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Underwear Fetishes Discussion ~ Thongs, G-String, Boxers, Brief & Jockstrap (Compiled)

Guest Undie

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glad that it is not a goldlion, but PC is equally worse!

I of course rem, but I didn't expect in order to keep buying, it has to lower till ....


but with that body , evn wear a 10cent undies, people will assume it is a nice piece!!!!!!!!!

my friend and I were talking about buying all sort of watches and imitation, he said that there are special orders by CEOs and MDs for counterfeit watches as gifts for their friends or businessmen..........I m disgusted


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4 minutes ago, -Ignored- said:

glad that it is not a goldlion, but PC is equally worse!

I of course rem, but I didn't expect in order to keep buying, it has to lower till ....


but with that body , evn wear a 10cent undies, people will assume it is a nice piece!!!!!!!!!

my friend and I were talking about buying all sort of watches and imitation, he said that there are special orders by CEOs and MDs for counterfeit watches as gifts for their friends or businessmen..........I m disgusted


Aiya y disgusted .. U wanna buy me a wrist watch.too?? Im touched

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3 hours ago, EugeneSin said:

I like it hehe... But certain brands.. Eh renomo also come in a box of 2 or 3 la. 


Addicted and EA lso same wad 

cheh, u might also say CK too


those brands I m referring usu wont have a piece pack....



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3 minutes ago, EugeneSin said:

Lol .. U have issue with my goldlion, pierre cardin and hush puppies huh .. Wahaha 

u asked a qn so I must answer tht qn......


anyway, I been to the city sq jb shop mentioned by abang but nothing much to me, maybe all of u may find something

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I don't really bother with brands and prices of any underwear as long as they are presentable.

However you know, I am a gay man and when I am in the changing room in the gym or public pools, I tend to look.. ogle at others.  What turns me off is FADED, TATTERED-looking ones worn by hunky men. 


Yes just like old t-shirts (with loose threads and probably faded and washed beyond recognition) which are so comfortable to wear, I do not accept myself wearing terribly old and ugly underwear.  

My late mother used to say, "where clean and neat underwear..you never know what will happen that day..sekali kena accident, go hospital and they changed you into hospital clothes and walao so malu, old and ugly underwear!" 


Once again, a rose by any name is just as sweet..so cheaper priced underwear is FINE.. looks who is talking..me, the guy who buys FAKE CK in Bangkok!

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8 minutes ago, -Ignored- said:

u asked a qn so I must answer tht qn......


anyway, I'd been to the city sq jb shop mentioned by abang but nothing much to me, maybe all of u may find something

Everyone has a different taste and preference.

What you tend to scorn at, others find it a tresor.


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35 minutes ago, abang said:

Everyone has a different taste and preference.

What you tend to scorn at, others find it a tresor.


Yes, bang 


i know that


hence i said the rest surely will find something cos i more or less knw the taste of theirs


Didnt scorn it at all.....

nothing to scorn, just wont go in...


and i thk u meant treasure?



anyway, enjoy your genting trip! And what concert is that? Cny concert?

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Allo, allo ..Tresor..French for treasure



奉上:江泽明责骂香港记者的片段。。enjoy a good laugh during this festive season..

Even he speaks English when he wants to STRESS his point ..




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55 minutes ago, EugeneSin said:

I wanna get this. Look nice 

Photo credit : others 




Yes .. the back is freaking hot n seductive

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On 21/01/2017 at 3:17 PM, Yaoi said:

Don't need to think. RENOMA ALL THE WAY! #Teamrenoma :twisted:


Hey Yaoi, Robinsons is still having their 20% discount for Renoma underwear. I just saw it today.


They also have that unique one with the rooster motif emblazoned at the back, guaranteed to make you the king of your bedroom  :D

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On ‎29‎/‎1‎/‎2017 at 2:22 PM, abang said:

Allo, allo ..Tresor..French for treasure



奉上:江泽明责骂香港记者的片段。。enjoy a good laugh during this festive season..

