alien Posted December 12, 2013 Report Share Posted December 12, 2013 Sometimes will travel alone, luckily so far never encountered any ghostly thing! Quote 对自己好是一种幸福, 对别人好是一种积福。 Spend time counting your blessings, not airing your complaints. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Phil Posted December 12, 2013 Report Share Posted December 12, 2013 Fortunately, no such hotel in Singapore! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
alien Posted December 12, 2013 Report Share Posted December 12, 2013 Fortunately, no such hotel in Singapore! U mean no haunted hotel in sg? Quote 对自己好是一种幸福, 对别人好是一种积福。 Spend time counting your blessings, not airing your complaints. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MeowPrince Posted December 12, 2013 Report Share Posted December 12, 2013 Not on the list doesn't mean that there is not. Quote Instagram @the_meowprince Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Guest Posted December 12, 2013 Report Share Posted December 12, 2013 i stayed at grand hyatt taipei before. it has 2 big pieces of tailsmans framed in the lobby. causcasians may not know what are they but i know these are tailsman. i stayed there but no sighting. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
alien Posted December 12, 2013 Report Share Posted December 12, 2013 (edited) Think still depends on urself, if u see u see, if u dun see even u stay in haunted hotel also dun see anything. Edited December 12, 2013 by alien Quote 对自己好是一种幸福, 对别人好是一种积福。 Spend time counting your blessings, not airing your complaints. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
snowball Posted December 12, 2013 Report Share Posted December 12, 2013 有人说, 时运高八字硬, 不会碰见" 好兄弟 " 不过, 真正见过的人寥寥无几, 自己吓自己的却很多。我深信, 善人自有天保佑, 也认为, 不管信或不信, 嘴巴千万别硬爱逞英雄, 懂得 " 尊重 " 对自己是不会吃亏的。 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gstc82 Posted December 12, 2013 Report Share Posted December 12, 2013 Riverview hotel gives me the creeps! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
alien Posted December 12, 2013 Report Share Posted December 12, 2013 Riverview hotel gives me the creeps!U stay there before? Quote 对自己好是一种幸福, 对别人好是一种积福。 Spend time counting your blessings, not airing your complaints. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gstc82 Posted December 12, 2013 Report Share Posted December 12, 2013 U stay there before?Gotta guybwho.chopped up a couple of tourists in the room n dump their bodies in the river years ago. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Phil Posted December 13, 2013 Report Share Posted December 13, 2013 U mean no haunted hotel in sg?I just meant "no one on GM's list, sorry for my English... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Phil Posted December 13, 2013 Report Share Posted December 13, 2013 Not on the list doesn't mean that there is not. You are perfectly right, MP, as always... And in those I tried in Singapore, I had no weird encounters.I have a good sleep anyway.Some years ago, I did not hear nor feel an earthquake in Tokyo (just thought I was dreaming, or that it was some kind of massaging bed). Everybody talked about that in the morning...So, maybe it's difficult for ghosts to wake me? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Guest Posted May 27, 2014 Report Share Posted May 27, 2014 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Missy Posted May 29, 2014 Report Share Posted May 29, 2014 Here is a video that would surely make you freak out. (Notice : Not for the faint of heart) No offence but is this real? Seems to real to be true. Who wad the one recording the whole episode? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest GUEST Posted July 14, 2014 Report Share Posted July 14, 2014 any new ghost story u guys ever encounter at haunted hotels?Do u guys travel for holidays during the seventh month though is cheap during this period. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
