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Underwear Fetishes Discussion ~ Thongs, G-String, Boxers, Brief & Jockstrap (Compiled)

Guest Undie

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Oooh working in a laundrymat would be hot! I'd love to sniff dirty undies of guys who are hot. I too have been stealing undies from my friends. Especially when we are together for drinks at their house, I will use their toilet, go into the washing basket grab a pair, have a quick sniff and take them home and have a wank fest. I do however return them ASAP in time for their laundry to be done. I couldn't have my friends wondering where their undies have gone. The biggest turn on for me is the first initial sniff of the crutch! the scent is usually strong, I love the piss smell mixed with sweat. All of my friends and I are builders, so the sweat is hard working man sweat.

So damn hot!!!

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eta: slightly off-topic, about swimming trunsk and not underwear... I used to swim at bishan swimming pool a few years ago, and every sat night i would see this really cute guy come and swim. and i would go to shower when he went to shower. that was the time when they didn't have any cubicles and it was an open shower. what a nice sight to see his lean, toned body completely naked, and i was getting hard and struggling to hide my hardon while i was checking out his sexy bush and uncut cock as i showered 1 showerhead away from him. anyway he walked back to his belongings at the bench naked, leaving his swimming trunks on the soap holder thingy, and as he wasn't looking, i took them. he came back to look for them a minute later (still naked!) and he was totally puzzled. come to think of it i don't know why i was so brave because i was the only other person around, and it was probably pretty obvious that i was the one who stole them. i did so many naughty things with those trunks.. heh. they weren't particularly low cut or sexy or anythin (SAF trunks) but knowing that his cock had touched the pouch of the material... mmmmm

That's why I am so into brief knowing it's where the cock and balls rested on......

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Left my briefs ooutside my locker with my sweaty gym gear & went into shower. Came back found my briefs gone, gym gear still there. Now i keep even my sweaty clothes inside.

Not many pple wld want to leave their briefs & gym gear outside and went to shower. Maybe they scare their clothing will go missing! :P

For me, not interested in the briefs but cld be tempted to take and smell the sweaty tops if the guy is cute and hot. Lol.




Spend time counting your blessings,

not airing your complaints.

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LOL! Yeah, I also expecting him to post sooner or later. Anyway, I found this pouch underwear on this site. Just barely cover everything... http://www.underweareden.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=Kpouch


Anyhow, guys who wears bodybuilders posing underwear will also TURN me ON !!!

I Love staring at guys' bulges & ass cracks in their undies or nylon shorts or biz pants or jeans... Will start to fantasise I am caressing them with my hardon rite inside my undies... Do you ?

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guys with nice bods wearing those triangular briefs with elastic bands (ck, renoma, 2xist etc etc) turn me on. but the best is when u see guys putting on their pants w/o underwear. :twisted:

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Guest Lunarstone
guys with nice bods wearing those triangular briefs with elastic bands (ck, renoma, 2xist etc etc) turn me on. but the best is when u see guys putting on their pants w/o underwear. :twisted:

Yummmm.... :oops:

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Undie69, I m an ex bodybuilder who wears briefs not boxers. Married, but I buy my own underwear not my wife.

how can i contact you... would luv to see you in those underwears....

I Love staring at guys' bulges & ass cracks in their undies or nylon shorts or biz pants or jeans... Will start to fantasise I am caressing them with my hardon rite inside my undies... Do you ?

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Tight Calvin Klein boxers that show off the shape of his monster.

Yeah... tight boxers = correct name is Boxer Brief.... where its tight enough to shape the bulge and bulge..

I Love staring at guys' bulges & ass cracks in their undies or nylon shorts or biz pants or jeans... Will start to fantasise I am caressing them with my hardon rite inside my undies... Do you ?

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guys with nice bods wearing those triangular briefs with elastic bands (ck, renoma, 2xist etc etc) turn me on. but the best is when u see guys putting on their pants w/o underwear. :twisted:

not only pants... even running shorts or cotton bermudas shorts w/o underwear... when they walk, u can actually see their bulge swaying left right and front... damn turn on......

I Love staring at guys' bulges & ass cracks in their undies or nylon shorts or biz pants or jeans... Will start to fantasise I am caressing them with my hardon rite inside my undies... Do you ?

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Guest Underhand

A year back, i had my car serviced in a luxury car service centre; the waiting lounge was servicing gourmet coffee and snacks, a few other also awaiting their cars. You know despite all the pampering treats, waiting for your car at a service centre can still be one of life's greatest tortures. Even the most reserved wouldn't mind chatting up strangers, if you know what I mean.

Actually from the moment I set foot on the customer lounge, I already had eyes on one meaty uncle sitting by himself, folded arms, eyes fixated on the customer number panel.

