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Bangkok ( Thailand ) - Massage / Sauna Compiled)


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On 12/6/2019 at 6:57 PM, Guest Thomas Didymuz Toh said:

Highly recommend you to check out Rapee Massage. It’s a Bts Saladeng, silom Road.

very good consistent massage styles.

the oil is good quality and feels so good and smooth on my beautiful, porcelain skin.

the oil is very good for B2B massage too!

most importantly, the therapists are well mannered and not money-minded.

you get to enjoy good massage and more there.

have gone about 9-10 times, not once was a tip negotiated up front during the massage, even left with the man cream on my face!

A tip of 150 baht was met with a big smile and traditional wai.

this is what good service in Thailand, the land of smiles should be.

Thank you so much for the information shall try it out. Btw can we request for a male masseur?  

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Hey Guys, gonna ask the same question, going to BKK after Christmas till NY, hoping to visit some of these massage places with HE and pick up 1 or 2 guys from 
those clubs and bar.  if you know of a good massage boy you can also introduce him to me :)  but i realize i am rather far off the silom area , staying in hilton Bkk. phrom pong station.
Seeking for your guidance, knowledge and tips - thank you in advance. 

Pls dont get mad at me, i promise to go at least 10 pages behind and read this thread, but i just want the latest feedback :) Cheers

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54 minutes ago, Xmengay said:

Hey Guys, gonna ask the same question, going to BKK after Christmas till NY, hoping to visit some of these massage places with HE and pick up 1 or 2 guys from 
those clubs and bar.  if you know of a good massage boy you can also introduce him to me :)  but i realize i am rather far off the silom area , staying in hilton Bkk. phrom pong station.
Seeking for your guidance, knowledge and tips - thank you in advance. 

Pls dont get mad at me, i promise to go at least 10 pages behind and read this thread, but i just want the latest feedback :) Cheers

Hi bro,...

how much $ you have to share? .. i can intro you a list to help you. you like ...?

why stay in hilton bkk? redeem rooms. ?

i think pple will be going to - https://www.whitepartybangkok.com/ 


can pm me when you back from trip as i have nvr been there during this period. 

Edited by Garyl
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@Garyl - Thank you for the reply. I have Pmed you to chat further. 

to the rest, as i was reading thru the other pages on this form, i found VC club to be dam good and found this link to read about 
- check it out guys - https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=zh-CN&u=https://gaythaicool.com/2017/12/17/article-vclub-bm/&prev=search
it was in Chinese i google translated it. 

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On 12/10/2019 at 4:36 AM, bradkoi said:

Anyone meet up in silom on 11 to 22 dec. 

me always here ;) WIll have to play by ear, I cannot Friday night, maybe Saturday. Sunday/Monday away. After that will see, should be ok

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3 hours ago, 1069 said:

Visiting Bangkok 26-31 December for holiday.

Anyone else going? Private message me with your line or wechat ID. Can explore together. Cheers. 😉


3 hours ago, Jonathandliai said:


there 27 dec - 1 jan


Ill be there 29-1jan 

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1 hour ago, fuzzy said:

Agree with BouncingBelly and Bradkoi. It all depends on what your reason(s) to come to Bangkok. 

Currently I am in BKK until the 20 Dec. There are so many things to explore in BKK, with the new MRT system expanding out to other places in Bangkok. 😊

That mrt and bts new extension will be one of my plan to explore as well.

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Guest Thomas Didymuz Toh

White party anyone??? 
Not into shopping in Bangkok and exploring stupid cafe and food outlets! 
Don’t mind go massage place, sauna, cruising spots or to look at nude men showering! 
24 chn here 

HMU 88550014

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Can anyone tell me if what is the new MRT station of the blue line near Yaowarat (the place where there are places selling sharkfin, seafood and tibits?)

Is it within walking distance from the MRT station?


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On 12/19/2019 at 9:17 PM, Guest Tree said:

Can anyone tell me if what is the new MRT station of the blue line near Yaowarat (the place where there are places selling sharkfin, seafood and tibits?)

