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Malaysia Airline Mh370 Missing Plane Discussion (compiled)


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Guest Raiden Alpha

Fixed another post for you. You're welcome.

You sure are cheeky aren't you?

I am a busy man and have no time correcting typo errors and auto correct whenever it happens.

Go back to marking your students textbooks.

You grammar nazi.

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guys, its obvious tat RA is somewhat melancholic and can be quite negative, even quarrelsome at times.

But, I'm sure he means no malice.

Just that he can be too direct with his views, and adamantly insistent on his opinion being the only perspective.

Let's just leave the busy man alone and let him cool off by himself.


Back to the topic at hand, US side has confirmed that there was no heat signature detected,

which would be the case if there was indeed a mid-air explosion.

The earlier oil streak/spill on the sea surface was also affirmed as Not air-craft fuel.

Given that there was no confirmed explosion, it is highly likely to be a hijack,

though strangely enough, no one has claimed responsibility.

Barring the possibility of X-file phenomenon, which did cross my mind,

but the Bermuda Triangle is exactly located where the incident occurred.

So, for those who still wish to hope, prayer is a definite must.

I advocate hoping even when there's no apparent hope.

One can always hope and pray.

No one should say you should stop hoping & praying.

Nuff said, I shall not expound further.

Let's all quieten our hearts and truly take things into proper perspective.

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Guest Guest

You sure are cheeky aren't you?

I am a busy man and have no time correcting typo errors and auto correct whenever it happens.

Go back to marking your students textbooks.

You grammar nazi.

I am grateful for ppl to correct my mistake after I post.

Sometimes, I would post asap to correct my grammar/typo error.

It's how I learn to write better.


I am also grateful to read and learn from ppl who contributed to this forum - the mods with interesting articles and info, Cactus, etc.


RA, listen to your way to talk and calling ppl Nazi.

Tsk, tsk, tsk.................


Note: you are investing in more bad karma - akan dating.

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Guest Guest

I had a supper last night at Blk 79A, Circuit Road.

I overhead a stranger's fairy tale sitting opposite of me.

Fairy Tale:

1. Plane did not divert to Malacca Straits.

2. Plane wreck is still in South China Sea (drifted very far). 

3. The plane wreck will be floating on the sea-surface before next wednesday (19 March). 

4. Pilots were smart but killed.

5. Singapore is always number 1 in the world. Therefore, Singapore Search-&-Rescue (S-&-R) team will be number 1 to find out the plane wreck.

6. Malaysia Gov't will be embarrassed because they lacked of incompetency in S-&-R. 

But just watch the news CH808 at 9.45pm. US sources said that plane continued to fly for 4 hrs after last contact but M'sia denies it.

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Guest Guest

I am grateful for ppl to correct my mistake after I post.

Sometimes, I would post asap to correct my grammar/typo error.

It's how I learn to write better.


I am also grateful to read and learn from ppl who contributed to this forum - the mods with interesting articles and info, Cactus, etc.


RA, listen to your way to talk and calling ppl Nazi.

Tsk, tsk, tsk.................


Note: you are investing in more bad karma - akan dating.

Oops, should be 'listen to the way you talk, calling ppl Nazi.' and 'akan datang'.


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Is there a direct relationship between inferiority and stupidity?



never argue with the guests. let them bark all they want.





After I have said what I wanna say, I don't care what you say.



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OMG, he could have thank these countries, not discredit them by pulling all of them down.

Thanks for nothing.

Talks like RA, too.

old fool up to it again. so unappreciative.


He asking for more chances to practice to gain experience.

Edited by junxiang
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Guest guest

OMG, he could have thank these countries, not discredit them by pulling all of them down.

Thanks for nothing.

Talks like RA, too.

If he say like that ar, then ok lor... Singapore please pack yr bags and come back.... Why bother when pple don't appreciate yr help and want u to share the fault. Whose plane is it ar??? Malaysian Airline leh....Ungrateful... Dun even knx how to admit yr mistakes and keep pushing it away.... It is so hard to admit that there is room for improvement. 

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Guest Raiden Alpha

A five day summary news of the contradicting news Malaysia has release out regarding flight MH 370.

Even the newscaster sound piss reading it out.

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Roti prata flip ah flip.



never argue with the guests. let them bark all they want.





After I have said what I wanna say, I don't care what you say.



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I was in JB earlier and I came across a wall in City Square where people invited to write their hopes, wishes and prayers for MH370. Here are some pictures:











善待对人。麻烦用英文来表达信息。不是每个人都会看的懂中文 “People need to learn the art of making an argument. Often there is no

right or wrong. It's just your opinion vs someone else's opinion. How you deliver that opinion could make the difference between opening a mind,

changing an opinion or shutting the door. Sometimes folk just don't know when they've "argued" enough. Learn when to shut up."