alien Posted July 14, 2014 Report Share Posted July 14, 2014 Ghosts in hotel do appear anytime of the year, dun think only during the 7th mth if u r u unlucky. So far i dun travel during the 7th mth. Haha. Quote 对自己好是一种幸福, 对别人好是一种积福。 Spend time counting your blessings, not airing your complaints. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
snowball Posted July 14, 2014 Report Share Posted July 14, 2014 对于这些科学无法证明的东西 , 不能不信 , 也不能全信 。这世界有没有鬼还是未知 ( 但我从不怀疑 ) 。信与否 , 别 " 铁齿 " , 我们还是要保持一定的尊重 。 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
darkflame Posted July 14, 2014 Report Share Posted July 14, 2014 Tomorrow is the start of the Ghost Festival (Obon) in Japan.Obon is however more cheerful and family oriented than the Chinese one which talks about water ghost etc. Quote I'm always running after you. You are my ideal. You are me. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest GUEST Posted July 14, 2014 Report Share Posted July 14, 2014 how about the seas ?sea ports is a NO during this period or go against it? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Blacque Posted July 14, 2014 Report Share Posted July 14, 2014 No offence but is this real? Seems to real to be true. Who wad the one recording the whole episode? Nope it's not real. Quote Instagram: vodkabaker Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
snowball Posted July 24, 2014 Report Share Posted July 24, 2014 (edited) 这个星期日就是农历七月 , 俗称 " 鬼节 " 但多数人都把道教和佛教的 " 七月 " 混淆 ,现在就简单地说明 " 中元普渡/ 中元節 / 盂蘭盆節 的由來 。"農曆七月十五日,佛教稱為盂蘭盆節(簡稱盂蘭節),僧寶節,佛歡喜日,民間則俗稱為中元普度。依照佛家的說法,陰曆七月十五日這天,是出家僧人解夏的重要日子,又稱為佛歡喜日。根據佛教有名的經典故事「目連救母」所舉辦的「盂蘭盆法會」,是藉著供養出家修行的僧眾,以超渡地獄餓鬼的苦難,現世及七世父母都能得到生天的果報。所以七月份一般人稱為鬼月,但是佛教則是稱為孝月,是超渡過去父母及過往家親眷屬的好日子。另外,佛教寺廟通常也會在七月十五日這一天舉辦大型的「瑜伽燄口施食大法會」,超渡大家的歷代祖先、累世冤親債主、及一切無祀孤魂等,根據「瑜伽燄口儀軌」,法會要準備許多的的食物供品,而且,一場法會要將近五個小時,是非常殊勝隆重盛大的超渡法會,對於無形眾生,有很大的超度功德,除了能讓餓鬼生天,有緣的鬼神還能往生極樂世界。一般拿食物祭拜鬼神,鬼神是直接吸收食物的氣(精華),而佛教祭拜鬼神的普施食物是藉由佛經咒語(變食真言)的加持,跟一般拜拜有很大的不同。所以,以普通方式祭拜的飯菜味道會變淡而且容易壞,佛教法會用的食物則不會有這種問題。相傳農曆七月地獄大門打開,陰間罪業比較輕的鬼魂會放禁出來。有子孫、後人祭祀的鬼魂回家去接受香火供養;無主孤魂就到處遊蕩,徘徊於任何人跡可至的地方找東西吃。所以人們紛紛在七月,舉行設食祭祀、誦經作法等「普渡」佈施活動,以普遍超度孤魂野鬼,防止它們為禍人間,又或祈求鬼魂幫助去除疫病和保佑家宅平安。中元節的名稱是起源於道教,道教對於孤魂野鬼也有一些祭祀的儀式,不過,因為道教會用三牲等葷食祭祀,所以,要能夠達到超渡餓鬼生天的效果是比較困難的。據《佛說盂蘭盆經》的記載,「盂蘭盆(ullambana)」,「盂蘭」意思是「倒懸」;「盆」的意思是「救器」,所以,「盂蘭盆」的意思是用來救倒懸痛苦的器物,衍生出來的意思是:用盆子裝滿百味五果,供養佛陀和僧侶,以拯救入地獄的苦難眾生。釋迦牟尼佛有一重要弟子名喚目犍連(簡稱目連),修持甚深,以神通著稱,相傳目連的母親做了很多壞事,死後變成了餓鬼,目連以神通看到後,十分傷心,就運用法力將飯菜拿給母親食用,可是飯一到母親口邊就化為焰灰,目連大聲向釋迦牟尼佛哭救。佛陀告訴他,必須集合眾僧的力量,於每年七月中以百味五果,置於盆中,供養十方僧人,以此般功德,其母方能濟度。目連依佛意行事,其母終得解脫。這種儀式最早從南北朝時代目連救母的作功德法會中開始流行,據《佛祖統紀》記載,梁武帝即開始設壇舉行盂蘭盆法會。自此往後,歷代帝王人民多遵佛制,興盂蘭盆會,以報答父母、祖先恩德。 Edited July 24, 2014 by snowball Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
seawind Posted July 24, 2014 Report Share Posted July 24, 2014 Why are everyone frighten by Spirit / Ghost when they can't see them? There are some people who can see them/ feel them. Ya, I talk like I know every thing about that world hor. Of course I do. I can SEE them. 24/7 365 days. You need not wait for 7th Month. Hello. People died everyday, people born everyday. Animals dies everyday too. So if you are scared of 7th Month, by this explaination, you are scared everyday then. Let me explain to you guys, once and for all about that world. I am NOT using any Religion / Belief to explain to you in what most people can understand. Myth: 1. They look frightened, blood coming out from their mouth, head floating etcetera. Fact: 1. Too much horror movies, gals. For, they look like me and you. They are spirit, you are human. Imagine a Old 30s period TV show. Black and White. They look like that. Walking slowly. Myth2. They can "take over" your body. You need a spirit Dangi / Bomoh/ Priest / to get them out. 3. They are family members, hungry ghost, evil spirit, demons and they are scary.Fact: 2/3 together: Let us establish the following fact first. All of us have energy, your feeling have energy, love, Joy, peace, anger, wrath, greed, lust, compassion, patience etc etc. Now, in the event of a car accident. The driver experience fear. The fear energy stay around the area. As more and more people who past the area, the "fear energy" grow. In the worse case, the dr Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Mulian Posted July 24, 2014 Report Share Posted July 24, 2014 Message the other side..hor Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
