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Gosh... I can't stand the AGT Fraternity brothers(Fighting Gravity) stealing the concept from "Japanese Variety show" and the judges saying I have never seen anything like this. Definitely got talents copying and judges got talents pretending "oh so interesting" shit.

I know... no one wants to be party pooper. Well excuse me, I got to take a shit. Poooo bo... per!!!!!

Ooops... big one came out. Hahaha!

Edited by Mandrake

It is what it is, it needn't be defined. It is absolute.

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Definitely got talents copying and judges got talents pretending "oh so interesting" shit.

Yeah, the Judges acting so suaku totally irks me off. I can pardon them for not watched those Japanese variety show before, but surely the two British judges (Morgan and Osborne) have watch this before:

Brit Award Scissor Sisters performance:

Totally same concept.

Edited by imchaser

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Artists paint with paint and canvas. Yet we have our Picassos and we also have the vast majority of unknowns. But it is still the same paint and canvas. Is it a necessity that the first artist to paint - is someone who is the best simply because he is the first? Perhaps yes - if you only consider the novelty of it all. And yet...

How many covers of songs have turned out better than the original. How many subsequent pieces of work have become better because it was built on the foundation of previous work? How many people are better because they have learnt from their parents and built on that foundation.

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery but it creates nothing new - it imitation is pure imitation and nothing is added.

But what happens when you take something someone had done - and make it better? Is the improvement something that belongs to the second performer? Perhaps not - since the original artist/artiste has shown the way.

But then, perhaps yes.

Yes, the Scissor Sisters have preceded Fighting Gravity. And maybe they are better. Does it detract from the artistry of Fighting Gravity's performance? That question is best left to those who experience the performance. Pooh pooh what you like, applaud what you like. At the end, decide what works for you.

By the way - this is not a critique about one performance over another.

Should the judges have known better? Perhaps yes - we hold them to a higher standard of knowledge compared to us laymen.

So yes... Morgan and Osbourne should have known better. But...

What if the second act was not a mere imitation - but something that built on the original. Should we have expected these 2 judges to respond as if it was the same-old, same old? Japanese variety show origin certainly - perhaps with an American twist?

Let us not judge the quality of a piece of work or performance solely on precedence. But on what the artist/artiste brings to it.

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Artists paint with paint and canvas. Yet we have our Picassos and we also have the vast majority of unknowns. But it is still the same paint and canvas. Is it a necessity that the first artist to paint - is someone who is the best simply because he is the first? Perhaps yes - if you only consider the novelty of it all. And yet...

Blah... Blah... Blah... I can hardly read on as I already know what you are trying to say.

Can't you get what we are saying. It is simply horrific that they pretended it was their original idea and the judges pretended that they saw it for the first time. In another words, the way they word the whole scenario and the judges dancing to it, presented the performance as if it is something new... one can easily smell the hypocrisy.

If you want me to put it in perhaps... your way of understanding.

These people wearing black and hiding in the background is old stuff anyway.

But the Japanese was the first to make it look this unique way.

And so, it is a new way of painting a painting, although still using paint and canvas.

If they have presented themselves in a way for example: A painter skilled in Monet style. Sure... why not, Monet is already credited.

A pop singer. A opera singer.

Should the judges say then... gosh, I have never seen painting this way before. I have never heard anyone singing like this.

So now you know your blahs blahs.

Edited by Mandrake

It is what it is, it needn't be defined. It is absolute.

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Guest reason

Artists paint with paint and canvas. Yet we have our Picassos and we also have the vast majority of unknowns. But it is still the same paint and canvas. Is it a necessity that the first artist to paint - is someone who is the best simply because he is the first? Perhaps yes - if you only consider the novelty of it all. And yet...

How many covers of songs have turned out better than the original. How many subsequent pieces of work have become better because it was built on the foundation of previous work? How many people are better because they have learnt from their parents and built on that foundation.

