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Circumcise (Cut) / Uncircumcised (Uncut) + Tight Foreskin & Phimosis + Foreskin Restoration Discussion (Compiled)


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men circumcised past the age of 35 decreased their risk of developing prostate cancer by 45%.



Think long term


and it Was never about cleaning and unhygiene, eg wiping my back after shitting is tough (cos have to reach the back) so in order to prevent disease, I sliced off some area of my buttocks?


so circumcision was never invented due to issues of cleaning , never....


it was for the goodness of health issues, of cos I didn't choose to get it cut, was decided by parents so....

so to me, an uncut is something unique to me



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On Wednesday, April 19, 2017 at 7:37 PM, iamziz said:

Many guys want their dicks to be ''serviced'' but some don't even put an effort when it comes to hygiene issues. Cut or uncut. Some of these people good looking and physically fit. Seen too many at washrooms not washing their hands or dicks or both. Big turn off.

Agree.true.yrs must b clean n.smell good hor.lol

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29 minutes ago, cutejack said:

Agree.true.yrs must b clean n.smell good hor.lol




善待对人。麻烦用英文来表达信息。不是每个人都会看的懂中文 “People need to learn the art of making an argument. Often there is no

right or wrong. It's just your opinion vs someone else's opinion. How you deliver that opinion could make the difference between opening a mind,

changing an opinion or shutting the door. Sometimes folk just don't know when they've "argued" enough. Learn when to shut up."

― J'son M. Lee 

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Guest Whoah!
12 hours ago, -Ignored- said:

men circumcised past the age of 35 decreased their risk of developing prostate cancer by 45%.




Another case of dubious statistical arguments not properly studied.  Several points in article not mentioned here: 


Cut at birth, same rate of prostate cancer.

Blacks either cut or uncut were Africans who probably did not have finances or access to condoms.

Finally, why would over 35's go for cut? Must be f*cking hot uncles going through second puberty. Stats do show that more frequent sex keeps the plumbing working.


If you think with your lower head, probably no cutting!

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On 4/19/2017 at 2:00 AM, Archie said:

just wanna know before deciding to go under the knife.


Don't be stupid.

It is a fact that by giving up your foreskin you kiss goodbye to a lot of sexual pleasure.

The "medical" advice that cut dicks are healthier is in a process of reversal.

I am uncut, and I have NEVER received any negative comment about it.


Edited by Steve5380
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13 hours ago, -Ignored- said:

men circumcised past the age of 35 decreased their risk of developing prostate cancer by 45%.



Think long term


and it Was never about cleaning and unhygiene, eg wiping my back after shitting is tough (cos have to reach the back) so in order to prevent disease, I sliced off some area of my buttocks?


so circumcision was never invented due to issues of cleaning , never....


it was for the goodness of health issues, of cos I didn't choose to get it cut, was decided by parents so....

so to me, an uncut is something unique to me




What an abysmal article this one that makes an alleged correlation between foreskin and prostate cancer!

Completely untrustworthy and alarmist.

Untrustworthy because it is based on questionable statistics that may be skewed. Maybe a correct correlation would be between STDs and cancer, and the result would be that to avoid prostate cancer one should avoid STDs, not necessarily having the foreskin cut off!

Alarmist because even with their questionable statistics all they come up with is a 45% reduction in risk,  not something drastic like 90% or higher.


There is no doubt that to quit smoking directly reduces dramatically the risk of lung cancer.

But it is not clear if circumcision directly reduces the risk of prostate cancer, or if it is all pseudo-scientific bullshit. 


The ancient Hebrew who introduced circumcision into the mandates of their God didn't have the statistical, experimental means to determine if that was good for their health. Maybe they did it as a religious power grab, like they did with homosexuality being an "abomination"...

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On 4/19/2017 at 4:03 AM, cutejack said:

Would appreciate a a live demo from u ziz as the female voice turn us off.:yuk:


LOL!   Remember that for the majority of society it is a female the one who has to deal with penises, clean or dirty.

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Anyone knows where to go for aesthetic circumcision? Hospitals don't do it very nice imo. Looking at high and tight or low and tight. 


No, I don't have problems with my foreskin. 

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  • 1 month later...

Am 29 this year. I have a tight foreskin that covers my entire dick head and drops down to form a tip. Never seen my dick head in my life and the hole in the tip is so small that it only opens up when I am peeing I guess. It is only when i started having more regular fun recently and guys ask me to show them my dick head i realise there is no way i can do it. 


