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Circumcise (Cut) / Uncircumcised (Uncut) + Tight Foreskin & Phimosis + Foreskin Restoration Discussion (Compiled)


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Ya loose cut quite ugly. Yep , mine was high and tight cut. Ya it was done within like 15mins. Lols the guy been doing circumcision for muslims for decades. He definitely knows.


ok thanks for sharing. was it a gd job?

mine is an adult dick with developed frenulum :B) so maybe i wanna consult him first. whereas babies cant decide and not developed lol

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Tight but it feels like a low cut? If it's just to remove the skin covering the head, the remaining foreskin may bunch up behind the head when you are flaccid.


For a high cut, the skin is almost entirely removed and the scar will be around the middle of the shaft.


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Tight but it feels like a low cut? If it's just to remove the skin covering the head, the remaining foreskin may bunch up behind the head when you are flaccid.


For a high cut, the skin is almost entirely removed and the scar will be around the middle of the shaft.


darkflame you are circumcised too?

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Hi guys,


I have had bad phimosis during my secondary school days and I scoured the net extensively for information during those days. To those who are currently suffering from the medical condition, I would advised you to stretch it out.

A study has shown that 95% of phimosis can be rectified through stretching alone, you do not need to go for a circumcision. When you lose your foreskin, much of the nerve endings are removed along with the foreskin. Your glans dry out and is desensitized. Cut guys do not achieve the full sexual pleasure attainable compared to their intact counterparts when stimulated.

It took me 6 months of stretching without the assistance of steroid creams. It took me some time because I have a thick head when i'm erect, if you stretch it diligently daily, you can probably expose your glans in 1 to 3 months.  

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....  If it's just to remove the skin covering the head, the remaining foreskin may bunch up behind the head when you are flaccid. ....

A str8  Muslim friend showed me how his high cut accumulated SMEGMA !  

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mine done at Eunos Crescent clinic when I was in pri 5...that was like early 90s.


i still have the scar around the shaft though. I looked thru and i conclude mine is HIGH and TIGHT cut.


most cut dicks i see online are high and tight cut.


i find my dick less sensation to blowjobs.

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mine done at Eunos Crescent clinic when I was in pri 5...that was like early 90s.


i still have the scar around the shaft though. I looked thru and i conclude mine is HIGH and TIGHT cut.


most cut dicks i see online are high and tight cut.


i find my dick less sensation to blowjobs.

Listening to what people say about sensation and sensitivity, I've come to the conclusion that a lot of it is in the mind - psychological.  If you were cut when you were younger, and had no choice in the matter, then perhaps your regret at being cut will translate into apparent loss of sensation.  If, like me, you were circumcised as an adult purely through personal choice, I WANTED to be cut and I find it very erotic being cut, then in my case I believe the sensation is heightened by having no foreskin, by having my glans permanently exposed.  Its a real turn-on for me!


Any thoughts on this?

Edited by chokchai
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There is totally no truth at all that removal of foreskin leads to loss of sexual pleasure, based on my personal experience. Before i decide, i also had the same worries, and i asked doctor about this. Doctor assured me this is misconception, the sensory cells are not on the foreskin. I went for cut as an adult as i had phimosis, my pleasure is actually enhanced after the cut because i no longer feel the tightness. And hygiene too, nowadays my underwear has no smell. 

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Listening to what people say about sensation and sensitivity, I've come to the conclusion that a lot of it is in the mind - psychological.  If you were cut when you were younger, and had no choice in the matter, then perhaps your regret at being cut will translate into apparent loss of sensation.  If, like me, you were circumcised as an adult purely through personal choice, I WANTED to be cut and I find it very erotic being cut, then in my case I believe the sensation is heightened by having no foreskin, by having my glans permanently exposed.  Its a real turn-on for me!


Any thoughts on this?



im the one who posted earlier BJ doesn't feel much for me.


ur glan exposed but will eventually desensitised.

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There is totally no truth at all that removal of foreskin leads to loss of sexual pleasure, based on my personal experience. Before i decide, i also had the same worries, and i asked doctor about this. Doctor assured me this is misconception, the sensory cells are not on the foreskin. I went for cut as an adult as i had phimosis, my pleasure is actually enhanced after the cut because i no longer feel the tightness. And hygiene too, nowadays my underwear has no smell.

I don't think a guy with phimosis can accurately say that his sexual pleasure has been heightened after circumcision since his glan is not even exposed when erected to start with.

A guy without phimosis who has went for circumcision would be able to give a fairer comparison.

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I still feel better using my cut dick to fuck then to get sucked unless the btm is good at taking in my big head deep into his throat.


but cut dick really no or little pee smell even after whole day.



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Just would like to share a personal story here, whether you believe it or not, entirely up to you.


I am an adult who voluntarily underwent circumcision at 21 years old - I did not have any problems with my foreskin whatsoever, I had a healthy functional foreskin. This is my personal experience.