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery but it creates nothing new - it imitation is pure imitation and nothing is added.

But what happens when you take something someone had done - and make it better? Is the improvement something that belongs to the second performer? Perhaps not - since the original artist/artiste has shown the way.

But then, perhaps yes.

Yes, the Scissor Sisters have preceded Fighting Gravity. And maybe they are better. Does it detract from the artistry of Fighting Gravity's performance? That question is best left to those who experience the performance. Pooh pooh what you like, applaud what you like. At the end, decide what works for you.

By the way - this is not a critique about one performance over another.

Should the judges have known better? Perhaps yes - we hold them to a higher standard of knowledge compared to us laymen.

So yes... Morgan and Osbourne should have known better. But...

What if the second act was not a mere imitation - but something that built on the original. Should we have expected these 2 judges to respond as if it was the same-old, same old? Japanese variety show origin certainly - perhaps with an American twist?

Let us not judge the quality of a piece of work or performance solely on precedence. But on what the artist/artiste brings to it.

Very, very well said!

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Perhaps the most suaku of all, is Simon Cowell. He praised the winner of BGT 2010 Spellbound performance so highly, and claimed like something he never seen before in his life. Theres even mentions abt them opening for London Olympics.


Perhaps he never heard of China.

Edited by imchaser

Volunteering for the underwear association for third world countries. Please donate your used underwear to me.

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Can't you get what we are saying. It is simply horrific that they pretended it was their original idea and the judges pretended that they saw it for the first time. In another words, the way they word the whole scenario and the judges dancing to it, presented the performance as if it is something new... one can easily smell the hypocrisy.

If you want me to put it in a way you can understand.

These people wearing black and hiding in the background is old stuff anyway.

But the Japanese was the first to make it look this unique way.

And so, it is a new way of painting a painting, although still using paint and canvas.

So now you know your blahs blahs.

Sigh - perhaps you do not get my point. I acknowledged that the Jap Variety shows did something first. And others have followed. But just because others have followed, does not make the efforts of those who did it the second time around any worst. Perhaps - a way for YOU to understand. Ruthie Henshaw, Patti Lupone, Elaine Paige and Susan Boyle all sang 'I dreamed a dream' from Les Miz. Same song different singers. Who judges which is better? Patti Lupone from the original cast? Just because she was first? Perhaps I am wrong but that seems to be a shallow way to judge something. The first is the best and all the rest are shit!

Yes something may be novel and unique - but that alone does not guarantee it is the best.

As I have said and which you have reduced to Blah Blah Blah - let the audience decide. Or perhaps, you, in your vast arrogance would dictate the rules by which we determine that which is the best?

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Sigh - perhaps you do not get my point. I acknowledged that the Jap Variety shows did something first. And others have followed. But just because others have followed, does not make the efforts of those who did it the second time around any worst. Perhaps - a way for YOU to understand. Ruthie Henshaw, Patti Lupone, Elaine Paige and Susan Boyle all sang 'I dreamed a dream' from Les Miz. Same song different singers. Who judges which is better? Patti Lupone from the original cast? Just because she was first? Perhaps I am wrong but that seems to be a shallow way to judge something. The first is the best and all the rest are shit!

Yes something may be novel and unique - but that alone does not guarantee it is the best.

As I have said and which you have reduced to Blah Blah Blah - let the audience decide. Or perhaps, you, in your vast arrogance would dictate the rules by which we determine that which is the best?

I didn't say that the performance was shit. I said the hypocrisy was shit.

You know what I am saying now.

And to take your example: Ruthie Henshaw, Patti Lupone, Elaine Paige and Susan Boyle all sang 'I dreamed a dream' from Les Miz

Did you hear anyone saying, 'I have never heard anything like this before.". I rest my case.

Edited by Mandrake

It is what it is, it needn't be defined. It is absolute.

