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Discussion on Married Gay Men (有妇之夫) Whom Hv Gay Sex + An Open Letter to Married Men + Married men's stress & struggles (compiled)

Guest Married

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hi guys. Im new in bw and this thread caught my attention. Finding and seeking friends advice can sometimes be of great hep. For those who are single, Getting into a married life is not that simple... U have to think a thousand times.. Its not like a toy when u dont want it anymore u can throw it away...

its true that single guy (such as me) need to consider on getting married, however i feel that the statement is bit demoralize to single guy.

you may not happy with your married , but you can not use your unhappiness to be used as the measurement for others

in the first place, do u married the woman you love, or you married for the sake to get married?

I believe many bi married guy live in happy live , so i think need to be careful on posting personal recommendation , as it may not fit to others

same as lots of divorce in straight married, but because of that, you can not use as reason for not getting married

Married is very personal things , is your own decision and your own responsibility

Its not easy being single, how difficult to carry status as a single guy, especially if you are nice, smart, good looking, financially independent and still being single.

people will start busy match making and also start talking behind the back why still being single

I hope my posting didnt offended anyone

Married guy need to give a moral support to single bi guy :)

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myopinion does not only goes to bi guys who are planning to get married but also for straight guys. Marriage is a commitment and at the same time has responsibilties. For all the guys who are getting married... Wow! Congratulations!!!!! All the best in the world.

For Cosmo, my apologies if i offended you. I also believe that some individuals are meant to be single. If you're single and happy, well that's good. I have friends who are single and enjoys life. If you need someone to

talk to, i can listen. I have shoulders

that u can lean on.

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Seeking married guys to date with or be my buddy.. Any chn married guys keen??

Hi REx Guy, why not intro urself and it will be better chances for you. There is no info on u even in your profile... so how to date you if there are guys interested. haha.

Am here for sincere friends... 

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Am married for a few years now.

I got attached to a guy just before my marriage a few years back. We made it clear that watever happens, my family means alot to me and I am not gonna compromise that. I thought I sounded like a first-class jerk. But.... He accepted me the way things were.

Its gonna be 4 yrs now. And i have a happy family and am happy with my BF too.

I have good PLU friends coming to me and saying that this is wrong and my wife did no wrong to receive this betrayal. but... i love them both. and thats the truth. I have not compromised any of the relationship and is keeping with me. True that its tiring. And we have our quarrels too. But hey.... wat can I say.... I chose this. Am happy. Bisexualsim is indeed weird. Am finding it hard to convince my gay frends that this is ok. They prefer a monogamous relationship. Haiz......

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Welcome to the thread.. For those getting married soon... All the best. For those just got married ( and those getting married soon), welcome to the club of the married men.

Need a listening ear? Need someone to pour out your grievances (trust us, there will be many opportunities of such), please feel free to share or rant inside here... All of us who are married from 1yr to more than 10yrs have gone thru what u may be going thru. We may not be able to help u solved the problem but will be able to give u some advice on it. :)

So welcome! :)

please dont be offended with my question, just wondering to those married bi guy who's has a son, does your son has sign that he is also tend to be a gay?


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Am married for a few years now.

I got attached to a guy just before my marriage a few years back. We made it clear that watever happens, my family means alot to me and I am not gonna compromise that. I thought I sounded like a first-class jerk. But.... He accepted me the way things were.

Its gonna be 4 yrs now. And i have a happy family and am happy with my BF too.

I have good PLU friends coming to me and saying that this is wrong and my wife did no wrong to receive this betrayal. but... i love them both. and thats the truth. I have not compromised any of the relationship and is keeping with me. True that its tiring. And we have our quarrels too. But hey.... wat can I say.... I chose this. Am happy. Bisexualsim is indeed weird. Am finding it hard to convince my gay frends that this is ok. They prefer a monogamous relationship. Haiz......

this is same as some straight guy want to have 2 or 3 wife lor :)

as long as all happy, then ok lor , but must be fair to all

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please dont be offended with my question, just wondering to those married bi guy who's has a son, does your son has sign that he is also tend to be a gay?


I've got the same qns too!!! coz I'm quite worried that if I ever got a son, he will face the same struggle everyday...

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I got a question for u guys.. Do you think that being sraight curious/bi/gay is due to environmental factors or has something to do with the genes?

totally no idea man... and I'll wanna know!!! but I do believe environment plays a part. friends, media, fashion... blah blah blah...

but perhaps genes too? hmmmmmm...

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Guest Happy Guy

Mini support group? Hmm... Other than sharing naughty experiences, what other support are available? Tips on pregnancy? Advice on parenting? Lol

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Mini support group? Hmm... Other than sharing naughty experiences, what other support are available? Tips on pregnancy? Advice on parenting? Lol

parenting tips!!! yes yes! that's gonna come in handy!!! though I'm not there yet but probably within the next 3yrs??? hahahaha

but then again, kinda worried abt having children coz I'll start to wonder if middle income ppl like me can support them and give them the best to achieve...

Singapore is so expensive to live in... :(

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but then again, kinda worried abt having children coz I'll start to wonder if middle income ppl like me can support them and give them the best to achieve...

when you have kids, you will be inspired... You will be the best father for them... They will be your bundle of joy... You will strive to give the best future for them

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when you have kids, you will be inspired... You will be the best father for them... They will be your bundle of joy... You will strive to give the best future for them

I guess I'm prolly worried that I fail as a father in the future. but well, by then I should be more prepared then now... at least financially (I hope)... dun wanna let my kids suffer ya. :)

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hey bro, that is what most fathers fear of...that's why we sometimes become workaholic in order to be a good provider. But please dont forget when u already have kids, be there in their formative or growing years..

I need CLONES!!! then I'll dispatch 3 out to work and bring home the money while I stay at home with the kids!!! ROFL!!!

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