seawind Posted July 24, 2014 Report Share Posted July 24, 2014 Type too fast and accidentally post it. Here continue In the worse case, driver had met with a terrible incident. At that very instance, he experience Anger, hated at himself, regret. All this are energy. They grow at the place of incident. This result in spirit called Anger, regret, etc etc. All these negative energy grow and when you are around that area, you are affected by that energy. Let all be in the know. In a layman explaination, All these are energy. You are energy. Therefore, when these energy are added to you. Procession are the layman term for this. Your own energy are disrupted. Now: do they look like family. Yes. Because they are the energy from your family ( living or pass on ) --------------------------So I urge all, to believe in Love, Joy and Peace. Send them to everyone. Pray ( regardless of your belief )Develop courage, patience, and compassion. Cheers Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Majesty Posted July 24, 2014 Report Share Posted July 24, 2014 (edited) even ghosts would respect u if u do good deeds and bear kind thoughts. so there's no need to be afraid. Edited July 24, 2014 by Majesty utt 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Guest Posted July 24, 2014 Report Share Posted July 24, 2014 ghosts better than human. they appreciate and repay your need to wait till 7th mth lor to see ghosts.some ppl look like ghosts because they do bad things and the energy is all over.I saw a very grey energy around this man, it was sticky and dirty.he somehow noticed I could detect, so I quickly siam.these people got very bad energy.those involved in illegal activities pray to evil forces to protect them from being caught.yes , they make a lot of money and continue to hao lian and more empowered to do bad things.they are like 'ghost' in human form, much more scarier than the actual ones. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Guest Posted July 24, 2014 Report Share Posted July 24, 2014 If you are prone to seeing things and happen to holiday in any Genting Highland hotel, just inform the check-in staff that you need a room at the lower floor. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Rt Posted July 24, 2014 Report Share Posted July 24, 2014 If you are prone to seeing things and happen to holiday in any Genting Highland hotel, just inform the check-in staff that you need a room at the lower floor.Why? Something happened on higher floor? Tell us please Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
seawind Posted July 25, 2014 Report Share Posted July 25, 2014 Why? Something happened on higher floor? Tell us pleaseActually things happened anywhere on any level. As mentioned. They are energy sources. It could means that the person affected during that time has lower energy ( mental strength) or too damn high energy. A weak willed person or a strong willed person could encountered them. It had nothing to do with how lucky or unlucky you are. People who do drug/ engage in self destroying habit / or People experiencing a "high" as in sexual encounter, May also experience it. ( that why people who are high, say they see Heaven / hell etcetera and those who do drug experience maggot / flies / strange being ) Even during full moon, people experience strange thing. Henceforth the term for luancy means Full moon episode. It was noted that during Full Moon / New Moon the amount of people experiencing a episode in a IMH tend to be higher. Since if you are an energy sources, and your