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Bw Supports Pinkdot 2014


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One curious finding of the survey is that more people think sex between 2 adults of the same sex is wrong than gay marriage.  This is illogical.  Some of them are ok with gay marriage so long as the 2 adults of the same sex watch TV and play games together.

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Guest Guest

One curious finding of the survey is that more people think sex between 2 adults of the same sex is wrong than gay marriage. This is illogical. Some of them are ok with gay marriage so long as the 2 adults of the same sex watch TV and play games together.

Survey statistics are b.s. please believe me. People who complete the questionnaire just tick what they think is "supposedly" to be, but themselves don't practice. Just read the % for a particular religion (not to mention it), not realistic !
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Survey statistics are b.s. please believe me. People who complete the questionnaire just tick what they think is "supposedly" to be, but themselves don't practice. Just read the % for a particular religion (not to mention it), not realistic !

I wonder if the survey was conducted in private, if not peer pressure or what not will set in where interviewee chooses the answers which they think are "socially acceptable".

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It's a pity I left before it even started :x Went there super early but couldnt handle my Social Anxiety so... ~.~ Hope I can fully attend next year~

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Looks like you guys had a great time at Pink Dot!

Drank two cans of Asahi + Yebisu beer in celebration and knocked out before 12.  :smokin:


Time to enjoy my post-fun Sunday.

It wld never failed to have fun at the pink dot, tis is the event i enjoy much more even than the national day parade. :P




Spend time counting your blessings,

not airing your complaints.

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It wld never failed to have fun at the pink dot, tis is the event i enjoy much more even than the national day parade. :P


Last year's Pink Dot would be nicer for me as the date fell exactly on my birthday.

But too bad I was away in BKK.

I have missed Pink Dot twice in a row.  <_<


I'm always running after you.

You are my ideal.

You are me.

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Yesterday's event was a blast except the concert segment.  


It was too amateurish for my liking.....too much like a school concert .... this is just my opinion.

Imagine sitting on a concrete floor or standing for an hour to see a bunch of "so-called singers" belting unknown songs.

I do respect their art-style but damn, the songs were bordering on "boring".  Even Sebastian aka Broadway Beng failed to thaw the moods ... wish he had some hunky guys or sexy babes to accompany on stage during his Hokkien rendition of Bruno Mars' "Just the way you are"... and yes, may we have the lyrics projected on a screen so that we know what the singers are singing... Luckily, Pam saved the day .. with her bubbly personality and singing... bring her back anytime, please.


The speeches once again were programmed at the end... I sincerely wish they interspersed it between the performance, like they do in Taiwan pride 2012.  With all due respect for these ambassadors, many of us were perspiring so badly after 3 hours in the sun... not a pleasant odour, lah!


My suggestions for future events .... have it in the morning....bright and sunny ..... things should wrap up by noon... We really want to see a PINK DOT ..


Last but not least, 6 years after this first event... yes we do want to have the FREEDOM TO LOVE...thank you, all the organisers, the crew and most importantly, the participants...

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It's a pity I left before it even started :x Went there super early but couldnt handle my Social Anxiety so... ~.~ Hope I can fully attend next year~

Dear Guest, you dont have to attend the full event. For me, I just want to contribute my small part in the formation of the big dot, so I only arrived after sunset. :)

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Glad that the weather was good during Pinkdot.

For those who preached to wear white during service on Sunday, hope they are ok because it is raining and thundering now on Sunday morning, hope those white attired are really white or the rain is here to do some washing hahaha!

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Guest Guest

Glad that the weather was good during Pinkdot.

For those who preached to wear white during service on Sunday, hope they are ok because it is raining and thundering now on Sunday morning, hope those white attired are really white or the rain is here to do some washing hahaha!

LOL the raining is washing and saying:

"Hey u! wake up, wake up! Why are u trying to prevent people from loving? Do u need help?"

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it was a good first time experience for me. I went alone though. really wanted to join the bw meetup but I cud only reach at 6pm. didnt had the courage to wear pink the whole day, as I was out with my friends prior. so decided to change to a pink shirt just before reaching pink dot.

it was good to see gay couples walking around holding hands and be lovey dovey out in the open at the park. but I also realised they are equally the same no of straight ppl/couples. so much pink and happiness. it quickyly erased my anxiety that ppl wud spot me as gay while wearing pink. (still closeted btw.) everyone who is there is just supporting the cause of the event and not just because they're gay.

although one of the worst thing happen, I bump into my colleagues. ahh!! >.< (they're straight btw, I think. straight couples) but they were so nice, they didnt judged. they didnt even ask if I am or why im even there. they were even so accomodating to invite me to join in at their picnic spot.

