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All About Hiv / Aids Discussion + I Suspect I Might Have Hiv Symptoms + Hiv Medication Prep + I Tested Positive (Compiled)

Guest breakboy

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We all know for HIV we can go to kelantan lane, AFA to check. How about STD? Like a full body check for such illnesses, where can we go for an anonymous check? However it is also mentioned that STD symptomps usually surface by the 8th week. Is this true?

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We all know for HIV we can go to kelantan lane, AFA to check. How about STD? Like a full body check for such illnesses, where can we go for an anonymous check? However it is also mentioned that STD symptomps usually surface by the 8th week. Is this true?

Some STDs, like Chlamydia, has no visible symptoms in men. You cannot tell that you have it or is a carrier unless you have the tests done.


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Guest Happylark

then just dont sleep with random oafs?

it's pretty sad that the gay culture is abt sleeping with one another. granted, the heteros do it too, but proportionately, almost all gays sleep with multiple partners while heteros sleep with their gf/wife.

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Some STDs, like Chlamydia, has no visible symptoms in men. You cannot tell that you have it or is a carrier unless you have the tests done.

Can you tell me where I can get STD tests done? How much does it cost?

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Guest Concerned Guest

I think the best is to abstain from sex if possible. Otherwise, do less dangerous sex like mutual jo to minimise risk as you never know whether your partner has any disease or not. Also, good looking well-built, healthy-looking guys may have HIV or STD if they do not exhibit any symptom yet.

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Yes I am already abstaining from sex, and I will continue to do so even after my test.

Even though I've never done Anal, but it's still worrying... Anyone got anything else to share?

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Guest Respond to Guest

If you are extremely worried and cannot wait till the window period is over to do a further HIV anitbody test, you may want to consider doing a test that test for HIV viral load. For this you can do the test before the window period is up, but I think it will cost a lot more.

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Guest Kind Guest

I can understand your concern about catching HIV after a sexual experience. Like you, I did not do anal sex but somehow, I still feel worry as anything can happen. Finally, I just abstain from sex and just DIY :( but then, I dont feel worry anymore. It may sound paranoid but somehow, I always feel uunsafe having casual sex as I dont know much about the other person. Hope you are fine!

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Guest Ironrod

What happen to the old fashion way of dating, falling in love then sex?

I am not saying doing the above prevent you from HIV or other diseases but at least it's a process of knowing somebody, feeling safe and secure.

The reason most of you is having this worries becos you are playing with the unknown.

Unlike old times, these days there are various methods in knowing somebody of our own kind.

Sex should not be the primary motive in making new friends right?

Get your mind-set right and you should have nothing to fear.

To tell ppl not to have sex at all is plain silly.

We are human, sex is part of our life.

Most important is know whom you have sex with and do it the safe way.

Just like Franklin D. Roosevelt quote "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself."

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Thanks everyone for your advices and words.

I guess I can only wait, wait and wait in fear from now till my window period is over?

I will be going for one or two tests in between now since MTV has issued the card too...

Can only hope that I pass all the other tests like my first test after my first month exposure.

But if there's anyone who wants to share HIV stories, fears and experiences please do so :)

Thank you all!

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Passed my 2nd month test :)

Counsellor told me that I'm in the low risk group and have nothing much to worry about since I've only done oral :)

Last test coming up in 2 weeks time!


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Passed my 2nd month test :)

Counsellor told me that I'm in the low risk group and have nothing much to worry about since I've only done oral :)

Last test coming up in 2 weeks time!


DEPENDS hor mister................

if you have a cut in your gum or in your throat area you can't see, then the HIV carrier's precum or cum gots into your mouth, LOTS TO WORRY ABOUT.


the guy could be HIV-, but if he has OTHER STDs, some can still pass to you UPON CONTACT, no need cuts

Either you asked the wrong question, or the Counsellor is DUMP loh

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Thank you for your... advice?

I do know that the window period is three months.

If I am negative after three months, I suppose that it is safe enough to conclude that I have am HIV-

And I am aware of STDs, so far (10th week now) I've not had any visible symptoms for STDs, but I will be going for full STD health test that I hope that more people could inform me about.

