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All About Hiv / Aids Discussion + I Suspect I Might Have Hiv Symptoms + Hiv Medication Prep + I Tested Positive (Compiled)

Guest breakboy

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it's a choice thing, guess you are in quite a bit of dilema

you see, you scared you will be expose?

you don't see, you will remain worried?

well, think of the consequences

if you see, what if it is really STDs, how will you feel? (at least you see a doc early)

what if there's nothing wrong, how will you feel? ( relieved)

if you dun see,

what if it's really STDs, how will you feel? ( should have see a doc earlier)

what if there's nothing wrong, how will you feel? (the past few days of worries is so silly)

reason out the pros and con and see which one is more important to you.

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I think it is a good idea to have a list of companies which do HIV testing as part of their pre-employment check. I know that most medical personel are subjected to it. I also know of

1) Flight attendants for most flight companies

2) Keppel offshore marine

(Please add on....if you know of)

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  • 3 weeks later...


Got sucked off by someone in may. Without a condom. I didn't suck him. What are the chances for HIV?

Google is ur best friend. Please do some homework and go and find out more about how HIV can be transmitted, instead of worrying yourself sick for something you did that you cannot change.

You might also want to read up about Sexually Transmitted Infection(STI) discussion page. http://www.blowingwind.org/forum/index.php?showtopic=22635&st=150&p=289663&hl=+contract%20+diseaseentry289663

Edited by GachiMuchi
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Google is ur best friend. Please do some homework and go and find out more about how HIV can be transmitted, instead of worrying yourself sick for something you did that you cannot change.

You might also want to read up about Sexually Transmitted Infection(STI) discussion page. http://www.blowingwind.org/forum/index.php?showtopic=22635&st=150&p=289663&hl=+contract%20+diseaseentry289663

So yes or now? Should be worried?

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So yes or now? Should be worried?

one of the symptoms of hiv is a loss of brain function eg thinking and language.

if you are unable to understand gachimuchi, you need to be worried sick.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...
Guest Guest

i really really am supposed to be studying for tomorrow's history quiz but I just chanced upon this informative video on Youtube. I am not sure if this has been touched on before, but I think this topic deserves to be rehashed for the sake of educating the public and more specifically, the gay population.


The video features Dr Robert Wilner injecting himself with the HIV virus in a bid to prove that the virus is basically harmless and does not cause AIDS as claimed by the pharmas. He also mentions that the drug, AZT, that is supposedly meant to 'control' HIV is responsible for causing AIDS.


Is HIV-AIDS the scam of our generation?




(Disclaimer: I hold no responsibility for any side-effects resulting from the discontinuation of antiretroviral drug therapy. Proceed at your discretion. I am just a regular bystander that wants to know the truth. I do not consume AZT nor am I HIV-Positive. Take care :))

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Guest Guest

 based on wiki, he died of heart attack the next yr...so cant prove if HIV is harmless or not


but I doubt so. it sld be HARMFUL ...just look at Africa w infected not having medication also died

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 based on wiki, he died of heart attack the next yr...so cant prove if HIV is harmless or not


but I doubt so. it sld be HARMFUL ...just look at Africa w infected not having medication also died


lol i dont think you watched past the 10-second mark did you? because he specifically said that the leading causes of AIDS, in his professional opinion, are malnutrition ONE, drugs (recreational and 'therapeutic') TWO and radiation THREE. 


however, I do agree with you though when you said that its hard to prove whether HIV is harmless or not because he died of a heart attack the following year. I'm not trying to get all conspiracy theorist on you but we all know the biggest pharmas wield tons of power both over the table and under the table, so your guess is as good as mine when it comes to what exactly OFF-ed him. 


Just so you know, he wasn't alone in this. His sentiments were also echoed by Peter Duesberg, a preeminent cell biologist at  Berkeley. You can view his website here: http://www.duesberg.com/ 

Edited by slut
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  • 3 weeks later...

rapid weight loss

profound and unexplained fatigue


IF only got 2 symptoms still counted ? 


This could also be hepatitis...


Nowadays, people rely too much on internet and self diagnosis. If you don't feel well, if someone came into your mouth, if whatever.... just go to a doctor!!!


Anonymous test at the AFA in Singapore. Use them, go ask them questions! That's what they are here for, they are not there to judge you.


If you are really infected by an STDs, the earlier you know it, the better. It will keep you from infecting others!

