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All About Hiv / Aids Discussion + I Suspect I Might Have Hiv Symptoms + Hiv Medication Prep + I Tested Positive (Compiled)

Guest breakboy

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Guest Ironrod

Hi everyone, I would just like to find out how did you cope with the pre-HIV test anxiety during the window period? Would appreciate it if you could share your experience. Thank you.

Don't worry lar, getting HIV and getting knock down by car is abt the same chances.

Don't have the sky is falling mindset, k?

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Guest amidst_the_stars

You shld really talk to someone at Oogachaga or call AFA hotline for consultation on these matters. I think they are the best channels in terms of voicing out your HIV anxieties. And the staff in OogaChaga are very nice people :)

Just always remember, if you are having casual sex, always always use condoms no matter what.

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Don't worry lar, getting HIV and getting knock down by car is abt the same chances.

Don't have the sky is falling mindset, k?

totally agree.

as much as i dont intend to encourage promiscuity, but pls dont worry yourself unduly. U dont always strike when u buy 4Ds right?



never argue with the guests. let them bark all they want.





After I have said what I wanna say, I don't care what you say.



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Guest hunk who wants a hunk

Hi everyone, I would just like to find out how did you cope with the pre-HIV test anxiety during the window period? Would appreciate it if you could share your experience. Thank you.

If you've practiced safe measures when having sex and only have one partner, then why worry?

Unless you've been going around having unsafe sex with multiple strangers, which you should have known right from the start that the risks are great.

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If you've practiced safe measures when having sex and only have one partner, then why worry?

Unless you've been going around having unsafe sex with multiple strangers, which you should have known right from the start that the risks are great.

And what do u gain from injuring his wound further?



never argue with the guests. let them bark all they want.





After I have said what I wanna say, I don't care what you say.



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Guest Anxious

Hi everyone, thank you for providing more insight to my issue. Contrary to your belief, I don't sleep around, in fact that was the first time I had anal sex, but I really didn't expect that the guy would be so irresponsible to do that to me. Whenever I look back and think about it, I can't help but feel how silly I am. I try not rethink taht event most of the time because it's not helpful and tend to make me feel worse.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Walking Dead

Any point in living when I just confirmed that I have HIV. A man without dreams, without a future, without the chance of getting a loved one because of the sickness ... what can I live for ? Although I'm resigned to my sad fate, there is not one moment that I do not think of how I should end my misery.

I know I can continue living "almost perfectly fine" with medication, but what is the point of living if it is devoid of dreams and hopes and a future ?

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Guest Guest

I guess there's no talk berating you on unsafe sex and all that unnecessary lecture.

All I can say is,

Live on, make the best of your remaining days.

Cherish every day like it will be your last.

There's nothing much you can do about it.

Feeling depressed doesn't change anything either.

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With proper care and medication, you can still live a long life. But whether the life is meaningful or not, you have to decide for yourself. Being diagnosed with HIV is a painful path you have to take, but it is not a death sentence nor the end of the world.

Take this time to re-evaluate your purpose in life and live a meaningful and fruitful life. Only when you feel happy, you will build a strong immune system which is very important to fight off opportunistic infections.

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Guest Guest

Any point in living when I just confirmed that I have HIV. A man without dreams, without a future, without the chance of getting a loved one because of the sickness ... what can I live for ? Although I'm resigned to my sad fate, there is not one moment that I do not think of how I should end my misery.

I know I can continue living "almost perfectly fine" with medication, but what is the point of living if it is devoid of dreams and hopes and a future ?

Am very sorry to hear that. I know it must have been be very hard news to accept, and since you are here on the forums I presume you need a listening ear.

We're here to support you, I'm sure BW is more than just juicy news and stories but also a source of peer support. I don't think you have no future, life can and should go on even if you are positive with HIV. Perhaps a rethinking of your dreams and future would be good.. in the face of such situation maybe you need a break to rethink what you think is important in your live. Don't give up, that's more important. You never know how things might turn out at the end of the day, and to end it all now would be to devoid yourself of that potential. Dreams and future is from within you, and we trust that you can do it.

If you ever need professional help and someone to talk to, I suggest you may contact Action for Aids - 6254 0212.

Also you should check out this site if you have not - http://www.afa.org.sg/clubgenesis/ . "Club Genesis (CG) is a peer-facilitated HIV support group for Positive MSM (Men who have Sex with Men) under the auspices of Action for Aids. CG caters to aspects of counselling, care and support to Positive MSM. "

Talking to people with similar situation as you will help you unlock some of the answers you are looking for. But what is required forthmost, is for you to not give up on life. Live strong.

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Any point in living when I just confirmed that I have HIV. A man without dreams, without a future, without the chance of getting a loved one because of the sickness ... what can I live for ? Although I'm resigned to my sad fate, there is not one moment that I do not think of how I should end my misery.

