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Caught by or caught family / friends in embarrassing moments (CMNM/JO/Fun)(Compiled)

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Guest Guest
13 hours ago, ghy78 said:

was having a hook up yesterday when my younger walked into my room. =(


Do you know you are committing an offence under the COVID-19 (Temporary Measures) Act?

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Guest guest

Once I brought a guy back to suck. As I was sucking his thick rod, my grandpa came in, I told him we are role playing “8点档”. He nodded and said “继续”

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never argue with the guests. let them bark all they want.





After I have said what I wanna say, I don't care what you say.



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Guest 有1⃣️腿
On 4/14/2020 at 11:55 AM, Guest guest said:

Once I brought a guy back to suck. As I was sucking his thick rod, my grandpa came in, I told him we are role playing “8点档”. He nodded and said “继续”


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I caught my room mate once. He went outside to put the rubbish out. After a while I thought he had been gone for a long time so I went out to see. Our house has a small laundry room attached to the garage and I saw the light on. I walked up and the glass door was shut but I saw his knees as he was sitting on a stoll - his pants were around his ankles.

I knew he was jerking off. I suddenly got flushed with excitment and tension thinking about what he was doing. I sdecided to take the chance and sneaked up to the wall and peeked around through the glass. I could see his naked knees and his arm jerking his dick. It was so hot as I saw him tense up and jerk faster so I knew he was going to cum. I snuck away not wanting him to catch me watching. But it was so exciting to see.

I do not live in Singapore. Like kinky fun, dares, etc.


You're welcome to request pics - just say what you would like to see  hehe

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6 minutes ago, Sg boi said:

Before this cb and whenever I was on a business trip, I will just intentionally let my colleague caught me. As I just just jerk when the light off.  Sometimes they will just do the same either before or after me. We will pretend nothing the next day. Like a silent acknowledgement every man does. 

hhmmm then where u shoot huh? if share room with colleagues the room so small is not caught lor more like showing

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40 minutes ago, Sg boi said:

Before this cb and whenever I was on a business trip, I will just intentionally let my colleague caught me. As I just just jerk when the light off.  Sometimes they will just do the same either before or after me. We will pretend nothing the next day. Like a silent acknowledgement every man does. 


yes an unspoken guy thing

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  • 2 weeks later...
3 hours ago, Sg boi said:

found my bro freshly made cum underwear and a few dry cum stained underwear’s in the laundry basket. Am I caught him? I just wonder when and how he did it while we shared the same bedroom.

Eewww. Then go into the washing machine? Dirty leh. Hand wash pls.

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On 1/12/2019 at 6:33 PM, DeMarko said:

i remembered i was caught by my uncle while i was masturbating as i used to stay at my grandparents' place when i was studying my Secondary 1 to Secondary 4.


i thought he was working afternoon shift and so by the time he back home should be around 1.30am; hence i did not lock the door. At this time, my grandparents' were already in deep sleep.


guess i was busy fantasizing and busy stroking my erected manhood that i did not notice he was back home and headed straight to shower.


when i was about to erupt my volcana lava, the door suddenly opened and there stand my uncle with just a pair of undies on and a towel over his shoulder.


i was so embarrassed and wanted to stop and quickly pull up my underwear and short but he closed the door and asked me to continue to let my lava erupt. He also told me not to stop as it will not be good for the health.


after erupting and cleaning up, he told me that it is normal to masturbate as all men reaching age 13 to 14 onwards will starting doing it. That's GOD created us.


after which, he removed his undies and wow wow wow, he flushed out his thick fully erected manhood. So strong that the entire manhood was pointing to the ceiling and straight like a cock. Its more than 6". And i was able to see some precum on his cock head. He immediately stroke his hard manhood and within a minute or two, he shot his hot lava over his stomach and chest and some went over to his face..


Then he said, see la, i got to go for another shower again...