― J'son M. Lee 

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Guest bomohomo

There are air crashes every year, but no one can accurately predict which one and where ,when it happens ,they claim they can foresee, it's so stupid !

I think laoshi cactus foresaw doubters, hence he predicted, droppin clues , as early as 31 jan!

In case there are people who question the psychic ability of laoshi, he has pinpointed on 31 jan with clues..,.

The flight departed from Kuala Lumpur International Airport on 8 March at (16:41 UTC, ), if you dont believe , check it up!

" 排了四柱... 六神略看了。"

四, 六 =

I 6 : 4 l

Time tt mh370 departed fro KlIA!

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Guest Raiden Alpha

Its time for more conspiracy theories.

Malaysia want to cover up and hold the discovery of the missing plane until a specific date and use that news to wash out another big event in their home soil.

Fat wish.These are human lives we are talking about, the west has now caught on to what they are playing and has taken it upon themselves to provide news coverage and expertise to aid the victims family and the world to get an answer as soon as possible.

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Guest Guest

Its time for more conspiracy theories.

Malaysia want to cover up and hold the discovery of the missing plane until a specific date and use that news to wash out another big event in their home soil.

Fat wish.These are human lives we are talking about, the west has now caught on to what they are playing and has taken it upon themselves to provide news coverage and expertise to aid the victims family and the world to get an answer as soon as possible.

you are not helping by stirring up more fear and negativity which we do not need now.

I guess you are also suffering in your own abyss.

I believe you are also physically very sick.

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Guest Have Empathy Please!

Its time for more conspiracy theories.

Malaysia want to cover up and hold the discovery of the missing plane until a specific date and use that news to wash out another big event in their home soil.

Fat wish.These are human lives we are talking about, the west has now caught on to what they are playing and has taken it upon themselves to provide news coverage and expertise to aid the victims family and the world to get an answer as soon as possible.


Wah, another lao shi?

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Guest Raiden Alpha

And what the heck are we (the world) suppose to do? Just pray and read the news update everyday?

Do you believe in your own prayers?

Do you believe their news reporting?

You people do your work and let me do my own thinking over this incident.

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Guest Raiden Alpha

I think laoshi cactus foresaw doubters, hence he predicted, droppin clues , as early as 31 jan!

In case there are people who question the psychic ability of laoshi, he has pinpointed on 31 jan with clues..,.

The flight departed from Kuala Lumpur International Airport on 8 March at (16:41 UTC, ), if you dont believe , check it up!

" 排了四柱... 六神略看了。"

四, 六 =

I 6 : 4 l

Time tt mh370 departed fro KlIA!

Not to undermine Cactus ability or power.

But the way you try to interpret his posts and look for non existent clues is a bit too amusing for me.



请不要误人误己 散布乱神论毁人名声。

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Guest Sa Kah Pei

Not to undermine Cactus ability or power.

But the way you try to interpret his posts and look for non existent clues is a bit too amusing for me.



请不要误人误己 散布乱神论毁人名声。

Read your last sentence. So pls dun spread fear about the outcome of MH370 and destroy our hope.

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Guest Raiden Alpha

Read your last sentence. So pls dun spread fear about the outcome of MH370 and destroy our hope.

You misjudge my character. By telling you all that the west has taken the initiative to spearhead and investigate this mystery instead of letting it be handle by Malaysia authorities the public actually regain hope in finding out some much needed answers and truth much sooner than it was previously possible.

Simply because the world have more faith in the competency of USA and their news reports.

This is my original intention,only those with a crook heart infer my post with a twisted and dishonourable perspective.

Edited by Raiden Alpha
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最焦灼的莫过于乘客家属,他们是整个事件中最茫然无措的 ...

身为旁观的局外人 , 最温柔的慈悲 , 就是别在别人的伤口上撒盐 ,

不是添油加醋 , 发挥小说家的想象力 , 或理论这是谁的责任 ,

因为 "责任" 在这个阶段对寻找失踪的航机并没有多大的帮助 ,

拖多一天 , 机会越渺茫 , 但多一份关爱 , 人间越洋溢着温情。

Edited by snowball
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Guest bomohomo

Not to undermine Cactus ability or power.

But the way you try to interpret his posts and look for non existent clues is a bit too amusing for me.



请不要误人误己 散布乱神论毁人名声。

Well, 天机不可泄漏,if cos laoshi disguised it. Only those with a pure heart can read between his inspired lines.

Since u doubt so much, then we shoulsnt decipher the rest of his foretelling...

Im very angry with those who said laoshi is in hiding. He is actually praying for these lost souls! If you only know how much he is doing behind the scenes.