I know I can continue living "almost perfectly fine" with medication, but what is the point of living if it is devoid of dreams and hopes and a future ?

Hugs. If you need a new friend/someone to hear you out, please contact me. Meanwhile I wish you all the best.

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Guest Guest F

Somehow I feel sad after reading the first post.

I always wonder how a person is able to cope with this.

I think he will need a lot of support from his family members.

Religion may help.

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Guest amidst_the_stars

Any point in living when I just confirmed that I have HIV. A man without dreams, without a future, without the chance of getting a loved one because of the sickness ... what can I live for ? Although I'm resigned to my sad fate, there is not one moment that I do not think of how I should end my misery.

I know I can continue living "almost perfectly fine" with medication, but what is the point of living if it is devoid of dreams and hopes and a future ?

Hi Walking Dead.

First and foremost, I am really sorry to hear about your condition. I know there's nothing I can do to really lift your spirits and make a significant positive change in your life. I can roughly understand your feelings of desolation and deep dark, depression, I have been thru several setbacks though probably none as hardening as yours...

All I can do is..if you need a listening ear , you can always approach me. I can chat with u online for starters. At this point in time, I will also advise u to seek counselling from Oogachaga,. They are a very nice, warm and understanding community and they can do a much better job at trying to ease your situation than us forumers in BW.

It's common to have suicidal thoughts at this stage and I won't judge nor admonish you for that kind of thinkng, because the depth of despair is probably very overwhelming. But please seek help from AFA and OogaChaga before you do anything.

Edited by amidst_the_stars
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Guest Walking Dead

Hi Walking Dead.

First and foremost, I am really sorry to hear about your condition. I know there's nothing I can do to really lift your spirits and make a significant positive change in your life. I can roughly understand your feelings of desolation and deep dark, depression, I have been thru several setbacks though probably none as hardening as yours...

All I can do is..if you need a listening ear , you can always approach me. I can chat with u online for starters. At this point in time, I will also advise u to seek counselling from Oogachaga,. They are a very nice, warm and understanding community and they can do a much better job at trying to ease your situation than us forumers in BW.

It's common to have suicidal thoughts at this stage and I won't judge nor admonish you for that kind of thinkng, because the depth of despair is probably very overwhelming. But please seek help from AFA and OogaChaga before you do anything.

Thanks to all the people who have posted. It took me a little while to find my post as I ended up reading this lengthy and somewhat inspiring thread again, previously as a curious on-looker but now as a sufferer. I guess I can only blame my stupidity for getting myself into such a mess. It must be Divine punishment for my behaviour.

As much as I'd like to have people to talk to, I guess I need to overcome myself first. I do have a registered account with BW, but I don't even have the courage to post with it since my current thoughts are filled with thinking of ways to end my life which would seem like an accident.

If and when I get over this, I will try to find CLub CG, as suggested by one of the posters, since it would definitely help to know people in the same boat and understand how they cope with it mentally. Also, thanks for those who have offered to lend a ear, although I regret not being able to take it up since I'm posting anonymously.

I don't know how, and what I can do to make my life meaningful again, but I guess I'll give it a go, or die trying XD Sorry couldn't help but crak a lame joke here. Good night all. I will pray for the day my nightmare ends.

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Guest amidst_the_stars

Thanks to all the people who have posted. It took me a little while to find my post as I ended up reading this lengthy and somewhat inspiring thread again, previously as a curious on-looker but now as a sufferer. I guess I can only blame my stupidity for getting myself into such a mess. It must be Divine punishment for my behaviour.

As much as I'd like to have people to talk to, I guess I need to overcome myself first. I do have a registered account with BW, but I don't even have the courage to post with it since my current thoughts are filled with thinking of ways to end my life which would seem like an accident.

If and when I get over this, I will try to find CLub CG, as suggested by one of the posters, since it would definitely help to know people in the same boat and understand how they cope with it mentally. Also, thanks for those who have offered to lend a ear, although I regret not being able to take it up since I'm posting anonymously.

I don't know how, and what I can do to make my life meaningful again, but I guess I'll give it a go, or die trying XD Sorry couldn't help but crak a lame joke here. Good night all. I will pray for the day my nightmare ends.

Divine Punishment...Do you belong to a religion?

Is this Catholic/Christian guilt?

When you are ready, feel free to post me a msg. I promise your identity will be safe with me, I won't go back on my word. I really don't know how to console you and your situation really is daunting...But joining Club CG is a good first step.

what's done is done, and though it would be harder for you to find a soulmate who is willing to be with u despite your condition, all is not lost..

What u really need is a support of really gd friends to help u thru this. Sincerely wish you all the best.

