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All About Hiv / Aids Discussion + I Suspect I Might Have Hiv Symptoms + Hiv Medication Prep + I Tested Positive (Compiled)

Guest breakboy

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The MOH should put up the list of HIV carriers name and photos in the newspaper so as to warn others.

Human rights.. my frd... Think we ought to be more understanding to other people's feeling.. We are adults and we know the risks involved, therefore if you want to go for unprotected sex. Then be prepared to face the risk of contracting AIDS. :angry:

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Guest Guest
The MOH should put up the list of HIV carriers name and photos in the newspaper so as to warn others.

Human rights.. my frd... Think we ought to be more understanding to other people's feeling.. We are adults and we know the risks involved, therefore if you want to go for unprotected sex. Then be prepared to face the risk of contracting AIDS. :angry:

Then at least the MOH should tatooed "HIV+" on all the backside of HIV carriers lika cattle as a warning to others. Whats the point of contact tracing (like during SARS)on those infected. Of course, nobody will admit to it, right?

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It's the same as tatooing a "Gay" word on your hand if you are a gay. Then in this case, it will be easiler for the government to identify us as gay.

How about tatooing a "dengue" on people with Dengue fever..

We are humans not animals.. Will you like it if i forcefully tatoo something on you.

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Then at least the MOH should tatooed "HIV+" on all the backside of HIV carriers lika cattle as a warning to others. Whats the point of contact tracing (like during SARS)on those infected. Of course, nobody will admit to it, right?

Sounds a lot like the Nazis forcing the Jews to wear "Star of David" armbands to identify them as Jews, and tattooing Jews and gay men with serial numbers when they were imprisoned in the concentration camps.

Public identification of HIV+ persons without their consent is a violation of the basic human right of privacy.

"I look upon those who would deny others the right to urge and argue their position, however irksome and pernicious they may seem, as intellectual and moral cowards."

-- William E. Borah

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BTW, contact tracing IS effective. Even if the person being contacted does not readily admit to having had sex with someone who has tested positive for HIV, human nature being such, it would be logical to expect that more often than not, the person being contacted would fear for his own life, and so eventually consent to being tested for HIV himself.

"I look upon those who would deny others the right to urge and argue their position, however irksome and pernicious they may seem, as intellectual and moral cowards."

-- William E. Borah

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Public identification of HIV+ persons without their consent is a violation of the basic human right of privacy.

There is no such human right of privacy under Singapore law.

Under the Infectious Disease Act, medical practitioners are compelled to release to the Government the identity of any patients who are diagnosed as HIV+ except for patients who have taken an anonymonus HIV test.

There is nothing in law to limit the goverment from sharing this information with other governmental bodies eg immigrations, home affairs etc. If you are PR, there is nothing to stop the government from revoking your exit permit. Your application to be a teacher or any other civil service job may be rejected for no given reason. Your actions may be monitered by the police if they suspect you of wilfully spreading HIV.

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Public identification of HIV+ persons without their consent is a violation of the basic human right of privacy.

There is no such human right of privacy under Singapore law.

I am well aware that Singapore law has no provision for the protection of an individual's right to privacy. It just goes to prove what most people have been saying about our government - that it does not respect the human rights of the individual.

"I look upon those who would deny others the right to urge and argue their position, however irksome and pernicious they may seem, as intellectual and moral cowards."

-- William E. Borah

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Actually the weighoff is not that simple. A lot of countries have similar notification provisions, for example the US. Balacing the individual's right to privacy.. is society's right to know his HIV status. I'm sure a lot of us here want to know if the guy we just fxxked is honest about being HIV negative. It has to be a very fine line.

[EDIT]Oops.. spoke too soon. The Government has just tabled a bill to extend compulsory notification to various other diseases incl cancer. No details have been released on how patient confidentiality will be addressed. This is ominious..


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Actually the weighoff is not that simple. A lot of countries have similar notification provisions, for example the US. Balacing the individual's right to privacy.. is society's right to know his HIV status. I'm sure a lot of us here want to know if the guy we just fxxked is honest about being HIV negative. It has to be a very fine line.

I agree there is a fine line between respecting the individual's right to privacy and doing everything necessary to protect society at large from the harm that may come from someone knowingly and irresponsibly spreading a disease that he is infected with.

But let us think for a minute if the proposed drastic means used (public identification of HIV+ infected persons without their consent) actually justify the ends (protection of society at large), and whether the intent to protect society from being harmed is a far greater moral good to uphold than the good of protecting or preserving an individual's privacy, his dignity, his good name and social standing.