I wasnt alone in the end and it was major fun. looking forward to the next pinkdot. :) I hope I can make more frens and hopefully find the one next time.

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Guest 东邪黄药师

it was a good first time experience for me. I went alone though. 

I went alone too! Busy doing photography. 

I wasnt alone in the end and it was major fun. looking forward to the next pinkdot. :) I hope I can make more frens and hopefully find the one next time.

And you will be getting older while looking forward to next year event.


Join the BW anniversary this year. 


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Trust me. I didn't notice any group of people wearing white colors in the MRT, many people wear different shades of color.  . Which means, people don't bother to wear white on Saturday to deliberately oppose the LGBT.  However, I did notice an old uncle wearing white and was sitting alone in the MRT. He was staring at me, than when I stare back, he closed his eyes.  He looked  very  unhappiy, his cheeck sunked to the bone bone, his chin lengthened and became sharp, and his eyes were dark. Not the type that would easily give up seat to the needy. His pale dark cloud freaked me out! When I reached pinkdot, it all became very different. I felt the warmth coming to greet me at Clark Quay. It was a sea of Pink and I told myself - I am finally HOME to my "family".


Seeing is believing, never trust what Shit Times report,.The survey about 78% people unsupportive of LGBT has been crushed at the scene today.  I hope they do an honest reporting tomorrow (if they dare) about the crowd size.  If not, the social media will be doing it to presurrize msm to report the truth.


HAHAH the way you describe that uncle is so funny! on my way to pinkdot, I noticed that there were a lot of people wearing pink on the mrt. lots of support from the public!

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Yesterday's event was a blast except the concert segment.

It was too amateurish for my liking.....too much like a school concert .... this is just my opinion.

Imagine sitting on a concrete floor or standing for an hour to see a bunch of "so-called singers" belting unknown songs.

I do respect their art-style but damn, the songs were bordering on "boring". Even Sebastian aka Broadway Beng failed to thaw the moods ... wish he had some hunky guys or sexy babes to accompany on stage during his Hokkien rendition of Bruno Mars' "Just the way you are"... and yes, may we have the lyrics projected on a screen so that we know what the singers are singing... Luckily, Pam saved the day .. with her bubbly personality and singing... bring her back anytime, please.

The speeches once again were programmed at the end... I sincerely wish they interspersed it between the performance, like they do in Taiwan pride 2012. With all due respect for these ambassadors, many of us were perspiring so badly after 3 hours in the sun... not a pleasant odour, lah!

My suggestions for future events .... have it in the morning....bright and sunny ..... things should wrap up by noon... We really want to see a PINK DOT ..

Last but not least, 6 years after this first event... yes we do want to have the FREEDOM TO LOVE...thank you, all the organisers, the crew and most importantly, the participants...

Yes the singing part is boring

I feel like the event didn't bring out the message of "Freedom to Love" very strongly. Just ok lor... Community voices... Sing songs lo.... Then pinkdot speeches... On the lights and go home

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Yesterday's event was a blast except the concert segment.

It was too amateurish for my liking.....too much like a school concert .... this is just my opinion.

Imagine sitting on a concrete floor or standing for an hour to see a bunch of "so-called singers" belting unknown songs.

I do respect their art-style but damn, the songs were bordering on "boring". Even Sebastian aka Broadway Beng failed to thaw the moods ... wish he had some hunky guys or sexy babes to accompany on stage during his Hokkien rendition of Bruno Mars' "Just the way you are"... and yes, may we have the lyrics projected on a screen so that we know what the singers are singing... Luckily, Pam saved the day .. with her bubbly personality and singing... bring her back anytime, please.

The speeches once again were programmed at the end... I sincerely wish they interspersed it between the performance, like they do in Taiwan pride 2012. With all due respect for these ambassadors, many of us were perspiring so badly after 3 hours in the sun... not a pleasant odour, lah!

My suggestions for future events .... have it in the morning....bright and sunny ..... things should wrap up by noon... We really want to see a PINK DOT ..

