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What Is Your All Time Favorite Song? (compiled)


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  • 2 months later...

Anyone with nice bod isalways cute to gays.



never argue with the guests. let them bark all they want.





After I have said what I wanna say, I don't care what you say.



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  • 4 months later...

Haha, I'm going by the number of times it has been played. My favourite always changes :s


But if I have to pick one to listen to forever it'll prolly be this. 


Very general type of music. With just the right amount of emotion to make you feel something but not too much to be obtrusive.


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Flying Without Wings


I was a fanboy of Westlife when I was a kid. I had posters of them all over the wall in my bedroom. Shane wasn't my favourite. I thought his singing wasn't that fantastic and he wasn't good looking. But somehow as I grew up, I started to like him. Here you go; Shane Filan singing the song with Nicholas McDonald in X-Factor UK.  :)


Do the things at which you are great, not what you were never made for.”

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  • 2 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Mine .. has to backdate it to 1984..

It is none other than all the songs in Cai Qin's 此情可待。

I still have the vinyl of this record..plus the CD (bought in late 80s)

I've been her fan earlier but with this album, she became my 女神。


今年春节时, 俺也去了香港欣赏了他的演唱会。

真的。。 无可挑剔。。 

30 years on, she is still able to draw die-hard fans.


For the non-Chinese speaking reader, youtube/goggle Cai Qin..

You will be surprised that husky low alto can sound that good.






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  • 6 months later...

How a 'Pen-Pineapple-Apple-Pen' earworm took over the internet

By Heather ChenBBC News


You are about to witness viral history in the making and none of it will make any sense to you.

Infectiously-catchy earworm 'PPAP' (short for Pen-Pineapple-Apple-Pen') was performed by animal print-clad DJ Piko-Taro, a fictional character played by Japanese entertainer Kazuhiko Kosaka.

And it goes like this:

"I have a pen. I have an apple. Apple-pen!

I have a pen. I have [a] pineapple. Pineapple-pen!

Apple-pen. Pineapple-pen. Pen-Pineapple-Apple-Pen."

But how did the 40-year-old DJ come up with such a bizarre song about fusing a pen with an apple and a pineapple?

"When I was making this music with play, I was [just] singing it too soon," the newly-crowned internet star explained in a tweet to fans from an account created for his newly-coined character.

PineappleImage copyrightSCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY Image captionThe humble pineapple is the focus of this bizarre catchy tune

Why has it gone viral?

It has all the ingredients for a viral video formula: an addictive beat, silly lyrics and a hilariously simple dance routine to back it up.

And it was only a matter of time before the minute-long song, first uploaded onto Piko-Taro's official YouTube channel, quickly spread to Facebook.

While the original video has gone on to amass more than 4m views, entertainment portal 9GAG's Facebook video surpassed that to draw more than 44m views.

PikotaroImage copyrightTWITTER: PIKOTARO Image caption'I have a pen... I have an apple...'

One man's catchy viral song may be another man's burden

"I'm ruined - I will never get this song out of my head," lamented Facebook user Carlos Andrés Silva in a comment.

Nelson Rivera Adrian Paige agreed, voicing concern for the number of times he has looped the video. "I am both highly amused as well as extremely confused."

Other users like Daniel Hou who watched the video pointed out Piko-Taro's unique wardrobe.

"Am I the only one who noticed that this guy is the real-life version of Borsalino [Kizaru] from One Piece," he said, drawing reference to the popular flamboyantly-dressed manga-anime character.

But one man's catchy viral song may prove to be another's jarring burden.

"Please stop sharing this annoying song, it's exploded on my feed and is driving me up the wall because it's so irritating to listen to," said Facebook user Hiro Kenshida in a plea.

But who is it really for?

At time of writing, few mainstream Japanese news sites have covered this particular earworm, even though it has been widely picked up internationally. It has not particularly trended on Japanese social media.

He has already been dubbed the next Psy and it could even be that this was precisely what was in mind - one catchy ditty, pushed by digital influencers but with the precise aim of becoming a global phenomenon.

Borsalino and Piko-TaroImage copyrightFACEBOOK: 9GAG Image captionWho wore it better: Borsalino of Japan's famed One Piece manga-anime series or Piko-Taro?

But the hype did not stop there.

Then the imitations began

Hundreds of tributes and covers of Piko-Taro's tune have also appeared on Facebook, each gaining cult followings of their own.

Many Japanese stars, including popular duo Riko and Rika, came up with vines of their own.