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Sigh - perhaps you do not get my point. I acknowledged that the Jap Variety shows did something first. And others have followed. But just because others have followed, does not make the efforts of those who did it the second time around any worst.......and the rest of the shit

U r a dumbass. We didnt say the performances sucks. We just surprised by the reaction of the judges.

Volunteering for the underwear association for third world countries. Please donate your used underwear to me.

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U r a dumbass. We didnt say the performances sucks. We just surprised by the reaction of the judges.

Is there a need to get personal?

I was talking about one aspect which is linked to another. Perhaps you feel that verbal abuse rather than polite discourse works for you. However, not everyone appreciates that.

Let me clarify.

If a performance was perfectly identical in EVERY aspect (the point I raised about imitation - which you missed), and such performance was not credited to the originator, then perhaps, we should be wary. And be even more condemnatory about judges who are emplaced because of their professional knowledge.

My point as I have raised was this - what if the performers brought something to a performers beyond what was there in the original? Should the judges base their judgement on the original or on what is actually presented to them on the stage.

So someone who judges (professionally or on a personal capacity) that a Elaine Paige performance is better than a Susan Boyle performance is being 'suaku' or ignorant or perhaps is manipulative as Mandrake says in an earlier post that 'the judges PRETENDED...'. Maybe the judges did pretend, maybe they are ignorant. I am sure we can rely on both Mandrake and yourselves to be experts on the judges and their reactions and their intentions when they judge.

But then, is it possible that judges being human and less than perfect, compared to Mandrake and our ever-gracious ImChaser, had simply responded because they were moved by a 'repeat' performance and hence responded as was appropriate?

To summarise my perspective which is not reflective of everyone:

(1)the first piece of art is not necessarily the best and artistes bring something new to 'old work'

(2)judges making a ruling on art pieces/performances, judge 'what is', rather than 'what was' - they take into account (sometimes imperfectly) what else is added.

(3)because judges are human - they react from their gut and should be given the benefit of the doubt that they are reacting to something at the gut level

To ImChaser - I am willing to debate you on a logical level but you are on your own should you wish to engage in rudeness as your response.

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To ImChaser - I am willing to debate you on a logical level but you are on your own should you wish to engage in rudeness as your response.

huh? im sorry, i think u've mistaken me for someone who is so free and give a damn on your argument.

Volunteering for the underwear association for third world countries. Please donate your used underwear to me.

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A brilliant answer - naturally you have other more important things to do.

Apologies for mistaking you for someone who is able to engage in discourse.

of cos i have more important thing to do. Like sleeping? hello its 3.30am!

Why dont we discuss this over dinner tomoro? Jeez.

Volunteering for the underwear association for third world countries. Please donate your used underwear to me.

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Is there a need to get personal?

I heard you calling me arrogant and also describe me as manipulative. Gosh... the overplayed scene. Laughable. Oh... because Imchaser got personal with you. But to hit me too? I feel I poor thing leh. (Act innocent should appeal to you right). Oh shit... no wonder I was labled manipulative. Ya la, I am la. It is great power to be able to convince others to act for a course you believe in right. Is it not? I sure hope I am.

Because judges are human - they react from their gut and should be given the benefit of the doubt that they are reacting to something at the gut level

Ya, I understand you.

Of course it is not nice to suggest people's hypocrisy as they could be innocent. (gosh, why me kana labeled manipulative straight away.... my fault =( I must have lost my innocence with my virginity long ago. lol)

I like your concept... really. I have disliked our Singapore(Law) way of guilty until proven innocent. But sometimes... it's hard not to see the evidence.

Update: I retrieve the manipulative part as Tanetalz had explained to me that I have misread his posting. I thought he said I was manipulative to use the word "pretended" to suggest the judges' hypocrisy. He meant otherwise. I can see it when I reread it. Peace. =)

Edited by Mandrake

It is what it is, it needn't be defined. It is absolute.

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I didn't say that the performance was shit. I said the hypocrisy was shit.

You know what I am saying now.

