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Discussion on Married Gay Men (有妇之夫) Whom Hv Gay Sex + An Open Letter to Married Men + Married men's stress & struggles (compiled)

Guest Married

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Guest MarriedGuy

Came across this old thread. Just wanted to clap clap for quite a few of you with sensible arguments here.



  On 6/14/2013 at 1:47 PM, Afterwork said:

who are we to judge what's right and what's wrong?


is gay sex "wrong"?

is s&m "wrong"?

is extramarital sex "wrong"?


everyone has different moral yardsticks, so don't use yours as a benchmark as eveyone probably has different views.


most will probably say it's "wrong" to hve extramarital sex in this forum, but then again, we are all hiding behind an anonymous persona.  When it comes down to it, there are plenty of gays/str8s/bis who claim to be in a monogamous relationship but still continue to fool around - so nothing to do with married hetero men, if you wanna be fair, then the same question shld be asked of married gays, bisexual couples, men who are married to their hamsters - is monogamy dead?


we are all big boys - you can choose who u wanna play with and married men can choose their own lifestyle - live and let it be.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Has been a guest reading this forum till decided to leave a message here. I am confused. I like guys but I am getting married next year. I have encountered with guys and realized I like guys but I am with my girlfriend. And we are preparing our wedding now.

Should I just get married and have fun or should I call off the wedding? Dilemma. Help...

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  On 10/26/2013 at 2:30 PM, ConfusedGuy26 said:

Has been a guest reading this forum till decided to leave a message here. I am confused. I like guys but I am getting married next year. I have encountered with guys and realized I like guys but I am with my girlfriend. And we are preparing our wedding now.

Should I just get married and have fun or should I call off the wedding? Dilemma. Help...

ask... what do u want?

there is no right or wrong answer and really depends on what u want in your life.

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Guest Deeedison
  On 6/10/2012 at 8:06 AM, bicurioussg said:

I'm married and bicurious,

have a wonderful wife whom probably suspects I am bi http://www.blowingwind.org/forum/public/style_emoticons/#EMO_DIR#/smile.png

Normally I am super attracted to girls, beautiful ones always catch my eye when they walk pass

My Bi side though also fantasies about doing some CD and being treated like a girl

Unfortunately its not something I can just turn off.

Same thing on ur fantasies

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Guest Deeedison

Hi im 30 yrs old filipino discreet straight curious. Havent done m2m so wanna try it out. I fantasize of dressin kinky clothes or lingerie and want to do bj like a girl so in short wanna be treated as a slutty girl.

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  On 11/1/2013 at 2:33 AM, kee_hsiao said:

well, I think it work both ways. if the other party is over clingy, it may jeopardize the family. so, expect things like delay in replies and stuff...

Yes. I do understand that. But if he really care of you he will get some time for you. Is appreciate to what he have give even jus a little thing.

I learnt to appreciate it.

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  • 1 month later...

一直认为, 如果有一条管道让已婚的同性或双性恋者可以互吐心声,

达到精神上健康的交流, 不必为自己的与众不同而忐忑, 无处倾诉,


见面不一定就是要上床肉搏, 所谓知心知己更难寻。

网络上交心要谨慎, 道貌岸然的人很多,

防范之心时刻都得警惕, 不可松懈, 一不小心, 踏错一步,

随时都会造成家庭四分五裂的局面, 如果碰到怪人或难缠之人更是苦不堪言。

每每有人建议户外活动, 不知是否雷声大雨点小, 仿佛是只听楼梯响, 不见人下来,

或是只有一两次, 就没有了下文。


不妨上网分享, 为其他人打一剂强心针, 让他人受益。

否则, 不禁让人纳闷, 难道上网的已婚人多数与他人无异, 只重肉体性欲,


或许要已婚者真正踏出第一步并非易事吧, 所以逢场做戏点到为止,


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  On 12/19/2013 at 8:54 AM, snowball said:

一直认为, 如果有一条管道让已婚的同性或双性恋者可以互吐心声,

达到精神上健康的交流, 不必为自己的与众不同而忐忑, 无处倾诉,


见面不一定就是要上床肉搏, 所谓知心知己更难寻。

网络上交心要谨慎, 道貌岸然的人很多,

防范之心时刻都得警惕, 不可松懈, 一不小心, 踏错一步,

随时都会造成家庭四分五裂的局面, 如果碰到怪人或难缠之人更是苦不堪言。

每每有人建议户外活动, 不知是否雷声大雨点小, 仿佛是只听楼梯响, 不见人下来,

或是只有一两次, 就没有了下文。


不妨上网分享, 为其他人打一剂强心针, 让他人受益。

否则, 不禁让人纳闷, 难道上网的已婚人多数与他人无异, 只重肉体性欲,


或许要已婚者真正踏出第一步并非易事吧, 所以逢场做戏点到为止,



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要与已婚者交心, 也不是毫无可能性,

也要天时, 地利, 人和, 缺一不可。

第一步, 不用说, 就是双方都要有好感,


否则, 很难会有延续。

交往的时候, 别试图探听他的一切隐私,

坦白也要看时机, 诚实也得看对象,

该摊开说的, 可以倾诉的,

不用你问, 他也会与你分享,

重要的是, 你能让他放心,

你是没心机, 不会乱入他们的原有生活。

要和他们开诚布公, 就别计较,

以他们为中心, 配合他们的时间,

你如果是真诚的, 对方会感觉看得到。



可以交就交 ( 交心, 性交 :D )



认识一个人, 可以只从肉体开始,




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  On 12/21/2013 at 1:55 PM, mlysgboy said:

Any translators here?

Didnt know this thread has become into a chinese speaking thread. ;)

in short:

- understand the commitment of a married man if u ever wanting to get involve with them romantically (or sexually)

- know the time to give and know that sometimes, it's hard for them to give the equivalent

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  • 6 months later...

Im married, foreign. Even before I worked here I had one or two encounters with guys, but I dont kiss, I sucked once but it was not a pleasant experience, I dont fuck also, boring? yes Im only on the receiving end. I love getting sucked, I do HJ but thats it.

Oh I love getting naked in public places too! (pref no people around)


One BIG problem with married guys having sex with other guys is SAFETY.


So bored as I am here, I hope I could find a guy with the safety/exclusive physical commitment, hey we have wives to fuck also right? so we have to be safe ALWAYS! and the best thing to do about this is be exclusive! Anyone???



I dont drink, I dont smoke, I get NAKED!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Anything And Everything About Married Guys

Started by GymStock, Jun 07 2012 07:40 AM


i noticed from experienced married men stick together with other married men for longer period of time.

They become comfortable bringing families to visit the other during festive seasons.

The spouses feel comfortable letting their husbands go out having quality male bonding time like boat or island fishing trip, diving sessions, overseas cycling expeditions, even overseas shopping trips.


However, almost all the time married men make full use of the opportunity to engage in full sexual encounter with their regular buddies.


They come back home with a new lingerie or a ring for their wives, Xbox or comics collectibles for their kids. Or even giving favorite batik sarong to their mother in laws, classic wooden smoking pipe to their father in laws.


Wives and kids happy, Parents in law delighted to have a responsible and caring sons in law. Everone is happy thinking they have a good man in the house,


The married men may even suprised their regular buddies with simple gifts like cuff rings, leather lighter complete with cigarette holder, timberland shoes, bum equipment underwear, guess watch, a cool okley sunglasses or even gilette electric shaver.


Their wives are happy to see slight changes, if not drastic, in their husbands appearance. Like shaving regularly, trimming the beard or nose hair, wearing proper attire when going out with families to functions and weddings, or even spending more time with their children because these married men dont need to constantly look for guys - they have their few, if not a lot, regular buddies to satify their weekly sexual desire


When their own male sexual needs fulfill regularly, they can give more male meat time to their wives. Even though most wives are less interested in their meat when they are older because of tired taking care of grandkids, but these quality time is considered precious to their spouses.


They make their wives happy. Families are happy. Everyone seems happy in this seemingly happy world.


Thats why many straight men are more comfortable to be around these happily married men even though they know these guys have bisexual tendencies. Some even willing to be victimised by surrendering their back virginity and family meat to these more experienced bisexual married men. Through experience, these straight men will start to give in to these new sexual needs after knowing they have stabilised their family, like children are in the universities or married. Many however will actually want it desperatedly after noticing the lack of interest shown by their wives towards their manly meat. Usually when they hit 40.


now they are considered bisexual too.

welcome to the club.

Tall & Mature. Bisexual & Married.
Versatile & Hung. Experienced Malay.

LINE ID - marriedmly

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There are two questions running in my mind right now and i couldn't seem to fathom. I hope anyone here could shed me some light here.


Question one.


I understand married guys are (so have i heard) sexually deprived. They needed sex more than ever but not from their own wife. Funny is that they find guys to bang instead of woman. Are they bisexual or bi-curious in that sense? Even straight guys sometimes went for guys for sex rather than women. Does that mean we as gay are getting more and more accepted as the time goes by? Or they just use us for sex tool and dump us once theirs' need are fulfilled? What drives them to have such notion?



