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Have You Hit On/being Hit On Someone In Public?


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An interesting incident happened to me in the cinema earlier on.

Random guy: Are you watching The Hunger Games?

Me: Maybe...why?

Random guy: Well, I have an extra ticket and my friend is not coming. If you don't mind, we can watch it together. *grins sheepishly*


I think he's a real life Barney Stinson. 


Awww... thats so cute. Hope you said yes cos it was worth a try and that you had coffee after. Let us know if things develop :).

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Well, I was actually waiting for my friend to watch that movie together. The disappointment on his face when I turned down his offer was heartbreaking. Still, I got his number. I applaud for his bravery.

Awww... (number 2) re comment on heartbreaking but it looks like there is light at the end of the tunnel meaning you dont find him unattractive so perhaps there is, similar to the continuation to Hunger Games, a continuation to your and his story :)

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At Sitex last Saturday evening, when me & my bf walked past a certain IT company.


Sales guy: Sir, hv anyone told u b4 tat u looked like donnie yen?


Me: Oh?  Emmm, quite a few.


Sales guy: Wait, can I tell me colleague who is a fan?


Me: Emm...


Sales guy: Nvm.  Can I take a pic with u tgt to show her?


Me:  :)


I walked away quickly after the pic was taken with the sales guy but no number was exchanged.  And my bf continued to grin openly at me for the rest of the day.  :)

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Thats so sweet!  Why is mine always about sex!



Him (in hushed tone) : Hi! Can I have your number?


Me: Why?


Him : Come to my hotel? Quick, my wife is coming...


I turned and walked away.  I found that really really rude.  The arse was middle eastern tourist, I reckon.

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At Sitex last Saturday evening, when me & my bf walked past a certain IT company.


Sales guy: Sir, hv anyone told u b4 tat u looked like donnie yen?


Me: Oh?  Emmm, quite a few.


Sales guy: Wait, can I tell me colleague who is a fan?


Me: Emm...


Sales guy: Nvm.  Can I take a pic with u tgt to show her?


Me:   :)


I walked away quickly after the pic was taken with the sales guy but no number was exchanged.  And my bf continued to grin openly at me for the rest of the day.   :)


Now I'm curious about your look. I find Donnie Yen extremely good looking.

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Well, I was actually waiting for my friend to watch that movie together. The disappointment on his face when I turned down his offer was heartbreaking. Still, I got his number. I applaud for his bravery.

Haha, u can watch the movie with ur friend n him lor. :P




Spend time counting your blessings,

not airing your complaints.

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Now I'm curious about your look. I find Donnie Yen extremely good looking.

Haha, it is just like this is the first time in life tat someone, a total stranger,come forward to hit on me.  So it really make my day.  :)


I myself dun feel tat I looked like him or looked as handsome as him.  :)


Yes, every person's definition of handsome is definitely different.  Haha.

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Waaa u people get hit on so explicitly.

Me usually more subtle, don't know if I am imagining.

Like many times strangers will talk to me while at hawker centre. I paiseh also must politely make small talk. It's unusual because Singaporeans are supposed to be shy. I can sense they are interested but maybe I think too much.

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example of thinking too much (aka 臭美)

handsome man: Hi (smiling) .....

You: yes ..... what you want from me? (heart racing rapidly, face red red)

handsome man: uncle, you want sign Singtel broadband or not ?

You: 死夭寿吖 call me uncle some more

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Waaa u people get hit on so explicitly.

Me usually more subtle, don't know if I am imagining.

Like many times strangers will talk to me while at hawker centre. I paiseh also must politely make small talk. It's unusual because Singaporeans are supposed to be shy. I can sense they are interested but maybe I think too much.


I think I'm more an "outgoing" and "outspoken" person. Even in MRT, if I caught someone staring or stealing glances at me, I would smile, nod and or wink at them. It usually threw them off guard. I used to be very shy until I started to travel to overseas alone. I find gestures as simple as a smile can break the ice between 2 strangers.


I had another incident a few years back.


I was studying in a coffee shop when a Caucasian gentleman who sat a table next to me started to chat me up. Initially it was a courteous conversation to introduce each other, talk about weather, job and etc. Then, he moved on to ask me about my love life which was weird because no stranger would ask about such intimate things during first encounters. So, I just tried my luck and told him I'm gay. I could tell from his expression that he was pleased with the answer and his next move confirmed it.  ^_^

Angelix you got really lucky!