Heard that DSD Clinic have offers such tests but it is not anonymous?

Sorry but I feel that your post was rather... discouraging. Definitely I would trust what the counsellor tells me because he is the more experienced one.

He didn't say that I was negative. He said that I was in the low risk group. Neither did I mention that I was 100% negative.

Nevertheless, thank you for making the effort to post.

I'll be sure to test again at my 3rd month.

Make sure you test for HIV too.

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Sorry if you feel that way - I am not trying to be discouraging but neither should I be "encouraging" when information is incorrect or incomplete. It can be misleading to other readers.

I made my point in your earlier posting. In your latest one:

You wrote:

...If I am negative after three months, I suppose that it is safe enough to conclude that I have am HIV-

There is a condition - provided you don't have sex (protected sex still possible just lower risk) during this period.

I have come across many people who didn't understand this point.

You wrote:

And I am aware of STDs, so far (10th week now) I've not had any visible symptoms for STDs, but I will be going for full STD health test that I hope that more people could inform me about.

Take a look at this site : My link Just a few lines lifted from the site:

CHLAMYDIA - Symptoms often unnoticeable.

*It is possible to have GONORRHEA without symptoms.

GENTIAL HUMAN PAPILLOMAVIRUS - Usually No visible signs of symptoms.

HERPES - Some people have no visible symptoms

You wrote:

Heard that DSD Clinic have offers such tests but it is not anonymous?

I am not sure, just call them and ask. Make sure you ask them if not anonymous, what is the CONSEQUENCE? Are they going to report to CDC and keep track of you? Inform your parents, employers or what. I heard if you check at private clinics, they have to inform CDC if you are +ve. But I am not affirmative on this.

You wrote:

Sorry but I feel that your post was rather... discouraging. Definitely I would trust what the counsellor tells me because he is the more experienced one. He didn't say that I was negative. He said that I was in the low risk group. Neither did I mention that I was 100% negative.

I am not cursing you or hoping that you contract anything. In fact I hope there is NO STD for promiscuous sex and no one will get it. I am NOT for the thinking that STD is a punishment and promiscuous people deserve it.

You wrote:

Make sure you test for HIV too.

Don't gloss your bitchiness with an apparently sweet line, I don't have to do the test.

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Sorry if you feel that way - I am not trying to be discouraging but neither should I be "encouraging" when information is incorrect or incomplete. It can be misleading to other readers.

I made my point in your earlier posting. In your latest one:

You wrote:

...If I am negative after three months, I suppose that it is safe enough to conclude that I have am HIV-

There is a condition - provided you don't have sex (protected sex still possible just lower risk) during this period.

I have come across many people who didn't understand this point.

You wrote:

And I am aware of STDs, so far (10th week now) I've not had any visible symptoms for STDs, but I will be going for full STD health test that I hope that more people could inform me about.

Take a look at this site : My link Just a few lines lifted from the site:

CHLAMYDIA - Symptoms often unnoticeable.

*It is possible to have GONORRHEA without symptoms.

GENTIAL HUMAN PAPILLOMAVIRUS - Usually No visible signs of symptoms.

HERPES - Some people have no visible symptoms

You wrote:

Heard that DSD Clinic have offers such tests but it is not anonymous?

I am not sure, just call them and ask. Make sure you ask them if not anonymous, what is the CONSEQUENCE? Are they going to report to CDC and keep track of you? Inform your parents, employers or what. I heard if you check at private clinics, they have to inform CDC if you are +ve. But I am not affirmative on this.

You wrote:

Sorry but I feel that your post was rather... discouraging. Definitely I would trust what the counsellor tells me because he is the more experienced one. He didn't say that I was negative. He said that I was in the low risk group. Neither did I mention that I was 100% negative.

I am not cursing you or hoping that you contract anything. In fact I hope there is NO STD for promiscuous sex and no one will get it. I am NOT for the thinking that STD is a punishment and promiscuous people deserve it.

You wrote:

Make sure you test for HIV too.

Don't gloss your bitchiness with an apparently sweet line, I don't have to do the test.

Firstly, I have never liked the idea of coming into forums and having a heated argument over who is right and who is wrong.

I apologize for my last statement.