Your answers and comment are much appreciated. 

I just want to do some research about that. 






Moderator's Comment:


Your topic title has been edited and so is your question two.  Here in BW, we do not encourage nor condone any incestuous topics for discussion.



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  On 8/7/2014 at 3:33 AM, stannlsw said:

There are two questions running in my mind right now and i couldn't seem to fathom. I hope anyone here could shed me some light here.


Question one.


I understand ... (so have i heard) ....


I just want to do some research about that. 


For a good research, it is always good to back it with sources.  Statements like 'I understand' and/or 'so have i heard' will only get your research thrown out unless they are backed with credible points of supply.


Perhaps, reading through Anything And Everything About Married Guys might give you some insight (though may not be conclusive) about your curiousity.

Click Here To Visit My Blog @ "The Blessed Life"

*Let me live my life to be an instrument of 'Love', in how I speak and in how I see others*

- May there be Love and Peace beyond all understanding -

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Not dat i m dat experienced but fr those whom i hv had some fun with

Its basically just fun for them. The younger ones tend to be well, still young so they like to continue playing both ways. The older set, they are at a point where they treat gay sex as a filler btw str8 sex

These are the truly bi ones

For those who are gay but forced into marriage, thats easy to explain.

Married men, over to u.

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Its less complex. Meet, fuck, end of story. With women or wives, there is usually some emotion or emotional thing involved e.g. dinner before or meal after, flowers, etc. And if you dont keep in touch, it would be better if you leave the country :)

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I cant speak for the other married men, but for me watching her suck my cock just makes me horny to try one myself. I did try and has nvr stop. I guess i am also artracted to the male body and can appreciate the whole package. My wife gives such good head and i want to feel what she feels. I know how is it to fuck but since i am versatile, most of my m2m encounters would somehow end up me being fucked. Dont get me wrong, fucking my wife and watchin her moan while she gets thrashed in all possible positions majes me horny, but its the turgid hard cock that is what makes me want to have his warm cum splatter over me.

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  On 8/24/2014 at 2:05 AM, creme said:

I cant speak for the other married men, but for me watching her suck my cock just makes me horny to try one myself. I did try and has nvr stop. I guess i am also artracted to the male body and can appreciate the whole package. My wife gives such good head and i want to feel what she feels. I know how is it to fuck but since i am versatile, most of my m2m encounters would somehow end up me being fucked. Dont get me wrong, fucking my wife and watchin her moan while she gets thrashed in all possible positions majes me horny, but its the turgid hard cock that is what makes me want to have his warm cum splatter over me.

Hehe, that's a typical bisexual trait...someone who goes both ways. It's hot! But just take care not to hurt anyone's feeling. Like what the Malays always say "pandai makan, pandai simpan" (know how to eat hence know how to keep).


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  On 8/24/2014 at 2:10 AM, bodybuildMLY said:

Like what the Malays always say "pandai makan, pandai simpan" (know how to eat hence know how to keep).



Ages since I last heard/read this  :D



善待对人。麻烦用英文来表达信息。不是每个人都会看的懂中文 “People need to learn the art of making an argument. Often there is no

right or wrong. It's just your opinion vs someone else's opinion. How you deliver that opinion could make the difference between opening a mind,

changing an opinion or shutting the door. Sometimes folk just don't know when they've "argued" enough. Learn when to shut up."

― J'son M. Lee 

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  On 8/24/2014 at 2:05 AM, creme said:

I cant speak for the other married men, but for me watching her suck my cock just makes me horny to try one myself. I did try and has nvr stop. I guess i am also artracted to the male body and can appreciate the whole package. My wife gives such good head and i want to feel what she feels. I know how is it to fuck but since i am versatile, most of my m2m encounters would somehow end up me being fucked. Dont get me wrong, fucking my wife and watchin her moan while she gets thrashed in all possible positions majes me horny, but its the turgid hard cock that is what makes me want to have his warm cum splatter over me.

Nice make up story ! But most married bi likes to be sucked instead of being fucked !

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I know that the feeling is different when a guy gets his cock sucked by another dude. I get it. But the way i see it, no point for a married guy going bi if he wants another mouth over his dick. For me, i enjoy giving and receiving bjs, and thats the reason why i would call myself a married bi.

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  On 8/23/2014 at 4:07 PM, CSS said:

I can understand why bottom married men chooses to join the gay community but if you are pure top, won't you rather fuck your wife ass than man in the street?



I think that many gays love to be fucked by married men

and many gays..offer themselves willingly ..

Tall & Mature. Bisexual & Married.
Versatile & Hung. Experienced Malay.

LINE ID - marriedmly

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