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  • 5 months later...

Yup, Azimuth is right.  I'll be merging your question to the Compiled discussion.

Click Here To Visit My Blog @ "The Blessed Life"

*Let me live my life to be an instrument of 'Love', in how I speak and in how I see others*

- May there be Love and Peace beyond all understanding -

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Guest Exfoliator

Hi All


I would like to know the risk of me contracting HIV.


I have always been a top, and used condom all the time.

However, with an exception of 3 times over the past 1 year, I penetrated the btm 3-4 strokes in his ass without using a condom.  I did it to get him 'opened up'.  After these few pushes in him, I would then put on a condom and did the rest.  Just a prelude before anal sex.


I know I need to get tested to get an answer.   But I would like to seek views on the risks and likelihood of contracting HIV based on these experiences. Thanks.

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Hi All


I would like to know the risk of me contracting HIV.


I have always been a top, and used condom all the time.

However, with an exception of 3 times over the past 1 year, I penetrated the btm 3-4 strokes in his ass without using a condom.  I did it to get him 'opened up'.  After these few pushes in him, I would then put on a condom and did the rest.  Just a prelude before anal sex.


I know I need to get tested to get an answer.   But I would like to seek views on the risks and likelihood of contracting HIV based on these experiences. Thanks.


The answer is: yes, you put yourself at risk.


So go get tested. It's that "easy" of an answer.


Some people do it bb many times and get catch anything, some do it just that one time, maybe, as you said, just 2 or 3 strokes inside to "play" and got infected.

All you need is a conjunction of all favourable factors to get infected.... 


So, for yourself and for all your future partners, go get tested but you will have to do it again about 3-4 months AFTER what happened. If you just did it, it might not be detectable yet. 

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  • 10 months later...

NUS guy here. I had two sexual partners (not safe). I am so regretting now. How? I have some symptoms of HIV. 

I am so remorse now. I don't know what to do now. Gosh, pls kill me. Why am I so smothered by the sex fire, libido.I am really depressed. 



First, don't worry yourself sick for nothing. Go and get yourself tested instead of second guessing about the symptoms.  You can only be certain after taking the HIV test. 


Go for the anonymous testing.  http://www.blowingwind.org/forum/index.php?showtopic=2752&p=709655


HIV is not a death sentence.


I am sure there are many that would be able to offer help you when you need it.


Most importantly, is not to do any silly things by harming yourself.

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Hi! First thing get a HIV screening. That will smother all your worries and fears. Most prob ure alright :)

HIV is a chronic disease. W good medication people living w HIV can still have good life expectancy and quality of life.

I'm an NUS grad, got infected by my only bf. but that doesn't stop me from enjoying what I do, marathons, gym, music.

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my friend say all FT are free from HIV cause every year when they renew their work permit they must  go through  blood test. The one that are at high risk are the tourist and   local ones when it is  not a must to do such test unless  some symptom appear at their affected areas that they will need  do a blood test urgently.So he say can pump those FT without worry.

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Hi All


I would like to know the risk of me contracting HIV.


I have always been a top, and used condom all the time.

However, with an exception of 3 times over the past 1 year, I penetrated the btm 3-4 strokes in his ass without using a condom.  I did it to get him 'opened up'.  After these few pushes in him, I would then put on a condom and did the rest.  Just a prelude before anal sex.


I know I need to get tested to get an answer.   But I would like to seek views on the risks and likelihood of contracting HIV based on these experiences. Thanks.


i feel that its very low almost zero because its just 3-4 strokes unless god loves u so much to be with him in heaven now.

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Hi! First thing get a HIV screening. That will smother all your worries and fears. Most prob ure alright :)

HIV is a chronic disease. W good medication people living w HIV can still have good life expectancy and quality of life.

I'm an NUS grad, got infected by my only bf. but that doesn't stop me from enjoying what I do, marathons, gym, music.


How did you manage to maintain such positive attitude?

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From what I read and what I understand, TOP has lesser chance to be infected by HIV. Especially if you are TOP and you are sure that you are HIV -, it's less likely you will get infected. However, you may still get infected if the BOT is HIV + and has an open wound or somehow there is a bodily fluid contact between you two. As a rule of thumb, always assume that your sex partner is HIV +, that way you will think twice before doing anything.

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Guest Raiden Alpha

Some things I find that are too vague or unnecessary in HIV topic discussions.