Secondly, I am well aware of how HIV spreads, and how the window period works.

And because I am aware of the fact that I have to abstain from sex during this period, I have not engaged in any activity ever since my exposure two months ago.

I know of the risks that I face, and of course I know that the 2nd month test is not conclusive. That is why I mentioned that I have another test to go for.

The only reason I felt that your post was more... discouraging is because you started off with "Depends hor mister" It made me feel as though I am unclear of what I am facing.

And if someone who is already experiencing enough stress and anxiety, your tone and the way you phrased your words aren't exactly nice to hear.

Thirdly, it is because I do know that there are certain STDs that do not develop symptoms, and therefore I mentioned that I will be going for full STD health test.

I've discussed with the AFA counsellor about HIV and STDs.

I thank you for your information and advice about the DSC Clinic. And I sincerely hope that whatever unhappiness generated from the above discussion ends here.

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Firstly, I have never liked the idea of coming into forums and having a heated argument over who is right and who is wrong.

I apologize for my last statement.

Secondly, I am well aware of how HIV spreads, and how the window period works.

And because I am aware of the fact that I have to abstain from sex during this period, I have not engaged in any activity ever since my exposure two months ago.

I know of the risks that I face, and of course I know that the 2nd month test is not conclusive. That is why I mentioned that I have another test to go for.

The only reason I felt that your post was more... discouraging is because you started off with "Depends hor mister" It made me feel as though I am unclear of what I am facing.

And if someone who is already experiencing enough stress and anxiety, your tone and the way you phrased your words aren't exactly nice to hear.

Thirdly, it is because I do know that there are certain STDs that do not develop symptoms, and therefore I mentioned that I will be going for full STD health test.

I've discussed with the AFA counsellor about HIV and STDs.

I thank you for your information and advice about the DSC Clinic. And I sincerely hope that whatever unhappiness generated from the above discussion ends here.

from what i read on a website previously, HIV / STD only transmitted during kissing, if both of the guy are having SEVERE ulcer or cuts in their mouth. the word is 'severe'. same for bj. and u see in queers as folk, michael always kiss his hiv positive bf.

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Secondly, I am well aware of how HIV spreads, and how the window period works.


Since you are so "well aware", there is no need to get agitated when I put the statements into perspective, added more info to inform other readers right?


The only reason I felt that your post was more... discouraging is because you started off with "Depends hor mister" It made me feel as though I am unclear of what I am facing.


I see a lot of "I"..."I"...."I", ok I get it, if I hurt your ego.........I told you I am not directing at you (err...."I" that is).


And if someone who is already experiencing enough stress and anxiety, your tone and the way you phrased your words aren't exactly nice to hear.


Next time tell us how "you" "expect" us to phrase? We should all revolve around you......


Thirdly, it is because I do know that there are certain STDs that do not develop symptoms, and therefore I mentioned that I will be going for full STD health test.


ok you know it all, so maybe next time all of us just keep quiet and hear you teach. Sorry har mister, I small kid don't know the world lah, offended you. :( :( :(


I sincerely hope that whatever unhappiness generated from the above discussion ends here.


I wasn't and am not unhappy leh, maybe I should be the one saying this line since you are unhappy?

I will stop posting on with regards to this. Sorry har mister.

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Guest UseCondom

It's Never Just HIV



Unprotected sex holds special risks for MSM, and the reasons are partly biological. Rectal tissue tears more easily than vaginal tissue, enabling HIV to pass readily between partners if one is infected. Rectal tissue also is more permeable than vaginal tissue, meaning that HIV can be absorbed into the body even when the tissue is intact. To make matters riskier, HIV is more prevalent in the MSM community than in other parts of the population – meaning that any given encounter is more likely to result in exposure


TNP Dec 01, 2010 AIDS day cover story

Party Poser I: Poly Boy hit by virus suspects lover (who is young and look healthy flight attendant) infected him intentionally

At 18 Party Mad

At 20 HIV Misery with min spent sgd 230 a month for the drug


Young Gay Men At Increased Risk Of HIV Infection

Mon, 13 Dec 2010 08:00:00 +0100 | Health News from Medical News Today

Compared with older men who have sex with men (MSM), those aged under 35 years are more likely to have never previously been tested for HIV, more likely to report not knowing the HIV status of regular partners, and more likely to report inconsistent condom use with casual and regular partners, according to a study published in the Medical Journal of Australia... (Source: Health News from Medical News Today)


28 Nov 2010 ... .The number of reported new HIV infections in Singapore was 373 in the first 10 months of 2010 and the government expects the total number of cases this year to be close to the 463 reported in 2009.

