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Circumcise (Cut) / Uncircumcised (Uncut) + Tight Foreskin & Phimosis + Foreskin Restoration Discussion (Compiled)


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  On 8/6/2011 at 6:36 PM, qez said:

ughh... frenulum tear... must have been bloody and painful. Did it get tighter afterwards with the scars?

Yeah, but it prevents you from wanking for about a week.

Stings especially when you pull back the foreskin to wash the head.

No scar, it somehow healed back properly but I try not to pull too hard, but it's still tight, cannot pull down completely.


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Guest Ice ice
  On 6/24/2010 at 6:15 AM, MarriedTop said:

Hi 30 170 78 chn married top here. :rolleyes:

Why remove the foreskin when it is given to us it is part of our body.

Those who circumcised the glans will become very dry and less pinkish and less sensitive and need to put lubricant.

It will fun if u know how to play with the foreskin slowly slide it up n down expose n unexpose the sensation it great

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i can pull my foreskin back when soft but still face difficulty when hard. i hope this stretching thing does help if not i can't enjoy oral fully or even top someone. :(

have been trying to pull back in shower on a daily basis for about 2-3months le...anyone can shrae approximately how long it might possibly take?

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  On 8/22/2011 at 6:45 AM, happy.99 said:
It wil eventually. But you must endure the pain. Like mine last time I can roll back when flaccid. But in the middle of the night when I get errection, it becomes painful. Then the foreskin get inflammation. Eventually it got better and now okay.
hmm, eventually took abt how long?
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Guest oriole

Circumcision will eliminate around 95% of smegma production and, if it has been done completely - ie without any bunched up skin when flaccid - the ability for smegma to collect.

A small amount of smegma will still be produced but will be removed by clothing and when handling the penis.

The majority of the smell from an uncircumcised penis comes from the collected smegma but some relates to other sources including sweat. Circumcision will not eliminate sweating.

It is still vitally important to wash a circumcised penis twice daily, but this is made very easy by the lack of foreskin. An unwashed penis will still smell bad whether circumcised or not but there will be much less smell if circumcised.

Smegma, usually but smell of course not! You still have to wash every single day or you will get to smelling nasty. Circumcision doesn't change that at all.



I restored my foreskin after being cut for 17 years. Hygiene is no different now than before. (Oh and when you clean everday like your supposed to, you don't even get smegma)

No, you still have to wash it. There's no medical advantage to circumcision, it's just a cultural thing. Circumcision only became a necessity in arid parts of the world where water was scarce.

well, i have foreskin and i have NEVER seen smegma or had bad odour

so i dont think it has to do with circumcision, it has to do with the person's hygiene

circumcised men may have smgma or bad odour if they do not shower

no. it may take away chance for odor, but generally not. It's all about cleaning and sweating. Good hygiene should keep the foul odor eliminated


i'm circumcised


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi guys...what type of stretching will you recommend??? Is it just pulling back all the way to expose the full cock head, then pull up the skin again, then back down again?

How many times/sets of repetitions?? Hahaha...like lifting dumbells for arms....1 set is 10x etc...so 5 repetitions??

I think after that i will feel v horny from all the puling back...will sure jo...

Or are there other types of stretching??

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I tried pulling my foreskin back but because its long n loose, it rolls over my cockhead very quickly. Thats when i decided to wear a rubber ring just behind the end of my cockhead -acts as a 'stopper' keeping my foreskin peeled back to expose.my cockhead even when im flacid. Its like getting cut but not on a permanent basis. Feels really good to have it peeled back this way. Easy to maintain hygiene as well.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just a question for uncut guys here. I was just watching a video of a Singapore guy on XTube, and although he was uncut, his foreskin was so short, that when he was hard he looked cut.

So, whats your foreskin like? long? short? how much head coverage do you have when you're soft? when hard? Does it pull back automatically when you're hard?

I'm just fascinated by the difference in dicks :) Would love to meet someone with a really LONG foreskin!

Edited by chokchai
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  On 10/4/2011 at 9:33 PM, chokchai said:

interesting - I've met a number of cut guys who said it was their mother's idea to get cut . . . . . . but not one who said it was their fathers.

Maybe the mom secretly wanted the father to be cut, since that is not possible, the moms wants their sons to be cut.

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Guest Marad44

A Nepalese buddy doing medicine, used to crack us up with his wacky suggestions

We were silently studying for the exams one night. He looked up & called our attention, "The next time you are in a public washroom, listen the guy peeing next to you, you could guess if he is uncut or not."

End of study! :yuk:

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  • 2 weeks later...