Yes, we can all agree that for the greater good of society at large, we should protect it (society) from irresponsible individuals that would knowingly do it harm. But on the other hand, to go to the extreme length of publicly identifying individuals who merely have the potential to do harm, but who have yet to go about deliberately infecting others with disease, can we truly say such a drastic measure is justified to serve the ends? And also, what of the great cost to the individual, when his dignity and perhaps even means of self-support and shelter (jobs and house) are taken away from him, not because he has gone about deliberately infecting others, but simply because he has only been identified as being HIV+ and so has the potential to infect others? Just read the real story of a man (see another thread in this forum) who was wrongly identified as being HIV+ and the discrimination he suffered as a result, and you'll begin to see my point.

Yes, society has the right to protect itself. But, ideally, it should not be done at the expense of an individual's inalienable right to self-preservation, of which, the right to privacy is a part of.

"I look upon those who would deny others the right to urge and argue their position, however irksome and pernicious they may seem, as intellectual and moral cowards."

-- William E. Borah

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Guest Guest
Which sauna did he go, hope not in Singapore.

Maybe should isolate all HIV/AIDS in Palau Hantu (like lepers) or send a death squad after them to make them disappear mysteriously? How about locking them up in a prison/cave/well or something? or parade them during National Day? Any other suggestion? Since the stigma is so bad for the general public, why not? to gain vote for the Minister in charge.

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Maybe should isolate all HIV/AIDS in Palau Hantu (like lepers) or send a death squad after them to make them disappear mysteriously? How about locking them up in a prison/cave/well or something? or parade them during National Day? Any other suggestion? Since the stigma is so bad for the general public, why not? to gain vote for the Minister in charge.

Replace HIV/AIDS with "non-heterosexuals".

Now suddenly YOU are in such limelight. Would YOU like it that way?

If you got nothing nice to say, SHUT UP. If you can't shut up, my cock can shut it up for you.

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  • 5 weeks later...
Can hiv virus enter your body through scratched skin?

Seriously, the best place you can get a satisfactory answer is a link to :

http://www.dsc-sexualhealth.com.sg/ by submitting your question there as similar question has been answered there over and over again. Anyway, I hope my answer satisfies you :

HIV is spread by exchange of bodily fluid via

- unprotected anal, vaginal sex

- contaminated blood transfusion or organ transplantation

- untreated HIV+ mother to foetus

- breastfeeding by HIV+ mother

If the scratched skin is

- broken ... then risk is increased

- extensive ....then the risk is increased

If the person has

- poor health ...then the risk is increased

If a specimen of HIV+ infected fluid (assuming it is semen) cums onto the scratched area based on the above scenario, then the risk is increased if

- HIV viral load of that semen is high

It is still best to do a blood test within 1-3 months for confirmation.

Actually what is the point of knowing "what ifs" because it will make you more anxious. Just pray and do a blood test in 1 to 3 months' time which will give you a definite answer.


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  • 11 months later...
Guest Shy one

Just curious. Is it likely that people who has the very gay look and seem desperate during cruising has high chance that they are HIV carrier, while those shy shy type and dare not look straight into others face are the more decent and less likely to be HIV carrier? I have encountered people who were so desperate and even tried to follow you even when you "siam" him and shoo him away. He is the type that even when offering him a swine he will also screw type...so is he more likely to be HIV carreir?

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You can't tell from their behaviours. As far as I know, anyone that cruises could be carriers cause they probably have multiple partners.

Anyway, a desperate screwer who practises safe sex is likely not to have it compared to a shy shy type who does barebacking.

Edited by busted79
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Just curious. Is it likely that people who has the very gay look and seem desperate during cruising has high chance that they are HIV carrier, while those shy shy type and dare not look straight into others face are the more decent and less likely to be HIV carrier? I have encountered people who were so desperate and even tried to follow you even when you "siam" him and shoo him away. He is the type that even when offering him a swine he will also screw type...so is he more likely to be HIV carreir?

theorectically speaking, ppl who r high cruisers tend to be in higher risk of HIV but there r some who are so suay that first sex kenna hiv....

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The best strategy is to always assume the other person is HIV+ and take precautions. As soon as you start assuming the other person is negative then you could be tempted to take risks. Remember a lot of HIV infections happen with people who don't know they have it. Just because someone says they are negative, even if they believe its true, doesn't mean that they are. Always play safe.

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Guest person

HIV is simply a disease. Anyone can catch the common cold bug. Anyone can catch the HIV bug. Attaching all this drama and emotion to who looks or doesn't look like a carrier, who is likely or more unlikely to catch the disease is silly. It is simply a scientific fact that HIV transmits through the exchange of bodily fluids, it really doesn't matter if one acts bold or shy when cruising.