I have tried to fuck before but my dick never gets into the ass no matter how big they open up for me and recently when a guy tried to put on a condom for me it just could not fit me. i am not sure if all this are problems caused by my foreskin. 


Thinking about getting circumcised so i can be a true top and fuck haha but my friend told me that if i circumcised, sex is no longer going to be as pleasurable as it is now. Is this true?


He told me i need to pull on my foreskin regularly and it will open up but i don't think this is going to work. Maybe if i was younger it would have worked? Now my dick head does not even show a bit outside of my skin. 


Any advice? thanks

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Hi members of this topic


Can help me with the above enquiry?  I don't have even have like a 5 cent hole on my cock tip to see my cock head. it basically fully covered with the foreskin shrivelled up at the end of my cock. Anything wrong with my dick? is circumcision recommended for this?

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16 hours ago, Guest 387 said:

Hi members of this topic


Can help me with the above enquiry?  I don't have even have like a 5 cent hole on my cock tip to see my cock head. it basically fully covered with the foreskin shrivelled up at the end of my cock. Anything wrong with my dick? is circumcision recommended for this?

Difficult to advise.as u r not a member.im unable to pm.u

Try pull down the skin daily .sure can retract from the head.keep trying

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2 minutes ago, Guest Nat Cut said:

If you opt to cut, find a DR who will only snip the end and enlarge the opening. No need to remove all. Don't give in to illogical pressure.

IMO, if you are going for a cut, do a clean cut. No dorsal slit. Dorsal skit may allow you to expose your glan but if it's still covering your glan and if you do not wash it, smegma will still accumulate. It really serve purpose. 

Nip the problem at its tip (pun not intended)

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Guest Google-It
On 4/21/2017 at 10:11 AM, -Ignored- said:

men circumcised past the age of 35 decreased their risk of developing prostate cancer by 45%.



Think long term


Almost all men with PC die of something else, probably overeating. Body smells increase with aging. Time spent washing your dick will more likely save your ass!


"The 5-year survival rate for most men with local or regional prostate cancer is almost 100%. Ninety-eight percent (98%) are alive after 10 years, and 96% live for at least 15 years.


Prostate Cancer: Statistics | Cancer.Net

www.cancer.net/cancer-types/prostate-cancer/statistics "

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On 4/20/2017 at 9:11 PM, -Ignored- said:

men circumcised past the age of 35 decreased their risk of developing prostate cancer by 45%.



Think long term


and it Was never about cleaning and unhygiene, eg wiping my back after shitting is tough (cos have to reach the back) so in order to prevent disease, I sliced off some area of my buttocks?


so circumcision was never invented due to issues of cleaning , never....


it was for the goodness of health issues, of cos I didn't choose to get it cut, was decided by parents so....

so to me, an uncut is something unique to me




Nonsense, nonsense.


This decrease in the risk of prostate cancer by being circumcised is very dubious.  According to the article, it applies mostly to black men in southern Africa. And the reason is that circumcision reduces their risk of contracting STDs, which in turn affects the probability of prostate cancer.  So, if you are a black guy who is at high risk for STDs and does not clean his dick, then circumcision may help.  Not by much.  45% reduction of risk is not much.  95% reduction would be significant to justify circumcision.  Instead of doing it, wash your dick and don't be an easily infected slut.


Also dubious is the reason for circumcision in ancient civilizations.  They had no way to measure the probability of prostate cancer, or seeing if there was any health benefit in circumcision.  They must have done it for their superstitious beliefs in gods.  Or for some gore way of people control, fascination with the sexual, like feminine circumcision.


So, why would a modern educated intelligent man fall for this idiocy of circumcision?

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Guys who went from uncut to cut. Do you find it easier to have sex now? Since i can't retract my foreskin i finding wearing a condom and fucking almost impossible to do.Which sucks major a for a top like me.

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5 hours ago, Guest 387 said:

Guys who went from uncut to cut. Do you find it easier to have sex now? Since i can't retract my foreskin i finding wearing a condom and fucking almost impossible to do.Which sucks major a for a top like me.

really? u went for a cut and regret?

I don't get it why wearing condom is not possible? (I m cut all along, not muslim of course)

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Guest Guest Comment
2 hours ago, -Ignored- said:

really? u went for a cut and regret?

I don't get it why wearing condom is not possible? (I m cut all along, not muslim of course)

I think he meant he was not able to retract his skin while putting on the condom.