Mediterranean balding, gold rimmed glasses, snugly fitting executive pin striped shirt, and thighs splayed apart by with an air of male chauvinism.

I like his body. Thick rounded shoulders, puffy chest and thick thighs choking the seams of his tailored pants. Yums.

When he passed my table on his way to the washroom, I

Actually from the

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Dear undies69, I m married, discreet. U can give me your msn or email, I'd contact u.

We are not allowed to put our msn or email here as the administrator will ban us... u need to sign as a member here, its free... den u can search for my id 'undies69' where i have placed my msn id there..

I Love staring at guys' bulges & ass cracks in their undies or nylon shorts or biz pants or jeans... Will start to fantasise I am caressing them with my hardon rite inside my undies... Do you ?

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Dear undies69, I m married, discreet. U can give me your msn or email, I'd contact u.

i saw one member posting his email too and didn get ban from here...

so i will try it out then....... gotcha1969 at hotmail dot com

I Love staring at guys' bulges & ass cracks in their undies or nylon shorts or biz pants or jeans... Will start to fantasise I am caressing them with my hardon rite inside my undies... Do you ?

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Guest Underhand

con'd (sorry cos i was on the iphone which died on me)

I swiped a glance at his butts, and my my, its likely to win "butts of the decade"! It packs mass, curves and has such compactness that it could bounce off a tennis ball serve like a wall. However, what stole my breath was the sight of his bikini briefs-line embossed on the rear of his premium wool pants. Gosh, it was the most stirring golden triangle - one that slices his buttress cheeks into halves from his waist and disappear into his butt crack. I spilled my latte.

I could not help but trailed him to the toilet. In the white-tiled confines, the condenser of the air-conditioner behind the wall was buzzing to the rhythm of my throbbing heart. He parked himself at a urinal, flanked by two other. His belt was loosened, exposing a bright yellow briefs underneath, gasped. He looked like serious businessman, but the contrasting canary colour of his briefs was just stirring the G-spot between the edge of my belly and prostate ......

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Guest Underhand


He rested the underside of his forearm on the wall before the urinal, his otherhand presumably holding his tool, his lower body somewhat pointed towards the wall. It was a man at his most vulnerable, yet most sexy! I breathed in deep like I was going in for a dive, and walked towards the urinal next to him. Sensing my moving next to him, he turned his head to me for a split second in a reflex action. I glanced at him too, wanting a sense of his level of friendliness.

Surprisingly, he smiled, bending his lower lips in mock dismay, "long wait outside, they should do something about the waiting time." His voice boomed across the loo, overpowered the whirring of the condenser and overhead fan.

"Yes, frustrating," I whimpered, taken aback by his conversation starter.

His urine pattered on the base of the urinal like monsoon rain over a zinc roof, powerful pelvic muscles. "You send in for servicing?" he pursued, his canary briefs inched into the outer boundary of my vision field.

"Yes, servicing," I legitimately thrust my sight in his direction since he was obviously interested to chat.

His urination seemed ceaseless, must be mega bladders. "I fed up, gotta wait so long. I here since 7.30," his voice seemed agitated, had a manly gruff.

"Write in to complain," I tried to mask my lustful gaze at his tool, a huge branching hose eclipsed by his belly. I didnt care if he caught my amourous intent, my eyes could not help but lingered.

My urination was coming to a break, trickled a little, I flicked it habitually. He too finished his long drowning monsoon rain, turned towards me to hoist up his pants, his canary briefs just staring in my face. He shoved his shirt into his pants, covering his briefs, belting up in a very lackadaisical fashion.

"You wear such bright briefs," I muttered uncontrollably, salivating for more as his briefs disappeared as he belted up.

"Ha, my wife bought for me," he didnt seemed offended.

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Guest Sniffer Addicts

i have a 8years difference elder brother who is freaking fit as he was a waterpolo member. we share the same room. From the age of 14 i started, i started to secretly sniff his underwear or boxer shorts when he went to work in the morning.

After breakfast, i will go to my room to change preparing to go for school, i will get to see his underwear or boxer shorts on his bed. Without delay, i will pick up the underwear/boxer shorts and started to sniff the crotch area.. Sometimes its just urine smell, sometimes it combined with precum or sweat smell. I guess in the nite, he must have some erotic dreams that make him oozed precum. Or sometime its hot n stuffy in the nite where he sweats.... We only share a small fan, hence tats the reason why it can be hot at nite.

I remembered one nite, he suddenly woke up and went to the kitchen toilet for quite awhile. Then when he came back to the room, he was totally naked. As i can see his silouette cock swaying in the dark. He then put on a pair of underwear and then went back to sleep. I knew something was not right. So i waited for half an hour and make sure he had asleep before i got up and went to the kitchen toilet.

