ability of the TV producers to find contestants whom seems so ordinary/underdog but yet so extraordinary. It gives us ordinary people feels that we have chance too :)


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