Your uncle so cool

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On 11/23/2010 at 1:09 AM, TheVisitors said:

An incident happened to me once, that still today, I felt I have just starred in some B grade movie.

Well, this is how it goes....

Quite some time back, on a late night at Borders, I was browsing through the humour section when I sensed someone was eyeing on me. So true enough, there was this nice looking chap who was smiling at me and kept looking at me from the corner of his eyes.

He took the initiative to introduce himself...lets call him Mr A.

So Mr A and me chatted and chatted , then we proceed to the BK for a drink.

He asked me there, if I wanted to go home with him ...... me as like ...ok I am single and free.... why not

Along the way in his car, he suddenly admitted that his bf was at home and they shared the apartment together for 10 years.

I was like...WTF...threesome or what? ....this better be good or else I am getting out of your car dude !!!

He then revealed he wanted to end the whole relationship because he doesn't love his Bf anymore...I was like..ok I will go and see whats the whole drama is all about.

Back at his place, his bf was watching TV. Lets call him Mr B. when B saw me the first time, he didnt frown or show sights of disgust, etc etc infact he was very friendly and chatty with me...also a nice looking chap with a better sense of humour than A.

But the conversation between those two, were loaded with bullets out to shoot each other. Very soon, I was caught in between their most heated crossfire. They raised their voices and shouted and shouted.

And A actually told B he already wanted to end this r/s and he should had agreed because A was interested in another guy called C.

Boy, talk about drama.

Then B went into his room and slammed the door, and A shouted to him he is going over to C's place to give him a surprise visit to tell him how much he love him. Then A left the house and slammed the door.

I was like all alone in the hall, totally stunned and clueless and like more ?????????????? and then like WTF had just happened.

I went into B's room , chatted with him while was staring into his computer, looking very sad.

Then slowly he began to open up himself to me about his pain and disappointment with A after he had committed so much to him.

How much he had to bear his infidelities while he was always the one who remained faithful. We chatted and chatted till 2 in the morning, then when I told B I really needed to go as I had to work tomorrow., he said "please dont go yet" hugged me, slowly led me to his bed...and you know what happened next.

When he took of his t-shirt, I was like OMG....nice chest nice shoulders nice 6 packs, so why didnt A appreciate he had a pretty good looking bf?

Half an hour passed...when we were in a 6-9 position, A suddenly opened the door and walked into the room !!!

B was on top of me, his ass was facing the door so only I could see whose coming in. When i suddenly saw A in the room and so so starled,,,I swear to you, I was almost choked by B's dick !!!(because it is big)

So we both jumped out of our skin and covered ourselves with the duvet..almost like in a movie when two adulterers were caught red handed in bed, and waiting for their death sentence via locked in pig cage then drown in the river.

The wide eyed A looked so super shocked and stunned that he actually said..."er its ok..er just continue what you have to do" , and slowly walked out of the room in a very strange manner as thought someone had just kicked him in his balls

B didnt seemed to care abit, so he urged me to remain where I was and we " continue to do what we have to do"

B and I did keep in touch, that infact even when A was in the house, we " continue to do what we have to do "

He later told me that, that night when A confidently stormed out of the house to pay a surprise visit to C....he was surprised to catch C in bed with another guy !! ( C gave A his house key and thought he was out of town )

Now is it just a drama or a karma or both pairing themselves so well that to ensure the villian receives what he deserves to receive in the end of the story ?

Few months later B told me they have decided to end everything and also decided to sell the house. Moreover his company has approved his request for a transfer to overseas.

He thanked me for being there for him when he needed someone to talk to when he was sad then

I guess the best sex we had was the last time we met.

We both felt abit sad actually.

Then about 16 months down the road...one day in a club, a Thai guy asked me if I wanted to stay over his apartment..which was provided by his company since he was only here for 2 months.

So guess what, it was the same apartment,,,and we did it in B's room.

And I thought i could hear the music from the Twilight zone !

Still miss B quite abit till today.