Even he speaks English when he wants to STRESS his point ..




tks learnt something new

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1 hour ago, CKW said:


Hey Yaoi, Robinsons is still having their 20% discount for Renoma underwear. I just saw it today.


They also have that unique one with the rooster motif emblazoned at the back, guaranteed to make you the king of your bedroom  :D

kekekeke king of bedroom but I think he needed more to beat our current king

Aiyo CNY over soon, don't fret too much over a rooster or red

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I don't know about you guys but I always find it a bit weird and awkward that everytime I look at underwear at a department store, some sales auntie who's my mum's age will come around and start asking me what type of underwear I'm looking for.


One sales auntie at Orchard OG once even went into great detail telling me the difference between cotton and spandex underwear for guys, even though I was desperately trying to tell her, as subtly and as politely as I can, to just leave me alone!  :D


My friends will know that I'm not a sexist but I think it'll be less awkward if it was a male sales person who is in-charged of the men's underwear section. 


To put things into perspective, just imagine the outrage and number of complaints if a male sales staff starts asking women in his store what kind of bras and panties they are looking for!  :D

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1 hour ago, tinkymale said:

Renoma design not nice this year leh


Is it? I would think that the designs don't really vary much from year to year.


Or maybe I just don't notice because I normally just go for one type of Renoma underwear and don't really look at the rest  :D

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1 hour ago, tinkymale said:

Renoma design not nice this year leh


i know, and generally renoma cannot really please me

but please the world instead



ckw, u often do this or...?

abs ex?



not v fwd lookg leh

we r no longer of that era

anyway, bigdamdean shared that oh pls who still bothered w such eg homevisits in this era



only eug will tell us is he still in red!

1 hour ago, bluerunner said:

Today is just the 3rd day. Another 12 more days to celebrate. Dun kan cheong. 


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11 minutes ago, CKW said:

I don't know about you guys but I always find it a bit weird and awkward that everytime I look at underwear at a department store, some sales auntie who's my mum's age will come around and start asking me what type of underwear I'm looking for.


One sales auntie at Orchard OG once even went into great detail telling me the difference between cotton and spandex underwear for guys, even though I was desperately trying to tell her, as subtly and as politely as I can, to just leave me alone!  :D


My friends will know that I'm not a sexist but I think it'll be less awkward if it was a male sales person who is in-charged of the men's underwear section. 


To put things into perspective, just imagine the outrage and number of complaints if a male sales staff starts asking women in his store what kind of bras and panties they are looking for!  :D

So long u see things in a professnl way, they r just to assist u, so no worries


also a female shd b equally comfy w a man salesman around too esp in western ctries

the male can give opinions abt which designs make what type of women hot!

eg curvy shapes shd choose this and that...

a small dick male shd pick.....


likewise, u can respectfully tell the female salesladies to excuse themselves

dont fret over too muc


i m equally nt comfy if it s a male wanna to assist me in sizing (just cos he s same sex as me) esp alot of u can accept tongs/strings etc

it gives straight or gay salesman more materials to gossip abt the buyers

(sorry but some buyers can b slightly effeminate or bitchy or choosy, so the more topics sales staff have now to gossip abt gays, eeeeeee these gay pp picked such designs to strung their cracks eeeeeeeee)

No1 would care whether king of bed or pink dollar consumers r the one buying all the undies

(as straight men spend lesser they can afford to wear a pairs for two days and even if it s tattered, and they can survive w jus a few pairs)

u can try asking the gays here, who have less than 10+ pairs like me here???


1000 pairs also nt enugh to gays, if undies r foc for all gay men


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Oh my goodness..the female sale co-ordinator is merely doing her job.

With so many CCTV around, she cannot be seen idling while customers are around.

Furthermore if you buy whatever she recommends, the sales figures go up and she may get some commission from the sale.  


Give them a gentle/polite smile and tell them that you are just browsing around and will need her should you need help.  Remember don't open the boxes as the samples hanging on the rack are for your viewing.  