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Guest Finish Strong

To WalkingDead,

what has happened has happened...it may take u a while to get over it..and there are others who are in a more worst scenario than you...just like this man -

He has no arms and legs, he has more reasons than you to kill himself but he didn't..so are you going to finish strong?

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Guest Ironrod

To Walking Dead,

Being HIV+ is not the end for sure, 8 years ago my company invited a lady from CDC came to talk to us about AIDS [it was World AIDS day so my company arranged it] told us that the first AIDS patient in Singapore [not Paddy Chew btw) did not suffer till the last 6 months of his life. Having HIV+ motivated him to lead a more fruitful life as now he knows his time on this earth is limited.

Most of us tends to take what we can't see for granted, with HIV it made him realize every moment is precious.

He sold off his flat, he did part time jobs, he travel the world, he even helped out in CDC.

I have friend whom have syphilis and herpes - these disease in fact is highly transmittable and stay with you for life.

To protect his love ones he only have sex using condoms now.

I have friend whom is a Hepatitis carrier, he also needs to take pre-caution in everything. He doesn't even share food with others because of the condition.

My point is there are a lot of virus around - HIV like Hepatitis B doesn't kill until u reach full blown stage - AIDS or Liver failure.

The most important how u understand and manage the virus and protect your loved ones.

Don't be trap by fear, words or ignorance.

I hope you open your mind and sight, plan your life in a shorter range like maybe 10-20 years time frame to ensure it's all fruitful.

You know time doesn't matter, it's what you do with it which is important.

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Guest Guest

Hi guys, just wondering...

What are your views on getting a first month (negative) hiv result?

Will you still worry as much? Or will be more assured and is just waiting for the third month confirmation.

Oogachaga adn AFA both told me not to worry because of my case and it's unlikely that people test positive on the third month after a negative during the first month hiv test.

Case: I was a top who had protected sex. The condom broke at the very last minute of the experience. (I'm very sure it's the last minute of the experience) Then we stopped immediately.

What do you guys think?

By the way, Ironrod - your words made me felt better :) Because I think it's so true that "You know time doesn't matter, it's what you do with it which is important."

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Guest 11th month HIV +

@Walking Dead... I can understand how you feel as i went through what you are currently going through right now 11 mths back.

But i told myself, time is limited and i make full used of it since i discovered my infection of HIV last year June'10.

I teared for the first 2 days and i told myself i must work harder and make my everyday meaningful so as not to let my love one down.

I have finally completed my degree last year Dec'10 and graduated. I have done extremely well in my work and i got Excellence Award from my company.

I got promoted and a pay raise, i guess its a blessing in disguise. If i wasn't diagnose HIV positive i wouldn't be so focus in life.

Who say life of a HIV positive is without future, no dream? I believe its all in your mind. I do agree with you that you might be lonely because of this illness, you might have further complication with other diseases when we grow old. But who can confirmed we can achieve perfect life even if we are not HIV positive.

Brace up and face the future with dignity. We might be HIV positive but we are blessed that we don't suffer as long as we take out medication on time.

I remember my doctor encourage me that if i can have 90yrs old lifespan, i will be living healthy till that age.

With that in mind, i give up all the despair, negative thoughts and i told myself on the 3rd days that i am reborned!!

Gambatte!! Jia you!!!

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Guest amidst_the_stars

@Walking Dead... I can understand how you feel as i went through what you are currently going through right now 11 mths back.

But i told myself, time is limited and i make full used of it since i discovered my infection of HIV last year June'10.

I teared for the first 2 days and i told myself i must work harder and make my everyday meaningful so as not to let my love one down.

I have finally completed my degree last year Dec'10 and graduated. I have done extremely well in my work and i got Excellence Award from my company.

I got promoted and a pay raise, i guess its a blessing in disguise. If i wasn't diagnose HIV positive i wouldn't be so focus in life.

Who say life of a HIV positive is without future, no dream? I believe its all in your mind. I do agree with you that you might be lonely because of this illness, you might have further complication with other diseases when we grow old. But who can confirmed we can achieve perfect life even if we are not HIV positive.

Brace up and face the future with dignity. We might be HIV positive but we are blessed that we don't suffer as long as we take out medication on time.

I remember my doctor encourage me that if i can have 90yrs old lifespan, i will be living healthy till that age.

With that in mind, i give up all the despair, negative thoughts and i told myself on the 3rd days that i am reborned!!

Gambatte!! Jia you!!!

Just like to know, does your company know abt your HIV status?

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Guest 11th months HIV+

Just like to know, does your company know abt your HIV status?

Regarding this, i have consulted my counsellor. She told me that this is your privacy. You have the right not to disclose any of your personal medical history to anyone. It our right just like other diseases. if you have cancer, you don't need to go around telling others you have cancer.

So long as, all the medical expenditure in future you would have pay on your own and not make insurance claims.