mental energy is too. Is it wise to say : KEEP CALM AND .... Never allow yourself to experience any intense high / low in your mind. Be mindful that, your thinking can affect people around you or the environment around you. Henceforth, most people mediate or do some form of reflection is not to allow themselves to be affected by the environment or people around them.However, there are really demonic being. These are a very very very bad incident waiting to happened. It say that, if one is closer to God, the harder you experience demonic attacks. What is Demonic being. They too are higher energy sources. They affected your mental capacity, rendering a person to do damaging things to themselves or other. Yes. Each of them has a name. Ranging from imp to name like Legion, Wrath, Lust. You get the pictures. Supposed, I am in the area expressing my anger. One if you, are in the area, encounters me are affected by me and rage on. Now there are 2 of us, expressing our anger. Therefore over our head, an energy form : Anger. Imagine thousand of us doing that at the same time, that places is effected by a energy sources called Wrath, Madness etc. Riot happened, damage to property. Ya, it kinda bring remind you of an incident that happened recently, doesn't it. All those guys, having too much of a drink and became drunk gave in to the effect of a single accident, expressed their rage. They can't think properly ( their mental strength is too weak to think carefully due to drunkness ) So in other words, from a spiritual sense, the being called Warth is form in that area. Madness follow and follow by fear. Now you are in the know of how those being is created. Therefore, KEEP CALM and .... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest maxiplay Posted July 25, 2014 Report Share Posted July 25, 2014 Therefore, KEEP CALM and ....GHOST COME LO~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: Avy 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest ST Posted July 25, 2014 Report Share Posted July 25, 2014 Even if one don't believe in the existence of Ghost etc.. Remember : Don't be IRON TEETH.. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lonelyglobe Posted July 25, 2014 Report Share Posted July 25, 2014 spa is actually one of the most easily haunted place, simply because the place is so dim and very "ying", no sunlight and very "condusive" for...... Many years back, i was with this spa, is a 5 storey building and when you go to the second floor, you just feel "natural" cold even if aircon is not on and there is no window on that floor. Quite a few occassion, the door of the treatment room just slam by itself and there was no one else on that floor to do that. One night, during closing time, me and one of my colleague went to do our routine closing check on each floor, after finish checking the fifth floor, we wait for the lift to bring us down to the ground floor, the lift came and we go in, prees the GF button, the door close and the lift went down...5....4....3....2, then out of a sudden,"ding" the door open on second floor and me and my colleague just look at each other without saying anything and after a few second, the door slowly close.......once the lift reach the GF, both of us just dash out as fast as we could. Now, we both knew that this lift will not stop unless "someone" have press the button on the second floor and there shouldn't be anyone else as me and my colleague are doing the closing shift............. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Guest Posted July 25, 2014 Report Share Posted July 25, 2014 spa is actually one of the most easily haunted place, simply because the place is so dim and very "ying", no sunlight and very "condusive" for...... Many years back, i was with this spa, is a 5 storey building and when you go to the second floor, you just feel "natural" cold even if aircon is not on and there is no window on that floor. Quite a few occassion, the door of the treatment room just slam by itself and there was no one else on that floor to do that. One night, during closing time, me and one of my colleague went to do our routine closing check on each floor, after finish checking the fifth floor, we wait for the lift to bring us down to the ground floor, the lift came and we go in, prees the GF button, the door close and the lift went down...5....4....3....2, then out of a sudden,"ding" the door open on second floor and me and my colleague just look at each other without saying anything and after a few second, the door slowly close.......once the lift reach the GF, both of us just dash out as fast as we could. Now, we both knew that this lift will not stop unless "someone" have press the button on the second floor and there shouldn't be anyone else as me and my colleague are doing the closing shift............. you sure no other colleague in the building?neither one of your pressed the 2nd floor by accident? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest CT Posted July 25, 2014 Report Share Posted July 25, 2014 Even if one don't believe in the existence of Ghost etc.. Remember : Don't be IRON TEETH..Don't worry. The iron-teeth maxiplay should be the one worrying ..... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Guest Posted July 25, 2014 Report Share Posted July 25, 2014 spa is actually one of the most easily haunted place, simply because the place is so dim and very "ying", no sunlight and very "condusive" for......Many years back, i was with this spa, is a 5 storey building and when you go to the second floor, you just feel "natural" cold even if aircon is not on and there is no window on that floor. Quite a few occassion, the door of the treatment room just slam by itself and there was no one else on that floor to do that.One night, during closing time, me and one of my colleague went to do our routine closing check on each floor, after finish checking the fifth floor, we wait for the lift to bring us down to the ground floor, the lift came and we go in, prees the GF button, the door close and the lift went down...5....4....3....2, then out of a sudden,"ding" the door open on second floor and me and my colleague just look at each other without saying anything and after a few second, the door slowly close.......once the lift reach the GF, both of us just dash out as fast as we could.Now, we both knew that this lift will not stop unless "someone" have press the button on the second floor and there shouldn't be anyone else as me and my colleague are doing the closing shift.............Besides spa, saunas too. Imagine how often is the space inside the sauna ever been exposed to sun lights? The space is always kept in dark day and night .... Very yin. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
snowball Posted July 25, 2014 Report Share Posted July 25, 2014 鬼害人 , 鬼吓人 , 还没亲眼看到 , 但 , 人吓人,人害人 , 每天都在你我身边发生 , 到底是鬼较为可怕 , 还是人心更为险恶 ? 还是别自己吓自己 , 走好脚下步的每一步 , 那就好了 , 该发生的 , 总会来 , 无法避的 , 就坦然面对 ,是福不是祸 , 是祸躲不过 , 切记 , 就算眼睛无法看到 , 科学还无法证明 , 不代表不存在 , 本着一颗敬畏的心就对了 , 别忘了 , 宇宙的奥秘和现今的科学比较 , 科学还刚起步 , 所以别那么快否定一切 , 那就真的没有科学精神了 。 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
alien Posted July 25, 2014 Report Share Posted July 25, 2014 The yin is also very strong in hotels. Quote 对自己好是一种幸福, 对别人好是一种积福。 Spend time counting your blessings, not airing your complaints. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
seawind Posted July 25, 2014 Report Share Posted July 25, 2014 The yin is also very strong in hotels.The most Yin timing is 3am - 4amThe most Yang Timing is 3pm - 4pmInteresting encounter occur during these timing. Those want to see spirit may try to get excited during the the yin timing in some very dark places. Be warned through. Weak willed person may get attacked by forces far beyond you can comprehend. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