Best story 👍 

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On 10/17/2012 at 3:21 AM, Guest Guest said:

I stay in a hall of residence in university and always took a double room because it is cheaper. We can choose our roommates but I always left it to random chance. In my second year, I was assigned a Malaysian-Chinese. We got along pretty well - he was never noisy, always cleaned his part of the room weekly and is also pretty cute though he's quite short. One thing, however, is that he seems quite shy. Usually hall guys will wrap a towel after showering and change back our the room, but he always changed inside the shower stall. At night, he would sleep in a T-shirt and pyjama bottoms while I slept in my boxers.

I usually waited till he went to sleep before I masturbated. The toilet is so old and decrepit that there's no way I'm going to do it there! Our room's window faces the foot of a hill so no one could peek in, but moonlight can shine through. Our beds are in parallel, with about 1m gap in between.

One night I was jerking off as usual with my boxers pulled down to my ankles, trying to be as quiet as possible. Suddenly, my roomie got up from his bed and left the room. I was damn shocked, I was so sure he was asleep. In the moonlight it was obvious what I was doing. My erection wilted and I quickly pulled up my boxers.

About 5 minutes later, he came back. There was a bit of an awkward silence. Then I asked him, "You went toilet ah?". He said yah. A while later I ventured,

Me: Uhm... sorry I thought you were asleep.

Him: Nah, I saw you do that before but didn't want to disturb. Just now I had to go pee.

Me: Oh... (blushing heavily in the dark). Erm, can I ask you a question? How come you don't need to masturbate? I mean, you always sleep before me.

Him: Ah... sometimes I do it in the afternoon when you are not in the room.

Me: Oh, I can't because my schedule is always packed. Science courses have lots of lab sessions.

Him: Haha lucky I'm in Arts...

Oi, you can finish lah, I've seen your body naked and shooting before liao.

Me: Oh...

After a while of hesitation, I pulled down my boxers and continued pumping. As I didn't have to stay quiet, and I know that he's there knowing what I'm doing, I cummed quickly and it was one of my most explosive orgasms. I was afraid he'd spread the word but he kept his silence.

The next night, once the lights are out I asked him, "Do you mind if I mast? I mean, since you've seen me already there's no point in waiting for you to sleep." He said he didn't mind, so I carried on.

A few nights later, I heard a rustling sound from his bed. I looked over, and he had also pulled down his pants and was masturbating. We jerked off side by side in relative silence, but gasps and sharp breaths were especially loud in the silence of the night. I was looking at him from the corner of my eye, it was a very "chaste" type of masturbation for us - no nipple pinching, no roving hands, just one hand on dick and the other laying by the side. He came first with a visible shudder, and I came soon after. Wordlessly I passed him a few pieces of tissue from my table nearby which he used.

From then on he became more relaxed. He started changing in the room and he started sleeping shirtless and in shorts. We also went out for midnight supper at another hall together. At night, after the lights are off, whoever is in need would just relief ourselves without having to wait for the other person to fall asleep. Sometimes we did it together, sometimes solo.

It was a good arrangement.

Nice story. During uni life I always need to wait my roommate not around only can masturbate. If not I will just do it in the bathroom. Is good to have a roommate like you. 

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During a meeting with clients, big boss from Canada left his iPad facing up on table where he was sitting, and went to the other end of the room to get himself a coffee. It let out the all-too-familiar Grinder tone, and several staff say they saw the screen lit up with pictures of hot guys (mostly topless).

Some of my colleagues say they saw him run back to his seat, silenced the device and flip it over, and that he looked flustered the entire meeting. (they know about the tone as they often tease me about it). 

Wished I was there to see him die inside. 


edit: silenced

Edited by TPYmuscle69

  • Confucius says: man who masturbates without tenga takes matter into his own hands.
  • The woman sat next to me on the train is writing a text on her iPhone. It's all underlined with the squiggly red line. Illiterate cunt.
  • Singapore's '白制服' 的官: 只准州官放火 | 不准百姓点灯
  • The Gynecologist - A lesbian went to the gynecologist one day, and as the doctor is examining her, he remarked, "My, aren't we clean today." "Yeah," replied the lesbian, "I have a woman who comes in twice a week."