Last but not least, 6 years after this first event... yes we do want to have the FREEDOM TO LOVE...thank you, all the organisers, the crew and most importantly, the participants...

We shouldn't be expecting too much. No budget lah. The purpose of pinkdot has more message than just song and dance. In fact, it is a great improvement with large turnout surpassing every passing years. The organisers already did their best and the outcome is very satisfactory. If we need improvement, it is not who or what they did on stage. Most importantly, we need a bigger avenue next year. Gay people got Jee (gut) to attend Pinkdot, the govt may BO JEE (no gut) to allow that.

Anyway, I find the choice of song is very apt...here is the full lyrics

We are family

I got all my sisters with me

We are family

Get up everybody and singarrow-10x10.png

Everyone can see we're together

As we walk on by

(FLY!) and we fly just like birds of a feather

I won't tell no lie

(ALL!) all of the peoplearrow-10x10.png around us they say

Can they be that close

Just let me state for the record

We're giving love in a family dose

[Chorus:Repeat x2]

Living life is fun and we've just begun

To get our share of the world's delights

(HIGH!) high hopes we have for our future

And our goal is in sight

(WE!) no we don't get depressed

Here's what we call our golden rule

Have faith in you and the things you do

You won't go wrong

This is our family Jewel

Chill on and let's bring the the light on until the next pinkdot 2015

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Everything was great! I was at the park entrance in front of the MRT station and busy greeting people and taking pictures for them with my Pinky plushie!

Everyone was so friendly and happy and welcoming. It was worth the energy. Would definitely do it all over again in a heartbeat! That you guys for making yesterday a very eventful and memorable one! I might have missed you guys or I might have even greeted some of you without us knowing. But the love and friendliness everyone had was genuine!

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1. Digress slightly to talk about this 78%, as the media will likely be referring to it when talking about Gay in Singapore.

2. In 2014, IPS (Institute of Public Study) did a study about Singaporean attitude towards various social issues.

i. 78.2% said sex between 2 adults of same sex is wrong.  (This is the 78% the media referring to)

ii. 80.3% said sex with a person other than your marriage partner is wrong

iii. 72.7% said Pregnancy outside of Marriage is wrong

iv. 69.3% said Gambling is wrong

etc. (See the attached table below)


3. Notice a high percentage of Singaporeans thought those above activities were Wrong,

But NONE of the the above activities are criminalised except gay sex (under section 377A).

4. Also notice 78% just say they think gay sex is wrong.

Do NOT read it to imply that they want gay sex to be make ILLEGAL.

Thinking it is Wrong and wanting it to be make ILLEGAL is very different.

5. We do NOT hear the media add the line 69.3% think gambling is wrong when they refer to the casinos.

But this number 78% is used to defend why gay sex must be illegal.

The above table is from Table 10.5 / Page 49 of the IPS study paper. http://lkyspp.nus.edu.sg/ips/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2014/06/WorkingPaper21_180614_V4.pdf


The problem in Singapore is that there is a lack of platform for discussion.

In any 'more developed' societies, the people are generally quite passionate in the participation of political issues, and that extends to others such as social issues, etc.  This translate in some form of citizenry with engagement between the authorities, NGOs and the people.  Even if outcome of discussion does not meet expectations of the camps, but at least, from the discussion process, all camps will come to respect each others' positions, stands and beliefs.


However, in Singapore, people are generally not interested in many things; and is hardly passionate in issues as a people. Such apathy is 'groomed' along with the education system and the national behaviour (also the supression of political participation - since this is a taboo in BM, I shan'' comment here).  And with a lack of discussion, this resulted many Sporeans unable to participate in such thinking processes.  That is what you'd gather from the average Sporeans - they either agree or they disagree. 

There is hardly any understanding of each others' positions or the inclination to be so. 


And if you probe into why they agree or disagree, most of the time, the views are childish, shallow and ludicrous.

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I rather they have no performance but speeches and stories sharing haha

I think you may have missed it, at about 5 pm, there were several people that went to the centre of the field and talk about their life experiences. Sticker Lady Samantha, M Ravi, Mr Miyagi (straight man with his son) and others. Some of the things they said made sense to me though.

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Last year's Pink Dot would be nicer for me as the date fell exactly on my birthday.

But too bad I was away in BKK.

I have missed Pink Dot twice in a row.  <_<

Next yr pink dot u will miss again?