snowball Posted July 25, 2014 Report Share Posted July 25, 2014 To me , sound like you are giving 4D numbers 3434 , LOL . Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
alien Posted July 25, 2014 Report Share Posted July 25, 2014 The most Yin timing is 3am - 4amThe most Yang Timing is 3pm - 4pmInteresting encounter occur during these timing. Those want to see spirit may try to get excited during the the yin timing in some very dark places. Be warned through. Weak willed person may get attacked by forces far beyond you can comprehend.Wht encounter will have during the yang timing? Quote 对自己好是一种幸福, 对别人好是一种积福。 Spend time counting your blessings, not airing your complaints. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
seawind Posted July 26, 2014 Report Share Posted July 26, 2014 Wht encounter will have during the yang timing?Yang timing is basically use to pray for one health and generate good karma for one self. To me Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
snowball Posted July 26, 2014 Report Share Posted July 26, 2014 鬼月時,有一些風俗及禁忌,不可不知,不可不慎。小心駛得萬年船。 以下簡列收集到的各項鬼月禁忌 鬼月禁忌大全 * 忌申時(下午三點到五點)以後吹口哨,(頻率與靈界共鳴易招邪)包括簫、胡琴!悲淒之音易招致陰靈前來聆聽,不宜! (鬼月禁忌 好兄弟別跟來) * 不宜半夜晾衣或收取衣服(尤忌半濕)易被附身。因為濕衣服的水氣帶有不穩定的離子,磁場電波容易與陰界相容而使陰靈附著其上。(鬼月禁忌 好兄弟別跟來) * 忌屋內撐開傘。因為傘屬於收魂法器是鬼魅躲藏之處,在戶外打傘行走時,易招惹陰靈攀附傘下休息,若帶回家中後又打開,會將傘內陰靈釋放出來,最好連帶都不要帶進家門內。(鬼月禁忌 好兄弟別跟來)* 玩偶、雕像不可新購或接受餽贈入厝,並把之前的人偶立刻上線(用五藏線綁成線或紅點)以免被附身。因為陰靈沒有肉身,如果是孤魂野鬼的話,為了尋找一個居所,容易將目標放在各種具有人形的物體上。(鬼月禁忌 好兄弟別跟來)* 絕不說「鬼」字。否則好兄弟會誤以為在呼喚它。(鬼月禁忌 好兄弟別跟來)* 不可亂拍他人肩頭。因為每個人肩頭、頭頂有所謂三把火,亂拍會熄掉。如果聽到有人叫你,不要只轉頭,而應該整個身子轉過去。(鬼月禁忌 好兄弟別跟來)* 忌捕捉蜻蜓及螽斯,民間認為這兩種昆蟲是鬼魂的化身,胡亂捕捉牠們,小心引鬼上門。(鬼月的禁忌)* 千萬不得在鬼月玩「錢仙」、「碟仙」,免得好兄弟上身,請來容易送回難。(鬼月的禁忌)* 在公共廁所或郊外,若需方便如廁時,切記一定要先說一句「請好兄弟讓一下,借個方便」,先跟好兄弟們打個招呼,免得對好兄弟失禮而得罪了祂們。(鬼月的禁忌)* 在狹小的單行道或山路小徑轉彎轉角時,切記說一句「請好兄弟借路過」,免得和好兄弟對沖而被煞到。(鬼月的禁忌)* 因為是拜好兄弟,所以不能在家裡拜,一定要在外面或是馬路上,不然等於請好兄弟入家門。且拜拜時不要說自己的姓氏,只要說請用即可。(鬼月諸事不宜)* 吃飯時不要把筷子插在飯碗上,否則很像香爐插香,吸引好兄弟來分一杯羹。(鬼月禁忌大蒐集)* 中元節為什麼要拜拜普渡呢? (鬼月禁忌多 -- 常識禁忌篇)所謂中元節,其實是結合佛教「目連救母」發展出來的「盂蘭盆節」,以及道教天、地、水三官的「三元祭」演變而成的民間習俗,前者為孝親而超渡孤魂餓鬼,後者是地官清虛大帝巡視人間赦罪之日,因此要誦經、祭拜,由於「盂蘭盆節」及「中元」恰巧都在農曆7月15 日,後來便結合成我們現今所說的「中元節」,要拜神也要以牲果來普渡孤魂野鬼。* 番石榴、番茄:祭拜神明、祖先水果忌用番石榴、番茄等籽多、且籽可食的水果,據說這類水果籽因為可吃又不太消化,容易隨嗯嗯一起排出,被視為不潔,所以不能拿來拜神明。 (鬼月禁忌多 -- 常識禁忌篇)* 香蕉、李子、梨子:祭拜好兄弟時,也忌用諧音為「旺來」的鳳梨;還有香蕉、李子、梨子三種水果也不可合拜,因為諧音是「招你來」,拜拜有誠意就好,千萬不要請好兄弟來家裡啊! (鬼月禁忌多 -- 常識禁忌篇)* 拜三界公時,要設頂桌及下桌,頂桌皆為素果,下桌才能擺葷食。 (鬼月禁忌多 -- 常識禁忌篇)* 初一、十五和月底都要拜好兄弟,而且要在午後,都要準備全新的盥洗用品、浮爐、酒杯、燭台和豐盛供品。(鬼月禁忌多 -- 常識禁忌篇)* 不同祭祀對象要用不同的紙錢,好兄弟要用經衣、小銀;三界公要用天金、太極金等金紙;祖先和地基主則用刈金和銀紙,燒化時都要從大到小。 (鬼月禁忌多 -- 常識禁忌篇)* 燒給好兄弟要先燒經衣、拜完才能燒銀紙。 (鬼月禁忌多 -- 常識禁忌篇)* 拜好兄弟和祖先的要用熟食。(鬼月禁忌多 -- 常識禁忌篇)* 沒事不要亂靠牆,因爲好兄弟平時最喜歡依附在牆上休息,此舉很容易引鬼上身。(鬼月九大禁忌防打擾!)* 結伴時遇鬼,不可拋棄他人(鬼月遇鬼自救法99+1)* 忌外出玩水 (鬼月禁忌 -忌外出玩水)* 去醫院探病先拜家神 (鬼月禁忌..去醫院探病先拜家神)出處:鬼月禁忌大全補充(部分內容有重覆):欣傳媒 | 綜合報導民間傳言的鬼月禁忌有很多,也許現在看起來有些不可思議的傳說,其實也是老一輩的人為了保佑平安而找出的說法,不管相不相信,對待所有生靈存有敬畏之心,就是度過農曆七月的最好方法。1.不要半夜曬衣服有人說洗好的濕衣服上有游離電波,會吸引不明物體靠近,不管是真是假,晚上看到衣服在那邊飄阿飄的,也挺嚇人的不是嗎?2.不要披頭散髮睡覺有人說因為不明物體會以為你是他的同類…。不過要整整齊齊的入睡似乎是有點困難,往好處想,睡前稍微顧一下自己的儀容也算造福老公(老婆)吧!3.不要半夜慶生據說不明物體會一起跟你唱生日快樂歌…。但半夜慶生應該會吵到別人吧!低調點也是好事。4.不到郊外溪邊、河邊戲水這應該是最常聽到的禁忌,水裡的不明物體會抓住你的腳,跟你玩翻跟斗…。不過不管是不是農曆七月,出門在外還是要小心安全啊!5. 不要熬夜因為熬夜難免是身體比較虛弱的時候,而且陽氣也最弱。6.不要晚上拍照晚上拍照很難保證你不會拍到甚麼不明的物體…。7.不要在地上亂撿錢或紅包聽說那是要給不明物體的過路費,就算再貪財這個月就先忍忍吧! 8.不要把拖鞋整齊的放床邊是說拖鞋太整齊會招來不明物體跟你一起睡…。也太恐怖了吧!睡前記得把拖鞋亂丟一通啊!(誤)9.不要常說「鬼」字太常把不明物體掛在嘴邊,他應該以為你很想他吧!10.不要在室內撐傘以前小時候就聽過在室內撐傘會長不高。不過據說傘是收魂法器(換句話說就是不明物體的家)農曆七月在室內撐傘,小心不明物體跟你同撐一把小傘喔! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
snowball Posted July 26, 2014 Report Share Posted July 26, 2014 鬼月出門旅遊禁忌多,謹記這些法則,即便是七月也能開開心心出門、平平安安回家。農曆七月是俗稱的「鬼月」對東方國家來說,是充滿禁忌的月份,據說農曆的6月30地藏王菩薩會打開鬼門,放出餓鬼,直到7月30日才會關上鬼門。儘管鬼月充滿神祕的色彩,不過對於熱愛旅遊的人可不會因此而放棄出外走走,那究竟在這個詭譎的鬼月,仍然想要出門旅遊有哪些必須要特別留意的呢?在鬼月出外旅遊,請特別注意以下:旅宿篇1、出門旅遊旅宿很重要,鬼月的時候盡量不要住乏人問津的旅館,選擇訂房時也不要選「邊間」。2、進旅館房門的時候記得敲門,敲完門記得要「側身」讓好兄弟出來,不然可是會被迎面撞上。3、房間門口鞋子不要整齊擺放,因為這樣好兄弟很容易就算出來房內有幾個人。出遊篇1、切記在晚上出遊時不可以吹口哨,據說這樣會被好兄弟跟隨。 2、不要披頭散髮出遊,因為這樣好兄弟們會把你當成是「同類」。3、雖然不是說一定不能玩水,但千萬不要去危險的海邊或溪邊,聽說水鬼最喜歡找人當替死鬼,得以投胎。4、不要從事釣魚活動,因為鬼月釣魚也算是一種殺生,據說會引來不好的鬼。5、想出門旅遊,但在晚上的時候還是避免荒郊野外,因為那裡孤魂野鬼多,八字太輕的恐會招來鬼上身。6、路上看到灑落的冥紙,千萬不要踩踏,更不要亂燒冥紙引來「好兄弟」。7、出遊時難免東拍西拍,但到了晚上盡量不要拍照,如果你並不希望好兄弟跟你一起入鏡的話…。禁忌篇1、在外看到祭拜品時,不要隨便拿起來吃,因為這樣是跟好兄弟搶食物,會招來厄運。2、有時候出門旅遊是為了慶生,但是鬼月慶生可別挑晚上,不然可能會多一位幫你慶生…。3、跟好朋友一起出遊很開心,但是不要隨便拍朋友的肩膀,據說每個人的身上都有三把火,分別在頭頂、肩膀兩處,會讓好兄弟不敢靠近,若是拍息了對方的火,好兄弟很容易就會找上門了。4、走在路上看到零錢、錢包或紅包袋,千萬不要隨便撿拾,因為那很有可能會替你帶來「鬼妻」。 5、旅遊的時候,若意外行經辦喪事的人家,千萬不能亂說話,心裡也不可以有不敬的念頭,小心被「好兄弟」盯上。6、千萬別因為一時興起,而玩筆仙、碟仙那類的恐怖遊戲,小心脫不了身!鬼月旅遊禁忌源自於古老的民間習俗,資深導遊賴俊欽就說:「其實這些禁忌與宗教信仰有關,各個宗教對於鬼神有不同的解釋,但遊客只要保有一個尊重的態度,百無禁忌開心玩也無妨,但若真的害怕,在鬼月的時候海邊、溪邊能不去就不要去。」 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