Anyone can be infected. All you need is one dodgy encounter. Perhaps your ONS partner was so hot you threw caution to the wind and let him do it to you bareback. Perhaps you thought you had safe sex but he took off the rubber when you were lying face down. Perhaps you both made sure the condom was on before commencing anal sex but when you went to the loo afterwards to poo out the lube, out came the condom with it.

With HIV, the problem is social stupidity more than the actual germs and symptoms. All this tiresome drama and hysteria. It really isn't the end of the world if you get it anyway you know, provided you get it detected early and dealt with. Not so very long ago, syphillis was considered a death sentence. Hopefully in the future, HIV will be relegated by medical science to just another pesky STD that a trip to the clap clinic will sort out. But until that day comes, just make sure you wrap it up in latex (and make sure it is the type that is ok for anal sex, not just the super-thin ones that are only good for vaginal sex). And go for the screening at DSC twice a year because it really is better to know whatever the result may be.

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Guest BAF8CF
HIV = human immunodeficiency virus, not a disease

Guest, of course we are know HIV stands for humandeficiency virus, not a disease. What Person has written is excellent and you are just trying to act smart by being technical about the terminology HIV. I sometime also use loosely HIV is a disease because we all know we actually mean HIV infection is disease.


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When I first met my hubby, he fxxked me with condom on. Than one of those nights, he screwed so hard that the condom came out without us knowing. When he climated, I felt a warm sensation flowing into my ass and we realised he cummed inside me. Thereafter, we went for check up and both of us were negative. Since then, he started to screw me bareback, no more condom and he enjoy getting raw with me...hmmm :lol:

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Guest person

Disease (according to dictionary.com): noun a disordered or incorrectly functioning organ, part, structure, or system of the body resulting from the effect of genetic or developmental errors, infection, poisons, nutritional deficiency or imbalance, toxicity, or unfavorable environmental factors; illness; sickness; ailment.

HIV is the acronym for Human Immunodeficiency Virus. It is a sexually transmitted disease.

Sex is a risk, both physical and psychological, under any circumstances. Using a condom greatly decreases the physical risk. What practices one chooses to indulge in is down to personal choice. Admittedly, sex feels much nicer sans condom. The heightened risk also leads to heightened enjoyment in both the physical and psychological sense.


Even if you're in a monogamous relationship, it would be wise to keep going for the twice-yearly screenings for STIs. I'm sure your bf is faithful to you and you to him, so you both are going to stay HIV negative as long as you're together. However, life is complex, so one should always guard against the unexpected.

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Guest WakeUp


Just because I praise you for your write up and you get so big-headed. I refer to your sentence below :

HIV is the acronym for Human Immunodeficiency Virus. It is a sexually transmitted disease.

Please note that you are wrong technically ...... HIV is not equalled to STD

HIV is the name of the retrovirus.

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The scary disease going about in the gay scene here of late is not so much HIV which always has been around, but more of the rise of HPV. Apparently HPV is so prevalent, and many gay people have it and are not even aware of it. Plus HPV has multiple strains and among gay men, anal warts is one of the most common manifestations.


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Guest person

Just because I praise you for your write up and you get so big-headed. I refer to your sentence below :

HIV is the acronym for Human Immunodeficiency Virus. It is a sexually transmitted disease.

Please note that you are wrong technically ...... HIV is not equalled to STD

HIV is the name of the retrovirus.

Corrected I stand.

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Guest what it is
Just curious. Is it likely that people who has the very gay look and seem desperate during cruising has high chance that they are HIV carrier, while those shy shy type and dare not look straight into others face are the more decent and less likely to be HIV carrier? I have encountered people who were so desperate and even tried to follow you even when you "siam" him and shoo him away. He is the type that even when offering him a swine he will also screw type...so is he more likely to be HIV carreir?

Yea, HIGH CHANCE THAT cruisers with gay look and seem desperate are definitely HIV carriers. With respect to that...the following is also true :

1. HIGH CHANCE THAT cruisers without gay look and shy are definitely not HIV carriers...feel free to go totally unprotected with them

2. HIGH CHANCE THAT guys who wear red, like red because they are violent

3. HIGH CHANCE THAT gals who have long hair are more vain than those with short hair because they keep long hair

4. HIGH CHANCE THAT people who drive more expensive cars are proud and trying to show off

5. HIGH CHANCE THAT people who are poor are stingy and miserly and are not happy

And last of all, HIGH CHANCE THAT you are trying to stereotype too many things...If you think what I have just said (items 1-5) sounds reasonable, then HIGH CHANCE THAT you will also think your views in stereotyping those cruisers are true....then HIGH CHANCE THAT you need to broaden your mind a little more....