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1 hour ago, Guest zigzag said:

Hi just wondering if anyone has experience having sex (fucking) with a tight foreskin? It's a little painful for me (being the T) :\

Pls do something with yr foreskin b4 u use yr cock la.juz like u fold or alter yr pants or shirt b4 wearing rite.hehe

Edited by cutejack
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Guest uncutcut

im uncut but my dick looks cut - when flaccid the skin can cover my head but it usually rolls up to expose the glans. when erect my foreskin isnt long enuf to cover my entire head. anyone else like this?

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27 minutes ago, Guest uncutcut said:

im uncut but my dick looks cut - when flaccid the skin can cover my head but it usually rolls up to expose the glans. when erect my foreskin isnt long enuf to cover my entire head. anyone else like this?

Me same like u

So,some thinks im cut when im not

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Guest Dun Assume

I played with cut guy, cheese behind the head. (Forgiven, end of office day.)


But yes, clean is a MUST, no matter longskin or noskin.

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On ‎6‎/‎24‎/‎2017 at 7:17 PM, Guest 387 said:

Am 29 this year. I have a tight foreskin that covers my entire dick head and drops down to form a tip. Never seen my dick head in my life and the hole in the tip is so small that it only opens up when I am peeing I guess. It is only when i started having more regular fun recently and guys ask me to show them my dick head i realise there is no way i can do it. 


I have tried to fuck before but my dick never gets into the ass no matter how big they open up for me and recently when a guy tried to put on a condom for me it just could not fit me. i am not sure if all this are problems caused by my foreskin. 


Thinking about getting circumcised so i can be a true top and fuck haha but my friend told me that if i circumcised, sex is no longer going to be as pleasurable as it is now. Is this true?


He told me i need to pull on my foreskin regularly and it will open up but i don't think this is going to work. Maybe if i was younger it would have worked? Now my dick head does not even show a bit outside of my skin. 


Any advice? thanks

I have phimosis too. just that I able to see the head and retract when flaccid. it take times to pull back. but now it seems the hole wont grow any bigger after all these years.

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15 hours ago, bluerunner said:

Very low and tight indeed. The surgeons have done excellent jobs. Notice most of them have no frenulum. 

I went to 2 sg docs, only to be persuaded to do a regular partial circ or "try to do my best"...sick of paying consultation fee time and again getting nowhere.



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Guest Help Him!
On 7/1/2017 at 9:11 PM, ArtyGuy21SA said:

I went to 2 sg docs, only to be persuaded to do a regular partial circ or "try to do my best"...sick of paying consultation fee time and again getting nowhere.




Don't give up. Be patient; you only have one body. There have been some here who had it done. Please PM this poor guy with your doc's contact. Also, some have used a corticosteroid cream while enlarging. Anyone to share details?

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29 minutes ago, Guest Help Him! said:


Don't give up. Be patient; you only have one body. There have been some here who had it done. Please PM this poor guy with your doc's contact. Also, some have used a corticosteroid cream while enlarging. Anyone to share details?

Thanks for chiming in!  


Just a bit on why i want a complete circ...my foreskin is not tight nor long.  I just this recurring annular split that is ~4mm from the glan that goes all around, always tears open when i play a bit too rough :(


So a partial/incomplete will not remove the "fault line"...

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Guest Guest
On 29/06/2017 at 11:18 AM, ArtyGuy21SA said:

Looking for a doc who can do a low and tight circ...anyone here has one done?  Any recc'n?






Looking to cut low and tight too, frenulum carved out. Any recomm?


I think most sg guys cut during adulthood is high and tight? Those who cut when adult can share ur kind of cut and at where?

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2 hours ago, Guest Guest said:

I think most sg guys cut during adulthood is high and tight? Those who cut when adult can share ur kind of cut and at where?

Not true. You need to discuss with your surgeon the type of cut you want. If you dun tell your surgeon what's your preference, surgeon will do the method he is most familiar with. 

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10 hours ago, bluerunner said:

Not true. You need to discuss with your surgeon the type of cut you want. If you dun tell your surgeon what's your preference, surgeon will do the method he is most familiar with. 

you wont know if the doc is confident in a low/tight circ till you go thru the consultation...2 paid consultation and from their tone, i am not sure if i want to go under their laser/scalpel...


if someone has a low/tight circ done, could you pm me your docs contact. TIA

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  • 2 weeks later...

Tight foreskin shouldn't really be an issue unless when you get hard, it hurts badly. A lot of these things differ from person to person, so it's nothing to worry about! If the pain is unbearable, you outta get a check up and tell the doctor that it's bothering you. 

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