And to take your example: Ruthie Henshaw, Patti Lupone, Elaine Paige and Susan Boyle all sang 'I dreamed a dream' from Les Miz

Did you hear anyone saying, 'I have never heard anything like this before.". I rest my case.

The hypocrisy is only in your mind.

You have no evidence that the judges were aware and were being hypocritical or manipulative. It is your personal opinion - yet you based your entire argument on the idea that the judges pretended!

My point was that even if the judges WERE aware that what was presented was unoriginal - perhaps in their perspective, what was presented was fresh in their PERSPECTIVE because the performers brought something NEW. So, they judges the add on as original.

The argument hinges on the judges reaction and frankly you do not have any evidence to show they knew about Scissor Sisters or the Japanese variety shows. In fact with ImChaser's mention about Spellbound, Cowell acknowledged Cirque du Soleil but also gave a nod to Spellbound for bringing something to their performance.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest Guest

It is an ending you will never expect. Very touching.

Gach, you are so cute. When you scold, you are so fierce but you also have a very nice soft side to you. :)

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Guest harold1981

This show really makes me cry...thks for sharing.

thanks for all the posting of the show ...really inspiring and stress relieving . any more latest updates to the people in this post . please do a favour by posting the updates in this forum ...it is very kind of you

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Guest hate n like u...

Gach, you are so cute. When you scold, you are so fierce but you also have a very nice soft side to you. :)

I have the same thinking like u too...sometime he is so suck...when he reply others,,,and that's the time I hate u...Gachi...and now aft knowing u have a soft side....I have a mix feeling for u....U r still kind inside....

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I have the same thinking like u too...sometime he is so suck...when he reply others,,,and that's the time I hate u...Gachi...and now aft knowing u have a soft side....I have a mix feeling for u....U r still kind inside....

Thank you for enjoying the video I posted, I am just a normal person; I see human I speak human words, I see 'ghost', I speak 'ghost' words.(见人讲人话,见鬼讲鬼话).

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Guest Love you deep deep

I have the same thinking like u too...sometime he is so suck...when he reply others,,,and that's the time I hate u...Gachi...and now aft knowing u have a soft side....I have a mix feeling for u....U r still kind inside....

Totally Agree :clap:

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  • 5 months later...

thanks for all the posting of the show ...really inspiring and stress relieving . any more latest updates to the people in this post . please do a favour by posting the updates in this forum ...it is very kind of you

anyone know what is name of the piece Liu Wei play? Each time I watched, each time i shed tears.

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anyone know what is name of the piece Liu Wei play? Each time I watched, each time i shed tears.

I google and found out that the piece is called 'Mariage d'amour' or in chinese '梦中的婚礼'. Try to youtube it. Cheers.

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  • 1 month later...

song name is UNLOVABLE by MILD.

Her (original?) male voice is really impressive. When I close my eyes to listen,I actually imagine the cute (taller) host face singing it...




never argue with the guests. let them bark all they want.





After I have said what I wanna say, I don't care what you say.



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With English Subs... Totally in love with her and her voice~! :thumb:

Edited by UFO

Letting go is an art of love and kindness to oneself :)

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Guest Euouae90

And how could he changed his voice to female voice in the first part. After watching, I was trying to sing while changing my voice into high-pitched girl voice and still maintaining the tone, but I think it's quite impossible. very amazing that he could do that. Lol.

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I think her female voice is intentionally supressed. When she first spoke, I already thought her voice was too rough for a female.

Does anyone think that the cute host looks a tad like Julian Hee?



never argue with the guests. let them bark all they want.





After I have said what I wanna say, I don't care what you say.



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Guest Guest

I think her female voice is intentionally supressed. When she first spoke, I already thought her voice was too rough for a female.

Does anyone think that the cute host looks a tad like Julian Hee?

it's actually quite normal for a thai lady. but her female and male voice is really a big contrast.

yeah, looks abit like Julian Hee but the latter still yummier :thumb:

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