Of course minor consultation with your neighbourhood clinic can claim lah. Nobody will care about that small amount.

Any hospitalisation claim, is definitely a No-No.

Including when we decided to change new job, there isn't a need for us to disclose our medical to the new company that we are going to work with. My counsellor assured me that it doesn't violate any law so long as we don't do any hospitalization claim against the company. The hospital have their SOP to protect our confidential medical history. To the extend that we can even choose not to let our parent know about our health condition.

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Guest amidst_the_stars

Regarding this, i have consulted my counsellor. She told me that this is your privacy. You have the right not to disclose any of your personal medical history to anyone. It our right just like other diseases. if you have cancer, you don't need to go around telling others you have cancer.

So long as, all the medical expenditure in future you would have pay on your own and not make insurance claims.

Of course minor consultation with your neighbourhood clinic can claim lah. Nobody will care about that small amount.

Any hospitalisation claim, is definitely a No-No.

Including when we decided to change new job, there isn't a need for us to disclose our medical to the new company that we are going to work with. My counsellor assured me that it doesn't violate any law so long as we don't do any hospitalization claim against the company. The hospital have their SOP to protect our confidential medical history. To the extend that we can even choose not to let our parent know about our health condition.

Ok I see. All the best to you, you are a very courageous man.

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Guest Queries

Regarding this, i have consulted my counsellor. She told me that this is your privacy. .........., there isn't a need for us to disclose our medical to the new company that we are going to work with. My counsellor assured me that it doesn't violate any law so long as we don't do any hospitalization claim against the company. The hospital have their SOP to protect our confidential medical history. To the extend that we can even choose not to let our parent know about our health condition.

Guess all coy hire agreement has clauses for employee to declare their medical history. Of course, anyone can skip some information, however, employer has the right to terminate the employee's contract.

The disadv to HIV patient is as what stated earlier, if u didn't declare, you can't claim and if u need more days for recovery, coy might not grant or understand the situation the patient is going through. Hope the singapore society will gradually reduce this discrimination!

All the best to HIV patients!!!

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Guest Walking Dead

Divine Punishment...Do you belong to a religion?

Is this Catholic/Christian guilt?

When you are ready, feel free to post me a msg. I promise your identity will be safe with me, I won't go back on my word. I really don't know how to console you and your situation really is daunting...But joining Club CG is a good first step.

what's done is done, and though it would be harder for you to find a soulmate who is willing to be with u despite your condition, all is not lost..

What u really need is a support of really gd friends to help u thru this. Sincerely wish you all the best.

Hi Among the Stars, actually no I'm neither Christian nor Catholic, I'm buddhist :P thought not a very religious one ... but I believe in Karma, just that it seem to have fast forwarded somewhat :P I have one friend whom I can talk to, though he's not around that often. I will try Club CG as you and another poster have suggested, so that I can get information about how they do overseas testing and get medication and such. I will take up the your offer some time later on I suppose, thanks again !!

To WalkingDead,

what has happened has happened...it may take u a while to get over it..and there are others who are in a more worst scenario than you...just like this man -

He has no arms and legs, he has more reasons than you to kill himself but he didn't..so are you going to finish strong?

Hi Finish Strong, yes I ahve seen this video before, but I do think the essential difference isthat he was born with it, whereas for me, I "invited" it intentionally or unintentionally by engaging in casual sex and not ensuring that it was 100% protected, although one incident that happened to me wouldn't have helped since the top removed the condom halfway through :(

But I'll try to bear in mind, and treat it as if I got another potentially fatal chronic disease. I guess I'll pray for the world to find a cure in the near future, and try to remain healthy during that time ...

To Walking Dead,

Being HIV+ is not the end for sure, 8 years ago my company invited a lady from CDC came to talk to us about AIDS [it was World AIDS day so my company arranged it] told us that the first AIDS patient in Singapore [not Paddy Chew btw) did not suffer till the last 6 months of his life. Having HIV+ motivated him to lead a more fruitful life as now he knows his time on this earth is limited.

Most of us tends to take what we can't see for granted, with HIV it made him realize every moment is precious.

He sold off his flat, he did part time jobs, he travel the world, he even helped out in CDC.

I have friend whom have syphilis and herpes - these disease in fact is highly transmittable and stay with you for life.

To protect his love ones he only have sex using condoms now.

I have friend whom is a Hepatitis carrier, he also needs to take pre-caution in everything. He doesn't even share food with others because of the condition.

My point is there are a lot of virus around - HIV like Hepatitis B doesn't kill until u reach full blown stage - AIDS or Liver failure.

The most important how u understand and manage the virus and protect your loved ones.

Don't be trap by fear, words or ignorance.

I hope you open your mind and sight, plan your life in a shorter range like maybe 10-20 years time frame to ensure it's all fruitful.