Of the 169 cases investigated about 60 percent were in the late stage of infection, the Ministry of Health said in a statement on its website yesterday. More than 90 percent of the infected were male, the government said, adding that sexual contact remains the main mode of HIV transmission.

The remaining 204 cases are still being investigated, it said.


Related News:Health Care .Men Account for 90% of Singapore's New HIV Cases as 2010 Tally Reaches 373

To contact the reporter on this story: Shamim Adam in Singapore at sadam2@bloomberg.net

So DONT BE YAYA PAPAYA IF U R GOOD LOOKING and YOUNG, it can be u are infected but unaware


Always use Condom, at least it is a layer of protection, BEST dont change partners frequently!

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Guest adjacent Ateogell

Yep its never just HIV, yet all your examples are HIV. Irony.

I hate how the advertisement contains only males, stereotypical directors.

Didnt u see they show other diseases followed if u had HIV? the horrible image of anal cancer ...

anyone had it before? the anal part look so horrible, is that really can be worse like that?

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Guest serious

I think it must be known that apart from those ppl who unknowingly have HIV and are spreading it around, there are a few guys who are alledged spreading their virus by hooking up on trevvy. Do you have the mental capacity to comprehend the gravity of this issue?

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I think it must be known that apart from those ppl who unknowingly have HIV and are spreading it around, there are a few guys who are alledged spreading their virus by hooking up on trevvy. Do you have the mental capacity to comprehend the gravity of this issue?

Just as an FYI, and it has been a trend here, albeit a small one, a group of gays call themselves bug chasers. They knowingly go after only HIV+ men and have unprotected sex with them in hopes of getting infected. No idea why they do it, but they exist. See Wiki entry on it.


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Guest BugChaser

Just as an FYI, and it has been a trend here, albeit a small one, a group of gays call themselves bug chasers. They knowingly go after only HIV+ men and have unprotected sex with them in hopes of getting infected.

Nothing wrong to be HIV+, one still can live happy ....

Just the Western view make it so big case ....

what do u think about him?

If u met him at sauna will u let him fxxk u bare back?





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Guest BugChaser



More about him

My name is: Wirastra Pamungkas. It’s adopted from the ancient Java language (Sansekerta). Wirastra was formed from the word: wira (warrior) and the word rastra (race/ethnic) and Pamungkas means (the ultimate). My mid name is Yogie. It’s after the famous cartoon character: Yogi Bear.

Anyway... you can call me “Yogie”…. Simple!

I’m an Aquarius, was born in February, 16th 1982. Been in radio business for seven (7) years.

I love my work and more I love people who love my work, who ring me before, during and after the show… ha ha ha… Thanks everyone! ...I’m 168cm, 52 kg. Has no muscular body (maybe have a little bit.. ha ha), just like this! Slim… average…. I have three (3) brothers and they’re all taller then me. Mostly over 175cm…

People said that I have good sense of humor… better you meet me in person to find out more :)

I like to listen to the music (obviously), I like nature, traveling, movie, hang out with friends, and being social.

I am major in Public Relation, two years work on real estate business on selling and consulting. I like computers including it games.. ha ha (but not a game to some one else's life)

I expect my life to be simple but valuable.


Story have not yet end ....

He is HIV+

It was a double blow for 20-year-old Yogie Wirastra who found out he was HIV-positive shortly after his boyfriend was killed in a traffic accident. That was eight years ago and for many years he did not tell anyone about his infection until four years ago when he finally told someone – a close friend.

But his live go on for years .... so HIV+ didnt mean end of the world

Interview with Fridae

æ: When did you test positive for HIV?

Yogie: In 2002 when my partner died in a traffic accident. It was revealed that he had pneumonia and the doctor suspected he had HIV. I got tested three months after the funeral.

