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this is my current team set up for FH 3.. used to have Aisha as leader cos I wanted double BB spam with a friend, but decided to switch to Hail Bot Reeze for the status ailment resistance. Once it hits 4PM on Thursday I'll get a Water Totem & can evolve my Reeze to 5*.. complete resistance to status!


my FH points is close to a million now.. so hopefully I get Seria this time :D what item sets do you guys use? I went from Marauder to Balanced and now to Protector. think Protector's the best cos longevity quite important imho.


anyway this is my friend ID: 8077190024 I only got 2 Friend slots left lol




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She makes good trophy unit, just for show, if you have better units, her random AOE BB is something you wont really wanna use.

Even if "probable" random status ailment, still random aoe. 

Stats at maxed 5*... Guardian /Anima preferred.

6 hits normal attack. 16 hits BB.


Lord 5,259 1,599 1,288 1,370

Anima 5,859* 1,599 1,288 1,210*

Breaker 5,259 1,759* 1,128* 1,370

Guardian 5,259 1,439* 1,448* 1,370

Oracle 4,659* 1,599 1,288 1,530*

Edited by feedersmiracle

Speaking loudly, suffers softly. Smiles so wide, cuts unseen inside.

Bitin' the bullet, but never kick the bucket.

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She makes good trophy unit, just for show, if you have better units, her random AOE BB is something you wont really wanna use.

Even if "probable" random status ailment, still random aoe. 

Stats at maxed 5*... Guardian /Anima preferred.

6 hits normal attack. 16 hits BB.


Lord 5,259 1,599 1,288 1,370

Anima 5,859* 1,599 1,288 1,210*

Breaker 5,259 1,759* 1,128* 1,370

Guardian 5,259 1,439* 1,448* 1,370

Oracle 4,659* 1,599 1,288 1,530*


Agree, that's why I'm only keeping 1 of her. Dread the random hits.

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i got so bored i went to level karl to max level and bb


Brave Burst level:




Does anybody know whether fusing units of the same elemental will have a better chance of 

leveling up BB level?

(e.g, elemental fire combos against fire combos)


or it doesnt matter at all, as long as BB is offensive?

(e.g, water against fire? )


Please advise  ^_^

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Brave Burst level:




Does anybody know whether fusing units of the same elemental will have a better chance of 

leveling up BB level?

(e.g, elemental fire combos against fire combos)


or it doesnt matter at all, as long as BB is offensive?

(e.g, water against fire? )


Please advise  ^_^



no such thing as same elemental will have better chance~ any elemental bb fodder is fine


as long as bb offensive - offensive can alr~

Edited by Manipulationz
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Guest holyearthlance

I am addicted to playing Brave Frontier but the global serve is seriously poor on maintenance at times. When server is down, it can be down for 7 8 hours! The most irritating thing is when you are running metal parades and you get error connection when you are about to claim your metal gods,


Poor maintenance aside, I am looking forward to end July where more new units and 6* evolutions will be coming, especially 6* douglas. 


Among all the maidens, I had best luck with maiden vanilla. Managed to bag a team of 5 - 2 breakers, 2 guardians and 1 animas all from level 2 in about 13 to 14 runs whereas I only managed to bag a maiden bayley after 30+ level 2 runs. Drop rates for maidens are quite inconsistent I must say. 

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Guest holyearthlance

My luck is pretty good today! Summoned a breaker white lebra and a anima golem in the 1st and 5th tries. Also got a leviathan. Gonna get my leviathan to 6* felneus and prepare for the next FH. 


My summons today: (all 5 are new units...)

1) white lebra (breaker)

2) edea (breaker)

3) bolt pike amy (anima)

4) leviathan (anima)

5) golem (anima) - best type is actually oracle I feel.. 


With the addition of edea and golem, my mono earth team is going get even stronger. 

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Attempted Eliza, the 2nd Goddess, Level 4 earlier with my mono Thunder team. Watch out for her Permafrost BB that can potentially 1 shot kill all. That's OP, considering it's up against my Thunder team, which water is supposedly weak against. I reckon I might have suffered casualties if I didn't have 2x Eze for the combined 20% hp bonus.



n6b5i1.jpg   104jf5t.jpg


Made it out alive eventually with entire team. Got lucky and captured her on first attempt.