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Guest Neh Neh

Its time for more conspiracy theories.

Malaysia want to cover up and hold the discovery of the missing plane until a specific date and use that news to wash out another big event in their home soil.

Fat wish.These are human lives we are talking about, the west has now caught on to what they are playing and has taken it upon themselves to provide news coverage and expertise to aid the victims family and the world to get an answer as soon as possible.

I agree with RA. Malaysia government is hiding something. First Anwar, then MH370 to divert Anwar case. Now MH370 mysteriously missing from the world and many smogs confusing the search. Kajang election coming soon....

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Guest Raiden Alpha

Well, 天机不可泄漏,if cos laoshi disguised it. Only those with a pure heart can read between his inspired lines.

Since u doubt so much, then we shoulsnt decipher the rest of his foretelling...

Im very angry with those who said laoshi is in hiding. He is actually praying for these lost souls! If you only know how much he is doing behind the scenes.

I did not doubt or question Mr Cactus,I only ask other guests not to anyhow decipher and made speculations out of his posts so as not to pin unnecessary problems toward him.

I just don't wish people anyhow put words into other people mouth that's all.

Hope you got it.


Edited by Raiden Alpha
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Guest Magnolia

Overhead continuation of a Fairy Tale last night at Blk 79A, Cirucit Road.

1. Wreck is still in the South China Sea. Drifted East (it has gone very far).

2. Singapore S&-R team will be the first to discover.

3. Nose/cockpit will appear on the surface of water.

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Guest annoyed

Well, 天机不可泄漏,if cos laoshi disguised it. Only those with a pure heart can read between his inspired lines.

Since u doubt so much, then we shoulsnt decipher the rest of his foretelling...

Im very angry with those who said laoshi is in hiding. He is actually praying for these lost souls! If you only know how much he is doing behind the scenes.

For goodness sake, most of us here are not interested with that whatever Cactus laoshi and his divine power. And we do not really care about what supernatural things he is doing for the lost behind the scenes. Also, please stop doing a double posts of the secrets you found deciphering laoshi's messages in two different threads to promote all these superstitious stuff, it serves no purpose except to irritate others. Listen to RA's advice please.
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Not sure how true is it but shocking and heart-wrenching if real.




马航终于有真相了!CNN北京时间3月13日10时48分向全球抢先发布独家最新消息:由美国CIA参与此次调查的调查结果显示,已失联五天之久由吉隆坡飞往北京的马来西亚航空公司MH370航班(机型:“波音777”)系于2014年3月8日凌晨2时21分被马来西亚军机击落并坠毁于马来西亚槟城西北200英里的马六甲海域,最后发出攻击命令的是马来西亚皇家空军总司令马德扎利-达乌德。CNN记者目前尚未从任何方面获知马来西亚军方此次攻击民航客机的具体原因。对此,CNN将继续跟踪报道。(CNN特派记者:ONEJOYO 发自吉隆坡)马航终于有真相了:亚航总裁一开始就说飞机安全降落在Naning–马六甲的旧称,但随后这条twitter被删了。在google map输入naning,果然都在马六甲。这其中在槟城附近有个小机场。马军方雷达最后探测到的“A”点也靠近槟城。失联马航班机MH370的机师查哈里阿末沙(53岁)是槟城人,早前是大英义中学的学生。



never argue with the guests. let them bark all they want.





After I have said what I wanna say, I don't care what you say.



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Not sure how true is it but shocking and heart-wrenching if real.




马航终于有真相了!CNN北京时间3月13日10时48分向全球抢先发布独家最新消息:由美国CIA参与此次调查的调查结果显示,已失联五天之久由吉隆坡飞往北京的马来西亚航空公司MH370航班(机型:“波音777”)系于2014年3月8日凌晨2时21分被马来西亚军机击落并坠毁于马来西亚槟城西北200英里的马六甲海域,最后发出攻击命令的是马来西亚皇家空军总司令马德扎利-达乌德。CNN记者目前尚未从任何方面获知马来西亚军方此次攻击民航客机的具体原因。对此,CNN将继续跟踪报道。(CNN特派记者:ONEJOYO 发自吉隆坡)马航终于有真相了:亚航总裁一开始就说飞机安全降落在Naning–马六甲的旧称,但随后这条twitter被删了。在google map输入naning,果然都在马六甲。这其中在槟城附近有个小机场。马军方雷达最后探测到的“A”点也靠近槟城。失联马航班机MH370的机师查哈里阿末沙(53岁)是槟城人,早前是大英义中学的学生。



Oh, I hope it's not only me.... I thought naning is somewhere in china  :unsure:

"Go out looking like you want to be seen - reliable, respectable; A man who can deliver, not one of the boys"

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