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2 minutes ago, CKW said:






It's a three-in-one workout. It trains the biceps, the abs, and stretches the groin muscles  :D

I don't mind someone assisting me with this! I will wear whatever skimpy underwear he wants me to be in

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Thanks for all the feedback, guys!!


I guess I just feel a bit shy everytime a sales auntie asks me what kind of underwear I like, and what colour I prefer, and then stand there and keep watching me  :D


Like today, when I went to look at the Renoma underwear at Robinsons, a sales auntie did the same thing again. So I told her nicely that I didn't intend to buy anything.


The moment she walked away I grabbed what I wanted and went straight to the counter to pay for it!  :D

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1 minute ago, CKW said:

Thanks for all the feedback, guys!!


I guess I just feel a bit shy everytime a sales auntie asks me what kind of underwear I like, and what colour I prefer, and then stand there and keep watching me  :D


Like today, when I went to look at the Renoma underwear at Robinsons, a sales auntie did the same thing again. So I told her nicely that I didn't intend to buy anything.


The moment she walked away I grabbed what I wanted and went straight to the counter to pay for it!  :D

I feel u


some really wanna to sell what they are instructed to sell/clear


some hated it when I rearrange the boxes - even if u r angry, as a sales personnel, u hve to endure till the customer walked far, then u rearrange them

some purposely pull a long face and then quickly rearrange to show you their emotions directly


MAybe tht s the reason why many choose to shop online

where I still insist of brick and motar business

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I guess the problem is that I'm quite shy about such things  :redface:


One time I going for a hotel staycation. My boss had invited me to his house that day for lunch (it was Christmas Eve). 


That day, he drove us from the office to his house. When we arrived, I unzipped my overnight bag that was in his car and took out the Christmas presents that I had bought for his kids. I apparently forgot to zip it back.


So after lunch when we went back to my boss's car, I realised that my packed underwear was fully visible from the unzipped bag opening, and my boss actually stopped to look at the underwear that I had packed! 


I felt so embarrassed about it, and I still am when I think about it. Prior to that moment, he has never known what I wore under my executive pants before. :D


It wasn't anything kinky that I had packed, but I just somehow feel that letting a guy (or sales auntie) know what kind of underwear you wear is just one step away from letting him see you in it. Just takes a bit of imagination  :D

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1 hour ago, CKW said:

I guess the problem is that I'm quite shy about such things  :redface:


One time I going for a hotel staycation. My boss had invited me to his house that day for lunch (it was Christmas Eve). 


That day, he drove us from the office to his house. When we arrived, I unzipped my overnight bag that was in his car and took out the Christmas presents that I had bought for his kids. I apparently forgot to zip it back.


So after lunch when we went back to my boss's car, I realised that my packed underwear was fully visible from the unzipped bag opening, and my boss actually stopped to look at the underwear that I had packed! 


I felt so embarrassed about it, and I still am when I think about it. Prior to that moment, he has never known what I wore under my executive pants before. :D


It wasn't anything kinky that I had packed, but I just somehow feel that letting a guy (or sales auntie) know what kind of underwear you wear is just one step away from letting him see you in it. Just takes a bit of imagination  :D

It's ok lah... once in a while just wow your boss with a different side of you. 

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1 hour ago, bluerunner said:

@CKW: did you pack some sexy underwears?!


Errr, no. :D It's the very ordinary kind. One was a navy blue Crocodile, and maybe some Byford and Renoma, I think.


I can't recall all of what I brought with me in the bag that day as it was about two years ago, but my boss saw everything. He's very straight but I felt very embarrassed as I never meant for him to see them.


And I'm still working for that same boss today!  :redface:


I don't have any form of 'kinky' or 'sexy underwear' as my family is quite strict and conservative. And it's no use hiding them either as they can't be washed without being discovered. Also, I personally prefer the type worn by the model in the picture below:



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