You know time doesn't matter, it's what you do with it which is important.

Hi Ironrod, unfortunately compared to your friend, I hope he is still well cos you seemed to have used the past tenses describing him, but yeah, I don't really have ample financial means right now, and my career in kinda in the lull as well. In short, this news came at a really bad time, hence my confusion and losing desire to continue living. I'm feeling better now, hopefully things will improve. Like my friend told me, the ONLY one who knows so far, "live can only get better from this point" and I really hope so, cos there's not much lower to go, unless I get exposed and my "whole world" knows and ostracise me as a result :P HOpefully that won't happen of cos :D

To 11th Mth Positive, thanks for the reply, I was actually hoping you would since you seem to have share quite a bit about your own personal experiences, which is still very positive sounding and probably what I need right now :) Some metaphoric Positivity and not the medical positivity that we have.

Somehow I missed your reply when I fiddled with the multi-quote, but thanks for the advice and sharing of experiences. I'm glad to know prices of medication has gone down. I can't wait to know my CD4 and Viral load status (sent anonymouly by AFA to SGH) so that I can know when to start on medication. I guess my next step is to find pooling resources to get medication, hwich might help to spread out the costs over a few months instead of having to fork out a large sum in half-yearly (my projection) visits for checkup and buying of medication. Hoping to get more information from the Club Genesis now ... hope it works the way I'm hoping it to work, cos I doubt I want to go to CDC for the medical subsidy unless I'm really really down and out financially ...

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I would suggest that you make an appointment to consult a HIV specialist at the CDC, Tan Tock Seng Hospital. You can call them to make an appointment with a doctor specialising in HIV. He/She will order some blood tests to gauge your CD4 and Viral Load to determine whether it is a good time to start medication. If there is a need to start mediation, the doctor can monitor your reaction towards the medicine as some of these medicine works better for others.

In terms of medication, if you have sufficient funds in your CPF MediSave account, you will be able to use up to $550 monthly to purchase the medication. This will help to ease some of your financial strain.

Let me know if you need more details.

Meanwhile, stay strong and happy. You owe it to yourself to lead a happy and meaningful life. :)

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Guest Walking Dead

I would suggest that you make an appointment to consult a HIV specialist at the CDC, Tan Tock Seng Hospital. You can call them to make an appointment with a doctor specialising in HIV. He/She will order some blood tests to gauge your CD4 and Viral Load to determine whether it is a good time to start medication. If there is a need to start mediation, the doctor can monitor your reaction towards the medicine as some of these medicine works better for others.

In terms of medication, if you have sufficient funds in your CPF MediSave account, you will be able to use up to $550 monthly to purchase the medication. This will help to ease some of your financial strain.

Let me know if you need more details.

Meanwhile, stay strong and happy. You owe it to yourself to lead a happy and meaningful life. :)

Hi HIV, thanks for the note. During myanonymous check, AFA AFA has already helped me to take a sample of my blood to SGH for testing for the CD4 and Viral load. I should know the results before the end of next week. Unfortunately, being the paranoid me, I will rather tory to find out how fellow sufferers get medication from Thailand, as well as to seek treatment there. No mattr what they say, I believe the records are readily available for any government agency to check should they have such a need, especially in cases whereby certain background information is needed of your background etc. in order to assess you.

I heard that there are people who pool together and buy medication from THailand on a periodic basis, and they turns in doing so, hence it helps to even out the travel costs. I'm not sure about the testing that has to be done, but I hope that will only be required every 6 mths or so ... that's partly why I need to have more information to make a judgement call on which way to proceed. If possible I will definitely seek treatment overseas rather than in Singapore ...

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I heard that there are people who pool together and buy medication from THailand on a periodic basis, and they turns in doing so, hence it helps to even out the travel costs. I'm not sure about the testing that has to be done, but I hope that will only be required every 6 mths or so ... that's partly why I need to have more information to make a judgement call on which way to proceed. If possible I will definitely seek treatment overseas rather than in Singapore ...


Yes, there is a reputable pharmacy in Bangkok which you can purchase the medication. But the problem you may face is that you may not know if the medication works for you (if you choose to self-medicate). The medication may pose some side effects such as diarrhea, difficulty getting to sleep, increased cholesterol level, liver problems, etc. It is definitely not advisable to self-medicate. As such, it is better for a doctor (whether locally or overseas) to prescribe the medication and monitor how your body is accepting the medication.

You can rest assure that even if you seek treatment in Singapore, your identity is kept confidential. Even MINDEF will not know of your status unless you choose to declare it for exemption from reservist if you find that you are not able to keep up with the tough reservist training. Under the law, only the spouse (for married couples) will be informed. This is done more for the spouse to go for testing and seek treatment if they are found to be infected as early discovery with medical care can help one to live longer and delay onset of AIDS.