Is it within walking distance from the MRT station?


if u refer to chinatown wat mongkong yes

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Guest Thomas Didymuz Toh

Bangkok and White party, here I Cum! 😜

excited for all the action to happen soon! 
God save the queen like me! 

anyone in BKK interested to meet up to explore sauna and cruising place? 
looking to get pumped like fireworks for NYE.
not into shopping or exploring cafe/restaurants.


24 chn, boyish btm.

HMU 88550014


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Guest Thomas Didymuz Toh

Christmas mood in Bangkok is wonderful.

Malaysia hotel which I am staying is also beautifully decorated, and the bell boys wished me a merry Christmas on Christmas! How wonderful! 

explored silom area on Christmas Day and some what ventured into my fave and highly acclaimed Rapee Massage.


the usual therapist for me were either not around or busy, so I was recommended a guy by the reception called Coke.


he led me up to the massage bed area where I undressed, but left my lace panties on.


coke then entered the room and asked me if I liked hard or soft. For a moment, I thought he was referring to his cock, which my preference was hard. Then he explained again in broken English, that he was referring to massage strength. 😜


he began his massage on my back, focusing on my inner thighs and butt. He said that the lace panties would get damaged by the oil and recommended to remove them. Before I could say anything, my panties were already removed by him.


Could feel the occasional slip of hands, and felt the tips of his fingers entering my hole, as well as the sensual moments whereby his moustache seem to be brushing against my bare behind.


when it was time to turn over, I realised that Coke was already nude with a big hard on! When I reached out to grab it, it was already mildly wet! 

He asked me if I wanted it, pointing to his cock and then to my hole.


pretending to be shy, I nodded quietly.


the beast in him took over, and he started to pump me furiously on the massage bed!


his hard cock plunged into my hole, poking away, I was almost moaning in ectasy, but could not, as there were other people having massage nearby, adding to the thrill of it! 

After fucking me for about 15 mins, could feel some jerking in him, so before he could shoot in my hole, I told him to shoot it all on my face! 

With a strong splurt, the hot man cream was all over my face, like the icing on the log cake I had. Tasted so yummy, with his manly aroma. It was a wonderful cum tasting experience on Christmas!


he allowed me some time to dress up, while he went down to get hot tea for me.


back down at the receptionist, I enjoyed my tea and handed over a tip of 150 baht, which he graciously accepted and Wai back at me, wishing me a merry Christmas! 

walked out with some soreness between my legs, glad that the beast did not rip my lace panties!😜

enjoyable Christmas experience at Rapee Massage at Silom


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Guest InBangkok
1 hour ago, Guest Thomas Didymuz Toh said:

enjoyable Christmas experience at Rapee Massage at Silom


I have never before heard of this massage place and it seems not to be listed on any of the regular gay massage shops. I am delighted Guest Thomas Didymuz Toh had a great time there, but I am curious about its pricing. Normally such small massage spas price only for the massage. If happy endings of any type are requested by the customer, either the total price is in the Bt. 1,500 - 2,000 range or there will be a minimum recommended tip of at least Bt. 750. 


Does Rapee price its massage to include happy endings? If it does, then the poster's Bt.150 tip would certainly have been adequate. But if it does not include happy endings (and having seen a short youtube video of the exterior of the shop and its location, it seems unlikely the pricing will include HEs), then Bt. 150 is, frankly, vastly below what would be expected and would not be met with a smile!


Most grateful if Guest Thomas Didymuz Toh can give us an idea of the price he paid for the full body oil massage.


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Guest Fairy Tales never cum
2 hours ago, Guest InBangkok said:

Most grateful if Guest Thomas Didymuz Toh can give us an idea of the price he paid

Don't be fool by this old foggy.

This Shemale wolf is so old she probably had withdrawn her cpf and bought this Rapee Massage at Silom.

I think the therapist will spat on the cheapskate for giving 150baht tip instead of a wai, or maybe give her the finger but she cannot see because of the specs that she wore since 1965.

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4 minutes ago, Garyl said:

No happy ending at all. Thjnk u will be blacklisted if try to be funny.

U wi feel safe there, unlike othr placez.

could it be that it depends on masseur? some friends get to touch the masseur and some have happy ending and always go back to Prime. 

most say it is normal type massage. 

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