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Circumcise (Cut) / Uncircumcised (Uncut) + Tight Foreskin & Phimosis + Foreskin Restoration Discussion (Compiled)


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I did mine when I was 33, using freehand style. Try to convince the doctor that I prefer high tight model, but looked like he didn't understand it and just take standard style which is low tight, and frenulum was kept intact. Surgery took about 45 minutes, and after that I drove my car back home. No pain during surgery and few hour after that. Pain only during morning erection, because the stitches were pulled and the doctor did not left much skin.

No MC was needed, becoz I can use underwear and pant, walk normally. My family didn't know it. Live just like normal. When took bath, I protect my d1ck with condom, becoz doctor said it should not contact with water. The stitches dissolved after 3 weeks by itself (no need to go back to the doctor). Start 'using' it again after all stitches were gone.

Few years after that, I felt uncomfortable with my short frenulum becoz it kept pulled. So, I decided to remove it by myself. I found a website where this guy removed his frenulum by himself using string. I followed his way, and managed to remove it using the teeth floss string. After 3 weeks tied, the string severed. I did another tied to remove the excessed skin (which is the frenulum skin). So now my d1ck like cut after birth, it looked smooth.

Better sensation than ever? Or less sensitive?

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

mine is cut

and I prefer cut too


If you are MLy . or South east asian of the archipleago from the Phillipines, down to Papua New Guinea past the spice islands of Moluccas, through the Indonesian islands of Jawa and up the Sumatran islands , it is almost a universal practice to cut,


it is even said the practice predates the arrival of Islam, that circumcision in some form or the other existed in this part of the world even before the arrival of Islam in the 1500 's


perhaps the arrival of Islam sets the standardised cut which is not flaying the foreskin like those in the tribal groups in PH, but the one approved by the sunnah, which is done pre puberty, high cut , enough that any remaining skin does not reach the corona, does not cover the cock beyond the corona, and makes keeping the cock clean an easier to achieve task.


Even natives from Aboriginal Australia use sharp stones to perfrom their tribal circumcission, as an initiation into adulthood.


The end result does not resemble one that is done in modern hospital setting.

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Just kinda curious and thus pls allow me to ask a DUH question:

For those of you who are uncut, how many of your flaccid cock is NOT covered with the foreskin?


Half of the head. Even when not erect, often completely rolled back on its own.

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Just kinda curious and thus pls allow me to ask a DUH question:

For those of you who are uncut, how many of your flaccid cock is NOT covered with the foreskin?

Mine's completely exposed unless cold or swim... it just covers the rims or 1/5 covered

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  • 2 weeks later...

Keep in mind that circumcision is not 1st line for Phimosis for those who want to be circumcised of that reason.

There are many tips to loosen your foreskin. After taking advice online, mine went from totally in-retractable to fully retractable now in 2 years eventhough I'm actually not very "hardworking" .

For those who are circumcised and regretted it, can try foreskin restorations (many methods also)

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Everybody's experience is different. Many types of things that accompany tight , long, short foreskin.


For my case, I can retracted but I cannot masturbate with it retracted as it will "strangle" my dick head as my dick gets pumped and grow bigger.


This could probably be solve by regular stretching BUT besides a tight foreskin, I have a tight frenulum, trust me when I say I am afraid of tearing that part because there is a BIG vein around my frenulum.

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hi, btw my frenulum was also very very tight and yes, big vein also. i can only exposed the urethral for urination only. at that point i never thought i can turn the situation around without circumcision. I started the stretching by filling water inside the foreskin. Then one finger in. 2 fingers...3 and so on. it requires patience as you wont see the results in days.

Asexual: someone who does not experience sexual attraction


Aesthetic attraction: Attraction to someones appearance, without it being romantic or sexual.


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Sexual attraction: Desire to have sexual contact with someone else, to share our sexuality with them.

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just wondering, have u joined the other forums related to foreskin? They have very detailed info on many things. 


I get what you mean when you worry that the foreskin will choke ur penis. Mine was also like that. You can learn a bit on physiology of foreskin. It can stretch a lot through stimulated growth or something like that. mine now doesnt "choke" it anymore.

Asexual: someone who does not experience sexual attraction


Aesthetic attraction: Attraction to someones appearance, without it being romantic or sexual.


Romantic attraction: Desire of being romantically involved with another person.


Sensual attraction: Desire to have physical non-sexual contact with someone else, like affectionate touching.


Sexual attraction: Desire to have sexual contact with someone else, to share our sexuality with them.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I've seen aesthetically very pleasing circumcisions and some which are visually very ugly. The latter seem mostly to be guys from countries like The Philippines where a lot of the operations are carried out by unlicensed practitioners. At least in Singapore it will be done by qualified doctors. I expect you should discuss with the doc and check on the options first.

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Those new to this thread, please note previous posts mentioning the alternatives to full surgical removal: 


Stretching, as above


Steroid creams to help loosen


Partial cutting to widen the opening.


The last one, some doctors will say why bother, but if it is what you want, stand your ground and insist or find another surgeon.

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  • 2 weeks later...

uncut. used to have a lil problem retracting the foreskin but after some practices, I can now fully pull it back to show my sexy mushroom head. lol.


I agree with that sexy part cause most of the uncut one got pinkish head... make me wow :P

Lesson Learned.... Trust your instinct  :thumb:  ...and p.s. never use 'comic sans' as font its damn gross  :blink:


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My favourite  :thumb:  Can never understand why most porn pics show uncut dicks either erect or with the foreskin pulled back!!

 I think majority people wants erected cause it represent the horniness and strength. All fired up and ready for action. Again I think majority goes for uncut hence the pulling back of foreskin.

I love uncut dicks, really turns me on :) but not the chezzy and fishy smell :P

 I am guessing the smell is unavoidable as the foreskin is usually trapping urine or precum underneath. Can't possibly be retracting and washing every other hour.

I agree with that sexy part cause most of the uncut one got pinkish head... make me wow :P

agree about the uncut having more pinkish head than the cut but do notice most uncut don't have larger, well define mushroom head as the cut. Just an observation, I could be wrong.
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Sometimes for the flared head, I wonder if it's the look making it big or simply no restriction by the foreskin anymore. My head looks bigger on the days I let my head be exposed, even when it is flaccid.

Yes! that's what I was referring too but it takes a while to to get that ridge mushroom head so prominate on cut head and not necessary so for uncut who unroll.
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Noticed news reports about HIV in Malaysia. 70% Malay, 15% Chinese, so maybe 75% cut, 20% uncut. Yes, casusal links varied, but I don't see any statistical advantage for circumcision.

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