Hope this info helps.

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Guest Walking Dead


Yes, there is a reputable pharmacy in Bangkok which you can purchase the medication. But the problem you may face is that you may not know if the medication works for you (if you choose to self-medicate). The medication may pose some side effects such as diarrhea, difficulty getting to sleep, increased cholesterol level, liver problems, etc. It is definitely not advisable to self-medicate. As such, it is better for a doctor (whether locally or overseas) to prescribe the medication and monitor how your body is accepting the medication.

You can rest assure that even if you seek treatment in Singapore, your identity is kept confidential. Even MINDEF will not know of your status unless you choose to declare it for exemption from reservist if you find that you are not able to keep up with the tough reservist training. Under the law, only the spouse (for married couples) will be informed. This is done more for the spouse to go for testing and seek treatment if they are found to be infected as early discovery with medical care can help one to live longer and delay onset of AIDS.

Hope this info helps.

Hi again :) Thanks for the note, I will try to find out more regarding this. I heard that the entire process should go in tandem with treatment overseas, and buying the medication, so technically the concern of self-medicating should be lower since the doctors should be the ones to help prescribe the medication, but I don't have details on that so I will try to find out more regarding this part. That's partly why I want to join the support group to find out more from the experiences of others. HOpefully some of them might have done it this way as opposed to the CDC route.

I guess I'm paranoid, but I've heard too many horror stories about the abuse of confidential information by the govt (for cases of Voting) so I wouldn't touch them if I had a choice, Think I'll change my nick to Paranoid Walking Dead XD

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Guest Musclebtmchub

To 11 months HIV+

After reading about you, I am very happy that you are very positive and brave. All the best, do take care and excerise too. Love to meet you and give a bear hug....

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Guest Musclebtmchub

To 11 months HIV+

After reading about you, I am very happy that you are very positive and brave. All the best, do take care and excerise too. Love to meet you and give a bear hug....

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Guest Walking Dead

Hi again,

A question to anyone who might have some ideas. Will taking CHinese medication (to strengthen the body constitution) help in my case ? I am currently taking some medication since I find I haev been coming down with flu rather more often recently. That was before the HIV test ... should I continue or stop ? I just don't want to waste my money if there is no use at my current stage since I havne't started taking the medication.

If anyone has an idea do let me know please. I don't think I know how to ask the Chinese Sinseh regarding such things :P

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Guest What u know

Hi again,

A question to anyone who might have some ideas. Will taking CHinese medication (to strengthen the body constitution) help in my case ? I am currently taking some medication since I find I haev been coming down with flu rather more often recently. That was before the HIV test ... should I continue or stop ? I just don't want to waste my money if there is no use at my current stage since I havne't started taking the medication.

If anyone has an idea do let me know please. I don't think I know how to ask the Chinese Sinseh regarding such things :P

From what I know, body immunity is important. If the Chinese medicine did help in your health and less flu, I think u should con't. Reason being ur body immunity increase will reduce the chance and less subjective to attack by virus.

However, western doctor might want you to stop taking Chinese medications once HIV medications started. One of my close friend takes western and Chinese even with TCM and acupuncture for her cancel treatment. however, no side effects should happen, otherwise, u have to take the more important one. Your doctor surely will advise u.

However, I advise u not to take any medicine recmemded by friends or relatives which claims can do wonder.

All the best!!!

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Guest Guest

I would suggest that you make an appointment to consult a HIV specialist at the CDC, Tan Tock Seng Hospital. You can call them to make an appointment with a doctor specialising in HIV. He/She will order some blood tests to gauge your CD4 and Viral Load to determine whether it is a good time to start medication. If there is a need to start mediation, the doctor can monitor your reaction towards the medicine as some of these medicine works better for others.

In terms of medication, if you have sufficient funds in your CPF MediSave account, you will be able to use up to $550 monthly to purchase the medication. This will help to ease some of your financial strain.

Let me know if you need more details.

Meanwhile, stay strong and happy. You owe it to yourself to lead a happy and meaningful life. :)

there is also Dr TT Tan at SGH clinic A who is from the infectious disease dept.

And if you are worried over the cost of medication, you can always switch to the generic version of the meds which is cheaper and equally effective. If you go thru CDC etc, they cannot sell you generics and then original ones cost a bomb.

also join Club CG and be active in the group. Every quarter you can apply for the Paddy Chew subsidy. But if you are already under the CDC subsidy, then you will not be eligible for this one.

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Guest Walking Dead

From what I know, body immunity is important. If the Chinese medicine did help in your health and less flu, I think u should con't. Reason being ur body immunity increase will reduce the chance and less subjective to attack by virus.