snowball Posted July 26, 2014 Report Share Posted July 26, 2014 Hungry Ghost Festival Taboos Hungry Ghost festival is an annual occasion that is taken very seriously by Feng Shui practitioners and chinese of Taoist faith. This festival falls on the 7th month of the lunar year, which starts on 27 July 2014 for one full lunar month. During this month the gates of hell are opened to free the hungry ghosts who then wander to seek food on Earth. Some even think that the ghosts would seek revenge on those who had wronged them in their lives. The reason why the Chinese celebrate this festival is to remember their dead family members and pay tribute to them. They also feel that offering food to the deceased appeases them and wards off bad luck.Rituals and Prayer Celebrations:The dead would return to visit their living relatives during the 7th month of the Chinese Lunar year and thus the living people would prepare sumptuous meals for the hungry ghosts. The Chinese feel that they have to satisfy the ghosts in order to get good fortune and luck in their lives. During this festival, the Chinese offer prayers to the deceased relatives, burn paper money, paper houses, paper transportation, paper accessories and joss sticks massively to their ancestors as well as wandering spirits in front of their homes. Giving the ghost such necessities would enable them to live comfortably when they go back their own world. In Hong Kong, Malaysia and Singapore, it is a common sight to see entertaining Chinese Opera shows performed on outdoor stages in many neighborhoods. These events are always held at night. Such entertainment would please those wandering ghosts that comes to earth once a year.Taboos to Follow:1. Avoid swimming during the 7th month. It is believed that those previously drowned evil ghost might cause you to drown in the swimming pool. Such ghost need to find victims in order for them to be go for rebirth. 2. Children and young adults are also advised to return home early and not to wander around alone at night. This belief is due to the reason that the wandering ghosts can possess children easily.3. Avoid moving into new homes and opening new businesses this month as it is considered inauspicious and bad luck on new ventures.4. Avoid getting married during this month because couples will have bad ending. Some bad ghost may cast a bad spell on couples during their wedding. 5. Avoid going for jungle trekking and going on camping trips as chances of injuries, possession and death are high. 6. Drive very carefully during this month to avoid accidents, as there may be many wandering spirits who died of accidents previously that are searching for next victims so that they could be reincarnated. 7. Protect your entrances with the genuine Peachwood Sword. This is the most excellent protector of ghost and evil spirits, claimed by many of our customers. Alternatively one may also choose to use the Seven Stars Sword of Chung Kwei.8. Avoid starting any construction work or engaging in renovation repairs at home such as fixing a tile or banging the floor and wall for the entire month. 