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40 minutes ago, Veloster said:

My uni  days were hot too ..my room was just me a private one but I got lucky many times when my next door mate would stop by for college projects and we being kind of nice bods would go gym tgt and so we would be like half naked in our boxers anyways or shorts...one night we were tgt checking out stuff on the internet and one thing led to another and before we know it we were watching porn tgt and we just got wanking and enjoying ourselves with some drinks...we were at first a little awkward but we also then realized we are bi guys and soon after that we at times do make out tgt but only orally as we are both tops...later towards the end of uni life we actually did a 3some with a hot chick also from college. It was hot 

Wow so hot. Make me horny listening to your story. Can tel us more details on the 3some hot chick story. You guys 3some in your room. Sound interesting. 

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We did it at his place when his parents were out of town....nah will tell all in detail if we chat in private only...

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Guest Loquacious Larry Laminator
2 hours ago, TPYmuscle69 said:

During a meeting with clients, big boss from Canada left his iPad facing up on table where he was sitting, and went to the other end of the room to get himself a coffee. It let out the all-too-familiar Grinder tone, and several staff say they saw the screen lit up with pictures of hot guys (mostly topless). Some of my colleagues say they saw him run back to his seat, silenced the device and flip it over, and that he looked flustered the entire meeting. (they know about the tone as they often tease me about it). Wished I was there to see him die inside.


He's a moron! Why did he have Grinder open during a business meeting? Stories like this are exactly why I have a strict policy of turning off all personal social media accounts while at work to avoid ever having embarrassing situations of that nature.

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6 minutes ago, Guest Loquacious Larry Laminator said:


He's a moron! Why did he have Grinder open during a business meeting? Stories like this are exactly why I have a strict policy of turning off all personal social media accounts while at work to avoid ever having embarrassing situations of that nature.

Personal experience too..thats why whenever i have an old phone,i always seperate wprk phone and my gaylie phone hehehehe 😛

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Guest Guest
4 hours ago, TPYmuscle69 said:

During a meeting with clients, big boss from Canada left his iPad facing up on table where he was sitting, and went to the other end of the room to get himself a coffee. It let out the all-too-familiar Grinder tone, and several staff say they saw the screen lit up with pictures of hot guys (mostly topless).

Some of my colleagues say they saw him run back to his seat, silenced the device and flip it over, and that he looked flustered the entire meeting. (they know about the tone as they often tease me about it). 

Wished I was there to see him die inside. 


edit: silenced

Your big boss from Canada is single, openly gay or in the closet? He must be straight looking?

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Guest Uncle
1 hour ago, Rain1282009 said:

I’m Lazy to Write it here.

Sometime back I was stroking my cock quietly in the shower room in the gym. So shiok. Just when I was cumming, the cubicle door pushed open. This twink was shock to see me shooting thick cum, quickly closed back the door, muttered sorry. I was in cumstate and couldn't react. What the hell?! Can't he tell that door closed mean someone was inside?! 

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46 minutes ago, Guest Uncle said:

Sometime back I was stroking my cock quietly in the shower room in the gym. So shiok. Just when I was cumming, the cubicle door pushed open. This twink was shock to see me shooting thick cum, quickly closed back the door, muttered sorry. I was in cumstate and couldn't react. What the hell?! Can't he tell that door closed mean someone was inside?! 

The door can't lock? Ya showering in gym is damm hot after all the workout and eye candy.

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Guest Uncle
27 minutes ago, Xoxowolfz said:

The door can't lock? Ya showering in gym is damm hot after all the workout and eye candy.

That gym, all shower doors are simple frosted glass. No lock. It's true, sometimes people leave door closed even after finished shower, so gotta check by pulling door. By then, too late. Everything can be seen...

