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Underwear Fetishes Discussion ~ Thongs, G-String, Boxers, Brief & Jockstrap (Compiled)

Guest Undie

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5 hours ago, thorzguy said:

Come to think of it -  does having over 40 pairs of underwear considered too much? I was doing some spring cleaning / rearrangement of my wardrobe when I realised I have that much. That doesn't include my boxers shorts.. :mellow:



Not really. Depending on your lifestyle and how often you do laundry. I tend to go through about 2-3 pairs of underwear per day. I tend to wear the pair I go to sleep in to the gym in the morning, change into a fresh pair to get through the work day, get home, shower, and change into another pair. I tend to do laundry every other week. So, the bulk of my laundry will be underwear, socks and workout clothes.


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1 hour ago, doncoin said:

Not really. Depending on your lifestyle and how often you do laundry. I tend to go through about 2-3 pairs of underwear per day. I tend to wear the pair I go to sleep in to the gym in the morning, change into a fresh pair to get through the work day, get home, shower, and change into another pair. I tend to do laundry every other week. So, the bulk of my laundry will be underwear, socks and workout clothes.

Hmmm.... I do change my underwear few times a day, if I have quite a bit of running around to do. But the max number of days I give myself to do laundry -  once a week. I try not to keep it for long, though I would air my clothes dry (especially those sweaty running attire) before putting into the laundry basket. My preference. :)

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7 hours ago, thorzguy said:

Come to think of it -  does having over 40 pairs of underwear considered too much? I was doing some spring cleaning / rearrangement of my wardrobe when I realised I have that much. That doesn't include my boxers shorts.. :mellow:

yes, that is FUCKing hell a lot


How many pairs of trunks/body do  u have ?


That depends also,

1) Line of work  /passion : are u a performer, eg I m a pole dancer, I need to wear diff female sexy clothing on stage, so that is NOT alot


you sell undies and hence, u need to experiment with it


2) Consistency eg  how many set of (I hate those who will tell me I m an F&B staff or hotel staff, uniforms are provided) office wear do u have?????

eg I have 30 , then my undies usu should be less than that , that applies to my leather shoes/working shoes


3) People of my era and older - would NOT need so much (eg bluerunner, though I don't really know his age but from his writing, u can see how deep n matured a person naturally is, act to be matured is a diff case)

Save and thrift is a virtue and it will forever be


Only Gen Y and beyond will start doing funny thing, is that Eugene who has a lot of pairs too? I shd be able to memorise all of your patterns by now



4) Gender or gays who tend to have such tendency

Women will have bra of lace design, diamonds, crystals and etc - go into another women's dept and u will understand

that is the difference between a male and a female (I only look at facts and size of retail)

Women would very much wanna attract their partners and feel sensual w silky stuff and pampered themselves w G-strings designs

certain designs are never meant for the anatomy of males which is why we hve so much limited choice
(while I know the trends of all sort of "funny" undies have entered the market, but may not be funny to u)

there are guys who qn me why do I need to spend on EA or CK (because of 2 good reasons obviously), cos they felt it s just a pair of undies which u  wear it inside...I think they wear only hush puppies or Giordano, goodness me are they toddlers ?
I will Never imagine a person has 30-40pairs of hush puppies or the likes in his cabinet

usually such pp are w just a few pairs and they can survive for LONG.......I can easily quote who are these in bw, for respect of their privacy I shall zip

(not that I discuss no. of undies w them, it is the way they speak, the way they question your CK, BOSS etc, the way their lifestyle  - u already get their answers)


5) Travelling & lifestyle- is a common excuse

still this is not acceptable


All of you have so much space for undies? your parents (yes some of u are old enough to live on your own) didn't point out anything? I rem someone mentioned even the maid is confused about how to keep and arrange


Disposable undies are not manufactured for fun, though I have Never touched them (why I will find ways and mean to handwash my undies during travelling is cos they are tiny and easy to dry and I cannot imagine I have to wait till I return home before I get to do it,  it is very damaging*)


Frequently need to gym daily, it s time to think of how to do it

u don't wear your normal CK undies to gym, there are some designed more suitable for sweat/sports etc