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Studies in sociology show that guys who are manly, good looking, discreet, clean looking, and the most attractive have the HIGHEST CHANCE of being HIV Positive or infected with any other STD. Gays nowadays are crazy about these types of guys (guys with muscles and behaving manly) and everyone in the gay scene is just trying so hard to be as discreet, good looking, and manly as possible because they know that they'll have more appeal to other gays if they project such image. The more appeal a guy has, the more chances of having a lot of sexual encounters. The more sexual encounters, the more chances of being exposed to diseases. Ugly gays or those who are quite flambouyant, filthy-looking, or poor are usually deprived with sex as no other guys would love to have sex with them. Singaporeans are becoming more particular to good looks when choosing a partner and they tend to become too picky. They will never invite an ugly gay for sex, right? Everyone hopes to have good sex ONLY with the most attractive. The conclusion is, chances for good looking gays of having a disease is VERY HIGH as they have high frequency of sexual encounters and exposure to different viruses and bacteria. So be careful, think twice...and never use a person's appearance as gauge for saying that he has a sexually transmitted disease. After all, the sensation of our penises inside a mouth or anus is the same regardless whether the owner of the mouth or anus is handsome or ugly, stocky or skinny, flambouyant or discreet, and clean or filthy.

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Guest DarkKnight
Studies in sociology show that guys who are manly, good looking, discreet, clean looking, and the most attractive have the HIGHEST CHANCE of being HIV Positive or infected with any other STD. Gays nowadays are crazy about these types of guys (guys with muscles and behaving manly) and everyone in the gay scene is just trying so hard to be as discreet, good looking, and manly as possible because they know that they'll have more appeal to other gays if they project such image. The more appeal a guy has, the more chances of having a lot of sexual encounters. The more sexual encounters, the more chances of being exposed to diseases. Ugly gays or those who are quite flambouyant, filthy-looking, or poor are usually deprived with sex as no other guys would love to have sex with them. Singaporeans are becoming more particular to good looks when choosing a partner and they tend to become too picky. They will never invite an ugly gay for sex, right? Everyone hopes to have good sex ONLY with the most attractive. The conclusion is, chances for good looking gays of having a disease is VERY HIGH as they have high frequency of sexual encounters and exposure to different viruses and bacteria. So be careful, think twice...and never use a person's appearance as gauge for saying that he has a sexually transmitted disease. After all, the sensation of our penises inside a mouth or anus is the same regardless whether the owner of the mouth or anus is handsome or ugly, stocky or skinny, flambouyant or discreet, and clean or filthy.

Have you been to a sauna where horny men just grope in the dark room and grab and eat whatever forbidden fruits .....Here you can find many ugly men with big tools

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Studies in sociology show that guys who are manly, good looking, discreet, clean looking, and the most attractive have the HIGHEST CHANCE of being HIV Positive or infected with any other STD. The more appeal a guy has, the more chances of having a lot of sexual encounters.

So from the sociological point of view, those hunky manly guys who look straight and discreet are quite likely to be infected with STD or even HIV. Quite an interesting research and logically, it may be true too as they tend to be more popular and sought after. Hence, it means it will be more dangerous to have any liaisons with them. But most gays tend to like such guys and more likely to be infected too :(

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So from the sociological point of view, those hunky manly guys who look straight and discreet are quite likely to be infected with STD or even HIV. Quite an interesting research and logically, it may be true too as they tend to be more popular and sought after. Hence, it means it will be more dangerous to have any liaisons with them. But most gays tend to like such guys and more likely to be infected too :(

That is correct. Just be more careful having sex with cute, hunky, manly, and discreet guys as they are most likely exposed to sexually transmitted diseases due to frequent sexual encounters.

We've also conducted our own independent research on men to men sexual behaviors for our consumer research while developing new STD drugs. Trust me, I am from the medical industry and most of the gays with STD & HIV whom I've interviewed here in Singapore are probably the few of the most good looking people in this country. They always tell me that when you have the face, the body, and the masculinity; it is always easy to get sex from everyone, anywhere, anytime...depending on their desires. Since they are more marketable and pleasing to other gays, they've become more exposed to diseases...It could be better having sex with ugly, feminine type of gays sometimes as their chances of getting STD or HIV could be lesser. But of course, don't trust anyone...Always practice safe sex...even by doing oral sex as herpes, syphilis, genital warts, gonorrhea, and chlamydia are transmitted through oral sex...