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4 hours ago, Guest Uncle said:

That gym, all shower doors are simple frosted glass. No lock. It's true, sometimes people leave door closed even after finished shower, so gotta check by pulling door. By then, too late. Everything can be seen...

Next time maybe hang your towel over the top of the door to indicate that someone is inside, then u can take your time to jerk off without any disturbance  😁

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9 hours ago, Guest Uncle said:

Sometime back I was stroking my cock quietly in the shower room in the gym. So shiok. Just when I was cumming, the cubicle door pushed open. This twink was shock to see me shooting thick cum, quickly closed back the door, muttered sorry. I was in cumstate and couldn't react. What the hell?! Can't he tell that door closed mean someone was inside?! 

Lucky twink...

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Guest Juxtaposed Yourself
On 5/3/2020 at 8:22 AM, justaguy said:

Next time maybe hang your towel over the top of the door to indicate that someone is inside, then u can take your time to jerk off without any disturbance  😁


Hanging a towel over the door (or curtain) should be common sense when showering at any gym, public pool, or similar workout facility.

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17 hours ago, Guest Juxtaposed Yourself said:


Hanging a towel over the door (or curtain) should be common sense when showering at any gym, public pool, or similar workout facility.

best if the door can be locked lah, cos on top of door or curtain no one wash will have lots of dirt, then after shower u going to wipe yourself with that towel 

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Guest Guest

Two decades ago , I was looking for the cleanest cubicle to use in the toilet at Liang Court when I realised one was locked but extreme quiet , I thought it was strange , peep  below the door and encountered a pleasant matured Jap guy naked and masturbating , luckily he was enjoying with his eyes closed that he did not realise I saw it ....I left , letting him pleasuring himself in peace 

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Guest Juxtaposed Yourself
16 hours ago, quanjishou said:

best if the door can be locked lah, cos on top of door or curtain no one wash will have lots of dirt, then after shower u going to wipe yourself with that towel 


Most gyms and pools don't have lockable shower doors, unfortunately, so the choice is either to hang the towel above or risk somebody interrupting you.

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  • 3 months later...
Guest Armpits
On 5/6/2020 at 4:08 PM, Guest Guest said:

Two decades ago , I was looking for the cleanest cubicle to use in the toilet at Liang Court when I realised one was locked but extreme quiet , I thought it was strange , peep  below the door and encountered a pleasant matured Jap guy naked and masturbating , luckily he was enjoying with his eyes closed that he did not realise I saw it ....I left , letting him pleasuring himself in peace 

Wow liang court! That's so nostalgic...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Perhaps I just don’t feel comfortable jerking at home while my family is home. my bro jerk in shower because I can guess from his shower time. It took longer if he jerk. I just don’t feel comfortable like being known that u are jerking. Hv been jerking in mall toilets for a few months alrd. I am not sure if this guy caught me as when I exit from cubicle I saw him washing hands in basin, for a few sun morning alrd. 

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  • 3 months later...
1 hour ago, Sg boi said:

Just caught jerking by my dad thought that he went to work. I was jerking and he suddenly push in. He just said continue. Hmm..

How old are you both :P

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1 hour ago, Sg boi said:

Just caught jerking by my dad thought that he went to work. I was jerking and he suddenly push in. He just said continue. Hmm..


usually for guys like son, dad or uncle, if accidentally let them knows it, they will just either say "pls continue" or "sorry for disrupting your enjoyment" or 'hope i did not distract your jerking"


but for mum or aunt, they will be opening their eyes big and just shut the door

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  • 5 months later...

My bro caught me jerking before like he has seen me shooting since then I start jerking outside or getting blown outside...I found it’s awkward being caught by family but i have no issues if I being caught by strangers.. just you don’t see them anymore

Edited by Sg boi
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  • 3 weeks later...
On 12/8/2020 at 10:51 AM, DeMarko said:


usually for guys like son, dad or uncle, if accidentally let them knows it, they will just either say "pls continue" or "sorry for disrupting your enjoyment" or 'hope i did not distract your jerking"


but for mum or aunt, they will be opening their eyes big and just shut the door

Lolz 🤣

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I saw my uncle jerk off  when I was age 14. He was around 40 plus at that time. 