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Lost twice on Freya. Don't really need to even think about Eliza then.


;_; My team is horrible..horrible...


T_T Oh man ... 


I only played for like, 13 days only though. lol ._. Level 51 and have jialat units. I think I should just let the sisters go off sua.


Any tips for me? 


My units currently :

Shock Mage Rashil - Level 30, BB Lv 3

Shock Bow Loch - Level 47, BB Lv 7

Champion Aem - Level 54, BB Lv 6

Holy Master Aem - Level 21 , BB Lv 1

Pixy King Leore - Level 55, BB Lv 2

Goth Kikuri - Level 58 , BB Lv 2

White Lebra - Level 41, BB Lv 3

Emilia - Level 5 , BB Lv 1

Advisor Weiss - Level 28 , BB Lv 8

Head Thief Leon - Level 32, BB Lv 1

Fire King Vargas - Level 42, BB Lv 1

Archer Lario - Level 30 , BB Lv 1 (No evolving units available ;_; )

Thunder Eze - Level 15 , BB Lv 1

Sky Boss Grafi - Level 1, BB Lv 1




Current Squad : 


Goth Kikuri

Shock Bow Loch

Champion Aem

Pixy King Leore

White Lebra


The rest.. are all spirits / tons of earth idols 


Current Zel on hand : 130k

Metal Keys : 2

Jewel Keys : 2


;_; I don't know what to do, help help!

Should I continue to keep the jewel keys until level 55 so that I can do 4 runs instead of 3? 

Other than using those keys when I have full energy + about to level, what else should I do now since I'm still level 51 ? Do the totem dungeon later or continue to level and earn zel through dungeon? 


Current Progress :

Mistral (All Cleared)

Cord (Hardly started on the fire map)

Palm (Not even touched)


Tips anyone ? Pros? T^T Thank you in advance~

Edited by Gray32

Holy mama.

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Wow only 13 days and level 51. U sure a huge gem user imo. Means you can start geming at level 61 onwards for metal parades or level 75, or levels with multiples of 15 (energy). Okay. Lets look at your units. I'm not sure about the typing of your units cos they may affect some of my considerations to fit them into teams. Since you are new player I will put all of them into a team (or at least try to).


Thunder units worth keeping:

(Hey very good, close to a thunder mono team you can use to rape Karl, a boss stage that can bring in 3 teams, at 2x your cost. Lets talk about this later.)

Shock Mage Rashil - Level 30, BB Lv 3 (your healer, on your top, to max list)

Shock Bow Loch - Level 47, BB Lv 7

Emilia - Level 5 , BB Lv 1

Thunder Eze - Level 15 , BB Lv 1


Light units worth keeping:

Champion Aem - Level 54, BB Lv 6

Holy Master Aem - Level 21 , BB Lv 1

White Lebra - Level 41, BB Lv 3 (you can use as buff unit, but for now, so long you dont have huge multihitter, this is not your top priority)


Dark units Worth Keeping:

Goth Kikuri - Level 58 , BB Lv 2 (one of the best spark and multihitters, sadly one is not enough to do much)


Earth Units Worth keeping:

Pixy King Leore - Level 55, BB Lv 2 (6* leader skill 25% atk 25% def, your rainbow leader for now since you dont have any rainbow leaders, 20% atk at 5*)

Archer Lario - Level 30 , BB Lv 1  (but since you are new player, dont have enough units, lets keep this guy for now, better if its anima, any thing other than anima lord, you may want to stop using it and feed it to your leore)


Fire Units worth Keeping:

Fire King Vargas - Level 42, BB Lv 1 (best typing lord or guardian, anima)


Team setup, Leore leader, Vargas, Rashil, Goth kikuri, Aem (Just take leore leader, keeping in mind elemental weakness, if you can aim close to a dark mono, light mono, go ahead but remember you want something that hits many times as the game is leaning towards multihitters. In a few days when the patch comes, people will be using Doug Doug Doug Lava Fel with all SBB unlocked for unlimited Super Brave Burst.)

(pick one aem that is anima or guardian, if both is in these two typing, you can use both in your team) goth aem have lesser weakness except dark / light double damage. Vargas is to guard rashil if you meet earth enemies.) (or I feel so. but you can use other options.)


