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Gay Cruise @ Malaysia Swimming Pool

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11 minutes ago, CummySeeker said:

X panas konek mak ko? Sape panas setan?Oh melayu ropenye... Ingat anjing kurap cina jugak atau paria mana xdi... Ayat power mcm graduate dari oxford...  Siapa kat sana sini nih telorrr??? ko ingat aku cina tua bodoh tu ke terhegeh hegeh jap kt jb n kl... Seronok si konek batu api? Aku kalau sangap pon xde ler condem org mcm ko sakai! Ko ingat lawak ke setan??? Ape motif ko? Laga laga kn org, berani kt sini bleh lar, cuba face 2 face, x lobang pantat ko?? Setidak babi aku pon laku, semua admire n petik jari aku nk dapat dgn tahap lejen aku kt sini, yg kesiannye ko, gersang syok sendiri tau nok dh level premature, nama profile pon dh laju ke jahanam tau... dh maluuu xbleh api2kn org nk gadoh2 dh lerr, blajo lg ye bdak care2 nk buat havoc, x laku n letop larrr... Kesian sangattt... 😝

Sorry to ask...is this getting racial?

Looking for Lean twin bottom.. Only clean safe discreet fun

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On 1/17/2020 at 8:15 PM, aelwaien said:

Amazing swimmer at CW today


Wow! saw this chub during my trip to KL Chin Woo pool in Dec 2019! he wears also a ear ring or nipple ring! maybe he's a regular there! aiyo! he doesn't feel shy displaying his butt even though there are family and kids around!

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25 minutes ago, Justben said:

You should shower nakedly there, for sure can get something 😏

Wasn't he naked?..or he wore a flower to cover his cock??...🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Looking for Lean twin bottom.. Only clean safe discreet fun

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39 minutes ago, zoldyck said:

I want to take some video of me and my partner doing sex in shower room cubicle at cw. But want help from someone there to take it for me.

Can the "someone" also join in?... LOL

Looking for Lean twin bottom.. Only clean safe discreet fun

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3 hours ago, CummySeeker said:

Sape bdak skang? Stupid kurap dog, keep barking for oldman cock wanna talk like a big mafia? Shit la bdak, sakai g laju ke jahanam kn snang? Dh kalah ngaku je lah, x payah nk royan lbih tunjok macho bsor telor ko tuh... Aku mmg dh tua pon sbb tu aku bela yg tua2 ni nok. Ko tuh g skolah abes dulu nk jd kybord warrior, baru dtg game sini ok??? Kncing brsepah lg ade hati nk royan, gi sunat dulu lpas tu try lancap, speed ke x? Dsar sangap konek tua! Dh dh la munafik dgn kencing kuat ko tuh?... Nk game lg? Silakn... Kn TGuy... 😝

Sori...sori... Dun drag me into this.


I am here with hope to find a lean bottom buddy to suck me dry..... LOL.... LOL.... lol

Looking for Lean twin bottom.. Only clean safe discreet fun

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