* While I can understand that now, many couples tend to do laundry once a week, (the max! what thorzguy proposed)

that is VERY damaging to fabric esp expensive ones (can  u imagine sun u did laudry and MON u went for a run and the poor set of clothing has to be left till 7 days later, goodness, your basket smell too)

imagine all the dirt/cum/sweat stayed on the fabric and then u shall use stronger detergent on it

this is very damaging!


some handwash their undies ,  I cannot imagine they have to at 1 go wash a large bucket of dirty linen (by telling u handwash, it means how precious the material is)



7 hours ago, thorzguy said:

Come to think of it -  does having over 40 pairs of underwear considered too much? I was doing some spring cleaning / rearrangement of my wardrobe when I realised I have that much. That doesn't include my boxers shorts.. :mellow:






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I hope all the fans of undies cum sometime freeballing gentlemen


no1 should be thinking about whatever new design by Armed forces (be it msia or sg;s)  wearing hush puppies or byford or crocodile is better


I have always heard (was that from Demarko), tear lining lah, do this and that to the shorts to achieve this and that
a pc of clothing is design for its good purpose - go achieve your fantasy using own mean

(I alwys hear gentlemen complaining that they must serve NS, yet they happily used the funds in emart to purchase this and that for their private life usage)

for me , army is army, reservist is resv.........once performed, your own life should be kept away from those items



some told me our designs (from army) is best in jb, batam and China too, so must make good use of them...sleep w army shorts

so that they can save the money on some other thing

while I encourage u to spend , that doesn't mean buying/keep in your closet 30-40pc of undies!


I was hoping those w so many undies to hold an undies parties and I can burn all of them or at least steal one home? lol!!!!!!!I really wonder how did u guys do it




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I am fond of buying new underwear actually. Someone told me that "you will never have too many underwear". 

Although I do not have 40pairs of underwear, I could hardly able to wear all that I have in my drawer. I still have many new ones untouched. They are still in their wrappers! I think I will need a very long time to wear them off. 

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52 minutes ago, bluerunner said:

I am fond of buying new underwear actually. Someone told me that "you will never have too many underwear". 

Although I do not have 40pairs of underwear, I could hardly able to wear all that I have in my drawer. I still have many new ones untouched. They are still in their wrappers! I think I will need a very long time to wear them off. 


I got 60+ pairs. But only use 10-12 regular basis. The rest open and keep in drawer according to color.

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2 hours ago, bluerunner said:

I am fond of buying new underwear actually. Someone told me that "you will never have too many underwear". 

Although I do not have 40pairs of underwear, I could hardly able to wear all that I have in my drawer. I still have many new ones untouched. They are still in their wrappers! I think I will need a very long time to wear them off. 

Post some pics of your undies collection

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don't ever over buy (for those who have a lot) and re sell it


worst, by taking photos by placing them on the floor (after photo-taking throw it back to your wardrobe and mix w the rest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) - this is what I observed from carousell too , many tend to place such things on the floor for photo-taking...


very unhyg

esp the buyer upon purchase, he will rush into giving it a try first (w the dirt on the floor cum mixes with old batch of dirt/undies)

some men tend not to provide paper bags or boxes/container, so their throw their sale items into their personal bags (before meeting the carousell buyer)


Goodness did they ever wash their bags???




Eug, hence I mentioned your big name last nite, u can conduct a party!

7 hours ago, EugeneSin said:

40 considered oklaa. I have more lol about 100+ .. Ok oops 



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17 minutes ago, bluerunner said:

I don't have 40pcs. Hahah. I have very few in term of gaymen and straight men standard. Haha



I don't think this is a competition to see how has the most pairs and there is no grand prize. It does not matter if you have 5 pairs or 1,000 pairs. The important thing is your underwear is clean. 

Edited by doncoin


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58 minutes ago, doncoin said:




I don't think this is a competition to see how has the most pairs and there is no grand prize. It does not matter if you have 5 pairs or 1,000 pairs. The important thing is your underwear is clean. 