Initially, I researched quite a bit on circumcision because for some reason, it made me excited to think that my glans can be exposed permanently. I read up on Circlist and other pro-circumcision websites and even tried to tape my foreskin back to simulate a circumcised penis. When I hit legal age, I went to get circumcised at Gleneagles Hospital by myself.

I was circumcised by hand, specifically requested a high and tight circumcision with complete frenulum removal.

After one month of suffering, the stitches came off. Initially, having a circumcised penis was exciting - the glans rubbed against everything and sex felt so sensitive and exquisite. I came almost instantly every time just by moving the circumcision scar (extremely sensitive) through the sphincter of the anus.

However, after a few months, I noticed that my glans have become keratinised, if you look closely at my profile photo, you can see how the glans has lost it's shiny texture for a dull, rougher, one. The sensitive sensation was no longer really there and I had to resort to rougher and rougher sex just to get pleasure from it. Personally, as I have always been used to masturbating with a foreskin, a high and tight circumcision resulted in almost no shaft skin to move when erect (I'm a grower - 2" soft and 6" erect). So, nowadays, I have to use lube just to masturbate because I have tried to do it dry once and rubbed myself sore.

Honestly, I miss my frenulum - so if any of you decide to get circumcised, PLEASE leave your frenulum as it is. I mean, it's the most sensitive part of the penis...


However, I wouldn't deny that there are also benefits of being circumcised too. I don't really have to pay much attention to cleanliness, particularly for when an impromptu toilet session pops up  :P. Also, as I have a relatively large glans, I find that wearing all forms of underwear, briefs, boxers, or speedos, kind of sexy when the shape of the glans is very obvious.

So what I'm basically saying is: Circumcision has its pros and cons. It all depends on what you hold dear - sensitivity or aesthetics. Personally, I kind of regret undergoing circumcision because I realised that, first, cleanliness is simple to maintain, and second, the shape of the glans in underwear can be simply achieved by pulling back the foreskin. I feel that the sensitivity of my glans was too huge a trade off for aesthetics, particularly when the majority of Chinese in Singapore are intact anyways. But that's just my opinion!

Edited by cub4chub
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God also told Abraham to cut it off, LOL!

hahahhaha, u are so funny. :clap:  I think u should be awarded "bitch of the year". I mean it as a joke, not an insult, please don't get offended, u cannot blame me for saying that, because that reply was really very witty & totally unexpected, making the person feel awkward.

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hahahhaha, u are so funny. :clap:  I think u should be awarded "bitch of the year". I mean it as a joke, not an insult, please don't get offended, u cannot blame me for saying that, because that reply was really very witty & totally unexpected, making the person feel awkward.


I gladly accept that reward LOL

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So, you're circumcised too, darkflame?


No, I'm not.

But I like to tape back the foreskin when wanking sometimes.


My ex was cut.

Love how tight the skin was when erect and also how I can try to pull up the skin but it can never cover the glans.

Also how the glans could shoot out cum without pumping of the foreskin...


Okay, I said too much.


I'm always running after you.

You are my ideal.

You are me.

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No, I'm not.

But I like to tape back the foreskin when wanking sometimes.


My ex was cut.

Love how tight the skin was when erect and also how I can try to pull up the skin but it can never cover the glans.

Also how the glans could shoot out cum without pumping of the foreskin...


Okay, I said too much.

Hehehe, sounds really hot!

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How long you tape your forskin?


No, I'm not.

But I like to tape back the foreskin when wanking sometimes.

My ex was cut.

Love how tight the skin was when erect and also how I can try to pull up the skin but it can never cover the glans.

Also how the glans could shoot out cum without pumping of the foreskin...

Okay, I said too much.

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Hehehe, sounds really hot!


After that I went to Xtube to wank to cut dicks.

Seeing American Chinese cut dicks are the best. American style of cutting is still the best looking to me.  :oops:


How long you tape your forskin?




Not everyday. Only during wanking...


I'm always running after you.

You are my ideal.

You are me.

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Guest observer

Observed that many younger guys don't pull back their foreskins when they are peeing.

Some even don't bother pulling back slightly, just let the pee flow through the overhanging skin tip. haha

Is this the trend?

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Observed that many younger guys don't pull back their foreskins when they are peeing.

Some even don't bother pulling back slightly, just let the pee flow through the overhanging skin tip. haha

Is this the trend?


eh seriously does it bother you?

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No, I'm not.

But I like to tape back the foreskin when wanking sometimes.


My ex was cut.

Love how tight the skin was when erect and also how I can try to pull up the skin but it can never cover the glans.

Also how the glans could shoot out cum without pumping of the foreskin...


Okay, I said too much.



I think pulling the foreskin down when erect can also achieve the same tightness.

I am not too sure about others, but my ex was uncut, and when he got erect, the foreskin will uncover the glans naturally and stay behind the glans even if I tried to pull it over. So, he could shoot out cum just by pumping the shaft skin...

Observed that many younger guys don't pull back their foreskins when they are peeing.

Some even don't bother pulling back slightly, just let the pee flow through the overhanging skin tip. haha

Is this the trend?


I think that is kind of sexy haha

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