Just print out how much is the monthly medical cost for HIV medications in Singapore if people got it.

I want to know and everyone want to know too.

Everyone know Aids/HIV is now almost a chronic illness that can be manage by medicine. I say almost because it is still infectious that's why it can't be classified strictly as a chronic disease.

It is the high medical costs that is more scary than the sickness itself for the public.

There is no cheap or free healthcare for aids/HIV patients in this country and insurance does not cover it too.

Why is that so?

Someone should shoot a query to MOH.


Just go for a HIV blood test at any clinic and hospitals that are able to do it.

Why need to actively emphasis on going for anonymous testing?

If one really got it one will eventually still need to see a doctor for treatment and the status will be known to health board anyway.

Maybe I am the more open minded kind of guy when it come to my outlook on life/death/social issues.I don't see a need to give stigmas/unnecessary rigid or secretive protocols to addressing a problem.

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PrEP is a method to prevent HIV infection for those who don't have HIV by taking oral medication. Truvada, used for HIV treatment, has been approved and used in the U.S. as PrEP for two years. In July 2014, WHO published HIV/AIDS guidelines that includes recommendation of PrEP for people who have substantial risk of getting HIV.




Do the things at which you are great, not what you were never made for.”

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What will be happened if permanenant resident is diagonised HIV+? And how about the foreigner who is just converted to Singapore citizenship?


Dr Tan's website is generally a wonderful resource on HIV in Singapore.


Here's a post related to your concerns:



From the comments:


That is a very good question. PRs will not be deported. Obviously the PR will also not be renewed. What I am unsure of is whether or not the re-entry permit will be revoked. I have not been able to get a straight answer for this and no one has dared to test this theory.



If you are worried about the repercussions, then GO FOR ANONYMOUS TESTING, which is, well, anonymous. No identifying data will be collected.

Edited by wheeze
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my friend say all FT are free from HIV cause every year when they renew their work permit they must  go through  blood test. The one that are at high risk are the tourist and   local ones when it is  not a must to do such test unless  some symptom appear at their affected areas that they will need  do a blood test urgently.So he say can pump those FT without worry.




All I can say is, all the best to your friend. :)


One year window is a long time. Anything can happen. How many of those FTs would have done it raw with tourists in saunas (for example) in the span of 1 year?

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All I can say is, all the best to your friend. :)


One year window is a long time. Anything can happen. How many of those FTs would have done it raw with tourists in saunas (for example) in the span of 1 year?

Agreed.  Should always have protected sex at all times, FT or otherwise.

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  • 2 months later...

Anyone can help me:


What is the difference between anoymous testing for AIDs, and normal testing like in a govt polyclinic?


B it annoymous or not, the doc and the receptionist clearly see your face(+ recorded in surveillance cam), so why do we need to do it annoymously?


If a polyclinic knows you contracted AIDs, are they going to write to your co. /work place or report to police?

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Anyone can help me:


What is the difference between anoymous testing for AIDs, and normal testing like in a govt polyclinic?


B it annoymous or not, the doc and the receptionist clearly see your face(+ recorded in surveillance cam), so why do we need to do it annoymously?


If a polyclinic knows you contracted AIDs, are they going to write to your co. /work place or report to police?


I believe Oogachaga will be able to help you with your questions.


I'm sure they will respond here very soon, and if they don't (which is quite unlikely), you can always give them a call to clarify.

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Anyone can help me:


What is the difference between anoymous testing for AIDs, and normal testing like in a govt polyclinic?


B it annoymous or not, the doc and the receptionist clearly see your face(+ recorded in surveillance cam), so why do we need to do it annoymously?


If a polyclinic knows you contracted AIDs, are they going to write to your co. /work place or report to police?

Dear Lovehandle,


Anonymous testing is you do not have to give your real name. When tested and if found positive, you will not be reported to the Ministry of Health.


At a govt polyclinic, it is obligated to report your status and name to the Ministry of Heath if found positive. After that, the MOH will inform your company that among its employees, someone is positive. No name is being disclosed to the company. No police will be involved as it is not a criminal case.


Hope this will help to ease some of your concerns. If not, you can always check with Action for Aids for more information. :)

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Oh i see ...i cannot imagine if there are many sissies/gay-like colleagues in certain industry/co.s , that co. will hve a hard time identifying who is one who has aids!

How about some clinics who are doing non-annoymous testing, they will also report to MOH? oh dear....

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