My fore skin can't be roll back (phimosis) even if erected it is just nice to show a hole the size of a 5cent coint

When erected my foreskin stretches just nice so that there is no lose skin anymore unlike some pictures i've seen from google search when people with phimosis still have a lot of skin in front

of their "head" even when erected...

so I always wondered if this makes me smaller when erected cause the skin is preventing my dick from being 100% free to grow cause i don't consider myself having a large dick..

Not sure how most people think of it haha...but i personally find that uncut+ bring able to roll it back is sexy

Also i considered myself bottom,so tops do you mind if your btm have a small/medium + phimosis dick?

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Guest Marad44

Years ago, there was a couple of chat rooms on the uncut on mIRC. The room went ballistic when a guy wrote about a stag party where the uncut served wine to the cut ~ guess in what! :whistle:

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I have long foreskin but have no problem retracting fully. Is there a way to shorten the foreskin, I still want to keep my head covered in flaccid state but wish to shorten the foreskin for aesthetics reason. Is it partial circumcision? Anyone done it before?

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  On 10/15/2011 at 1:18 AM, blackberryz said:
Hi all. I want to get cut. Tight foreskin. However, i want to get it done under GENERAL ANESTHETIC.
  1. Anywhere to suggest?
  2. How much does it cost? Cheap or EX?


i guess there are many advantages of getting circumcised. both for hygiene and health reason. I know of GP who does circumcision for young patients in their clinic with local analgesias. but of course you can get the circumcision done under general anesthesia (GA). the circumcision that i've done (only two actually -- haha) were both under GA.

(to reply to the initial thread starter) actually if your frenulum tears so easily.. could it be that your partner's sexual habits are a tad too aggressive? and yes like what someone mentioned, repeated tearing and scarring can lead to phimosis (tightening).

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Guest pocketsizebf

has anyone here went through adult circumcision for non-medical reasons?

i checked with ktph it's about $550 all in.

anyone knows about the private clinic charges? esp if they have been there/ was recommended there/ or like, circumcision stylist wonderman doctors hahahaha


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  On 10/24/2011 at 4:09 PM, Impere said:

I think it's nice to have foreskin covering even when erected. It just looks really sexy and pretty. But must be able to pull it down to reveal the treasure la. Haha.

"Each to his own". To me it looks really sexy and pretty with the head out all the time, soft as well as hard. A matter of taste . . . . .

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  On 10/30/2011 at 3:58 AM, smallboix said:
I heard cut is bigger than uncut o.o wonder if it's true...

Depends on the shape of your cock. But not sure if environment plays a role.

Some cut guys don't really have that huge head you see in pxxn etc.

Some uncut guys have the big mushroom head as well.

Edited by darkflame


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  On 10/30/2011 at 7:53 AM, darkflame said:

Depends on the shape of your cock. But not sure if environment plays a role.

Some cut guys don't really have that huge head you see in pxxn etc.

Some uncut guys have the big mushroom head as well.

Actually the biggest Asian cock I've seen, with the largest mushroom head, belonged to a Thai guy who had grown up uncut, and got cut at 19 as his head was so big he couldn't get his skin back!

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  On 11/1/2011 at 12:11 AM, chokchai said:

So, anyone available for a meet this coming weekend? I'm interested in hooking up with guys who are cut tight, or uncut with a tight foreskin, or just interested in the whole subject of foreskin and circumcision :)


Arriving Singapore late Friday evening - leaving Monday morning, and staying in Chinatown.

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Guest keeseng
  On 11/5/2011 at 7:02 PM, Guest said:

Anyone has gotten laser circumcision done recently? How was the experience like? Pain during and after the procedure? Any doctors to recommend?

Yes. I have gotten cut recently. Laser circumcision is less bloody I think. There was more bleeding with the anesthesia injection than with the laser cutting of the foreskin.

I got to see the whole procedure and it is rather weird seeing your genitalia being "mutilated" while lying there nervous and hoping for a good outcome.

There was some feeling of constriction or "tightness' below the glans after the surgey when the local anesthesia wear off. This is due to the stitches applied to bring the inner skin and outer skin together after the foreskin is cut off. The stictches were removed about 10 days later.

Overall, I am quite satisfied with the surgery. It is cleaner and more hygenic and my used underwear smells cleaner too. The exposed head is more sensitive and there is a more sensational feeling when it rises to its occasion.

This is despite having to abstain from jerking or sex for some time cos there is a very tight pulling upon arousal and this was before the stitches are removed.

Should have done it earlier.

Anyone in doubts can get in touch me. I understand the whole feeling having gone thru it mtyself. I have some before and after pics which I keep in private.

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