To my goodness, what i saw on his underwear was a wide wet patch on the front. I quickly get that and gave a deep sniffed on it.. Wow.. what a nice cum smell.. it was still abit damp and sticky too. I guessed my brother just put it there because he would expect it would dry up the next morning as it was only 2.30am in the morning when he got wet dream.

I was sort of addicted to smelling his underwear/boxer shorts and started to have the habit of masturbating in my underwear while sniffing his underwear. Each time i sniffed and masturbate in my underwear, my mind was fantasising making love with my brother.

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Guest Underhand

I was thrilled that he entertained my candid flattery. He zipped up and effected a wry smirk, perhaps surprised how our small talk progressed to his hidden hue.

He stepped forward to the sink, his massive butts formed by what looked like two massive balls stuffed behind his pants stirred me further. I could imagine those powerful glutes forming a sturdy fulcrum when he fxxks.

"You look very strong, you must have been massively engaged in sports in your younger days. Rugby, weightlighting ......" I was starting to sound gibberish as he pressed his crotch on the basin top, reaching forth for the tap.

He looked at me from mirror, "yeah, I did a great deal of weightlifting with tan Howe liang, you know who he is? Singapore's first ever Olympian. I was his training buddy then," he lifted his arms and flashed a double bicep pose.

I went forward to press his contracted arm, "man, you are fxxking strong," I exclaimed. "fxxking used as an adjective and verb," I impishly smiled into the mirror.

"I am fxxking strong. If I don't come for days, I can ejaculate half a wine glass!" he let on.

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Sometimes it is not about the design of the undies that turns me on, but the way in which it is revealed to you.

Once I was taking the MRT and there was this group of 3 young bengs standing and chatting loudly in the section between 2 carriages. They were slim with above average looks and korean boy band hairstyle. They were wearing super low cut skinny jeans. Could roughly see the bulge in their jeans. They were also gesticulating wildly as they talked. Because they were all wearing fairly short t-shirts, every time they lifted their arms to gesticulate, I would see their undies. One was a red CK thick band. The second one was a white Cin2. The third one was a black DKNY. No pubic hair was visible even though their jeans were pretty low. Perhaps they shaved. Could not tell whether they were str or AJ. I was having a hard on the entire journey.

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Guest Stiffdickssss

Haha after removing my underwear lining for quite awhile I want to revive this topic... I removed it Liao I will so comfortable when sleeping with it.... By the way I m wearing ur now...

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How often do you wash your underwear or changed them.

When you wash, do you just rinse them at the basin,

Washed them thoroughly by rubbing through a washboard

Used washing machine to do the job

You didn't know because your partner wash it for you.

How frequent do you chang your underwear?

I wear until it smell than change and wash. Sometime it can take up to 1 week. So that I don't have to keep washing them.

Oh,,,,I used washboard and detergent. But it crumpled up my underwear until they look quite ugly. Luckily my underwear is cheap type, 9 pieces in a box type. Byford Brand...hehehe

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You must be crazy. Why do we shake our dicks after each pee? It is because there may be drops and the underwear will collect plenty of germs and bacteria even if your urine does not collect there. Your body sweat will attract the germs. And you may get rashes on your inner thighs.

Wearing for up to a week? And in hot, humid Spore? Better watch out for infections.

Best to change the underwear twice a day. If you are handwashing it, a quick scrub with a bar of soap will suffice. I travel with only two spare underwear and wash every day, dry them on the lampshade. Can do that for weeks and never have any problems.

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Once a day during working days and twice a day on the rest.

Sumtimes it may be thrice if i sweated a lot....

I juz dumped them into the washing machine and let d detergent do d job.... ;)

"You like who you like lah. Who cares if someone likes the other someone because of their race? It's when they hate them. That's the problem."

Orked (acted by Sharifah Amani) in SEPET (2004, directed by Yasmin Ahmad)

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I cannot over-stressed the importance of personal hygiene, especially underwear.

Not only does it look unsightly, one must be careful of all the bacteria that may proliferate at your groin areas.

I believe one should not be coup-up in the underwear for more than 10 hours to 12 hours.

I have the habit of changing my underwear once I reach home.

Washing ... throw into the washing machine with my socks, singlets.

After washing, throw them into the dryer.

Hopefully, all bacteria will be gone after an hour and a half inside the dryer.

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I change n wash everyday... Clean n odourless underwear makes my day fresh n happy...


Care to b frens, chat, fun buddy, long term relationship n mit up?

I'm sincere guy here, I'm not here to fool around...

Hope u r sincere too...

Life Time Relationship / Partner is still the main priority among wat I'm seeking...

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Chang and wash every day too..Cant understand how some ppl posting over here about buying or smelling used or worn underwears. It is totally unhygiene and kinda sicko..

Just imagine when you meetup with someone and when you are trying to get cosy , discover that his underwear is smelling or stained..such a turnoff.

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