Does the smoking corner at PLAY count? That happened to me and until today I still can't forget that encounter, it's just too hilariously bizarre.


Care to tell the story?

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Thats so sweet!  Why is mine always about sex!



Him (in hushed tone) : Hi! Can I have your number?


Me: Why?


Him : Come to my hotel? Quick, my wife is coming...


I turned and walked away.  I found that really really rude.  The arse was middle eastern tourist, I reckon.



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I have had random strangers following me after my swim in the public pool a couple of times.


Also, once had someone talking to me and then follow up with a question for direction to a club out of nowhere when I was walking home, which I later found out that that is a gay club? A few more encounters which is just plain weird.

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My another encounter is a silent one.  Not sure it is a hit on though.  U guys judge.


Me walking into the lift leading to my home.  Before the life door closed, a guy stop the closing door with his hand & rush in (like some soap opera).  I pressed the button leading to my home, he pressed the button 2 floors higher.


Me: ................ (is he a new neighbour?)


Him: ............................. (stealing glances at me with a slanting glare, then quickly pretend not looking).


Me: .................. (is he my long lost friend?)


Him: ................................. (continued his acts above)


Me: ................................(smile, dunno wat better to do)


Him:................................(smile, dunno wat better to do in the dead silence)


The lift door opened & I went out.  He stayed in the lift.  I walked towards my door & felt someone watching behind.  I turned & saw him came out of the lift.


Him: ............................... (continued staring at me)


Me: .......................... (oh no! Is he physco?  Rapist?)


I rushed opened my door & quickly shut it behind me!!!!  Panting hard with a racing heart & then call my bf immediately!!  :)


(Sorry.  If u r the guy tat I mentioned above, please do not get offended, as I am just being paranoid that day that the person may do me harm.  Haha)

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My another encounter is a silent one. Not sure it is a hit on though. U guys judge.

Me walking into the lift leading to my home. Before the life door closed, a guy stop the closing door with his hand & rush in (like some soap opera). I pressed the button leading to my home, he pressed the button 2 floors higher.

Me: ................ (is he a new neighbour?)

Him: ............................. (stealing glances at me with a slanting glare, then quickly pretend not looking).

Me: .................. (is he my long lost friend?)

Him: ................................. (continued his acts above)

Me: ................................(smile, dunno wat better to do)

Him:................................(smile, dunno wat better to do in the dead silence)

The lift door opened & I went out. He stayed in the lift. I walked towards my door & felt someone watching behind. I turned & saw him came out of the lift.

Him: ............................... (continued staring at me)

Me: .......................... (oh no! Is he physco? Rapist?)

I rushed opened my door & quickly shut it behind me!!!! Panting hard with a racing heart & then call my bf immediately!! :)

(Sorry. If u r the guy tat I mentioned above, please do not get offended, as I am just being paranoid that day that the person may do me harm. Haha)

you think too much. I was there to do the check the PUB meter.
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Got hit on ytd from a 30yo slimfit guy :P

Got off my car

Him : r u driving honda type r previously?

Me : er... nope

Him : oh ok. i tot you've changed car. btw i'm xxxx(sorry, forgotten his name), i stay opp, free can come up for a coffee. So you drive for show or for race?

Me : me? haha. Just for show.

Him : (having repeated phone calls) okok, u want to meet me at bedok stadium soon? Can have your number?

Me : ok, (pass him a namecard, shook his hand in a erotic manner :P) catcha soon.

Him : catch me ya? Sure! Haha. Ohhhh. Catch up u mean. Smile and drove his car off.

Regretted not taking number from him, have to wait for him to text. Haha!

Got a few encounter when i was younger especially during army days. :D

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example of thinking too much (aka 臭美)

handsome man: Hi (smiling) .....

You: yes ..... what you want from me? (heart racing rapidly, face red red)

handsome man: uncle, you want sign Singtel broadband or not ?

You: 死夭寿吖 call me uncle some more

I had worse.

was having supper at Maxwell market after work. Then this bear guy smiled at me from another table. From far he looked fat but from near, his fleshy body in sports wear looked firm and smooth. He reminded me of men from 东北, tall fair and bearish face yet smooth.