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To add to what patisoy has said about "..face, the body, and the masculinity...", let me add that being young or cute also has its charm to expose the person to higher risk.

I know of an ITE student having three in one (HIV, Syphilis and Herpes) when he is only 18 years old.

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Always practice safe sex...even by doing oral sex as herpes, syphilis, genital warts, gonorrhea, and chlamydia are transmitted through oral sex...

So from what I have gathered based on your research on gay people, even oral sex is very dangerous despite many people saying that oral sex is ok. Hence better to abstain from sex just in case you get any sex diseases like herpes, syphilis, genital warts, gonorrhea, and chlamydia ? These diseases, though may not be as lethal as HIV, but will stay with the person for life? :(

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Guest Wake Up
So from what I have gathered based on your research on gay people, even oral sex is very dangerous despite many people saying that oral sex is ok. Hence better to abstain from sex just in case you get any sex diseases like herpes, syphilis, genital warts, gonorrhea, and chlamydia ? These diseases, though may not be as lethal as HIV, but will stay with the person for life? :(

From your reply, it shows that you have lack of knowledge on sexually transmitted infections. It seems that there are many people here who are naive and ignorant of how sex diseases are spread either from mouth, anal, or penis. No wonder diseases are still growing.

May I suggest people to read something about sex diseases in www.dsc-sexualhealth.com or call the hotline from www.afa.org.sg

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Guest GoodMan
Are you guys saying that if one wears a condom when he fxxks even indiscriminately, then he will hence then be protected from catching hiv?

Unfortunately, it is true that guys who are promiscuous and have to fcuk often are fortunately protected by condom, though it is not 100%. I wish men are monogamous and able to enjoy raw sex with his love one but this privilege seems to be lost ....

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Unfortunately, it is true that guys who are promiscuous and have to fcuk often are fortunately protected by condom, though it is not 100%. I wish men are monogamous and able to enjoy raw sex with his love one but this privilege seems to be lost ....

I think it is quite difficult to find a man who is monogamous. Even if he is now, he may have several partners before.

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Guest person
Studies in sociology show that guys who are manly, good looking, discreet, clean looking, and the most attractive have the HIGHEST CHANCE of being HIV Positive or infected with any other STD. Gays nowadays are crazy about these types of guys (guys with muscles and behaving manly) and everyone in the gay scene is just trying so hard to be as discreet, good looking, and manly as possible because they know that they'll have more appeal to other gays if they project such image. The more appeal a guy has, the more chances of having a lot of sexual encounters. The more sexual encounters, the more chances of being exposed to diseases. Ugly gays or those who are quite flambouyant, filthy-looking, or poor are usually deprived with sex as no other guys would love to have sex with them. Singaporeans are becoming more particular to good looks when choosing a partner and they tend to become too picky. They will never invite an ugly gay for sex, right? Everyone hopes to have good sex ONLY with the most attractive. The conclusion is, chances for good looking gays of having a disease is VERY HIGH as they have high frequency of sexual encounters and exposure to different viruses and bacteria. So be careful, think twice...and never use a person's appearance as gauge for saying that he has a sexually transmitted disease. After all, the sensation of our penises inside a mouth or anus is the same regardless whether the owner of the mouth or anus is handsome or ugly, stocky or skinny, flamboyant or discreet, and clean or filthy.

It is a fact that the higher the number of encounters a person has, the more likely he is to become infected. Of course, the hot ones are innundated with offers for sex. However, don't forget that the ugly ones can simply pay money, hire a rent boy or "masseur" and have lots of sex too (if they can't afford Singapore prices, there is always JB where everything is on permanent 50% discount). Good-looking gay men are a minority, so they are well aware of their market value: i.e. they usually have a sense of QC and won't do it with most of the un-hot majority. Also, some beautiful guys are trapped in their loveliness: they are so gorgeous that instead of inspiring lust in others, they inspire feelings of inadequacy such that less hot guys are too intimidated to solicit sex from them (witness the solitary male supermodel, forever wandering the maze of the now-defunct TC, pure and untouched, scaring off those of the lesser looks).

That evens the playing field when it comes to whether the Hotties or the Notties have a higher chance of catching HIV.

The trouble with sex with hot guys is, it is much easier to lose control and throw caution to the wind. It happens, we are only human. Still, it makes sense to have sex only with hot guys. Since you really never can tell who is going to give it to you, it might as well be from somebody hot.

I'd like to be able to say that there is really more to life than fxxking but in all honesty, life really is too short.

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