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生了一场大病 , 已经三个星期 , 突如其来的病菌感染 , 还没康复 , 医院检查了血液 , 说没事 , 可这期间 , 对我有心理如天翻地覆的改变了 。看到网上的各种裸照 ,性交口交等 , 会反感恶心 , 看到那种影片就想吐 。我一直思索 , 变冷性感 ,是暂时性还是永久性 ? 人往往在病时有些变化 , 但从未有这种感觉 , 是好是坏 , 我自问 。

Edited by snowball
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Guest 迎春楼

生了一场大病 , 已经三个星期 , 突如其来的病菌感染 , 还没康复 , 医院检查了血液 , 说没事 , 可这期间 , 对我有心理如天翻地覆的改变了 。看到网上的各种裸照 ,性交口交等 , 会反感恶心 , 看到那种影片就想吐 。我一直思索 , 变冷性感 ,是暂时性还是永久性 ? 人往往在病时有些变化 , 但从未有这种感觉 , 是好是坏 , 我自问 。



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Guest 迎春楼





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never argue with the guests. let them bark all they want.





After I have said what I wanna say, I don't care what you say.



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In recent weeks, there are many cases of people falling sick due to viral infection.  

It is the quality of air and also the food intake that may affects out health in general.

Take more rest, drink more water and exercise moderately.

It helps if you can find time to meditate for 10 minutes daily.

Wishing you a speedy recovery.

Treasure life's moments and people around us more when we get well too.


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I do agree. The weather has been weird. Fell terribly ill just a month ago. Took me 2 weeks to recover. Just this wednesday, was doing a long run, right after that, lost my voice and now down with flu and cough (again).


Just take the opportunity to rest and recover; don't bothet too think too much about other stuff. Together with medication, our mind sometimes will wonder about funny things..


Take care and get well.

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The ancient therapy I am using has kept me well for years.  And I am almost an expert on the subject.  Cost no money.  Plenty of testimonials on Google.


I am not peddling anything but health is wealth.


Anyway, let me advise everyone:  The moment you feel that your body is not quite right but you have not progressed to fever, you start taking two Panadols or flu tablets every few hours, eat less and rest more. 


We all have those feelings before...a slight scratchy throat, feeling a bit more tired than usual, some aches in the shoulders or just indigestion.  These are all the early warning symptoms of the body.  I have to learnt to take Panadol then and not let it progress further.

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Guest Papaya

I strongly agreed with gz69a. When you felt something not right, quickly drink lots of water to purge. Eat less, avoid heaty and spicy food, if possible have porridge and soupy meals.

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Guest 黄药师




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Me too, was sick for about a week and felt nothing while recuperating... no sexual craving, no hunger, no thirst, no urge to go toilet, dont feel weak or strong, dont feel cold or warm and so on. First time experiencing this. I have to deliberately make myself more active by going out to meet friends and do some excercises to slowly regain all my "senses".

Take care Snowball. Abstain from sexual activities for the time being. You are not 性冷感, your body just needs time for recuperation. :)

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感恩 , 感谢大家的关心和慰问 , 腰酸背痛 , 口干舌燥 , 前几天还发冷发热 , 体温接近40度 , 现在退烧了 , 但还是没什么胃口 ,大家保重 , 有健康的体魄才能享受人生 , 希望晦气赶紧过去 , 一直躺着也会疯掉 。

Edited by snowball
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Don't worry snowball, u will heal eventually but takes time. I was sick for about 2 weeks about 1.5 mths ago due to a viral infection. High fever for a day , but body-ache , coughing and feel lethargic for 2 weeks plus. You need plenty of rest and drink more water to flush the virus out. Eat lightly and go for foods which boost your immunity system like green veggie , yoghurt , honey, apples etc that also help your bowel movement for detoxification. Once you are more or less recovered , can do some light exercise and take fish oil ( best is Scott emulsion ) and multi vitamins ( centrum is not bad ) and slowly you will feel normal again. Hope this helps. Take care.

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生了一场大病 , 已经三个星期 , 突如其来的病菌感染 , 还没康复 , 医院检查了血液 , 说没事 , 可这期间 , 对我有心理如天翻地覆的改变了 。看到网上的各种裸照 ,性交口交等 , 会反感恶心 , 看到那种影片就想吐 。我一直思索 , 变冷性感 ,是暂时性还是永久性 ? 人往往在病时有些变化 , 但从未有这种感觉 , 是好是坏 , 我自问 。

It is normal to see life in different perspective beyond sex when one is bedridden or someone close to you became beddridden.  This sex-numbness could last for months to years when you are pre-occupied with health issues. You than began to wonder how to live meaningfully, what is the best option to restore your body and stuff to avoid (including sex with strangers) resulted in nauseous reactions when topics sound distasteful, akin to pregnant woman looking at a plate of fish.  In such situation, live life as per normal, sleep longer, eat better, read a good book, and take a quiet stroll away from humanity whenever you can to detox physically and mentally.  When our body aged, sickness is not an uncommon sign regardless how well it was taken care. That is the time for us to live and rest spiritually and even that day came.  I have personally witness a serious case when soneone was too ill to be spiritual, he just wanted to "leave" to avoid physical torment.  

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unless you like to fxxk or sxxk with many different guys :blink: , if not no need to worry, just more rest n watch your diet then you will have a speedy recovery :thumb:

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生了一场大病 , 已经三个星期 , 突如其来的病菌感染 , 还没康复 , 医院检查了血液 , 说没事 , 可这期间 , 对我有心理如天翻地覆的改变了 。看到网上的各种裸照 ,性交口交等 , 会反感恶心 , 看到那种影片就想吐 。我一直思索 , 变冷性感 ,是暂时性还是永久性 ? 人往往在病时有些变化 , 但从未有这种感觉 , 是好是坏 , 我自问 。

I hope you are well now.

Try to eat raw garlic on a daily basis.

A lot of my friends were sick, too.

Take care :)

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感恩 , 感谢大家的关心和慰问 , 腰酸背痛 , 口干舌燥 , 前几天还发冷发热 , 体温接近40度 , 现在退烧了 , 但还是没什么胃口 ,大家保重 , 有健康的体魄才能享受人生 , 希望晦气赶紧过去 , 一直躺着也会疯掉 。

cut up salonplus in small 1/2 inch square and paste them on your meridian points (both sides of the body) before you sleep.

It works like acupuncture and your chi will flow better.


The 'energy' in this mth is not good, too.



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