Confirmed very clean and smells great. No skid mark,  no pee stain or any kind of stain. Perfect.  Haha

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So much exchange over undies! Lol.


@-Ignored- - I do not deliberately collected / buy them. My CK and DKNY were over the years, more than 3 years? They are durable, to be honest. I do receive undies from my buddy, ahem (spare the details here), also I bought some online (read = not original. Like AC, and some other no brands kind.)

As I said, comfy is my utmost priority. So, so of those that I bought online, tried, nice, comfy, buy somemore! Lol... Plus, it cost like less than $4 each piece...^_^


@doncoin - I raised both hands and legs to agree with you -  underwear must be clean! Also a reminder to others -  always wash your NEW clothings before wearing. I had worked in the retail industry before -  you don't want to know how filthy it is. :mellow:


@EugeneSin -  You win! Lol... But am sure you ended wearing that few favourite pieces more right... :lol:


@bluerunner - I also like to buy underwear, just that I make sure that if I buy, I would wear it. Plus, I seldom go for brands nowadays. Again - comfy is first priority. ^_^


Ok ok, better stop buying, for now. :P


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24 minutes ago, thorzguy said:

So much exchange over undies! Lol.


@-Ignored- - I do not deliberately collected / buy them. My CK and DKNY were over the years, more than 3 years? They are durable, to be honest. I do receive undies from my buddy, ahem (spare the details here), also I bought some online (read = not original. Like AC, and some other no brands kind.)

As I said, comfy is my utmost priority. So, so of those that I bought online, tried, nice, comfy, buy somemore! Lol... Plus, it cost like less than $4 each piece...^_^


@doncoin - I raised both hands and legs to agree with you -  underwear must be clean! Also a reminder to others -  always wash your NEW clothings before wearing. I had worked in the retail industry before -  you don't want to know how filthy it is. :mellow:


@EugeneSin -  You win! Lol... But am sure you ended wearing that few favourite pieces more right... :lol:


@bluerunner - I also like to buy underwear, just that I make sure that if I buy, I would wear it. Plus, I seldom go for brands nowadays. Again - comfy is first priority. ^_^


Ok ok, better stop buying, for now. :P


all knew hw dirty but...........



so good, I must find myself a buddy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


S$4 a pc can last so long?????????????????



With Eugene around, no1 is the champion!!!!!!!

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2 hours ago, thorzguy said:

So much exchange over undies! Lol.


@-Ignored- - I do not deliberately collected / buy them. My CK and DKNY were over the years, more than 3 years? They are durable, to be honest. I do receive undies from my buddy, ahem (spare the details here), also I bought some online (read = not original. Like AC, and some other no brands kind.)

As I said, comfy is my utmost priority. So, so of those that I bought online, tried, nice, comfy, buy somemore! Lol... Plus, it cost like less than $4 each piece...^_^


@doncoin - I raised both hands and legs to agree with you -  underwear must be clean! Also a reminder to others -  always wash your NEW clothings before wearing. I had worked in the retail industry before -  you don't want to know how filthy it is. :mellow:


@EugeneSin -  You win! Lol... But am sure you ended wearing that few favourite pieces more right... :lol:


@bluerunner - I also like to buy underwear, just that I make sure that if I buy, I would wear it. Plus, I seldom go for brands nowadays. Again - comfy is first priority. ^_^


Ok ok, better stop buying, for now. :P


Cannot help to stop buying 

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9 hours ago, -Ignored- said:

don't ever over buy (for those who have a lot) and re sell it


worst, by taking photos by placing them on the floor (after photo-taking throw it back to your wardrobe and mix w the rest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) - this is what I observed from carousell too , many tend to place such things on the floor for photo-taking...


very unhyg

esp the buyer upon purchase, he will rush into giving it a try first (w the dirt on the floor cum mixes with old batch of dirt/undies)

some men tend not to provide paper bags or boxes/container, so their throw their sale items into their personal bags (before meeting the carousell buyer)


Goodness did they ever wash their bags???




Eug, hence I mentioned your big name last nite, u can conduct a party!