There's even been a heavy metal tribute as well as a cover from Thai social media star Happy Polla.

What a time to be alive.







The Only 10 Facts You Need to Know About Pen Pineapple Apple Pen


September 27, 2016


If you’ve been wondering what’s with the “pen pineapple apple pen thing” going on around, it’s actually referring to a Japanese Youtube video that had garnered millions of views.In any case, lest you live in a cave, here’s the video.

There’ve been lots of memes related to this on social media, 9Gag and more. This video is the true meaning of “ending up on the wrong side of Youtube.” While it’s funny as hell, some find it nonsensical and annoying and you can watch the video to decide for yourself. So what’s the deal about this video? Here are the only 10 facts you need to know about this Pen Pineapple Apple Pen.

The original version has gone viral
The original version which is uploaded in August by the dude in the video, has gone viral with 4 million views in one month. It has all the ingredients of a viral song – catchy and highly addictive rhythm, nonsense lyrics and easy dance moves. Anyone can sing it, or dance to it. It is stupid yet hilarious.

Created by a Japanese guy Piko-taro
This video, or rather, song, is called PPAP – which stands for Pen Pineapple Apple Pen. Nothing to do with our Government. The creator’s name Piko-taro who claims to be a singer-songwriter.

Piko-taro is created by DJ Kosaka Daimaou
His character Piko-taro is created, once again by DJ Kosaka Daimaou whose real name is Kuzuhito Kosaka. It’s almost a create-ception! Also, Kosaka is a comedian who appeared in a film titled Nogamiin 2012.

he lyrics doesn’t mean anything
In case you still haven’t realized, the lyrics have no meaning, and they make absolutely zero sense. So don’t try Googling the meaning of PPAP.

He’s Borsalino from One Piece in real life
Yes, his character is actually Borsalino (Kizaru) from One Piece, a popular Japanese manga series. Look at that golden yellowish light beam costume!

Piko-taro was first introduced in stand-up performances
Kosaka first introduced his character Piko-taro in stand-up performances, which is a comic style where the comedian performs in front of a live audience. His character was so well-loved and popular that he decided to bring it to the next level – PEN PINEAPPLE APPLE PEN.

In other words, yeah, it’s not a new character. It just an old character that has gone viral online.

There’re all sorts of remixes and parodies online
Well, this is expected to happen with our innovative younger generation. Think Harlem Shake, Gangnam Style and of course, our local “Unbelievable”. There’re so many, it’s hard for me to list them down–just YouTube it.

He may reply you
If you’re lucky enough, he may reply you on Twitter if you submit your version to him! He’s replied some of the curious English speaking fans who had submitted their own versions, so tweet him @pikotaro_ppap if you’re feeling adventurous.

Piko-taro has other videos
Piko-taro actually has several other videos and songs, but are mostly in Japanese. His most popular song is no doubt, the “I have a pen, I have an appo.”

The comments are funny
If you did bother to see the comments at all, it’s funny and sarcastic as hell. While some people felt the song to be “inspiring” or referring it as “cancer song,” some people loved it so much they wanted this song to be “played at their funeral.” The Internet is indeed deadly.

Featured Image: YouTube (ピコ太郎歌唱ビデオチャンネル)

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Guest holy moly
3 hours ago, bigdanbeam said:

Fads like these die real fast. Anyone still bothers about the colour of the dress?


Thank you for pointing out the lameness of this topic .


The video is stupid and it reflects the person who created it is also no idea and needs a rough end of a pineapple push up the ass to wake up their ideas.


thank you

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Guest repeat post

Like I said before , the creator of this video needs to have the rough end of a pineapple shoved up his backside to wake up their creativity , 


Image result for rough end of the pineapple pics


The Japanese seems to be all going old and senile , they need to wake up their ideas.


Perhaps their politeness went to the other extreme , creating lethargy in creativity

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8 minutes ago, nixorn said:

HK police did this ad....about safety belts....ppl find it awkward....esp how the guy said ahh


Wonder anyone whom do one about condoms....hahaha.

He has a hole, I m a dom, urgh Hole condom!

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Guest whats the big fuss about
On Friday, September 30, 2016 at 3:39 AM, Guest Guest said:

Don't even know what's so special about this that it went viral. The first time I saw this, less than 15 seconds I just shut it off. 


Me too! 

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11 hours ago, TheVisitors said:

Just shaft a pen up his old ass and ask him to SHUT UP


Better yet , let us all shove the rough end of a pineapple up his stupid ass and keep his mouth shut.


like this huh,



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