However, western doctor might want you to stop taking Chinese medications once HIV medications started. One of my close friend takes western and Chinese even with TCM and acupuncture for her cancel treatment. however, no side effects should happen, otherwise, u have to take the more important one. Your doctor surely will advise u.

However, I advise u not to take any medicine recmemded by friends or relatives which claims can do wonder.

All the best!!!

Hi What U Know,

THat's what I thought too, but I'm worreid in case there are some side effects. THe thing is the Chinese Sinseh did ask me if I am taking other medication on a long term basis previously. Maybe that might mean that she has some concerns, so I don't really know how to broach the subject to her :( Maybe I will continue taking until I start treatment and medication perhaps ...

there is also Dr TT Tan at SGH clinic A who is from the infectious disease dept.

And if you are worried over the cost of medication, you can always switch to the generic version of the meds which is cheaper and equally effective. If you go thru CDC etc, they cannot sell you generics and then original ones cost a bomb.

also join Club CG and be active in the group. Every quarter you can apply for the Paddy Chew subsidy. But if you are already under the CDC subsidy, then you will not be eligible for this one.

Hi Guest,

To be honest, I'm a bit paranoid about visiting doctors in Singapore as I do not want to have a record in CDC. I know it's unfounded but I'm still worried. My intention is to try to find out how to get treated overseas and buy generic medication from Thailand to cut down on the cost.

I have written to Club CG, just got an initial reply from one of the coordinators. Now I'm waiting for a reply from the organiser of Club CG and see how I can participate and get the information about treatment and costs, so I can see which option to take. If it's very very troublesome for me to seek treatment oversesas, or very expensive, then I will consider going to CDC, else seeking treatment overseas will still be my first choice.

Thanks again to both of you for the advice. If anyone else knows more information, please do share with me, thanks again !!

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To those who are HIV+ve:

If you r not feeling wellor need some prayers or encouragement, pls drop in so whoever chance upon you posting can project good healing energy towards you. This will definitely boost your immunity. Thanks.

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Hi Guest,

To be honest, I'm a bit paranoid about visiting doctors in Singapore as I do not want to have a record in CDC. I know it's unfounded but I'm still worried. My intention is to try to find out how to get treated overseas and buy generic medication from Thailand to cut down on the cost.

I don't think you are being paranoid.

I think you should do whatever's natural and comfortable to you.

Remember, you know best. But do research more before committing to anything.

Arm yourself with knowledge and information. That way, you can get the best treatment for yourself.

Try www.thebody.com.

They say it has the best info on HIV related data and questions. BEST of wishes.

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if u get it, u get it.

if u don't get it, u don't get it.

No, no, no.

Please do not have that kind of blasé attitude.

You can protect yourself.

It doesn't mean you should refrain from having sex altogether. But the experts are not wrong in that you should have one permanent sex partner who is completely healthy. And even then, you should always, 100% use protection.

You can make a difference.

And if you happen to be infected, it's okay. Lead a full and active life. Work and play hard, enjoy life. Everyone has to go one day. You can be knocked down by a bus while crossing the road or get washed away during a tsunami while overseas. My point? Life is short? So enjoy and be safe. Earn good merits but protecting yourself and others.

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Guest Walking Dead

I don't think you are being paranoid.

I think you should do whatever's natural and comfortable to you.

Remember, you know best. But do research more before committing to anything.

Arm yourself with knowledge and information. That way, you can get the best treatment for yourself.

Try www.thebody.com.

They say it has the best info on HIV related data and questions. BEST of wishes.

Hi Superflawless, thanks for the note. Yes, I'll try to find out as much information as possible first before making a decision. The fact-finding process has not been as fast as I'd hoped for now, but I will try to find out more and get the information as soon as possible so that I can make a decision, hopefully the "best" possible for me based on my current situation. Thanks again and enjoy your weekend !!

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Hi there, I'm new to Blowing Wind and I'm new to HIV/Aids as well, having only been recently diagnosed, my life is undergoing changes but I'm glad to say that I'm doing well and staying strong. As the days move on and I'm slowly but surely coming to grips with this new turn in my life, nothing and yet everything seems changed. I mean physically I look and feel fine. You can never tell that I am poz+ but somehow I feel that it has changed my life forever. So here I am seeking someone who is like me, who knows what I'm going through, or empathizes with me, to bravely walk down this new, strange road together. No man is an island. Everybody need somebody else. Whether it is just a person to talk to or a shoulder to lean on because heavens know we all need that, I'm simply reaching out....and seeing who's out there. Friendship. Camaraderie. Love. Yours truly.

Only to lie like this between the bombs, dreaming away and not alone, because time was very short.