Of course uncle got flattered. Quickly finished my kopi and mee. Then walked to garden near hawker center. He followed, my heart go pip po pip po jump. When I sat down, he sat down too. Then his hand go behind my back, I unloosened my belt and he massaged my butt.

HE: 大叔 好滑喔

ME: 老人了啦

HE: 我好喜欢中年大叔

ME: 真的吗?

HE: 你喜欢我吗?

as his finger tried to push up my crack

ME: 你好坏喔

HE: 嘻嘻。。。

he pushed me up a little, I shifted up a little and impaled myself on his stubby strong finger.

HE: 喜欢吗?

looked into my eyes

ME: mmmm 你当我是女人啊

cast my eyes down in shyness

HE : 哦。。。。

he wiggled his finger and I...

ME: mmmmm

HE: 大叔。。。你把我弄湿了

he put my hand on his groin.

ME: 有吗?

HE: 有这里啊

he wiggled his finger...

ME: mmmmmm ....你怀坏。。。

Okay, I shan't bore you guys with all that dirty talks for almost 15min.

After 15min, my zipper was down and 2 front buttons undone. This was a public place after all though only one guy was nearby helping us to watch for danger.

I was ripe for his taking and totally helpless even if he wanted to take me bend over the park bench.

Then he dropped the bomb.

He: 我好惨啊 你可以帮帮忙吗?我会报答你的

ME: ( sigh this is too good to be true, what to do 愿者上钩)你是MB吧

HE: 我不是, 别误会。。。

ME: 算啦。。。。多少?

HE: 一百五十。。。

to cut the story short....he led me away and banged me for 2 solid hours. I nearly passed out from pain, pleasures and shame. It was like they said 东北虎会吃人的。 This one was like he did not have sex for months, every stroke 要你的命。

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  • 2 years later...

When I was walking in Suntec, a man touched my arms. I thought he's one of my friend. He just grinning at me but i really don't know him. I asked him i he was catching my attention. He said he was captivated with my smile. I said thank you and i hurried to go away. Was so paranoid

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Back in 2010, I was having my lunch at Causeway Point foodcourt, and dressed in an oversized t-shirt and baggy jeans.

A guy in his late 20s to early 30s asked if he could sit at the same table as me.

I thought it was weird because there were many other empty tables around.


He asked many weird questions about myself and I wasn't very comfortable with it.

I quickly finished my meal and went away.


Thinking about it right now, he did look like someone who admired plump people.

And back in 2010, I was rather plump...


I'm always running after you.

You are my ideal.

You are me.

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When I was riding the MRT an uncle made small talk to me and noticed he actually was trying to squeeze himself towards me. Later on when I was going down, he directly asked for my number.

Feed me your best shot! :yuk:

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3 hours ago, seven7 said:

some guy approached me at the gym, smiled and handed me a note with his number on it.


aww that's nice :)


there was once I queued for fruit juice at my school canteen, and I was standing in front of this mega cute exchange student. kept trying to sneak furtive glances at him I was hardcore ogling him hahha. when i got my juice I turned and stole one last glance at him.. and this time he caught my eye. and winked. I was caught off guard and quickly walked away. I remember him looking surprised, and a little sad as well.



after that incident I went to my bff and lamented over it. we both agree that it was a lost opportunity that won't come again. haha 

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11 hours ago, darkflame said:


He asked many weird questions about myself and I wasn't very comfortable with it.

I quickly finished my meal and went away.


Thinking about it right now, he did look like someone who admired plump people.

And back in 2010, I was rather plump...

kekekeke, darkflame,


Quote some questions he asked , was it really very uncomfortable?
if u  r considered plump back then in 2010, then many slightly-overweight are worst than pigs, pls don't insult them, k?

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3 hours ago, roflparadox said:


aww that's nice :)


there was once I queued for fruit juice at my school canteen, and I was standing in front of this mega cute exchange student. kept trying to sneak furtive glances at him I was hardcore ogling him hahha. when i got my juice I turned and stole one last glance at him.. and this time he caught my eye. and winked. I was caught off guard and quickly walked away. I remember him looking surprised, and a little sad as well.



after that incident I went to my bff and lamented over it. we both agree that it was a lost opportunity that won't come again. haha 

There are no loss opportunities if we learn from them :)

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4 hours ago, ZealousZeno said:

This topic was exactly the same reason how i turn AJ x.X... Was being hit on when i am straight. Gg to being straight...