What do u mean ah 

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3 minutes ago, EugeneSin said:

Eh why laa im not competing ! Just informing wahahaa

no need to compete, I can rem all of your comments in this thread, the rest are losers



I m trying to say wash and laundry at least once every few days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know u definitely laundry freq

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2 minutes ago, thorzguy said:

But @EugeneSin -  do you really wear all of them?? I mean, end of the day, you definitely have a few favourite pieces right?

By the time I spring clean - I would confidently say the amount would reduce to 35 and below! Hahaha

gd try!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


my friend will always question me why do I have more than a pair of specs when I only have a pair of eyes

I bombarded her why does she have a pair of eyes, yet she has so many cameras, why she has only a pair of arms, yet she made so much online purchases of watches!

I didn't qn her about her undies,cos I felt she is not into undies




will have tons of excuses like travelling etc , trust me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and he mentioned he couldn't stop

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4 hours ago, -Ignored- said:

gd try!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


my friend will always question me why do I have more than a pair of specs when I only have a pair of eyes

I bombarded her why does she have a pair of eyes, yet she has so many cameras, why she has only a pair of arms, yet she made so much online purchases of watches!

I didn't qn her about her undies,cos I felt she is not into undies




will have tons of excuses like travelling etc , trust me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and he mentioned he couldn't stop

Yaaa for biz trip ... Need alot lol ....

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I know right? a person who really luv undies and fabrics, I will not subject my business clothing to laundry once a week or twice a week




u really will get red undies during festive? I m disappted

but looks like Tangs is a popular option among us, all know how to ride on 20%


anyway Happie Bday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



9 hours ago, EugeneSin said:

Yea I wash my undies everyday 


9 hours ago, EugeneSin said:


Hehehe .. I have 20% for Tang's Birthday month .. If you need to buy some sexy red undies for CNY .. I can accompany you 


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10 minutes ago, -Ignored- said:


I know right? a person who really luv undies and fabrics, I will not subject my business clothing to laundry once a week or twice a week




u really will get red undies during festive? I m disappted

but looks like Tangs is a popular option among us, all know how to ride on 20%


anyway Happie Bday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





Hahahaha .. Red undies for CNY . I never done that but want to do it this year. To spice up my life. A red brief or thong wahahaha 

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43 minutes ago, EugeneSin said:

Hahahaha .. Red undies for CNY . I never done that but want to do it this year. To spice up my life. A red brief or thong wahahaha 

I have red swimming trunks but never have a red underwear. 

The nearest I got is orange and pink. Hehe

i find red underwear attracting too much attention especially when you are drying it after wash! 

@EugeneSin: do what? Undie shopping?! Haha

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Why is there a need to pool our resources together?

If you bother to shop online at Aliexpress, tick the box for free shipping and 1 piece only... Well the price dictates the quality you get but really, at prices below $1, how wrong can we get?


So far, I'd managed to get about 10 pieces of thongs, all costing below $2 average a piece and delivery was prompt..something in the tune of 15 days. 

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1 minute ago, abang said:

Why is there a need to pool our resources together?

If you bother to shop online at Aliexpress, tick the box for free shipping and 1 piece only... Well the price dictates the quality you get but really, at prices below $1, how wrong can we get?


So far, I'd managed to get about 10 pieces of thongs, all costing below $2 average a piece and delivery was prompt..something in the tune of 15 days. 

Ahhhh. Aliexpress. Thanks for reminding me. I have almost forgotten about Aliexpress (and Taobao too!)

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7 minutes ago, bluerunner said:

I have red swimming trunks but never have a red underwear. 

The nearest I got is orange and pink. Hehe

i find red underwear attracting too much attention especially when you are drying it after wash! 

@EugeneSin: do what? Undie shopping?! Haha



isn't pink more louder


I can force myself to don a red, but I will kill myself if it is a pink

prolly neon pink ok

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Just now, bluerunner said:

Fusia is loud. Pastel pink is not, well at least not to me. Haha

but pastel led me think of ladies undies and hello kitties

electric pink is available in some men's undies as the side design,not whole pc lah


which is why I said I rather go for red , rather than pink

cos in CNY , many undies sold in red eg CK too

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