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Hi there, I'm new to Blowing Wind and I'm new to HIV/Aids as well, having only been recently diagnosed, my life is undergoing changes but I'm glad to say that I'm doing well and staying strong. As the days move on and I'm slowly but surely coming to grips with this new turn in my life, nothing and yet everything seems changed. I mean physically I look and feel fine. You can never tell that I am poz+ but somehow I feel that it has changed my life forever. So here I am seeking someone who is like me, who knows what I'm going through, or empathizes with me, to bravely walk down this new, strange road together. No man is an island. Everybody need somebody else. Whether it is just a person to talk to or a shoulder to lean on because heavens know we all need that, I'm simply reaching out....and seeing who's out there. Friendship. Camaraderie. Love. Yours truly.

Hi Avecinfuser, I'm in the same shoes as you are, having been diagnosed recently as well. I can't profess to know exactly how you feel since our situation might be different, but at least we're more or less in the same small boat out in the vast ocean :) I'll drop you a PM and we can talk further perhaps.

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Hi Avecinfuser, I'm in the same shoes as you are, having been diagnosed recently as well. I can't profess to know exactly how you feel since our situation might be different, but at least we're more or less in the same small boat out in the vast ocean :) I'll drop you a PM and we can talk further perhaps.

Hey WD, yeah let's talk further. I've already replied to your PM. Being overly morbid scares me, so I try and look at the brighter side of life. I hear that your mental and overall outlook can affect your health as well. Thinking and worrying too much or stress can make you sicker faster as well. Stay strong and chin up!

Only to lie like this between the bombs, dreaming away and not alone, because time was very short.

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Hi HIV, thanks for the note. During myanonymous check, AFA AFA has already helped me to take a sample of my blood to SGH for testing for the CD4 and Viral load. I should know the results before the end of next week. Unfortunately, being the paranoid me, I will rather tory to find out how fellow sufferers get medication from Thailand, as well as to seek treatment there. No mattr what they say, I believe the records are readily available for any government agency to check should they have such a need, especially in cases whereby certain background information is needed of your background etc. in order to assess you.

I heard that there are people who pool together and buy medication from THailand on a periodic basis, and they turns in doing so, hence it helps to even out the travel costs. I'm not sure about the testing that has to be done, but I hope that will only be required every 6 mths or so ... that's partly why I need to have more information to make a judgement call on which way to proceed. If possible I will definitely seek treatment overseas rather than in Singapore ...

Apologies, just as a clarification, in case some people might read what I have wrote preiously and gotten a wrong idea ... I realised that the followup blood thest that was done in AFA was just a confirmation test. They do a test called Western Block, which helps to confirm the test to ensure that the tester is really tested positive. It does not provide you with the CD4 or viral load information. That will have to be done separately, as a registered patient.

there is also Dr TT Tan at SGH clinic A who is from the infectious disease dept.

And if you are worried over the cost of medication, you can always switch to the generic version of the meds which is cheaper and equally effective. If you go thru CDC etc, they cannot sell you generics and then original ones cost a bomb.

also join Club CG and be active in the group. Every quarter you can apply for the Paddy Chew subsidy. But if you are already under the CDC subsidy, then you will not be eligible for this one.

To HIV, I have tried regarding your suggestion in the last paragraph, but somehow I have not been very successful in that aspect. I will see how it goes from there ... hopefuly I will be able to get more information elsewhere ...

To my Mysterios Advisor, I'm not sure if you wil want me to acknowledge your help here. Thanks so much for all the information and encouragement that you have given. I wll work on the information and hope to get the logistics done as soon as possible. I will hang around on MIRC, Do drop by if you're free to chat OK ? Thanks again !!

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Guest 11th Month HIV+

Apologies, just as a clarification, in case some people might read what I have wrote preiously and gotten a wrong idea ... I realised that the followup blood thest that was done in AFA was just a confirmation test. They do a test called Western Block, which helps to confirm the test to ensure that the tester is really tested positive. It does not provide you with the CD4 or viral load information. That will have to be done separately, as a registered patient.

To HIV, I have tried regarding your suggestion in the last paragraph, but somehow I have not been very successful in that aspect. I will see how it goes from there ... hopefuly I will be able to get more information elsewhere ...

To my Mysterios Advisor, I'm not sure if you wil want me to acknowledge your help here. Thanks so much for all the information and encouragement that you have given. I wll work on the information and hope to get the logistics done as soon as possible. I will hang around on MIRC, Do drop by if you're free to chat OK ? Thanks again !!

Haha! Of course you can acknowledge. Please carry on the positive forces to encourage many many who are thinking of committing suicide due to HIV.

You are welcome! Its my pleasure and honor to those who read my posting a year ago, though it isn't something we should be happy about, but hey look... We won't die! Hehe...

It was unintentionally but yet I am glad my true encounter encourages others who are newly diagnosed HIV+ and changes their mindset.

May the force be with you guys "HIV+", you really can lead a better life by thinking positively. Hugs.

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