Wow! How did he hit on you? That could be a big hit to convert you. :o



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I think this is quite common…guys always pretending asking for directions from the mrt map. 


Stranger: Sorry to disturb, how to go Bedok from city hall.

Me: (Cant see the word bedok on the map???) Ok from here to there.

Stranger: OIC! Hahaha Thanks so much for your help. (Still standing there)

Me: Smile.

Stranger: So you going home?

Me: (LOL, so KPO) Er Yes.

Stranger: You look pretty sporty, any sports you play?

Me: (Listed out the sports i normally play)

Stranger: Wow I play badminton too….we should play together one day, can I have your number so that I can contact you.

Me: Smile. Sorry, you can alight here cos this is Bedok.

Stranger: Yea I know…really cannot give number ah??

Me: Really no, I have enough friends to play with. Bye.


I not trying to be yaya. If want to get number, just don't beat around the bush. 

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It was years ago, at Citygate Hong Kong Pacific Coffee. While waiting for my friends finished their Dim Sum brunch, I went to there for their Strawberry Cheese Cake and Latte.

Then this guy came with his coffee and cake and asked if he could share my table. I said yes. Then he asked if my cake taste good. I said yes, I like it. He asked if he could taste it. I said OK. Then he used his fork to cut it and taste it.


He agreed. Then he said his chocolate cake was good too. Then with his fork he cut it and motioned it towards me asked me to taste it. And I did and agreed with him.


I felt kind of awkward. We both were silent but kept looking and smiling each other while multi tasking between sipping our coffee, eating our cakes with hand phones on our hands.


I texted my friends and told them what was going on. Then I received notification on my grindr. "We are 76 metres apart, you think there's a chance to close the gap?" I was puzzled reading it. Then the next message "I'm seated next to you."

Yes, we did get closer in his hotel room, up above.

If I cant feel it, I aint faking it

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Once, I had worn the small loose jean shorts, the one which was high up the thighs, as i had sun burns from the canoeing  from the day before, to Poly for classes. Was studying in Ngee Ann about 11 years back.

After classes, I was on the way back home about lunch time. In the Bus, a n Indian man, looked like he was in his 40s, was smiling at me, Probably looking and my sun burned toned hairy legs.. I smiled back. At that time, I was still straight. I got off opposite Balmoral and he came down chasing me.


Chaser: hey, can i speak with you?

Me: sure.


He asked a few personal details, which I shared without giving too much details. then:


Chaser: so, have you had sex?

Me: Yes. why?

Chaser: with whom?

Me: My girlfriend, class mates, ONS, Health Centres & Geylang.

Chaser: You want a new experience?

(In my mind, I was thinking of a lot of other scenarios which involved girls, back then)

Me: Like what?

Chaser: Well, how about you follow me to my place and i will show you the best time of your life? My place is just a few stops away.

Me: Sure. who will be with us?

Chaser: Well, its just you and me and sex.

I was a little shocked at the moment. hesitated and replied

Me: Sorry. 

And I walked off.


Looking back now, I should have joined him and tried the new experience. Which I have been curious about since then.


Paul King


Bi-Curious Daddy looking for Safe Fun.

WhatsApp: +65 84358727
or Line: paulking
or Telegram: @paulking78


Ask me stuff :  curiouscat.me/PaulKing

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From the other side of the fence...


I tried to hit on some dude in the gym

I was a newbie at the gym and he was a newbie too

I never used the bench press before and tried to be kay kiang to show him how to use it.

Ended up the weights fell off one end of the bar when i was demo-ing and he held up the clamps to say I think we're supposed to use these...

So yeah, he wasn't impressed and i went away with my tail between my legs... lol


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16 hours ago, TamPenis said:

It was years ago, at Citygate Hong Kong Pacific Coffee. While waiting for my friends finished their Dim Sum brunch, I went to there for their Strawberry Cheese Cake and Latte.

Then this guy came with his coffee and cake and asked if he could share my table. I said yes. Then he asked if my cake taste good. I said yes, I like it. He asked if he could taste it. I said OK. Then he used his fork to cut it and taste it.