Units why I didnt pick:

Advisor Weiss - Level 28 , BB Lv 8 - Not really useful since you have Attack Buff from Eze when he turns 6* and gets super brave burst. 

Head Thief Leon - Level 32, BB Lv 1 - Not really useful unless Anima, and 4*, only used as a leader when farming zel with multihitters who spark.

(these two not your priority to level)

Sky Boss Grafi - Level 1, BB Lv 1     (this is not much use at all, random AOE means... lets say, 10 hits random aoe vs 10 hits aoe on 2 enemies. random aoe will hit 10 times and each time, chose either of the enemy to hit. aoe will hit both enemies 10 times. and not to mention the stats, and max 4*, so throw away. )


About the goddess dungeon: aka sybil dungeon.

Bosses will use their elemental damage, until half health, then apply either light or dark element to their damages (for the water thunder earth fire goddesses). If you bring the opposite ones to their damages, you may get thrashed. For the Dark and Light Element Goddess, I'm not sure that buffs will they up at half health.

Edited by feedersmiracle

Speaking loudly, suffers softly. Smiles so wide, cuts unseen inside.

Bitin' the bullet, but never kick the bucket.

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I didn't use gem at all for energy o.o


I was level 14 already on my first day , i started out with the exp x2 event o_o


After a week I'm level 41 lol


This is what I did after reaching Morgan


Camped at Asekutt Wastelands(Incarnation of Thunder) for 3 days, from level 19 jump to level 31 (6am clear all energy, 11am clear all energy again + level up)


Then rushed through the rest until St. Lamia


Volcano Eldent - Banished Fire Dragon (repeated this for one day) Level 32 to level 34

Sacred Mt. Craylia - Ruler of Water (Repeated for 2 days) Level 35 to Level 38

Blood Forest - Maiden of Tress (2 days) Level 38 to Level 41

Mt. Wistorea - The Riotous Thunderbird (2 days) - Level 42 to Level 48


And currently


St. Lamia Palace - The Fourfold Pillar (2 days so far, but wasted 50 energy TODAY on stupid Freya T_T) - Level 48 to Level 51(now)


I just picked out the best exp spots lol :P



I didn't progress much with the story though, I'm farming St. Lamia Final Map FourPillars for exp. (260xp/energy) , Cord and Palmnya are as good as not started at all

Holy mama.

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You can earn gems by:

Questing, every part of a map, a set of quests completed nets you 1 gem

Vortex quests, some vortex quests you haven't attempted before, usually higher levels, upon first clear 1 gem

Frontier Hunter, every month or so, in imperial capital Randall (apologies if typo) survey office holds a challenge upon clearing up to certain FH points in certain quests nets you rewards like gems, spheres, burst frogs (guaranteed bb level up), zel.

Arena, some ranks in a arena gets you gems, losing to go back to a previous rank to achieve another rank later will not repeat the reward.

Compensation, when server have error or goes down, they may gift compensation for a few or single gem depend on "how sorry they are" (lol)

Special events, 500k FB page likes commemoration, Leveling up event, and more

Buy gems, this is the only way if you want to get gems on a large scale and speed up game progress as well as expand unit slots and do many rare summons.

P.s. I feel like I should do a Google docs with screen shots for beginners and what everything does lol.

Edited by feedersmiracle

Speaking loudly, suffers softly. Smiles so wide, cuts unseen inside.

Bitin' the bullet, but never kick the bucket.

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Anyone can advice whether the elemental heroes (stya, alma etc) are worth your time to train?


For Free to play players, they are a decent alternative 5* units to have. Alma is especially terrifying in Arena due to her ultra quick BB fill gauge speed. Oboro oozes the cool factor and his BB is a nice AOE curse.

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Coz you are too powerful and imba, so now you find it boring.


nooo!~ really nothing to do leh


log in for the arena


im done with farming 4x angelic foils


well crit team i can slowly make since duel gx/michelle not getting their 6* so soon


so yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


and waiting for grah i wanna get that old man as soon as he comes out

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nooo!~ really nothing to do leh


log in for the arena


im done with farming 4x angelic foils


well crit team i can slowly make since duel gx/michelle not getting their 6* so soon


so yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


and waiting for grah i wanna get that old man as soon as he comes out


If you take it slower and play casually like I do, you wouldn't advance so quickly and become bored.

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