æ: Did you share the news of your initial positive test result with someone?

Yogie: No. I felt ashamed, lost and sad. I thought sharing the test result might worsen my situation. It took me almost four years to finally tell someone about my status. It was my close friend, and he tried his best to accept it in his own way. Last month, I disclosed my status about being gay and HIV+ to my father.

æ: Has your HIV status changed your sex life significantly? If so, how?

Yogie: Yes, for over four years, I lost my sexual desire to the extent of avoiding any sex-related discussion and potential situations. After I had finally reached out to join a support group in 2007, I began to feel better about myself, and enjoy meeting people although still not comfortable with engaging in sexual activities with anyone. It took me another couple of years to finally enjoy sexual pleasure.

read more http://www.fridae.com/newsfeatures/2010/12/17/10451.positive-voices-yogie-wirastra

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Guest kissingcanspreadhiv


That article is quite long, so i only quote a little important paragraphs from that article.

I practiced safe sex.

I was too smart to ever contract HIV! I knew everything there was to know about safe sex. My partner of 13 years was HIV Positive when we met, and I considered it a challenging situation, but nothing we couldn't handle. I loved him and that was the bottom line.

Safe sex is sometimes tedious and boring and lacks the spontaneity that puts the "zip" in any relationship. But we never did anything proven to be "unsafe." We took the risk with oral sex because it seemed worth it, and we rationalized that we had never seen a pxxn star wearing a condom for a fellatio. I think we were in sync with just about all the couples we know. We also never allowed the act to come to completion in a way that exchanged any body fluids.

But, I still contracted HIV.

About two years ago, I got very tired and felt very sick. My doctor sent me for a cardiac stress test which I could not finish because I could not breathe. She gave me every blood test possible, except for an HIV test, until she ordered one as a last resort-- a shot in the dark! I was getting those about every eighteen months at the anonymous clinic nearby. When her office called to tell me that I had to come in to discuss some test results, I had a fairly good idea what was coming. She bopped into the room, told me it was a positive and gave me the name of an infectious disease doctor. The following Monday I was admitted to the hospital with very few t-cells and a high viral load. I was feeling horrible and weak and generally rotten. In the emergency room, I realized I was getting extraordinary care, many blood tests and lots of strange (yet kind) looks from the nurses and doctors who scrambled about. I was admitted with a diagnosis of pneumocystis carinii pneumonia and spent the following two weeks hooked up to IV tubes and getting numbers drugs and having no appetite or interest in anything. It really had not sunken in.

How Did I Get "It"?

So, how did I get "it"? What happened? No one is supposed to ask the question, but we have to ask it of ourselves. I progressed unusually quickly and baffled all the experts. On really analyzing the history of my progression, I realized that I did get the virus from my husband, but in one of the most boring and unexpected ways possible. I had been having oral surgery on a regular basis, and blood from his saliva was transmitted to the minor tears in my gums during simple kissing. Not the "go for the tonsils" kind of thing, but simple kissing!

So guys, from now on, BEWARE!!! Even simple kissing is proven to be able to spread HIV, let alone unprotected oral sex. I don't think I need to mention unprotected anal sex. Better to just have one regular partner (and still use condom all the time), or abstain from sex.

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Guest kissingcanspreadhiv

And i should probably add that the author of this article, RJ Kowalik is an openly-gay journalist and gay rights activist, so I don't think he has any reason to make up this story. So, be safe guys!

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Guest Happylark

i not out to contradict the thread starter; kudos to promoting abstinence and fidelity.

BUT, when it comes to convincing people, you need credibility; else you gonna get a counteracting outcome.

I'm pretty sure they taught basic comprehension in Primary school, but nonetheless, this particular case in point was the first case discovered in the US's CDC if i aint wrong. It was a big controversy then; alas to be debunk thereafter. Everyone gotta understand that, thought the HIV virus can be present in bodily fluid like saliva, sweat and semen, they are often in low concentration. So low it cant infect a normal person with perfect healthy complete epithelium.

However, if trace amount of blood gets into these fluid, for instance, a cut in the oral cavity or lips introduces blood into the saliva, it greatly increases the concentration of the virus.