Spend time counting your blessings,

not airing your complaints.

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Pink Dot 2014 was fun, as usual and so packed. So many people turned up! Next year you guys will need a bigger location haha.


Very touching moment when the men chorus sang the national anthem as the choppers were flying by with the Singapore flag... I'm not Singaporean but it did feel warm in my heart :)

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I was volunteering at pink dot that Saturday, thus, reached early in the afternoon and heard this hate conversation while I was in a loo at Chinatown Point.


A Achek walked into the already crowded toilet while was on the phone. He deliberately stand in the middle of the room, obviously parading his conversation to all. Speaking in English, it goes “… neh all those Chow Ah Gua now gatherlink there having sex, give excue to gather ackually those Chow Ah Gua want to find new parkners exchange parkners to fuck lah…”


I was angry at split second but sadness overtook almost immediate. I walk out without taking a second look. I felt sorry for that Achek and felt so much pain in my heart.


I feel that someone like him will not find peace in heart and mind and will not be able to receive good blessing. Someone like him will always suffer from their own hatred manifestly. Happiness will be a luxury they cannot afford, let alone a peaceful sleep in the dark. I felt a human degradation listening to just that, not of my own self esteem but of the reality the society is. There will always be haters we cannot change and cannot ease. I feel stronger and see clearer with them around. That is why the world is balanced.

Edited by Fe5000


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I was volunteering at pink dot that Saturday, thus, reached early in the afternoon and heard this hate conversation while I was in a loo at Chinatown Point.


A Achek walked into the already crowded toilet while was on the phone. He deliberately stand in the middle of the room, obviously parading his conversation to all. Speaking in English, it goes “… neh all those Chow Ah Gua now gatherlink there having sex, give excue to gather ackually those Chow Ah Gua want to find new parkners exchange parkners to fuck lah…”


I was angry at split second but sadness overtook almost immediate. I walk out without taking a second look. I felt sorry for that Achek and felt so much pain in my heart.


I feel that someone like him will not find peace in heart and mind and will not be able to receive good blessing. Someone like him will always suffer from their own hatred manifestly. Happiness will be a luxury they cannot afford, let alone a peaceful sleep in the dark. I felt a human degradation listening to just that, not of my own self esteem but of the reality the society is. There will always be haters we cannot change and cannot ease. I feel stronger and see clearer with them around. That is why the world is balanced.





"Out of ignorance and fear, prejudice is formed"


People like him will never understand tbh... 

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I believe there are still lots of such loser out there, look down and use hurtful words on gay, i really got very pissed off when heard pple always like to called gays as chow ah gua!




Spend time counting your blessings,

not airing your complaints.

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Guest Guest

I believe there are still lots of such loser out there, look down and use hurtful words on gay, i really got very pissed off when heard pple always like to called gays as chow ah gua!

Plenty of them, some off them young ugly gals.

We never cross them but they just like to say it because their cb itchy.

Just wait for their children and grand children to become gay.

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Everything was great! I was at the park entrance in front of the MRT station and busy greeting people and taking pictures for them with my Pinky plushie!



I was volunteering at pink dot that Saturday


I applaud you Fe5000 and azuchan for directly getting involved, as volunteers, with Pink Dot. This direct involvement shows the endearment within you in a show of support for Pink Dot movement that encourages inclusiveness, diversity and most importantly, the freedom to love. Surely, it had taken much of your time and energy to come out with an event that has grown over the years.

While Pink Dot addresses Singaporeans to be more open towards LGBT, we (as humans) are still struggling a long way (but surely) to win a battle for total acceptance and equality. When we cannot change the mindsets of those who discriminate us, the one thing that we can do to stay happy is to accept ourselves. This is one peaceful choice where we can choose. We have to start from within, to love and to allow the freedom to love, to explore out. If we can change at least one straight person, we have done a good thing. Should we are able to let our own family to accept us, that's definitely no mean feat.

Do not be angry at those who are ignorant. Do not let them suck our energy. When we give ourselves excuses for being angry, that in itself is ignorant.

Click Here To Visit My Blog @ "The Blessed Life"

*Let me live my life to be an instrument of 'Love', in how I speak and in how I see others*

- May there be Love and Peace beyond all understanding -

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I am so happy tht pink dot is getting better n better over the yrs, n more n more pple are supporting tis event. :)




Spend time counting your blessings,

not airing your complaints.

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