He was rather calm at that moment, just smile at me and continue his hand exercise till he cum. But I was rather puzzled on what he's doing at that period. But that scene does impact me much, cos I recall and follow what he had done, one day when I was feeling bored, and found my way to hj then. 

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Guest singaliar
6 minutes ago, Bdman78 said:

I saw my uncle jerk off  when I was age 14. He was around 40 plus at that time. 


He was rather calm at that moment, just smile at me and continue his hand exercise till he cum. But I was rather puzzled on what he's doing at that period. But that scene does impact me much, cos I recall and follow what he had done, one day when I was feeling bored, and found my way to hj then. 


Wah lao eh!  

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Guest Skinnyswimer97

When I was 15 my first time watching yaoi hentai at my bedroom. I got so excited that I accidentally cum in my underwear.  Fearing that my cum would drip on my pants and bedsheet, I quickly dash out from my room heading to the toilet with a big twitching bulge. Hopefully my parents and siblings didn't saw my bulge when I was running to the toilet LOL.

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On 5/25/2010 at 12:28 AM, Guest hmm said:

Once I was very horny in the office. Those people around my area were away. I start playing with my little brother touching from outside my pants. I knew there were people around but not so near me. I went on day dreaming.

Later on, when I was in the toilet, a colleauge sitting some distance away from me asked me... you horny ah ? I huh ?? He said he saw me playing with my brother when he went down to the floor to pick up his pen he dropped. :oops:

I was speechless. He then asked me why so horny ? I dumb dumb told him I was thinking of him. At the same time, my brother erected immediately at the urinal. He saw it and he erected also.

After that, we became very *good* friends. :whistle:

Wow... Like drama☺️

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Guest Curious
1 hour ago, Bdman78 said:

I saw my uncle jerk off  when I was age 14. He was around 40 plus at that time. 


He was rather calm at that moment, just smile at me and continue his hand exercise till he cum. But I was rather puzzled on what he's doing at that period. But that scene does impact me much, cos I recall and follow what he had done, one day when I was feeling bored, and found my way to hj then. 

Haha... Me too but I was younger, 12yo n my uncle was abt 35yo tat time. We slept in e same room on double-decker bed. I m on e top n he was on e below. It was in e middle of e nite when he accidentally kicked on e wooden frame of e bed n I got waken up under my blanket. I did not instantly go into sleep again n after 5mins I heard abit of sound fr below. I peep thru my blanket notice e table lamp was on n upon looking at e reflection of e floor standing mirror at e corner of our room, I saw him in nude on bed masturbating. (Seriously at tat age when sex was still a curious ting when hearing alot fr classmates) To be frank I got hard watching. I m quite puzzled later on when seeing him lifted his body up n down continuously like kena ghost possession.(Recalling when I get older, he was actually cumming soon)😆 Due to e dim lighting, I m in confuse tat did I juz saw something shooting out fr his cock? Not long, he got up n sat on side of his bed pulling some tissue on e study table cleaning his cock. I got a clearer view of his cock at tis time. His cock was still quite hard n my heart was beating fast when I see e way he cleans it. (Wiping e underside of shaft, pulling e foreskin back wiping e shaft n wiping e glans, wiping e scrotum, wiping his pubic bush)😍 He was on his old Nokia fone playing snake n ladder (while waiting for his cock to go soft...I think) before wrapping himself with towel n went out to bathroom. 

My first masturbation was I got hard when tinking wat my uncle was doing. I rub n rub my hard cock on my bolster feeling so shiok n suddenly a feel of electric shock over me n I shoot out in my underwear. I felt so scare tat time. 🤪

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