Also, if there's any cuts/tears found in the other receiving person i.e cut in the mouth, ulcers, one big hole from tooth extraction, tear in anal canal after penetration, you're introducing a point of entry for the HIV virus. Hence, the infection.

The article clearly mentions that:

1) there was blood.

2)there were tears.

It didnt just happen from pure simple kissing which you're suggesting.

No offence there, but I think advocating of safe sex should be done by the AFA practitioners / health practitioners / someone who really knows his stuff. Else, people whom the message is intended for will be laughing their asses off.

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Note that what he mentioned is BLOOD FROM his husband's saliva which maybe from open cuts inside his husband's mouth

Sounds like you should qualify the conclusion.

Blood transfusion, however slight, during kissing can transmit HIV.

Kissing alone is not enough to pass HIV.

Thank-you for your panic ridden statement.

Could you move to another controversial topic? Like how Kinsey says everyone in the world is gay?

"Kinsey says everyone has homosexual tendencies in various degree. YOU'RE ALL GAY!!!" ~ from some kid I overheard in a KFC.

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There may be some truth in the story but such theory can only be trusted if cerify by a doctor.

what a contradiction.

and in your first post you said

"So guys, from now on, BEWARE!!! Even simple kissing is proven to be able to spread HIV, let alone unprotected oral sex. I don't think I need to mention unprotected anal sex. Better to just have one regular partner (and still use condom all the time), or abstain from sex. "

Shouldn't that be certified by a doctor as well?

"Kinsey says everyone has homosexual tendencies in various degree. YOU'RE ALL GAY!!!" ~ from some kid I overheard in a KFC.

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what a contradiction.

and in your first post you said

"So guys, from now on, BEWARE!!! Even simple kissing is proven to be able to spread HIV, let alone unprotected oral sex. I don't think I need to mention unprotected anal sex. Better to just have one regular partner (and still use condom all the time), or abstain from sex. "

Shouldn't that be certified by a doctor as well?

Are you confused or am I reading wrongly? I'm not the guy who posted that sentence underline. Plus cant you read the MAY from my sentence....duhzz

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Are you confused or am I reading wrongly? I'm not the guy who posted that sentence underline. Plus cant you read the MAY from my sentence....duhzz

My Bad. Jerking off ruins my eyesight. But i's worth it :P

"Kinsey says everyone has homosexual tendencies in various degree. YOU'RE ALL GAY!!!" ~ from some kid I overheard in a KFC.

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Guest Happylark

You dont need a doctor to certify that HIV can be transmitted by unprotected oral sex, unprotected anal sex. and keeping to one partner, practising abstinence does lower the risk. this is common sense.

if you need certification, then hey, i'll risk my future reputation at stake then.

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Guest kissingcanspreadhiv

ok2, i admit was wrong, i should have written KISSING A MAN WHO HAD A BLODDY WOUND INSIDE HIS MOUTH WHILE YOU YOURSELF ALSO ARE HAVING OPEN CUTS INSIDE YOUR MOUTH instead of SIMPLE KISSING. Are you happy with it now, MR Eddy??

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You dont need a doctor to certify that HIV can be transmitted by unprotected oral sex, unprotected anal sex. and keeping to one partner, practising abstinence does lower the risk. this is common sense.

if you need certification, then hey, i'll risk my future reputation at stake then.

No don't really need a doctor to prove for oral sex.

but we're talking about simple kissing.

what's your opinion of that?

"Kinsey says everyone has homosexual tendencies in various degree. YOU'RE ALL GAY!!!" ~ from some kid I overheard in a KFC.

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ok2, i admit was wrong, i should have written KISSING A MAN WHO HAD A BLODDY WOUND INSIDE HIS MOUTH WHILE YOU YOURSELF ALSO ARE HAVING OPEN CUTS INSIDE YOUR MOUTH instead of SIMPLE KISSING. Are you happy with it now, MR Eddy??

We'll if you're not happy, you don't have to apologize.

Just like you don't have to go a simple kiss with your partner for the rest of your life for fear of contracting HIV.

Good job!


"Kinsey says everyone has homosexual tendencies in various degree. YOU'RE ALL GAY!!!" ~ from some kid I overheard in a KFC.

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