He agreed. Then he said his chocolate cake was good too. Then with his fork he cut it and motioned it towards me asked me to taste it. And I did and agreed with him.


I felt kind of awkward. We both were silent but kept looking and smiling each other while multi tasking between sipping our coffee, eating our cakes with hand phones on our hands.


I texted my friends and told them what was going on. Then I received notification on my grindr. "We are 76 metres apart, you think there's a chance to close the gap?" I was puzzled reading it. Then the next message "I'm seated next to you."

Yes, we did get closer in his hotel room, up above.


This is such a cute encounter!






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On ‎7‎/‎3‎/‎2016 at 4:31 PM, lyw2878 said:

I was travelling with my friends in Taiwan at the time. 

This really handsome, muscular guy kept on looking at me from across me in the subway. We kept exchanging glances until my friends walked away for a minute to go to the bathroom. He walked up to me and asked for my number. I thought that was really sweet of him but I wasn't into meeting strangers at the time. I refused him and said bye, saying that my friends were waiting for me.

U must be attractive loh!

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Was at zouk with friends and about to head home for the night when I noticed this cute guy lingering at the table with my friend's friend. My gaydar pinged and I quickly struck up conversation with him. Was pretty noisy at that time so I flirted with him typing back and forth on my phone and showing it to him. He confirmed he's gay and then I started leaning in closer to him. After awhile he got pretty drunk so I sent him home. Managed to get his number awhile later x)

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- got cruised by uncle in toilet/changing room from time to time



- some one followed me around in the book store
- got sized up on the train and street

- drinking with friend at a bar when a guy grab my hand and put on his chest under his tshirt

- got nipple licked by a few guy inside a bar

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6 minutes ago, 4evaboring said:


- got cruised by uncle in toilet/changing room by uncle from time to time



- some one followed me around in the book store
- got sized up on the train and street

- drinking with friend at a bar when a guy grab my hand and put on his chest under his tshirt

- got nipple licked by a few guy inside a bar

wah so happening 

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Was waiting for the MRT train door to open and notice a guy who is waiting to enter the train staring @ me... make me felt like there is something on my face :o
that happend when i am on the way home after my basketball practice/training 

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Foreign travel with family on packed HK MRT. I was wearing a tight short T-shirt so arm up, holding onto the strap, exposed some low cut jeans area. Guy sitting in front kept staring so I grazed his knees. Family getting off next stop, so I walked to door slowly behind, managed to quickly write phone number. We hooked up in hotel when they went shopping.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Was done doing my laps at TPY pool and resting by the pool side. This guy smiled and asked how long I have learnt to swim. Then he followed up with the question if I learnt swimming in China? He mistook me for a mainland Chinese! I questioned him if I looked or did my accent sounded mainlandish. He sheepishly told me bcos usually there were many mainland Chinese at the pool on Sunday. He followed me to the changing room but I ignored him. Next I found him waiting for me outside the swimming complex, I simply nodded and walked on. He did not or dared not proceed bcos I have quite a kannina chowbin look or so I was told by all my friends.

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Guest meowth
5 hours ago, Guest said:

Was done doing my laps at TPY pool and resting by the pool side. This guy smiled and asked how long I have learnt to swim. Then he followed up with the question if I learnt swimming in China? He mistook me for a mainland Chinese! I questioned him if I looked or did my accent sounded mainlandish. He sheepishly told me bcos usually there were many mainland Chinese at the pool on Sunday. He followed me to the changing room but I ignored him. Next I found him waiting for me outside the swimming complex, I simply nodded and walked on. He did not or dared not proceed bcos I have quite a kannina chowbin look or so I was told by all my friends.


A guy once approached me at swimming pool (can't remember was it TPY or Queenstown) and e asked if I'm with my gf or friends. Told him nope and probably that was good news to him, but definitely not good news to me because he followed me to swim. Thereafter, more interaction questions from him and gave him a not so enthusiastic reply. He got the signal and didn't disturb me.


After my swim ended, whatsapp'd my bf and he scolded me and forbid me to swim alone (without him) anymore! :lol:


The guy wasn't so cute, but it might be cute to others since beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. Just like I don't understand why a friend of mine who's cute yet bf so cui.

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