9. Avoid spitting and blowing your nose in the street or at any tree/plant.10. Do not leave open wounds unattended as this will attract ghosts in following you home. Keep them plastered at all times.11. Do not make negative comments or crack jokes about offering items in the streets or poke fun about chinese opera seen with empty chairs of chinese communities. Those chairs are for the ghosts.12. Do not pick up anything including money found on the street and never bring it home. 13. Avoid getting emotional and crying in the middle of the night. A weak, sad and emotional mind gives ghosts the opportunity to possess you and harm you. 14. Do not whistle after the sun set. This will attract the attention of ghosts that may stick to you for a long time giving your a spate of long term bad luck.Hotel Taboos:For those who are travelling, they may want to be cautious when staying in hotels. The hotel is considered as a "yin place" and is normally a favorite settlement for ghosts. The following are some tips that one can follow when staying in hotels to prevent ghostly encounters:1. Provide a respectful knock on the bedroom door before you enter for the first time. 2. Avoid entering the room right away. Whisper to yourself that you are renting the room to stay temporarily, as a form of asking permission. Let any spirit leave the bedroom first before you enter. 3. Place your pair of shoes or sandals facing the door. The shoes must be away from the bed. One side of the shoe points to the door and the other side point inwards. 4. Display a glass of salt water next to your bed. Salt is an excellent antidote for dirty energy. 5. You are encouraged to flush the toilet bowl first before using it. 6. You are also encouraged to avoid wearing black or striking red colored clothings. 7. Normally there is a bible or quran in the drawers. Please avoid touching or moving them from their original positions. 8. Always keep the toilet's door closed with lights turned off when you go to sleep. 9. Try to avoid facing the mirror when you sleep. If the mirror is designed in this manner, try to cover it with a towel. 10. Avoid placing any shoe next to the bed when sleeping. 11. Watch out the mouth from mentioning anything about ghost. Ghost story telling must be avoided by all means. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
alien Posted July 26, 2014 Report Share Posted July 26, 2014 不要半夜曬衣服有人說洗好的濕衣服上有游離電波,會吸引不明物體靠近,不管是真是假,晚上看到衣服在那邊飄阿飄的,也挺嚇人的不是嗎? Do u mean even indoor also cannot? Tot usually will wash clothing ard 8-9pm and then hang them overnight in the kitchen, tis one also not allowed? Quote 对自己好是一种幸福, 对别人好是一种积福。 Spend time counting your blessings, not airing your complaints. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Guest Posted July 27, 2014 Report Share Posted July 27, 2014今天进入农历七月,也就是俗称的「鬼月」,除了各地的普度法会,新北市还有芦洲涌莲寺及金包里慈护宫等歷史悠久的放水灯活动;台湾道教总会大法师邱天相提醒民眾,鬼月禁忌多,千万不要乱拔腿毛、吹口哨,也不要晚上晾衣服,以免招来鬼魂附身。邱天相说,农历七月晚上挂溼的衣服等于召唤鬼魂,而一根腿毛管三个好兄弟,所以都不能做,其他禁忌还有不能偷吃供品、不可把筷子插在饭碗里等。此外,水果祭拜建议以台语谐音来讨吉利,例如准备香蕉、梨子、凤梨、苹果、桔子,就是「招来旺平安吉」;香蕉、李子、梨子、甘蔗、凤梨,则是「招你来吃旺」。邱天相说,供品中最好准备一锅青菜汤,让晚到的好兄弟也有汤喝。民政局长江俊霆表示,中元节前夕芦洲涌莲寺有阵头遶境,还有成芦桥下树立水灯排、放水灯,上百个水灯在河面上随波逐流,每年都吸引上千人观赏。金山金包里慈护宫及土城大墓公也都有放水灯仪式,金包里更是新北市唯一在海上放水灯的寺庙,也开放民眾报名。 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
maturemedium Posted July 27, 2014 Report Share Posted July 27, 2014 (edited) Delete Edited October 26, 2016 by maturemedium Quote Don't worry, Be happy Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 27, 2014 Report Share Posted July 27, 2014 wat if we are not buddhist?Should we follow or ignore?Some not buddhist take the oppotunity of cheap ticket and fly to country for water sports. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Guest Posted July 28, 2014 Report Share Posted July 28, 2014 wat if we are not buddhist?Should we follow or ignore?Some not buddhist take the oppotunity of cheap ticket and fly to country for water sports.what you mean by water sports, follow what Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Guest Posted July 28, 2014 Report Share Posted July 28, 2014 does 7th mth also releases spirits from other faiths like christian, muslim etc? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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